Guild aimed at Commendation Completion (Guilds of Gold comms only, already 500+)

  • Hey!

    I am recruiting people to my Guild with the sole purpose of getting everyone involved all the Guild commendations, right after we manage to hit level 1000 together. One main point is that after all the players get their Guild commendations, I will be closing it back down again and returning it to a solo Guild. If this sounds good with you, even with the caveat, here are more details:

    • Guild's name is Red & Blue
    • The Guild is currently level 530
    • Any activities to level up are welcome, whether that is HG, World Events, or voyaging. The goal is for all of us to be active and work towards those higher levels together, preferably daily.
    • Playing together isn't necessary, and if anything with how Guilds work is discouraged (less Guild XP playing together vs. if we were on different boats at the same time), but sessions can be arranged if multiple people are interested.

    Communication for the actual recruiting can be done either through here in the comments, or by messaging me through Xbox. I'll be keeping an eye out on both.

  • 27
  • An update to how the Guild is going, a week after the original post was made:

    • Current level is 576. That's 46 levels in just 6ish days
    • Reached Guild Ledger Position 13 with 69.230.553 Emissary Value (End of the Month)
    • Welcomed 3 new members, to reach 7/24 spots filled

    More levels to come with Ghoul & Glory over the weekend!

  • Hello! I am also a commendation hunter and I would love to join!

  • @cos6803 Hey, thanks for the interest. I've sent an invite to the Guild your way!

  • Hey I would like to join. My name is Dokkur Firewing on xbox, but I will message you there too.

  • Very interested! This sounds like a blast!

  • I really want to join. Especially since it's lonely doing commendations solo

  • Hello! I would like to join your guild I like HG and stacking world events/voyages. I am a fairly active player, around 20hrs per week, GT: Ex1sst. Discord: existance505. I will participate in the comm grinding too cause I have yet to be completed those aswell.

  • Hey, still have any spots left in the guild? I'd love to be able to finally start completing some of the guild commendations! I'm a mostly pvp-oriented player (primarily hourglass but always happy to play whatever) and fairly active! My ingame name is the same as here

  • @RiskyBaguette Check Xbox messages when you can, I reached out for some extra info
    @yar-hard-hat I've added you on Xbox that way I can invite you to the Guild
    @Ex1sst Invite sent!

  • Are there any more seats?

  • @ozekvi4736 Of course! Added you on Xbox

  • I would like to join your guild if there is still a spot available.

  • @skyl1nerz Added you on Xbox :)

  • @serdudekiller I would like to join your guild if possible

  • any spots left? id like to join

  • Are there any spots left

  • Ahoy there.

    Got room in there for a burnt out sea dog?

  • @serdudekiller could you please invite goldbeard4346.Goldbeard plays sea of thieves even more than me. Gold has 1200 hours on the game, has 500+ hourglass levels and is very high in levels, multiple distinctions. He would be a great help to the leveling of the guild and gold plays quite often. He would be greatful if you invite him.

  • @ex1sst I have messaged him on Xbox
    @DavidPretor1 Added you on Xbox so I can invite you to the Guild

  • i would really appreciate the spot, if its still available

  • @m4ydenn Messaged you on Xbox!

  • I also would like to join if there is still a spot. I'm currently at 81% completion (overall) and play pretty much daily.

  • would like to join

  • Hey I was wondering if I could join at some point. I'm active most days :)

  • The Guild has had all of its free spots filled in, and for the time being there won't be any more invites. If something changes, I will update this post!

    Thanks for all the interest :)

6 out of 27