Fellow pirates don't follow code of conduct

  • My crew and I love this game and we enjoy almost all aspects of the game. Three of us are autistic and none of us have more than 12 hours to spend a week on the game. Considering our time constraints, none of us can understand how even children are expected to keep up with caustic PVP players who would rather engage with people who are begging them to stop than other players more interested in PVP.
    We play in the High Seas because Rare has ensured the Safer Seas is much less enjoyable and has less to do, but where we struggle the most happens to be our fellow pirates. We understand the game's central focus is Community, but there doesn't seem to be one. Every time we dock with the Sovereign to sell our loot, the ship docked at the other end of the island tries to come around and attack us for no reason. This is not a community, it's more like a mosh pit for bullies.
    As a Community, we would all benefit from a server-wide Alliance as there is no drawback to being in an alliance with people, but the few times we've made allies they drop their flag before selling their loot despite making their share from our sold loot.
    In the game there is a Flag to indicate you are into PVP. You can sign up for the Hourglass as well, but people don't seem to respect that we don't want to PVP with them. Instead they harass us by giving chase and attack us, despite the fact we have shot a white flare, shot fireworks and even have used the trumpet to indicate we're friendly. They bully us by sinking our ship despite our declarations we're not interested in PVP.
    It would be great if Rare would openly start dealing with these people. A three-strike rule based on video evidence from the beginning of conflict rather than hear-say or mid-combat sounds like it would protect players on both sides from misleading reports as well.
    It would also be great to include a Parley in the communication dial or as an emote with notification so that we can trade, socialize or even just give our treasure in exchange for our lives.

    I made a complaint in a Discord group I'm no longer apart of and they openly laughed at me, so I'm pretty sure the community here might have something to say against my claims that general PVP can be considered harassment and bullying: the Code of Conduct.
    "Any activity you engage in that is solely designed to target and upset another player or crew constitutes bullying. Repeated activity designed to ruin the experience of another player or crew constitutes harassment."
    By engaging a ship that doesn't desire PVP you are engaging in an activity solely designed to target and upset another player or crew.
    By chasing a fleeing ship that has declared it does not desire PVP you are repeatedly following them, trying to ruin their experience, and thus harassing another player or crew.

    The game is meant to be fun. If I want to PVP I'll put up the Flag or sign up for Hourglass. If you think I should stick to Safer Seas, then Rare needs to add everything but other players to Safer Seas so I can do the world events that I enjoy doing.

    If you agree with me, please share this with your friends so we can put a stop to unwanted PVP by bullies. The more this continues, the less Community-thinking players there will be and the game will be more akin to Call of Duty for Pirates.

  • 31
    1. Players attacking you for PvP is not against the code of conduct.
    2. Players not wanting to be in alliance is not against the code of conduct.
    3. Players attacking you when you 'shoot a white flare' or otherwise show you don't want to PvP, is not against the rules.

    I'm pretty sure the community here might have something to say against my claims that general PVP can be considered harassment and bullying

    PvP cannot, in any way, be considered 'Harassment and bullying'.

    "Any activity you engage in that is solely designed to target and upset another player or crew constitutes bullying. Repeated activity designed to ruin the experience of another player or crew constitutes harassment."

    You being upset you got sunk does not mean they broke the code of conduct. You are 100% taking it out of context.
    The CoC is there to make intentional actions like swearing, insults, racism, abusing bugs, and camping people (IE: Not letting them sink) punishable.
    It's not there for people to say 'I felt bad I got sunk! BAN THEM FOR MAKING ME FEEL BAD!' If it meant that, then no one would PvP, ever, out of risk of being banned for winning. Because the losing side would say 'I got upset I was sunk. They broke the rules!'

    You are, as I said above, taking the CoC out of context to make it fit your 'I hate PvP, so anyone who sinks me is breaking the rules' narrative.
    So it does not surprise me that people laughed at your idea that being attacked breaks the rules because it hurt your feelings.

    But if you really feel that someone broke the rules; Record them in-game, then report them.

  • This is an expectations issue rather than toxicity. Pvp doesn't have to be consensual, that doesn't make it reportable or bannable.

  • Considering our time constraints, none of us can understand how even children are expected to keep up with caustic PVP players

    Teen Game filled with Children and Adults. Go figure...

    We play in the High Seas because Rare has ensured the Safer Seas is much less enjoyable and has less to do,

    Your choice is here. You know pvp isnt a thing in SS yet...you dont use it because it less enjoyable. But your suffering in High Seas..because of PvP...Im confused.

    Every time we dock with the Sovereign to sell our loot, the ship docked at the other end of the island tries to come around and attack us for no reason.

    Pirates, Stealing, Resources.

    It would be great if Rare would openly start dealing with these people. A three-strike rule based on video evidence from the beginning of conflict rather than hear-say or mid-combat sounds like it would protect players on both sides from misleading reports as well.

    But..what are they doing wrong here? Sinking your ship in an Open world...Pirate game. Where it is clear you are free to play how you wish. Sinking ships or being friendly.
    Again, You have Safer Seas. It was pretty much created for "Families" but you wont go there because...reasons.

    "Any activity you engage in that is solely designed to target and upset another player or crew constitutes bullying. Repeated activity designed to ruin the experience of another player or crew constitutes harassment."

    Im sorry...but your taking this over the edge here.
    Are these ships/players literally going out of there way to upset you? Or do you think they are playing a pirate game where it main focus is...Thieves.

    By engaging a ship that doesn't desire PVP you are engaging in an activity solely designed to target and upset another player or crew.

    Safer Seas. and frankly...that be every player in this game.

    By chasing a fleeing ship that has declared it does not desire PVP you are repeatedly following them, trying to ruin their experience, and thus harassing another player or crew.

    Safer Seas. You run, If you sink. Scuttle and switch servers.

    Game has the Tools and placement to deal with these issues yet you are nip picking around it.

  • @guildar9194 said in Fellow pirates don't follow code of conduct:

    1. Players attacking you for PvP is not against the code of conduct.
    2. Players not wanting to be in alliance is not against the code of conduct.
    3. Players attacking you when you 'shoot a white flare' or otherwise show you don't want to PvP, is not against the rules.

    I'm pretty sure the community here might have something to say against my claims that general PVP can be considered harassment and bullying

    PvP cannot, in any way, be considered 'Harassment and bullying'.

    "Any activity you engage in that is solely designed to target and upset another player or crew constitutes bullying. Repeated activity designed to ruin the experience of another player or crew constitutes harassment."

    You being upset you got sunk does not mean they broke the code of conduct. You are 100% taking it out of context.
    The CoC is there to make intentional actions like swearing, insults, racism, abusing bugs, and camping people (IE: Not letting them sink) punishable.
    It's not there for people to say 'I felt bad I got sunk! BAN THEM FOR MAKING ME FEEL BAD!' If it meant that, then no one would PvP, ever, out of risk of being banned for winning. Because the losing side would say 'I got upset I was sunk. They broke the rules!'

    You are, as I said above, taking the CoC out of context to make it fit your 'I hate PvP, so anyone who sinks me is breaking the rules' narrative.
    So it does not surprise me that people laughed at your idea that being attacked breaks the rules because it hurt your feelings.

    But if you really feel that someone broke the rules; Record them in-game, then report them.

    Thank you for replying.

    I don't understand where the first three points you've made are coming from. They're not in the CoC anywhere, so if you would please post your source that would be helpful.

    Declaring that it's being taken out of context is confusing to me, since the quotation is pretty clear. It says "any activity" not "unsanctioned activities". "Solely designed to target and upset" is pretty clear as well. How exactly is it out of context?
    Additionally, and strangely enough, this can extend to thievery as well but there's no secure hold for treasure or a flag that indicates you're open to being stolen from or an Hourglass based around theft. Rare's intentions with these mechanics being solely aimed toward PVP and not toward Theft seem pretty clear, especially with Season 14 being based around mischief like theft.

    Also, PVP in itself is an intentional action, so I don't understand how you're making a divide there. An example of an unintentional action would be cussing without realizing your microphone is active or your skeletons shooting at a sloop that got to close to the Reaper's Blade when you didn't want them to shoot.
    Stating that choosing to attack someone isn't intentional is...illogical.

    I never said 'ban them for making me feel bad' I said Rare needs to start dealing with people that have been caught on video to be ignoring the CoC. If I chose to engage in PVP and got sunk and felt bad, that's my decision. The tools are already built into the game itself.
    For example, the PVP flag, the Hourglass system are in the game to indicate your interests. The Community has also outlined that white flares and fireworks should be used in-game to declare your intent as well. Additionally, 'we're friendly' and 'mercy' are included in the communication wheel when holding the trumpet, both to show your intentions in some manner.

    Lastly, I never said "I hate PVP". I occasionally try my hand at PVP and find myself sunk less than 3 minutes later. I hold no grudges against these people. They're playing as the game was built, despite having considerably more skill than me on most occasions.

  • @burnbacon
    I could argue with you on various points in your post. The main argument being that I think you skimmed rather than reading, since many of your points were explained in the O.P..
    Above all, I would love to do Safer Seas if I made the same amount of money, had world events including Burning Blade and all of the benefits of High Seas besides players that ignore the CoC. As such, I am forced to play in the High Seas and expect the CoC to be followed as-written.
    How is my exact quote from the CoC taking it over the edge? As-written it's pretty clear.
    And yes, by engaging me when I've declared my intent to not engage in PVP they are literally going out of their way to upset me. By attacking any player when they've said 'not interested' is against the CoC as-written.

  • Because PvP at any time is a core feature, always on facet of the game it means that engaging in or being engaged in PvP is an expected part of gameplay.

    Hourglass is designed to provide PvP on demand, much like voyages are designed to provide PvE on demand. Either can still be found organically by just going out in the world and looking for it, these merely speed up that process.

    The Reaper Flag is not explicitly a I'm ok with PvP flag, though it is designed to help increase the odds of it by marking you on the Map for other players to easily find. Not flying this flag isn't a means to say I don't want to PvP so leave me alone. There is no passive mode in the game, so PvP can happen at any time.

    Emissary based Flags are loot when a ship that has one is sunk. They are not strictly a bonus system, they are rather an enhanced risk for enhanced reward system. In fact, pretty much everything in this game follows this logic, and that includes Safer Seas having lower payouts compared to High Seas, as well as numerous features being excluded from that as they are designed with the intent of causing potential player conflict and interaction. Players and PvP are the primary risk, so removing that means removing reward or features meant to draw people together (like world events).

    Thus, by electing to play High Seas you are consenting to be engaged in PvP at any time the moment that you press Set Sail. Thus, simply being attacked at any time is not against the code of conduct as you opted in to having that happen as you are well aware of how the game is designed and they do nothing to obscure that.

  • At this point. This post is more of a “I’m gonna start a problem” than simple feedback on a matter that isn’t. Problem.

    Safer Seas if you don’t want PvP. That is all

    Even during the tutorial. (Which I’m sure not everyone does) the Pirate Lord warns the player of threats on the High Seas

  • @killerk70

    "Solely designed to target and upset" is pretty clear as well. How exactly is it out of context?

    Someone sinking you is not trying to make you upset. They are trying to PvP. Thus, they are not 'Solely designing to target and upset'.

    I never said 'ban them for making me feel bad' I said Rare needs to start dealing with people that have been caught on video to be ignoring the CoC

    Once again; Sinking you when you don't want to fight is not against the CoC. You deciding to interpret the rules otherwise does not change this fact.
    You are, in this case, flat-out wrong. And trying to rules-lawyer otherwise won't get people banned for sinking you. The devs are not going to suddenly start banning players because you don't like that you were sunk.

    The Community has also outlined that white flares and fireworks should be used in-game to declare your intent as well.

    So what? The community does not make the CoC, and does not decide how it's applied.
    The community could say tomorrow that the checkered flag means you are doing a Tall Tale & should be left alone. That does not mean anyone ignoring that idea is breaking the rules.

    Additionally, 'we're friendly' and 'mercy' are included in the communication wheel when holding the trumpet, both to show your intentions in some manner.

    Ok. Does not mean people have to obey what you say on the wheel.

    By attacking any player when they've said 'not interested' is against the CoC as-written.

    No it's not.
    You're deciding on a broad interpretation of the CoC that fits your flawed idea of "I am unhappy I was attacked when I did not want to be. Thus; they broke the rules of the game."

    That 's called 'rules lawyering'.

    I hold no grudges against these people.

    You have no grudges, but you claim they're breaking the CoC by sinking you when you don't want to be sunk?
    Someone is in denial.

    Bottom line:
    No, sinking you against your wishes is not breaking the CoC.
    No matter how you twist the CoC to fit your narrative; The developers decide how the CoC is applied, and they won't suddenly start banning people just because you want to twist words and ignore facts.

    You may want to accept that no amount of pirate chatter, white flairs, and white flags make you immune to being sunk unless you consent.
    That's a flat-out incorrect notion.

    In summary: Your whole premise is wrong.

  • @redeyesith
    You make some good points, but the CoC as-written is pretty clear and thus engagement in activities that aren't consented on is literally designed to target and upset another player or crew and therefore is bullying according to the CoC and is not allowed.

    And do you have any source for the following?

    Thus, by electing to play High Seas you are consenting to be engaged in PvP at any time the moment that you press Set Sail. Thus, simply being attacked at any time is not against the code of conduct as you opted in to having that happen as you are well aware of how the game is designed and they do nothing to obscure that.

  • @killerk70 said in Fellow pirates don't follow code of conduct:

    You make some good points, but the CoC as-written is pretty clear and thus engagement in activities that aren't consented on is literally designed to target and upset another player or crew and therefore is bullying according to the CoC and is not allowed.

    And do you have any source for the following?

    Thus, by electing to play High Seas you are consenting to be engaged in PvP at any time the moment that you press Set Sail. Thus, simply being attacked at any time is not against the code of conduct as you opted in to having that happen as you are well aware of how the game is designed and they do nothing to obscure that.

    the CoC as-written is pretty clear

    Yes, it is. And it's clear that being attacked against your will is not against the CoC.
    (Don't know why I can't make the image show on here)

    You are wrong

  • @Guildar9194
    Firstly, I really don't want to argue. I hate arguing, especially with someone that nitpicks my posts. I clarified my statements already and you seem intent on avoiding and excusing bullying behavior clearly outlined in the CoC. I've also noticed you never sourced the three points from your original reply, which leads me to believe you made those up to fit your view. Additionally, you've never once made an argument against my point about harassment, which I also find odd since you solely focused on the bullying aspect of my original post.

    The CoC is written in clear English and your denial of the fact is sadly on loose footing without any sources to back you up. As you say 'your whole premise is wrong'.
    I don't understand how anyone can argue that I'm twisting what's clearly written.

    Read it again in full: "None of these behaviours will be tolerated. Any activity you engage in that is solely designed to target and upset another player or crew constitutes bullying. Repeated activity designed to ruin the experience of another player or crew constitutes harassment. Not only do we take these things very seriously, many law enforcement agencies recognise online abuse as an offence. If necessary, we will report incidents to the relevant authorities to take further action."

    As you can see, it doesn't use vague terms, it clearly defines bullying as 'any activity you engage in that is solely designed to target and upset another player' for bullying and 'repeated activity designed to ruin the experience of another player or crew' is harassment. There's no solid footing in your statements. If you have proof the CoC can be ignored or that it's not updated, please share your sources.

  • @killerk70 said in Fellow pirates don't follow code of conduct:

    Firstly, I really don't want to argue. I hate arguing, especially with someone that nitpicks my posts. I clarified my statements already and you seem intent on avoiding and excusing bullying behavior clearly outlined in the CoC. I've also noticed you never sourced the three points from your original reply, which leads me to believe you made those up to fit your view. Additionally, you've never once made an argument against my point about harassment, which I also find odd since you solely focused on the bullying aspect of my original post.

    The CoC is written in clear English and your denial of the fact is sadly on loose footing without any sources to back you up. As you say 'your whole premise is wrong'.
    I don't understand how anyone can argue that I'm twisting what's clearly written.

    Read it again in full: "None of these behaviours will be tolerated. Any activity you engage in that is solely designed to target and upset another player or crew constitutes bullying. Repeated activity designed to ruin the experience of another player or crew constitutes harassment. Not only do we take these things very seriously, many law enforcement agencies recognise online abuse as an offence. If necessary, we will report incidents to the relevant authorities to take further action."

    As you can see, it doesn't use vague terms, it clearly defines bullying as 'any activity you engage in that is solely designed to target and upset another player' for bullying and 'repeated activity designed to ruin the experience of another player or crew' is harassment. There's no solid footing in your statements. If you have proof the CoC can be ignored or that it's not updated, please share your sources.

    I will say it again:

    Your alternate interpretation of the CoC is wrong.

    I don't care how often you link to it or say 'But this is what it says!'
    No one has ever been banned for 'breaking the CoC' just for sinking someone who did not want to be sunk.
    Ergo: You. Are. Wrong.

    You can 'But it SAYS THIS!' all day and night. The developers decide what it means and what it applies too.
    And it does not apply to being sunk against your will.

    Trying to shove some alternative view into it won't make you correct, or suddenly get people punished for sinking you.

    You are wrong.
    Your interpretation of the CoC is wrong.
    No one has been banned for sinking someone else when they did not want to be sunk.

    I will continue to repeat this for as long as you continue the inane idea that being attacked is against the CoC.

  • @guildar9194

    I will continue to repeat this for as long as you continue the inane idea that being attacked is against the CoC.

    This will be the last time I reply to you for various reasons I do not feel compelled to include.
    I only reply to question if you're willfully claiming you will harass me or if that was accidental.

  • @killerk70 said in Fellow pirates don't follow code of conduct:


    I will continue to repeat this for as long as you continue the inane idea that being attacked is against the CoC.

    This will be the last time I reply to you for various reasons I do not feel compelled to include.
    I only reply to question if you're willfully claiming you will harass me or if that was accidental.

    Pointing out that you're wrong when you're factually wrong is not harassment.

    You really just have a victim complex, huh?
    People who sink you against your will are violating the rules of the game for making you unhappy.
    And pointing out your logic is non-existent and your alternative facts are wrong is apparently harassment.

  • alt text

    How about this? Would this ease everyones mind?

  • Nowhere in the code of conduct does it state that engaging in pvp against another persons will is either toxic or against the rules. You’re choosing to play a pvpve game with pvp elements involved. You and your crews expectations are of that every other crew is friendly because you are and that’s what is causing you to sink. The moment you login you are agreeing to be attacked if the enemy chooses to, as are you free to attack them if you choose.

    I also think you may be confusing Microsoft’s Code of Conduct compared to Rare’s Pirate Code.

    If I were you and your crews: I’d lower your expectations of other crews and treat them as potentially hostile, move to safer seas if you don’t like the pvp element but take the penalty for doing so, or learn to defend yourselves better when being attacked by a crew. After all, you did buy a PvPve game and asking Rare to punish players who are just playing the way it was designed will never happen. If of course players are actually being toxic (spawn camping etc) then feel free to report them with evidence.

  • @burnbacon Yes lol.

  • Nah, something needs to be done. I've seen newbies attacked when both the COC and the Pirate code, both made by the devs say "Be welcoming to new players. We were all new pirates once, so pay it back by welcoming first-time players or those still learning the ropes. It’ll set them an example of how to behave and make them want to return, weaving their own stories into the lore of Sea of Thieves. You may even make some steadfast new crewmates." (BTW my crew and I try to aid the newbies when we can)

    The PVP flag exists, separate from the Reaper's Flag.

    Does anyone else NOT wonder why we're not seeing more newbies? I have a possible answer: They can't learn on the open seas, because all that happens is they get sunk. The Safer Seas has no options to learn the world events, so they give up. Ever pop onto Reddit? A lot of posts are complaining about such things. But then people use the excuse of "Pirate" to excuse anything, from harassment, to slur slinging, to even sexual harassment (I myself was targeted with the last one).

    I can see where the OP is coming from. The CoC is worded in an odd way, and as it is, it seems like some of the rules are open to interpretation. Maybe they could word it better, a little stronger, and a little clearer. If PvP is allowed they (The Devs alone) should say it openly. No beating around the bush. No arguing among the community.

    If they WANT PvP on the Open Seas, then allow the Safer Seas to be a pure copy, WITHOUT the PvP. Let us fish for full price, fight the world events, let us have a crew of 8 on the burning blade so we can have drunken pirate games. Heck, even allow other crews but a zero damage setting.

    Don't let this game stagnate just because you think the OP is wrong. Try to see from others' eyes, and let's work together to try to make the seas a bit better, if only to open it back up to newbies.

  • @eneicia2017 newbies are just as open to attack as veterans, but as long as you’re not toxic to said newbies, then that’s fair game. It’s not toxic to fight them, just be nice and GG them once the fight is over.

  • @tesiccl said in Fellow pirates don't follow code of conduct:

    newbies are just as open to attack as veterans, but as long as you’re not toxic to said newbies, then that’s fair game. It’s not toxic to fight them, just be nice and GG them once the fight is over.

    They wouldn't be open to attack at all if people followed the CoC. If they've consented to PvP then it's great, let everyone duke it out. If the newbie or veteran is toxic or otherwise, that's on them. If the newbies or veterans sink, well they consented to it so it's on them.
    It's when PvP is explicitly turned down that the PvP becomes bullying, according to the CoC. If it's turned down and the ship flees and the aggressor gives chase, then it's also considered harassment according to the CoC. In fact, it could be considered virtual stalking according to real life laws.

    The game does discourage harassment by having an option to Dive which brings you to a new server, yes, but at the price of losing your loot. That does give me the idea: imagine diving with your loot if you've been too close to dive to another ship for an 1 hour or more. That would certainly make harassment decline. Honestly I'd prefer 30 minutes, but I'm being generous to other players.

    Also, yes, it's been mentioned that just by sailing on the High Seas you've consented, although no source was ever given for this. You should all know consent can be withdrawn after giving it.

  • Not to argue to one side or the other, but I will simply put this in and let people do with the information what they will.

    The game has PvP turned on at all times. (The only exception being the ferry where you're already dead and so killing you again would be silly, no?) If the developers had decided that killing and sinking a crew at any point was an issue, then they would have added in some sort damage prevention methods. As they have elected not to do so... Well. That should say enough to the subject matter here. Whether or not you agree to the PvP, it is always a potential upon the High Seas. As such one must be ready for it at all times. It really is just that simple.

    If the PvP aspect of the game is not to your liking, then Safer Seas may indeed be the home for you. Yes, it's not the ideal for those completely oriented for the PvE aspect of the game, but at the same time it was never designed to be a replacement for High Seas either. It was meant to be a place to get your feet wet before hopping in to High Seas or to play with your kids away from other players to prevent the situations we see in online environments. So with that stated, there is a reason why it has been set the way it has.

    TL;DR: If you sail High Seas then you are at the mercy of any crew that passes by. If they should choose to be friend or foe, one must be ready for each.

  • @badger
    I know you claim to not want to argue one side or the other, but you unfortunately have. Your post is pro-aggression and anti-CoC.

    My feedback here was originally to crack down on violators of the CoC, these people many repliers have made it clear they want to defend. It also includes feedback in changes in the reporting scheme, forcing victims to have a clear video of the violation rather than 30 seconds of 'I told them I didn't want to' and even a way of bringing the community together when everyone seems to consider each other an enemy.
    The Safer Seas wouldn't have to exist if Rare would just enforce the CoC as-written or, like you indicated, remove the ability for PvP without consent.
    There are many PvPvE games where players can opt-in and many PvE games that do the same. That would be an ideal change to encourage new players to join the game and help give hardcore PvP-ers a good challenge.

    Where is the harm in any of this?

  • @killerk70

    My feedback here was originally to crack down on violators of the CoC, these people many repliers have made it clear they want to defend.

    You have fantasised a version of the game rules that don’t exist and you’re insisting that everyone else is wrong and somehow you’re magically right.

    The Safer Seas wouldn't have to exist if Rare would just enforce the CoC as-written…

    Again, fantasised rules that don’t exist.

    You should all know consent can be withdrawn after giving it.

    You withdraw consent by leaving the game.

  • @tesiccl said in Fellow pirates don't follow code of conduct:


    You should all know consent can be withdrawn after giving it.

    You withdraw consent by leaving the game.

    I'm not sure if you're telling me to stop playing the game entirely or claiming that someone can only withdraw consent by leaving the scene, not by saying 'no'. Either way is offensive and not at all helpful to the discussion.

  • Simply sinking or killing other pirates is not against the Code of Conduct or Pirate Code, nor is it harassment.

    If someone is repeatedly targeting another individual for the sole purpose of causing unease/distress, then it would be harassment, in which case, you can report them to Xbox Live here. You can also submit a support ticket via Rare Player Support.

  • @look-behind-you

    As I stated, chasing someone would be considered harassment. After all, it's not battery if you're stalking someone.

    Do you have a source for this? The CoC is pretty clear and as an Autistic I need an official source and then I would gladly take it up with Rare itself to change the CoC as-written because it would then be not clearly written out. And since you're marked as a Moderator, you should have a source.

  • @killerk70 A source?

    As someone who has been around and seen the the rules conceived for many years, I would state myself and the Developers own vision of the game as a 'source'.

    If you take the Pirate Code literally, all new Pirates should get a free pass everywhere and all action that happens on land should exclude interference from other Pirates.

    Sea of Thieves is a Shared World Adventure Game, meaning that there are always others you share the world with.

    There is no guarantee what those others' motivations are. they may be friendly, they may be hostile....I have seen an equal share of both.

    If you desire no other player interference/interactions other than those on your crew, Safer Seas is your friend!

  • Click High Seas.

    You are now in a pvpve game. Open world where everyone is equal footing and can freely do as they want within the boundaries of common sense and online behavior.

    Game was sold as such. Pvpve game where both will happen regardless. Against their own judgement but with good intent. They made Safer Seas for the sole reason you seem to have a problem with. Pvp

    Your sole reason not to play SS over restrictions confuses me and at this very moment this whole thread is just about having a pve server. It not about a crime, sad feelings or kids wanting to play.

    That the truth.

  • As this thread has only gone in circles with no intent or chance to end, we will go ahead and drop anchor on it here. If you would like to receive further clarification then you can contact the ones that enforce game moderation. (Support.) You can find them here. That said, anchor drop is now. Take care and thank you to those that participated.

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