I hate the new storage crate change and heres why

  • When I first heard that the storage crates could be sold I didn't think much of it, a lot like the change to sell tridents, just a lil bonus gold. But I hate how you can sell a storage crates If sold with items inside it gives no credit to the items that were worth something if taken out. I've been in the fishing grind in sot for the past month and a half on and off, and this new change has stolen countless fish and recourses. It always happens when selling the fish out of a storage crate. You bring it to the sovereigns, start taking fish out and selling them. Then if your ever too slightly close to the crate it picks it up and sells it. I also despise how you can buy a storage crate and if you accidentally press pick up twice you can sell it right back to the merchant.

    A second problem is, before players would be incentivized to take their recourses, put them in crates and give them other players by leaving them at the dock. But with this change players may become more greedy and sell them just to get every last drop of gold.

    I think this change needs to be thoroughly looked at and reevaluated, please help the hunters call community Rare.

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  • . It always happens when selling the fish out of a storage crate. You bring it to the sovereigns, start taking fish out and selling them. Then if your ever too slightly close to the crate it picks it up and sells it.

    Who puts the crate so close to the npc to sell? and you have to be holding the crate to sell. So you have to Hold a button, also it a visual thing. Seems like a player issue than anything. Not paying attention.

    I also despise how you can buy a storage crate and if you accidentally press pick up twice you can sell it right back to the merchant.

    How does one do this?? Grab, turn.

    A second problem is, before players would be incentivized to take their recourses, put them in crates and give them other players by leaving them at the dock. But with this change players may become more greedy and sell them just to get every last drop of gold.

    Meh. Still still could happen from time to time. But it not a every dock thing you see crates with stuff anyways. Not much change.

    I think what needs to change, if crate has Fish, you can't sell crate.

  • @burnbacon Why are you dismissing these problems? You cant resell a cannonball crate to the merchant, why should you be able to resell the crate you just bought?

    I am attempting to bring light to problems that may have been unforeseen by some, I want to see the game get better, just like anyone who plays and loves sot.

  • Why are you dismissing these problems? You cant resell a cannonball crate to the merchant, why should you be able to resell the crate you just bought?

    Because...it isn't a HUGE problem as you make it sound. I say it a more player issue than anything.
    Yeah, why would I resell a crate I purchased from a vender? Like purchasing box of cereal and eating half the box, refill it and giving it back to the store of half price. Makes no sense.

    I am attempting to bring light to problems that may have been unforeseen by some

    Problem that you made a mistake of mis clicking? maybe not watching your step? Trying to go too fast?

    I want to see the game get better, just like anyone who plays and loves sot.

    and? Player mistakes are dime a dozen. Can't fix them all.

  • @kruser4209195
    Don't take it personally, they do that with all the suggestions here.

  • +1
    I agree with your feedback.

    Being able to sell storage crates no matter what is inside, can be a problem.
    Also being able to sell a fresh storage crate right back to the merchant is indeed not good.
    (often takes a few seconds before the crate is in your hands - easy to get impatient press the button again)

    If there is meat or fish inside, the game should first offer us to sell those contents (to the sovereign),
    or if we try to sell it at the merchants it could warn you about it.

  • @kruser4209195 there's no problem with crates.

  • I think most people would agree that being able to sell crates has been a big plus overall. But I do agree that they could introduce some caveats - such as not being able to sell a crate if it has sellable items inside (i.e. fish and meat).

    You shouldn't be able to sell a crate back to a merchant you bought it from though. That feels unintended if it's the case. But there are other similar "issues", like not being able to sell dug crates, so it wouldn't surprise me if it just slipped through the cracks.

    I wouldn't worry about players leaving supplies though, any crews that left Karma Crates will still continue to do so.

  • @kruser4209195 sell your fish at the seaposts first. You’ll get more for them. Then go to sovereign. If you only have time to go to sovereign, be more careful about selling your fish. Set the crate down before you get to the merchant so you don’t accidentally sell.

  • It is stupid you can immediately sell back the storage crate but the others require going to a different outpost.

    An option to sell fish/meat like the carry Chest would be nice.

    Karma Crates (leaving supply Crates full) lost popularity because you could buy most supplies. Our house pretty much stopped doing it when they added floating supplies. Now with sellable supply Crates, I'm taking all the curse balls/chainshots/pineapples/merfruit and throwables off the seas with me. You're welcome!

  • @th3-tater said in I hate the new storage crate change and heres why:

    It is stupid you can immediately sell back the storage crate but the others require going to a different outpost.

    An option to sell fish/meat like the carry Chest would be nice.

    Karma Crates (leaving supply Crates full) lost popularity because you could buy most supplies. Our house pretty much stopped doing it when they added floating supplies. Now with sellable supply Crates, I'm taking all the curse balls/chainshots/pineapples/merfruit and throwables off the seas with me. You're welcome!

    You're willing to earn 250 gold instead of getting some Karma ? Stop spending all that gold on your pets 😉.

  • @kruser4209195 sell your fish at the seaposts first. You’ll get more for them.

    The only thing you'd get more of is Hunter's Call rep. Plus if you're using Guild emissary you get the extra gold from selling the fish so it makes sense to sell to sovereigns.

  • Anything to help out merchants, who are the perpetually underserved faction. I like the storage crate change.

    Honestly, it isn't that difficult to check your storage crates before harpooning them off the ship, picking them up, moving them to the turn in point, and hitting the button to sell.

    Be more deliberate in your actions and stop creating problems where none exist.

  • @yo-mr-white5517 I thought they actually pay more gold for them.

  • Honestly, you just shouldn't be able to sell a non-empty storage crate because it's not just easy to sell while distracted it's a possible griefing tool.
    Imagine you decide to sell because you already reached the top level emissary and you're thinking of diving to a world event but one of your guys or a tucker just decides to grab all the supplies from your ship and sell it to the sovereigns now you have to scuttle your ship to get the supplies back even worse you didn't notice and now you got no wood or cannon balls to fight and this just because it is really easy to sell a storage crate.
    I don't know what you're talking about where selling you need to hold a button because when I sell is an instant press of the button and I try to sell as fast as possible on sovereigns, so fast that I barely notice what chest I got in my hand until it's already sold, grabbing might require holding a button but selling is just a press.

  • @astralenigma On my Xbox controller I have to hold the button to sell. That’s the default and can be turned off in the settings.

  • @renee-le-mom said in I hate the new storage crate change and heres why:

    @yo-mr-white5517 I thought they actually pay more gold for them.

    They do at base, as Hunter's Call give 1.5x on everything. But if you're a Guild Emissary 5, selling at Sovereigns is more (1.75x) and you're adding to your Guild Emissary Ledger for the month.

    If you're purely considering Gold, sell at Hunter's Call unless you're specifically Grade 5 Guild Emissary.

  • @realstyli that makes sense! Thank you for clarifying for me. I have been seeing people say they are with more at sovereign, but when I compared, I was getting more at the seaports. I didn’t take into account the emissary grades and guild emissary.

    ?redacted the rest of my post as it has u related questions. I’m going to start a new thread. My apologies, I don’t want to derail the supply crate thread.

  • There should really be notifications in game when they make changes rather than having to sift through the patch notes before sailing. This happened to me on day one of the change as part of an open crew and as part of an relatively experienced crew where all were shocked it was possible to sell crates, including myself. I think there should be a notification popup or warning before selling saying the storage crate has valuables that will be lost when selling would avoid confusion and prevent people from losing their main crates by accident

    More things should be explained in general in game to avoid mishaps. For example, the other day I helped a swabbie attempt to complete a merchant animal voyage and they didn't understand you had to feed the pigs or they die. A simple message on the voyage page stating pigs must be fed or they will starve to death would avoid trial and error and be a better experience for players.

  • @lord-budstep My post got removed when i said that. xD

  • @renee-le-mom said in I hate the new storage crate change and heres why:

    @astralenigma On my Xbox controller I have to hold the button to sell. That’s the default and can be turned off in the settings.

    I guess the reduce hold to interact makes selling instant then, cause I don't have to wait to sell only to grab the chest and with muscle memory it can be done really fast at the sovereigns.

  • @astralenigma I made a mistake. I have to hold button to pick up. But press once to sell. I think it’s the pick up hold that can be turned off.

  • @renee-le-mom said in I hate the new storage crate change and heres why:

    @astralenigma I made a mistake. I have to hold button to pick up. But press once to sell. I think it’s the pick up hold that can be turned off.

    I was correct then the reduce hold only removes the need to keep holding the key it still takes the time it would require to hold before the action is completed.

  • Please avoid engaging in personal arguments and derailing the topic of the thread. It is fine to debate the content of the post, and the viewpoints therein, but disrespecting any of your fellow pirates personally is against the pirate code, and our forum rules.

  • @Lord-Budstep I will keep Moderating according to the Forum Rules, as I always have done, but appreciate your permission! 👍

    If you have any issues with any moderation actions, you can send a Support Ticket via Support.

  • @look-behind-you Oh youre welcome ! But I know you didnt wait for my permission to lock posts and delete messages even when they dont break any rule, Ive seen it happen for years.

    Also, I deleted my last message right after posting it, thinking that it wasnt worth arguing, yet you still felt the need to reply, petty much?

    Anyway, I wasted enough time with you, good luck with the censoring ✌🏻

  • @cainbong They need to just have a voyage book that pops up with every voyage, explaining what to do and tips like feeding animals. They have those books in some tall tales and the Legend of the Veil, but I think having one of those books pop up with your current voyage would be a huge help for new players. So, if someone does a merch animal voyage, you get the order list saying what pigs to collect, but you also get a log book that states instructions for the voyage.

  • So it happened to us by accident today: we sold a storage crate with rare fish inside.
    The harpoon grabbed it from a weird angle and we did not notice while quickly selling stuff.

    Storage crates should act like collectors chests: sell cooked fish and meat first and only then sell the crate.
    And when you try to sell it to the merchant, there should be a prompt to tell you about fish and meat inside.

    We have got to a point where supposed QoL features are now bigger pirates than most player ships you see around. =D

  • Simple fix, you sell the contents first then the crate. I do like how a tucker could grab a crate and sell it. Adds to the strats.

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