Bring Back Pirate Legend Curse

  • @captaintibbz said in Bring Back Pirate Legend Curse:

    I feel like it should not be brought back as it gives those pirates who earned it then a sort of prestige that Rare is trying to give them for doing this then. Much of the game is Time-gated cosmetics, its illogical to think Rare would bring it back and honestly would suck for all those PL who did earn it originally.

    Its not a very prestigious item if they decide to not return it, because you could get it from doing literally anything, fishing, sailing, basic quests, or even just setting foot on a bunch of islands. There was no real effort, it was just a passive earn, the only "prestige" it offers is to say "hahaha! i have it and you want it!", which isnt really a good reason to not reintroduce something which was PROMISED to be reintroduced when a good way to do so was figured out.

  • @sudsierboar5526

    Same was said about bone crusher set...

  • Exclusive cosmetics should stay exclusive, sucks for people that missed them but as crazy human troll doll said: "If everyone is super then no one will be."

  • To those complaining about "prestige" of it, then how about this, make it for those who max out their ranking with Athena's Fortune. It's certainly a grind, one worthy of prestige. I'm fine grinding it out since I likely won't have it for another year at the current rate i've been going at.

  • @captaintibbz that works for like, events- Things that are set at a specific point in the lore, like Cursed Sails, or any of the adventures- But for seasonal cosmetics that aren't tied to anything specific aside from the season itself? Nah.

  • @sargent-sully said in Bring Back Pirate Legend Curse:

    make it for those who max out their ranking with Athena's Fortune. It's certainly a grind, one worthy of prestige.

    It's certainly a worthy grind, but it's just not the right call. It leaves those who played Season 1 with nothing to look forward to at the top of that max Athena mountain. Re-introducing cosmetics while simultaneously giving the players that actually played the season nothing to look forward to is a terrible max Athena mountain already has a

  • @sweetsandman then introduce another new thing? That way season 1 peeps can look forward to that at least.

  • @dudefiik said in Bring Back Pirate Legend Curse:

    @sweetsandman then introduce another new thing? That way season 1 peeps can look forward to that at least.

    I guess...that just seems incredibly lazy. We're coming up on 2 years by the time Season 7 ends...and if they've spent this long "thinking about", "considering", and "coming up with" ways to bring back those items in a way that pays respect to those players that actually played... that'd be a real shame.

  • @elwell4
    I agree and let me explain why to anyone who is reading this post
    a pirate legend curse is something that every player would try to get no matter what, so making it a time limited item is honestly unfair and not smart because if they did it so you would need to get a very hard commendation to get it, i know i would surely try to get it and as a result much more people will grind for it
    also making a curse a time limited item is just not the right thing to do in the matter, curses are too valuable of an item that every player tries to get so making the pirate legend curse a time limited item is not fair for any other pirate legend who is new to the game or just didnt get the chance to get it

  • @elwell4
    Agreed. Maybe have a tall tale for it to come back. Anything to get it pls

    Maybe it could be remade--like instead an athenas fortune symbol it could be silver cracks in the skin or sum

  • Bringing back limiteds only degrate the value of limiteds

  • @robby0316 Hey OG player here i think that rare should add a redesigned version of the time limited sets like the bone crusher figure head but it's like meg jaws insited of the kraken head or something like that idk

  • Best way to unlock the PL curse for new players would be to have to win 50 games in the arena as a Pirate Legend. Seems Fair.

  • There is no disputing. Rare said before launching Season One that the only Time Limited Season Items would be the Flags, Sails, Facepaint, Tattoo, Scars, and Titles from each Season’s name, these being:
    Shroudbreaker, Ocean Deep, Blue Horizon, Siren’s Wrath, Ancient Gold, Dark Relics, and Perilous Seas.

    Everything else was plainly put to be temporarily exclusive to Seasons, but would be brought back later. Why people are valiantly fighting to keep them time limited even after they were told ahead of time that they would be brought back after some time, is beyond me.

  • @klutchxking518 said in Bring Back Pirate Legend Curse:
    Why people are valiantly fighting to keep them time limited even after they were told ahead of time that they would be brought back after some time, is beyond me.

    Well simple answer would be - Kids/teenagers/maybe even young adults. However, I'm afraid to ask the age of some of the people with such opinions.

    ''Welcome to Cartmanland - you can't come!''

  • @riahi-jr said in Bring Back Pirate Legend Curse:

    Stop asking for limited timed cosmetics to come back that's the only thing that gives a story to your pirate like "this guy was here during season 1", if everything was unlockable at any time everybody would look the same which is lame. There's plenty of other cosmetics to try and reskin potential, no point in ruining the unique ones.

    Not everyone would look the same considering how many people create their own look with the all accessible cosmetics now.

    Not to mention a number of seasonal things, including ALL pirate legend items in the seasons were directly stated by rare that they would come back eventually, they expressed even well before seasons that these things WILL come back, meaning they arnt actually time limited, just that anyone who got them in seasons got the early drop.

  • @goldsmen They did say they would come back but I heard they went back on it once people started complaining about it, I mean if the pirate legend curse eventually comes back might aswell make every old limited timed cosmetics available, I think that's fair

  • @sweetsandman i want the aroura capstan but i can't ...heres hoping it comes back for christmas

  • @riahi-jr said in Bring Back Pirate Legend Curse:

    @goldsmen They did say they would come back but I heard they went back on it once people started complaining about it, I mean if the pirate legend curse eventually comes back might aswell make every old limited timed cosmetics available, I think that's fair

    They didnt go back on it, the only people who say they did, are people who complained about it, but you can find responses directly from rare in the forums, to people who say that rare isnt going to, saying something under the lines of "we still plan to release everything we said, just as we promised", paraphrased of course.

    You cant take something at just the word of people who already want them to do something, you have to take it from rare them self, and rare them selves have said they plan to keep to their plan regardless of who wants it to be exclusive.

  • Recently at EGX I London this question was asked of the Rare team on the panel. Their response was Yes, it will be returning. They are still in the works of how, but it will come back, probably locked behind an Athena commendation.

  • They should set it so you have to become pirate legend, then 100 a Season. It can't be the same season you pirate legend just for a last little bit of salt lol.

  • @goldsmen said in Bring Back Pirate Legend Curse:

    @riahi-jr said in Bring Back Pirate Legend Curse:

    @goldsmen They did say they would come back but I heard they went back on it once people started complaining about it, I mean if the pirate legend curse eventually comes back might aswell make every old limited timed cosmetics available, I think that's fair

    They didnt go back on it, the only people who say they did, are people who complained about it, but you can find responses directly from rare in the forums, to people who say that rare isnt going to, saying something under the lines of "we still plan to release everything we said, just as we promised", paraphrased of course.

    You cant take something at just the word of people who already want them to do something, you have to take it from rare them self, and rare them selves have said they plan to keep to their plan regardless of who wants it to be exclusive.

    What I expect is a reskin of the PL curse, similar to LSD ones

  • @riahi-jr said in Bring Back Pirate Legend Curse:

    @goldsmen said in Bring Back Pirate Legend Curse:

    @riahi-jr said in Bring Back Pirate Legend Curse:

    @goldsmen They did say they would come back but I heard they went back on it once people started complaining about it, I mean if the pirate legend curse eventually comes back might aswell make every old limited timed cosmetics available, I think that's fair

    They didnt go back on it, the only people who say they did, are people who complained about it, but you can find responses directly from rare in the forums, to people who say that rare isnt going to, saying something under the lines of "we still plan to release everything we said, just as we promised", paraphrased of course.

    You cant take something at just the word of people who already want them to do something, you have to take it from rare them self, and rare them selves have said they plan to keep to their plan regardless of who wants it to be exclusive.

    What I expect is a reskin of the PL curse, similar to LSD ones

    I wouldnt mind a version without the chest mark just to show when people got it, or perhaps the mark there but as a scar instead of glowing, but as it stands rare said that all things would return, not reskins. Im happy with either tho as long as i get the fancy glowey eyes that i missed out on cause of burnout

  • @thorumsu Hahaheh something like this yeah.

  • @riahi-jr sagte in Bring Back Pirate Legend Curse:

    @goldsmen said in Bring Back Pirate Legend Curse:

    @riahi-jr said in Bring Back Pirate Legend Curse:

    @goldsmen They did say they would come back but I heard they went back on it once people started complaining about it, I mean if the pirate legend curse eventually comes back might aswell make every old limited timed cosmetics available, I think that's fair

    They didnt go back on it, the only people who say they did, are people who complained about it, but you can find responses directly from rare in the forums, to people who say that rare isnt going to, saying something under the lines of "we still plan to release everything we said, just as we promised", paraphrased of course.

    You cant take something at just the word of people who already want them to do something, you have to take it from rare them self, and rare them selves have said they plan to keep to their plan regardless of who wants it to be exclusive.

    What I expect is a reskin of the PL curse, similar to LSD ones

    It will be the same one...people still don’t get it...IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN SAID IT WILL COME BACK! There are just a few season specific items that are time limited...PL stuff won't be such items

    Why is this discussion still a thing? Completely senseless, just because of misinformations

  • @schwammlgott said in Bring Back Pirate Legend Curse:

    @riahi-jr sagte in Bring Back Pirate Legend Curse:

    @goldsmen said in Bring Back Pirate Legend Curse:

    @riahi-jr said in Bring Back Pirate Legend Curse:

    @goldsmen They did say they would come back but I heard they went back on it once people started complaining about it, I mean if the pirate legend curse eventually comes back might aswell make every old limited timed cosmetics available, I think that's fair

    They didnt go back on it, the only people who say they did, are people who complained about it, but you can find responses directly from rare in the forums, to people who say that rare isnt going to, saying something under the lines of "we still plan to release everything we said, just as we promised", paraphrased of course.

    You cant take something at just the word of people who already want them to do something, you have to take it from rare them self, and rare them selves have said they plan to keep to their plan regardless of who wants it to be exclusive.

    What I expect is a reskin of the PL curse, similar to LSD ones

    It will be the same one...people still don’t get it...IT HAS ALWAYS BEEN SAID IT WILL COME BACK! There are just a few season specific items that are time limited...PL stuff won't be such items

    Why is this discussion still a thing? Completely senseless, just because of misinformations

    My bets, its for the same reason as why people make videos or gossip about a news article headline without reading the article. Being that they want something, and will spread anything that confirms their wants.

  • @goldsmen or u can get a redesign with just the chest mark and not eyes that would work too lol.

    @captainrasha is posting the link 30 times now that they said y1 items will be back aswell but they broke they word there bcoz of people geting mad of others geting the same item so hopefully just a reskin with a glowing athena symbol comes out as a recolor to satisfy ur taste my dud

  • @elwell4 no, if you missed it you missed it, I got it, that's like me saying because I didn't get the brave vanguard sails can you bring them back, lololol

    Also season 1 isn't OG don't know what ur on about

  • @muarembossi I already mentioned a variation being something im fine with if that is what they decided to do, but it isnt what they said.

  • @elwell4 not this again

  • @muarembossi sagte in Bring Back Pirate Legend Curse:

    they said y1 items will be back aswell

    I call that fake news, I'm here since beta and it always has been said time limited means exactly that!
    There was one exception for one item of the main y1 events that came with a celebrity event...that was a one time deal

  • @captaintibbz I was in bootcamp during season one and had no access to electronics..I missed it trying to do something for the greater good of the people I want to protect...I feel I deserve a chance of obtaining either it or something similar..

  • @schwammlgott naah mate that was the deal after releasin the bonecrusher cosmetics but then after they came back as anniversary and rare wanted to do that every year ppl started crying so they broke theyre promise bcoz of that

  • @barto9991 I didn't have the opportunity to play because I decided to join the military. I believe special case exceptions should be a thing.

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