Too much work to actually start playing

  • @veronik5682 said in Too much work to actually start playing:

    What's hilarious to me is that they even hired a complete outside studio to help them design the new UI a while back with the captaincy update, was it Lucid games or the other one?
    Any who they managed to make it worse...

    Lucid Games primarily helped with porting Sea of Thieves to PS5, focusing on platform-specific optimizations, so they didn’t have anything to do with the UI.

    Sprung Studios worked on Seasons 10 and 11, focusing on in-game UI like Quest Tables, Discovery Tabs, Merchant Shops, and Commendations. Based on their site, they only handled gameplay-related UI—not the main menu UI—unless they worked on it and it just wasn’t reported.

    So far, I can’t find anything pointing to anyone but Rare working on the main menu UI, but this was based on a quick search, so I could be wrong.

    @corytana said in Too much work to actually start playing:

    I don't even know what server looping is

    Sure you don't lol

    @corytana said in Too much work to actually start playing:

    Defending this bad UI does nothing for the player.

    Not defending it, just saying it’s not that big of a deal, so it won’t be a priority lol.

  • @uluckyhitreg said

    Not defending it, just saying it’s not that big of a deal, so it won’t be a priority lol.

    Apparently nothing is a priority anymore when they half-half things lol.
    Especially the whole ''performance'' schtick, when my friend comes back to the game after a 3 years hiatus and he says it performs even worse then before, and we encountered 3 bugs starting a game session before we even raised the anchor on our ship, that says a lot...
    SoT is a game where the constant hitreg issues would be un-acceptable to have any other game. I chuckle when people say CoD/Fortnite has hitreg issues, when those happen in like 1/100 times, I don't want to see their reaction when they play SoT PvP then... You don't even get to expand all 10 bullets while double gunning without encountering a hit reg issue or two. It's really really really bad...

    There priorities imo is cranking out seasons (Content) and bandaging game breaking bugs, that's it...

  • yes... it is very important to be extremely precise to know exactly how many buttons you press! 18 is not 17! </sarcasm>

    jokes aside, little personal story:
    I have two monitors and after many years of playing, when I enter the game after some undeterminated amount of clicks, for some reason I think the game is already starting but it is taking too long. Then I switch to do something else in the other monitor. After perhaps 2 minutes, I look and I realice I still need to push few more buttons. =D

    Yeah, I'm dumb ... I know... hahaha,... sorry :'D

    The main thought is: I don't care is there are 8 or 20 clicks. The action should be more immersive. Many times I totally lose the genuine interest in playing way before I get into my ship =D

    My 2 cents =D

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