LeChuck stuck in church

  • @pedrolovesu … Are we reporting bugs with AI now?

  • Pareil j'ai le même problème sur ps5 bug sur la mission le Chuck.

  • Tried today! Still bugged at the church. Not fixed yet 3 weeks later.

  • @jordon-gp that's wild

  • Same issue...

  • Meme probleme sur ps5 et honnetement je suis déçu comment un jeu qui date autant n’est pas regler ce probleme ? Les event c’est super cool mais faut penser a REGLER ce probleme le plus rapidement possible

  • That topic is getting ridicilous! I am waiting almost a Month now, i finished everything in the tall Tales, just not the crippeling Fight.

  • its honestly ridiculous that this has been an issue for close to a month if not more and Rare hasnt done fk all to fix it, no patch, no update, nothing. It’s honestly laughable that a developer doesnt care when we sit here and state the obvious that the game is broken. Kinda makes me wanna uninstall again, just got back into this game recently and this is just another reason for me to stop playing.

  • I can confirm that the bug has been fixed!

  • @myxoske Thank you very much!

  • Hello everybody i had the same issue but it seems to be fixed with the new update.

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