This Game is a Joke

  • This game is a joke when it comes to the devs patching bugs. The sea dog tavern supplies glitch shouldn’t have been patched, it was helpful, made sense lore wise, and there is a good risk/reward system to it. Supplies feel scarce in sot, except for food with the addition of sea forts, and the supplies that you can buy from the sea dog tavern were helpful. You can’t get a lot to start with at an outpost if you plan to PvP, so the sea dog tavern could help you with that, get you the proper amount of cannonballs and food and wood for PvP. And it made sense lore wise since the sea dogs needed a mass amount of supplies to supply the ships in arena. And this infinite supplies thing has a good risk/reward system, as you have to get stupidly close to the shipwright to buy supplies. Meaning the front of your ship is touching the dock, allowing someone to roll up behind you and catch you off guard. The risk is that your guard is down, but the reward is lots of supplies. And not to mention that these supplies helped you with milestones. You could pull up for 2 hours solo and buy a bunch of food and keep eating until you’re the legendary hunter, or keep shooting cannons until you’re legendary feared, etc. but now with this bug patched, you have to do something in 8 hours what would normally take 2 or 3. Like the milestones aren’t even fun, and now they’re not even that grindable. And I’m not just gonna complain how this got stupidly patched, but how they chose to patch this over several other issues that benefited no one. They could’ve patched the “Save item to ship” glitch where when you SPEND THE GOLD TO SAVE AN ITEM TO YOUR SHIP, IT DOESN'T SAVE NEXT SESSION. The sea dog tavern glitch benefited people, this just wastes your gold. They patch the glitch that allows everything to be easier for the players rather than a bug that literally gets rid of your gold. And not to mention they still haven’t fixed hit reg yet. Hit reg has been a massive problem for YEARS and this has only been a “problem” for like 2 WEEKS and they patch the sea dog tavern bug over hit reg. Season 7 has given us very slight hit reg improvements, but made backtracking 10X worse. Seriously rare, I’m disappointed in your choices. Do better.

  • 13
  • @sot-stealer gonna have to disagree with this take.

  • @sot-stealer nah dude. the bug needed fixed. If you can't understand why, we can't help you.

  • Unlimited supplies shouldn't be an issue.

    The fact that I can buy supplies should be the issue.

  • The Sea Dogs Tavern supplies glitch was HELLA cheesy, it needed patching. The fact that you could essentially buy infinite supplies as long as you had the gold meant that the very common and necessary aspect to naval of resource management, and thus "Battles of Attrition" was thrown out the window. Infinite supplies - Needing to be next to the dock is not an adequate Risk/Reward system either, barely any risk, for all the reward you can sit there and earn.

    Gathering supplies and gearing up is a part of the gameplay loop that has already been made easier thanks to buying supplies with the Merchants AND Shipwrights, you are not meant to have infinite access to them without at least working for what you want. A crew could buy tons and tons of wood, cannonballs, and food at the tavern, then in battle, do Hit and Run tactics, pulling out to repair when they need to, and they could potentially never be brought down as long as they stayed on top of this. Running low and out of supplies needs to be a risk, not something you can cheese with gold. It is somewhat reminiscent of X-Bucketing, not as severe, but still removed a necessary aspect of warfare.

    And again, being able to sit there and cheese a milestone doesn't mean it's good, if you go by the dev's vision, it was even more reason to patch it up. Milestones like Provisions Eaten and Cannons Fired don't NEED to be grinded, they can be earned through completely normal and passive gameplay, compared to the fishing milestones, or sleeping/sitting/etc. What is the point of having supplies and resource gathering if having a way to just buy your way to as many as you could possibly need were implemented?

    I'm disappointed in the lack of those five missing milestones that have yet to be added, and i do agree, the lack of fix for the saving cosmetics is also frustrating. Those ones i hope get addressed ASAP. Hitreg is a completely different ballpark to any of this, and the dev's have explained that. It's not a bug that can just be coded out, it is a literal inadequacy/shortcoming in the servers and the physics of the game, and they are doing everything they can to address and help it.

  • You can’t get a lot to start with at an outpost if you plan to PvP

    Did you not know you can buy supplies? Or are you so angry that you became blind with hate and not seeing?

    And so far the big problem OP has is having the sea dog tavern glitch being fixed. That seems to be the root of the issue and everything else is just rant.

    Nothing else to read moving on.

  • You get roughly 150 cannons, 150 wood, 60 food of different assortment or more if you buy the meat too and about 15-20 blunderbombs and firebombs if you buy everything from the shipwright and merchant in the first outpost and ransack every barrel.

    Like you can literally get ready for multiple events and battling players from where you start. Why do you want access to infinite supplies?

    Personally I'm glad they patched it out. Don't want to fight a ship as a Reaper emissary that might have 1000 cannonballs, wood and fruit to potentially lengthen a battle for hours. The reason why we won against 2 sloops and took their Chest of Legends from FoTD is because we sunk them both and they came back with no supplies at all. By the end of it, they could barely fight us because they had no resources.

  • Lore wise the sea dog's tavern is closed so if we're playing the lore card, it shouldn't have any supplies left at all. Supplies were easy to get before we could buy them by just jumping off at islands in passage.

  • "Supplies feel scarce in sot" sorry what ? its stupidly easy to get supplies now, far too easy infact

  • Supplies are dwindling? Well you have to make do. Gather, buy, steal and borrow until you have what you need.

    Gold is not an issue in SOT, the will to go get it is.

  • Sot players when they fix exploits that actually change the outcome of interactions (they should have fixed cosmetics so they could keep abusing resource farms)

    If you seemingly hate the game so much why are you even bothering to play anymore...? It was going to get fixed eventually you should have known that. Also, things like this are easier to slap a time limit into the code than saving specific cosmetics to specific accounts to specific sessions.
    Stop being entitled to having certain exploits fixed lol, resources are easy to get anyway I'm sure you don't need a crutch like Sea Dogs Tavern THAT bad, surely...?

  • Your supplies must be dwindling by now!

  • The supplies exploit at Sea Dogs was unintended and was fixed. It was always an exploit and was always going to be fixed. Supplies are plentiful in Sea of Thieves (just visit any Sea Fort....).

    That being said:

    While we understand your intention is to leave feedback and explain your reasons for leaving, this type of post draws negative reaction, and does not foster discussion in the community. We value your feedback, and if you want to make actual suggestions or offer your ideas to improve the game, please feel free to create a topic in Feedback & Suggestions.

    This topic will now be locked.

3 out of 13