Red Sea changes...

  • I want to begin by saying that season 9 has been a blast and the sandbox feels more alive than ever before. However i still believe that red sea runners are still an issue and ruin the experience of Sea of Thieves. Despite the changes to the red sea, people can still use the old workaround of just voting the golds of shore tall tale and just camp at the red sea. Now before you say that it is not worth to waste ones time pursuing players like these ( something i agree with ) , getting away in such way feels like a cheat in my opinion. The changes to the red sea were made because according to Rare this wasn't supposed to be a mechanic of the game (they even roasted running reapers as well). Furthermore we shouldn't forget that the same exploit was used on hourglass pvp as an easy way to get free wins, and i can definitely see it abused in way or another on future updates as well. I think a good fix would be to not let players make use of the tall tale if they have loot on board. Rant over, let me know what you think and thanks for reading.

  • 41
  • Get the checkpoint yourself.
    Enjoy their panic when you follow.

    Or maybe do hourglass if you "just want to fight"

  • I don't think it's a serious concern, though then again neither was red sea running.

  • @gosva5434 get the checkpoint and have it saved in your tall tale quest so you can chase runners up there. No need to change it.

  • @vito1700 How is forcing one to do tall tales which is the pve aspect of the game, in order to stop people from abusing an exploit in pvp sandbox, considered a solution. Rare has already said that's the reason behind the red sea changes. Sure that is the most direct solution i agree to that but i don't remember people being so defensive when it was abused for the hourglass pvp. I get that if someone is toxic or you have no loot running to the red sea might be a valid option,but raising reaper stacking loot and then just running to the red sea and protecting the loot this way in the pvp sandbox just because someone didn't choose to spend their time grinding tall tales seems ridiculous.

  • @gosva5434 said in Red Sea changes...:

    I think a good fix would be to not let players make use of the tall tale if they have loot on board. Rant over, let me know what you think and thanks for reading.

    I don't think this would work. It can't prevent you from picking loot up after you've started the tale, so the default play for people who try to do this will just be to start the tale immediately and then go about doing whatever they want. Trying to prevent ships from picking up loot at all with the tale active is a bit of a problem as well, since this tale finishes with an expensive skull.

    It's not an issue large enough to bother with to be honest.

  • @gosva5434 well if you don’t want to grind the tt check point, sail over to morrows peak and vote to start the SoG tt and then chase them up there.

  • @vito1700
    Don't you have to complete the other tall tales to do this?

  • A real quick way to kill off any progress they are trying to make with activity and production in this game is to continue handing out win conditions to the same side of a scenario over and over.

    If people feel like they are getting the raw end of the deal over and over again they will stop producing loot and they will play other games. This is very obvious and has been shown time and time again in this game.

  • @d3adst1ck
    yeah didn't think about the skull in the end. Still i believe they could add some sort of restriction in order to prevent people from exploiting it. Not being ''a large enough issue'' could be said also about the red sea before the changes yet they changed it for a reason. I am seriously confused with this community. I see posts all the time where people brag about pvp essentialy saying git gud no matter what the other person says (and generally people like to imply this is a hardcore pvp game with pve aspects) and other other hand anything proposed to reinforce the idea of pvp in this game is considered a personal issue, no big deal, even when Rare themselves claim that was not their vision for the game.

  • @gosva5434 said in Red Sea changes...:

    yeah didn't think about the skull in the end. Still i believe they could add some sort of restriction in order to prevent people from exploiting it. Not being ''a large enough issue'' could be said also about the red sea before the changes yet they changed it for a reason. I am seriously confused with this community. I see posts all the time where people brag about pvp essentialy saying git gud no matter what the other person says (and generally people like to imply this is a hardcore pvp game with pve aspects) and other other hand anything proposed to reinforce the idea of pvp in this game is considered a personal issue, no big deal, even when Rare themselves claim that was not their vision for the game.

    The red sea was changed because it was effectively deleting loot from the game by reaching the despawn wall. The Shores of Gold doesn't do this unless they sink in the red sea zone at which point the red sea rules apply both pre and post change, so loot will now float up in a retrievable area.

    They can't make the loot irretrievable by sailing into that area, and they can't sell it while they're in there so they have to come out some time so it's not the same issue.

  • @gosva5434 said in Red Sea changes...:

    @vito1700 How is forcing one to do tall tales which is the pve aspect of the game, in order to stop people from abusing an exploit in pvp sandbox, considered a solution. Rare has already said that's the reason behind the red sea changes. Sure that is the most direct solution i agree to that but i don't remember people being so defensive when it was abused for the hourglass pvp. I get that if someone is toxic or you have no loot running to the red sea might be a valid option,but raising reaper stacking loot and then just running to the red sea and protecting the loot this way in the pvp sandbox just because someone didn't choose to spend their time grinding tall tales seems ridiculous.

    You're forcing them to PVP, they may as well force you to PVE.

  • @d3adst1ck said in Red Sea changes...:

    @gosva5434 said in Red Sea changes...:

    yeah didn't think about the skull in the end. Still i believe they could add some sort of restriction in order to prevent people from exploiting it. Not being ''a large enough issue'' could be said also about the red sea before the changes yet they changed it for a reason. I am seriously confused with this community. I see posts all the time where people brag about pvp essentialy saying git gud no matter what the other person says (and generally people like to imply this is a hardcore pvp game with pve aspects) and other other hand anything proposed to reinforce the idea of pvp in this game is considered a personal issue, no big deal, even when Rare themselves claim that was not their vision for the game.

    The red sea was changed because it was effectively deleting loot from the game by reaching the despawn wall. The Shores of Gold doesn't do this unless they sink in the red sea zone at which point the red sea rules apply both pre and post change, so loot will now float up in a retrievable area.

    They can't make the loot irretrievable by sailing into that area, and they can't sell it while they're in there so they have to come out some time so it's not the same issue.

    They can actually bury the loot at tribute peak and come back for it later.

    Or just leave it out and let it despawn.

  • @scheneighnay said in Red Sea changes...:

    They can actually bury the loot at tribute peak and come back for it later.

    Or just leave it out and let it despawn.

    Yes, but they can do that on any island or water surface. Neither of which causes an immediate deletion.

  • What's the point of chasing blindly? They need to cash it in somewhere, let them drop their guard down, ambush them instead ;)

  • @scheneighnay
    It's a pvp game though...

  • @gosva5434 said in Red Sea changes...:

    It's a pvp game though...

    It's also a PVE game.

  • @d3adst1ck said in Red Sea changes...:

    @scheneighnay said in Red Sea changes...:

    They can actually bury the loot at tribute peak and come back for it later.

    Or just leave it out and let it despawn.

    Yes, but they can do that on any island or water surface. Neither of which causes an immediate deletion.

    Yeah but this is more in the context of Shores of Gold.

  • @scheneighnay
    Well i would not say someone with a reaper 5 emissary stacked with loot with a pvp curse is your average pver that would run to the red sea...

  • Oh look, someone is playing differently than me. I'm going to complain about it.-


    They can do what they want, no one owes you a fight or a chance at their loot.

  • @gosva5434 said in Red Sea changes...:

    It's a pvp game though...

    It's not though....

    Sea of Thieves is a Shared World Adventure Game. It is a mix of PvPvE.

    No one has to fight.

    Reapers are NOT "the PvP faction", they are simply the antithesis of the Pirate Lord and the Trading companies and get their gold/loot without following the rules/voyages of them.

  • Just get the checkpoint. All reapers should have it.

  • @gosva5434 I wouldn't call the run to Tribute Peak an exploit...definitly isn't...according to this, hiding treasure at mermaid statues is also an exploit...

    Go for the tall tale checkpoint or live with it

  • @gosva5434 sagte in Red Sea changes...:

    It's a pvp game though...

    It's a PvEvP game...don’t mix that up

  • @gosva5434 sagte in Red Sea changes...:

    Don't you have to complete the other tall tales to do this?

    Yes, you have to finish tall tale 1-8 to get the option to vote for TT 9

  • @gosva5434 said in Red Sea changes...:

    Well i would not say someone with a reaper 5 emissary stacked with loot with a pvp curse is your average pver that would run to the red sea...

    Season 8's features have been out long enough that the really lucky/efficient loss farmers who harshly gag at the sight of PvP are now out here stacking world events and clearing FoFs/FotDs for the new commendations/achievements with their funny new cosmetics. Any player can be just as cowardly wearing anything hard-earned or not.

  • @schwammlgott said in Red Sea changes...:

    @gosva5434 sagte in Red Sea changes...:

    Don't you have to complete the other tall tales to do this?

    Yes, you have to finish tall tale 1-8 to get the option to vote for TT 9

    Yeah I don't even have it unlocked myself, slowly working towards it while grinding out the merchant ledger each month.

    When I have shores of gold available I'm not using it for PVP or anti-PVP in any traditional sense.

    I'm gonna be a rowboat reaper with my ship anchored at tribute peak.
    Very easy to lose everything since I respawn back at tribute peak but it should be interesting.

  • @pithyrumble I never said that anyone owes me anything just pointed out something i thought and still believe to be an exploit. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion and if you disagree that is ok. The Seas will only get better if we voice our opinions on certain things and this post did just that whether people agreed with me or not.

  • However i still believe that red sea runners are still and issue and ruin the experience of Sea of Thieves

    How is that ruining the experience. Yours or there’s?

    You giving chase and not earning thing for your troubles. Or them for runnning and also not earning anything.


  • @scheneighnay said in Red Sea changes...:

    @schwammlgott said in Red Sea changes...:

    @gosva5434 sagte in Red Sea changes...:

    Don't you have to complete the other tall tales to do this?

    Yes, you have to finish tall tale 1-8 to get the option to vote for TT 9

    Yeah I don't even have it unlocked myself, slowly working towards it while grinding out the merchant ledger each month.

    When I have shores of gold available I'm not using it for PVP or anti-PVP in any traditional sense.

    I'm gonna be a rowboat reaper with my ship anchored at tribute peak.
    Very easy to lose everything since I respawn back at tribute peak but it should be interesting.

    I don’t want to burst your bubble but, unfortunately, rowboats can’t survive the Red Sea even with the checkpoint down. You’d have to have someone else sail your ship there while you’re off on adventure.

  • @abjectarity said in Red Sea changes...:

    @scheneighnay said in Red Sea changes...:

    @schwammlgott said in Red Sea changes...:

    @gosva5434 sagte in Red Sea changes...:

    Don't you have to complete the other tall tales to do this?

    Yes, you have to finish tall tale 1-8 to get the option to vote for TT 9

    Yeah I don't even have it unlocked myself, slowly working towards it while grinding out the merchant ledger each month.

    When I have shores of gold available I'm not using it for PVP or anti-PVP in any traditional sense.

    I'm gonna be a rowboat reaper with my ship anchored at tribute peak.
    Very easy to lose everything since I respawn back at tribute peak but it should be interesting.

    I don’t want to burst your bubble but, unfortunately, rowboats can’t survive the Red Sea even with the checkpoint down. You’d have to have someone else sail your ship there while you’re off on adventure.

    Figures, there's gotta be some trick to it. Hard part is knowing where the shroud starts.

  • @burnbacon
    I think it creates an unhealthy playstyle. In Sea of Thieves player interaction is what makes the game unique and fun and no matter how much people try to deny it if there wasn't any pvp selling loot or completing events, commendations etc. would not feel as rewarding since pve is kinda easy tbh. Completing 50 FotD in an alliance server is not the same achievement as completing it in a normal server. Going to the shores of gold and just waiting till i give up provides no interaction of this kind at all, and if people really think that i am sad that i didn't get 100k worth of loot they are completely wrong. I wouldn't care if he just run or drive by sold everything. That would have been a nice chase and i would have accepted defeat. However using something that is imo an exploit ( yeah i know people do not agree and that is ok but that is what i believe) just to go to the red sea and not come out till i leave the borders is honestly not that fun for anyone i think. That person would have waited 5 hours if i didn't have other things to do and i would have wasted 5 hours of my time. Getting away by managing your sails, anchor turns, going into the fog or storm etc. is a much better story to tell for both partys. Again if i had time to wait he wouldn't have sold and would not get any loot so it would be a lose-lose situation and that is why i think it ruins the experience. Had he fought me and sunk me or just run somewhere else besides the red sea, burying the loot etc. would 100% been more fun for both of us. I have been chased and sunk multiple times and i can tell you that if found doing those things way more fun than if i waited at the red sea.

  • It was an exploit in Hourglass PvP because the other boat had no other way to leave the battle area and could not do anything about it. In notmal adventure is not an exploit because the chaser can just do anything else, it's their choice to keep waiting outside of Tribute Peak when they could just go and do world events, voyages or look for the other ships in the server. No one owes you a fight, if you want to chase them over there do the shores of gold tall tales like the ship you were chasing, they did the tall tales so they deserve that checkpoint.

    Player interaction is the least thing I want to experience in this game personally, and I would be happy to join an alliamce server and do 50 FotDs there. Fun is subjective, not everyone enjoys the same thing. You don't enjoy the tall tales? Well others don't enjoy having to fight other players to defend their loot.

  • @dragotech123

    Well it seems i am gonna have to repeat myself again, but if that is what you believe fine. I never said you have to agree with me and in every answer i gave it is clearly stated that no one owes me a fight and this is simply my opinion. If you prefer alliance servers you do you.

  • @scheneighnay said in Red Sea changes...:

    @abjectarity said in Red Sea changes...:

    @scheneighnay said in Red Sea changes...:

    @schwammlgott said in Red Sea changes...:

    @gosva5434 sagte in Red Sea changes...:

    Don't you have to complete the other tall tales to do this?

    Yes, you have to finish tall tale 1-8 to get the option to vote for TT 9

    Yeah I don't even have it unlocked myself, slowly working towards it while grinding out the merchant ledger each month.

    When I have shores of gold available I'm not using it for PVP or anti-PVP in any traditional sense.

    I'm gonna be a rowboat reaper with my ship anchored at tribute peak.
    Very easy to lose everything since I respawn back at tribute peak but it should be interesting.

    I don’t want to burst your bubble but, unfortunately, rowboats can’t survive the Red Sea even with the checkpoint down. You’d have to have someone else sail your ship there while you’re off on adventure.

    Figures, there's gotta be some trick to it. Hard part is knowing where the shroud starts.

    That's easy - bury your rowboat loot somewhere then mermaid back to your ship, sail to your stash, gather loot and turn in. Profit!

25 out of 41