
  • In the past it was deemed an unfair advantage not provided in-game. In the current era we are fighting opponents who have been trained and taught to use them. Theres a recent and very popular video teaching pvp, specifically one video on how to be 'good' at sniping and it tells the players to use crosshairs. That particular video's author freely admits on stream that he uses it. Since it seems to be a widely popular belief it isn't punishable and I am sure some of you might be tired of constantly being disadvantaged for playing fair amongst your sweaty brothers—I ask you now, is it time to put an optional in-game crosshair settings for everyone?

    Edit: Also, forgot to ask, please make a hotkey to toggle it on/off.

  • 13
  • Wouldn't bother me any.

    It makes more sense to add it into the game for everyone than to have people with monitors built in with it and using ways that aren't really detectable.

    It's always been so bizarre to me that it's built into things when clearly it violates the rules of any multiplayer game without them.

    Add 'em. It's not even close to something that would harm pvp in this game.

  • @karkona yeah may as well most people I know do use third-party software to have one anyway it would only affect those who don't use those

  • In the current era we are fighting opponents who have been trained and taught to use them

    How so?? How do you know the type of pirate you’re facing. If they be new or old. What does it mean “been trained”

  • Clear tape. Red sharpie.

    Undetectable 😆

  • Yep they make diffrence in tdm pvp, kinda disturb on canons but still they are deadly additon to pistol hipfire.

  • @burnbacon
    The type of pirate new or old is irrelevant. The definition of 'trained'; having been taught a particular skill or type of behavior through practice and instruction over a period of time. The idea is that players often watch streamers or youtube tutorials to get better at pvp and they are led to believe certain things are ok when they are not.

    Certain streamers love pvp and love teaching it and they put out very good video's and I think its fair to talk about possible solutions for one of those elephants in the room we have often have with things in the game.

  • @th3-tater said in Crosshairs:

    Clear tape. Red sharpie.

    Undetectable 😆

    Shhhh...... don't tell the noobs! LOL ;)

  • @karkona
    It's an open secret that a lot of players use crosshair (Majority are built in the monitor these days and are customisable) so it's 100% undetectable.

    A majority of competitive sot players back then used crosshairs but never admitted it because of the official rules, but it was clearly an open secret and rarely if ever went punished.
    You'd even have people try and hide it by saying ''I just memorised where the centre of the screen is'' whilst quickscoping from a galleon length away perfectly.

    Yet I see those exact individuals stream other FPS games and they are dogwater when it comes to aiming, it doesn't add up... 99% sure crosshair usage.

    The only detriment I see that is off is using cannons since it can be quite distracting, but again, you can just have a very small circle as your crosshair and that would mitigate it.

    End of the day crosshairs are just there to know where the centre of your screen is at all times.

    SoT doesn't have crosshairs because of immersion purposes.

  • At this stage, sure, why not?

    If folks are out there using one unofficially with a monitor feature, then it's pointless not having official support to level the playing field. There are also crosshair widgets for Game Bar - though I'm not sure if they're detectible and I'm not risking a day one account to find out. If Rare are serious about embracing PvP, this seems likes a good step.

    Side accessibility benefit: it might also help folk who struggle with motion sickness (which they often put down to the FOV) as having a focal point can reduce it significantly.

  • I’d be fine with an in game crosshair if there is an option to hide it in the settings. I prefer no crosshair for immersion, but I’m used to playing without a crosshair and so I can easily keep going without one. I believe immersion is what they’ve quoted in the past as the reason for not having one to start with.

  • @realstyli said in Crosshairs:

    Side accessibility benefit: it might also help folk who struggle with motion sickness (which they often put down to the FOV) as having a focal point can reduce it significantly.

    This is true. I'm not affected by motion sickness in Sea of Thieves (it seems to be movement intertia that makes me ill - kind of funny that I was getting sicker in Satisfactory than SoT) but I know plenty of other players whose sickness is abated by having that focal point.

  • @abjectarity said in Crosshairs:

    I’d be fine with an in game crosshair if there is an option to hide it in the settings. I prefer no crosshair for immersion, but I’m used to playing without a crosshair and so I can easily keep going without one. I believe immersion is what they’ve quoted in the past as the reason for not having one to start with.

    Being able to turn it off or adjust it would be ideal. I can certainly see the argument for immersion but they've already made a lot of QoL changes in recent times that have stripped away that aspect of the game (harpoon instant looting, maps removed from trading company representatives, etc...). So I could see them do it, especially when they seem to be focusing on PvP balance and this is a big issue of fairness in that respect.

    @loinbread said in Crosshairs:

    @realstyli said in Crosshairs:

    Side accessibility benefit: it might also help folk who struggle with motion sickness (which they often put down to the FOV) as having a focal point can reduce it significantly.

    This is true. I'm not affected by motion sickness in Sea of Thieves (it seems to be movement intertia that makes me ill - kind of funny that I was getting sicker in Satisfactory than SoT) but I know plenty of other players whose sickness is abated by having that focal point.

    I rarely get it in Sea of Thieves (maybe once a year) but I do experience it in other games sometimes if the framerate is too low or motion blur too high. But it is well-known that a reticle can help with such issues.

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