Stealing everything :)

  • This morning I spawned at Plunder Outpost and in the time it took me to empty all the barrels and ready my boat a sloop had appeared over at Lookout Point. So I went over for a look, keeping my distance I checked to make sure nobody was on the sloop or the island keeping watch as I carefully approached. There wasn't so they must be solo or both below doing the puzzle. Their ship was Merchant Emissary grade 5, it was tempting to sink them but first I went aboard for a look. They had a load of merchant crates, I guess they'd done a missing shipment voyage at decided to do lookout point quickly before handing in at Plunder. So I stacked all their crates up and harpooned them to my sloop, then I went back over with a supply crate and emptied all their barrels, while emptying the last one I could hear kegs going off in the island so they must have been nearly done. I grabbed my full supply crate but before I left I put a banana on the stove :D. Off back to my sloop and to Ancient Spire I went with my stolen loot.

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  • @superlonghurst said in Stealing everything :):

    I grabbed my full supply crate but before I left I put a banana on the stove :D.

    This must be what Briggsy means when she keeps telling me to use a banana.

    This was all very piratey of you!

  • @wolfmanbush
    That reminds me of the Captain of the Damned Tall Tale, where you're searching for Jack Sparrow, and suddenly, you hear a lady shouting, "Don't be chicken!" If I were in his place, I'd charge down to the skeleton camp, fighting them and sinking their ship. Moments like that remind us of what the Pirate Lord himself once said: "It's not about the gold; it's about the glory."

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