Blades Chosen is recruiting(Level 876 guild)

  • 18
  • Lemme join im good pvp

  • I have both pvp curses and almost gold ghost

  • Hi, if you've got space i'd like to join :))
    1000 hours+

    GT: Detrimend4616

  • Hey,

    If you got space for an extra I am ready :-)

    GT: Ask Marius

  • Hello, I would like to join your guild if that's all right. I'm currently playing on Xbox Am I gamer tag is BushWookey62, please and thank you.

  • could i join? i play sot a lot and i got kicked out of my old guild idk why i personaly think im pretty good at sot.

  • i have like 2600 hours i am alaways active would love to join your guild if you have empty space


  • I want to join

  • Id like to join user: jakeandstuf

  • im active and looking for a guild to be even more active

  • Hey there I'm looking to join. I have about 2200 hours and in very active. Gamertag is jakeandstuf and my disc is ironmiggachu

  • hi I am interested to joining the guild

  • I'm interested in joining the guild

  • Hey! 33 year old with 44 days played. Achievement and commendation hunting including PvP. I have the pve gold curse and the shrouded ghost. Lvl 34 in both HG factions.

    Would love to find an active community to be more time efficient. My gamer tag is JOEYTHEWONG.

  • yooooo me and my 2 friends were interested in joining your guild! I have over 1300 hours across all platforms and my 2 friends have over 700 hours a piece. We play very frequently and would love to join! Please message me back and lmk! thank you! :)

  • Hey,

    I would love to join your guild. I’m a consistent player who’s been a part of the Sea of Thieves community since 2018. I have over 90 days on the game and enjoy grinding both pvp and pve.


6 out of 18