Dutch Guild Port 7 - Lvl 230

  • We are a Dutch Sea of Thieves guild named "Port Seven" who are looking for new active members.

    We sail together for world events, tall tales, fotd stacks or we show off our pvp skills in hourglass fights.

    The only requirements we have is that you need to be able to speak Dutch, have a mic, be 18+ and show respect for other players in the game.

    We currently have two guilds

    • The Seven ( Distinction 2 level 30 ), 4 spots available
    • Shadows of the Seven ( level 80 ), 3 spots available

    Due to the 24 player limit we have two requirements for The Seven.

    • You need to play once a week.
    • At least be a Pirate Legend and have sunk 10+ ships in Hourglass.

    "The Shadows of the Seven" is open for everyone, and is the place where we will help you become a Pirate Legend and get more experience with hourglass ( if you want to move to "The Seven" at some point ).

    If you have any questions, write here or send me a message :)

  • 5
  • I have 1000 hours+ and lost of experince from other games online everyday a lot Discord: th.fox.red
    and friend 4000+hours+

  • can i join shadows of the seven? And the dc

  • Hello I am interested. Do you have 2 slots available we both have over 1000 hours and a combined of 1600+ hg lvls.

    Discord: nacho00000

  • Hey,

    ik ben den Dez, een doorwinterde avonturier van 41 jaar. Ik heb 400+ speeluren en al eventjes legend. Ik kijk er naar uit om pvp te doen, maar een dedicated crew vinden is toch nog iets wat ik mis. Ik hoop dit hier te vinden!

4 out of 5