Ship spawns when dying to Burning Blade

  • Something needs to be done about how ships are spawned in after losing to the BB. We took it over and sunk the same ship 2 times just to lose the third time. They spawned in super close to us and we're able to get all the way back to us before we could get supplies. They had no draw back to losing over and over again. In fact it was to their favor because they kept getting supplies and were able to keep killing our skeletons till we had nothing. I think if you die to the BB you should be sent to another server. It feels like abusing an in game mechanic that should be punishing. A 2 hour fight with the same 2 guys that we beat twice already does not seem rewarding by any means or fair. Please make some sort of change or fix to this.

  • 4
  • In my opinion, when you are defeated in any condition, the ship should spawn far away and also with less supplies than normal. Sinking should be more punishing for any player. Respawning nearby is unfair and should be changed, even if you sink near a world event.

  • Something needs to be done about how ships are spawned in after losing to the BB. We took it over and sunk the same ship 2 times just to lose the third time

    Yeah and? It called pvp, in a pvpve game. People are gonna wanna fight you. What did you expect?
    So what if it’s the same people at least it’s combat.

  • Haha. No one should be sent to another server for sinking unless they dove for hg.

    Fix the Siren Skull....which is like that because it was supposed to be fought over too.

2 out of 4