We're waving goodbye to the Technical Alpha

  • @katttruewalker I cant seem to get my founders badge either...

  • @khaleesibot
    I had some good fun with in the alpha sinking many ships to looting even more treasure! I cant wait for the games release. Keep up the great work!

  • @warler1 wait, how do you have a founder badge but i don't...

  • @ethan-kruger you get it for taking part in the alpha.

  • @warler1 i was in the alpha!

  • @katttruewalker said in We're waving goodbye to the Technical Alpha:

    @str4ightedg3 Hmm, except I can't see your Founders badge....

    Can u help, not everyone is receiving there founders badge!

  • @ethan-kruger There are some articles which suggest some solutions on the website here and apply whichever badge you are missing -Help and Suggestions

  • @katttruewalker Is there no way you can just like put it on, i was in the alpha!

  • Hi!
    I registered today in the Insider Program, but I have read that only those who have registered before december will be able to participate in the beta. Do I have any chance to participate?

  • @marblesmile3631 It was confirmed that (besides of pre-orders) only Test Alpha participants will be invited to closed beta. You'd have to pre-order the game to get in.

  • @khaleesibot [link text](link url)

  • Are all invited to the alpha now?

  • @ollophobie Alpha is over now. The next possibility to play is to get access to closed beta by pre-ordering the game or being a Founder.

  • @yoshirimitsu
    They told us to be an insider befor 2018

  • @ollophobie They said to be an insider before 1st of December 2017, only signing up before that date gave access to tech Tech Alpha.

  • @yoshirimitsu im in since 10.2016 -.-

  • @ollophobie You might want to try the below solutions then:



  • @katttruewalker Ah! Well it shows up in my profile....just not on my posts. :( No bragging rights in having it tucked away :P Any ideas?

  • @capt-explodabob That's funny :D haha

  • Thank you for the alphaaa! We of course want more it was AMAZING!!! See you all in Beta! :D :D

  • @ethan-kruger

    @ethan-kruger said in We're waving goodbye to the Technical Alpha:

    @katttruewalker Is there no way you can just like put it on, i was in the alpha!

    Unfortunately not, I don't possess such goddesslike powers.

  • Can't wait for the beta, didn't have much time during the alpha :(

  • All the best. Hope to sail again...sooner rather than later.

  • @khaleesibot Thx for all the things you do for us.

  • @khaleesibot Can't wait! Happy Holidays

  • Ahoy mates! Question, anyone know if there's any info on the closed beta yet? Like who can get in?
    I'm curious if some of my family members might have an opportunity to try it out.
    If anyone knows of any forum topics on this, link me.

  • @thorhammer3


    People who have pre-ordered Sea of Thieves are eligible for the Closed Beta.

    People who were invited to the Technical Alpha (you) are eligible for the Closed Beta.

    People who are part of the Pioneer Programme are eligible for the Closed Beta.

  • @siriondb outstanding! Thank you for the info! That's exactly what I was wondering. (Lifts mug of grog in a toast!)

  • @yoshirimitsu said in We're waving goodbye to the Technical Alpha:

    @marblesmile3631 It was confirmed that (besides of pre-orders) only Test Alpha participants will be invited to closed beta. You'd have to pre-order the game to get in.

    Thank you for your help, but then... What is the purpose of the Insider Program now? Why the register is open yet?

  • Thank you for the opportunity!

  • @nanach I just logged in on my laptop instead after clearing the cache and hard reloading and it appears to have come back!
    It didn't work on my desktop but I also sent in a ticket. Not sure what fixed it.
    Thanks for the heads up as well.

  • @khaleesibot Looking forward to continue my adventures :)

  • @khaleesibot Looking forward to playing the beta :)

  • Gg tech alpha hello beta and new features

  • I have a small question that I really want to have answered. So, I preordered the game about 15 days ago. I was wondering when the people who preorderd it get to play it. I can’t wait to play this game!!!

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