
  • @voshell only time will tell

  • @mrclutchyking06 said in Cosmetics/Weapons:

    @voshell only time will tell

    I am truly a patient person. I have been for the last 5 years, but to be patient for another 5 years; that is quite the task. That's why releasing old back stock before new items is a win/win.

  • @voshell yeah, I can have patience, but I ain’t waiting 5 more years for a new weapon or instrument. Max is 2. Even that is stretching it. Also, yeah, we need more cosmetics.

  • Hat, Belt, & Boots we need. The belt is super nice.

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  • @voshell said in Cosmetics/Weapons:

    Hat, Belt, & Boots we need. The belt is super nice.

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    The belt is phenomenal!

  • @miffednote201 aren’t the boots just a different version of the bell brigade?

  • If they wont cut off the Athena costume it would be a great shame...
    So many cool pieces

  • I wish they got rid of the sniper and replaced it with the musket. More thematic.

    Also great work on the different sword types on the weapon store.

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    I need that Rapier.

  • @vic-kestrel Rare needs to add a heavy sword and rapier variant for every cutlass - I will DIE on this hill.

  • @vic-kestrel or just add the musket as a separate weapon

  • @mrclutchyking06 said in Cosmetics/Weapons:

    @voshell would it really be that hard to implement? I mean, we’ve been asking for years, they have to listen at some point. Maybe?

    To set expectations generally, we have no current plans to release new instrument types or weapon types that have different functionality such as different speed, damage or new music for shanties.
    This is very different work to adding a new mesh (visual appearance) which behaves the same as underlying weapons, which is what we've done with the release of rapier and heavy sword variants.
    Adding a fiddle for example would mean adding new animations for every type of pirate, and fiddle versions of every shanty we have, as well as going back to every set that has 4 instruments to add a fiddle mesh. At this stage, this is not where we want to prioritise our time.
    So it's not about us not listening. We get that this was shown in a trailer back in the day, and yeah more instruments would be cool! But we have to assess that against what our priorities are in other areas.

  • Has anyone gotten their Gilded Sovereign Table yet? I am still waiting on mine....

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  • @pr8roberts said in Cosmetics/Weapons:

    @mrclutchyking06 said in Cosmetics/Weapons:

    @voshell would it really be that hard to implement? I mean, we’ve been asking for years, they have to listen at some point. Maybe?

    To set expectations generally, we have no current plans to release new instrument types or weapon types that have different functionality such as different speed, damage or new music for shanties.
    This is very different work to adding a new mesh (visual appearance) which behaves the same as underlying weapons, which is what we've done with the release of rapier and heavy sword variants.
    Adding a fiddle for example would mean adding new animations for every type of pirate, and fiddle versions of every shanty we have, as well as going back to every set that has 4 instruments to add a fiddle mesh. At this stage, this is not where we want to prioritize our time.
    So it's not about us not listening. We get that this was shown in a trailer back in the day, and yeah more instruments would be cool! But we have to assess that against what our priorities are in other areas.

    Understandable. So in that regard would implementing a scopeless EoR fall under the category of an underlying weapon with a different visual appearance? Or would it fall under a different functionality due to what the player sees when scoping even though it would have the same speed, damage, reload, animations, etcetera?

  • @voshell yep had it straight away from when the changes came in

  • @voshell It would fall under different functionality due to the different requirements of what the player sees when scoping

  • @voshell just got mine today.

  • @pr8roberts I understand that. Stuff takes time. Well, maybe sometime in the future, far down the road, I’ll finally be able to enter the pl hideout with the fiddle and/or snipe someone with a musket (scopeless EoR)

  • @pr8roberts said in Cosmetics/Weapons:

    @voshell It would fall under different functionality due to the different requirements of what the player sees when scoping

    Just double checking. Hopefully in the near future we can get this variant implemented. I know there are a lot of pirates out there who would like to see some new but subtle mechanics added to the game; especially in regard to PvP/naval combat. This would give the illusion of a new weapon type without upsetting the current balance. Even if it's not your current priority. Thanks @PR8Roberts

  • What I would really like to see is a boarding axe style skin for the cutlass. I'm more of an axe guy and kind of bummed I missed out on the closest thing in merrick's cutlass lol.

  • @zanje It will be back most likely in a future season

  • @pr8roberts thank you for the information! More information on why things are the way they are is always incredibly valuable

  • Another NPC look at Wild Henry's shirt

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  • Here we have a multicolored variant of the Majestic Sovereign shirt (1st NPC from the left) that I haven't seen before.

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  • Legit question, why has this post been allowed to continue for so long when it’s OP that bumps it to keep it alive and has long since been derailed as feedback or a suggestion? @Deckhands

  • @tesiccl I was thinking the same thing.

  • Even without the bumps, this thread has been constantly active for a very long time and keeps things in one place for the team working on cosmetics strategy - you can see replies from PR8Roberts further up the thread.

    I will drop a note here to say please don't just bump for the sake of bumping. If you've spotted unreleased cosmetics then dropping an image really helps us to know what you're talking about.

    Thread will stay in place for now but we ask people use some common sense when using it.

  • @tesiccl this is by the far the longest living post and I hope it continues with little to no Bumps needed.

    I would be devastated to see this be closed, fingercrossed that the Dev continues to leak more unreleased cosmetics or provide more concept art of cosmetics for PR8Roberts to add to THE LIST™️

  • @voshell said in Cosmetics/Weapons:

    Here we have a multicolored variant of the Majestic Sovereign shirt (1st NPC from the left) that I haven't seen before.

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    The 3rd pirate has an unreleased boot that has been seen a few time now. Most merchant or Sudds has that

  • We are still waiting for that flaming sword of souls that loading screen of season eight teased, where is it?

  • @Tesiccl

    I to hope this post continues as long as @Voshell keeps putting in the effort to look for unreleased cosmetics and share it with all of us. @Voshell is not just sharing the same picture over and over. It's either brand new or related to some update or change that occurred to the pertaining cosmetic. Outside of the actual game content, cosmetics are like the 2nd largest part of the game lol.

  • Im very glad that this post is an archive for us and even the devs to use, but its also for new ideas.

    Go crazy! Hell, I want a Broly figurehead ftom DBZ hahahaha

  • Literally within 8 second of Sot Monkey island release trailer there is a black and green vest worn INGAME! Used to be often seen on some of that fat pirates

    This crossover contain so MANY UNRELEASED COSMETICS!
    It seem we got a lot of work to do by capturing some ingame pic for The LIST™️

  • Getting all the npc cosmetics in the scumm bar would be amazing, let alone the rest of the island

    all those good pirate-y clothes just out of reach is just painful

  • Can we please get the chef outfit as a quest reward? It’s bizarre to have it stripped like the old Morningstar set. Is there no way to make an alternate version that isn’t attached as a story key? Both sets are just trapped in a tall tale until we get community interest involved.

  • Alright I have captured a pic of every pirate!
    Except for Guybush and LeChuck.
    Feel feel to grab the images and talk about them here if you want!

    I have made a thread and soon will update it next month and whenever we get the final tale

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