New Treasure Chest Designs

  • I am glad there are people in this world that backup seemingly unimportant things. This thread originally appeared in The Lower Decks and is a result of months of work by the community. Feel free to post your own ideas, I will add them into the main post if they are good enough.


    So after watching a whole lot of game footage, I was quite impressed with the two special chests that are currently in game. The "Chest of 1000 Grogs" and the "Chest of Sorrows", the former of which makes the player carrying it very drunk, and the latter of which slowly floods your ship with water. Cool stuff. So I decided to put on my designer hat and try to come up with some chest designs of my own that I think would be pretty cool and in line with the current chests designs that we have seen.

    But first, I am going to lay down some rules and categories for the chests.

    • Rule 1: All chest names indicate some hint as to what the chest effects.
    • Rule 2: All chests must have some way to deal with the effect it inflicts.
    • Rule 3: Buff or debuff, the chest must not be abused. No chests that give infinite ammo, or strong advantages to the player.

    Category 1:

    Chest presents no immediate danger to the crew or the ship. May have an effect that is harmless in any situation. Category 1 chests are just your average box filled with gold kinds of chests, may have an effect that is harmless in any situation.

    Category 2:

    Chest has some special property that is not an immediate danger to the crew or the ship, but could be dangerous in certain situations. Category 2 would be the "Chest of 1000 Grogs", fun and annoying for sure, but not really dangerous to the players.

    Category 3:

    Possession of the chest in the hands of a crew member or on board the ship presents an immediate danger to the ship or the crew. Category 3 is the "Chest of Sorrows" while not a danger on shore, it will slowly flood your ship once on board. Meaning the players will need to constantly use buckets to bail out water, and almost certainly need to head to port to rid themselves of the chest.

    Now that the outlines are out of the way, let's get on with what I, and many others, came up with. I will list the chests in increasing order of annoyance or danger.

    Category 1 Chests

    Chest of The Fruit - Category 1 (Inspired by: @RiceAndCh1cken)

    One placed on board a ship, the chest causes every crew member to draw a random fruit from their inventory for consumption instead of just bananas.

    Chest of Shadow - Category 1 (Inspired by: @jojomendo808)

    This chest functions like shadow skeletons and may only be carried when lit up by a lantern or the sun. After 10 seconds of non illumination the chest is automatically dropped and can not be picked up until being illuminated again.

    Chest of Gloom - Category 1 (Inspired By: @VISUAL-Mazzy)

    Lanterns and ship lights do not work anymore as long as it's in your crews possession.
    Alternatively, this could be Chest of Cheer which causes your crew lanterns and ship lanterns to slowly shift between rainbow colors, glow twice as bright, and can not be turned off while the chest is on board.

    Chest of Macabre - Category 1 (Inspired By: @Hot-Juicy-Pie)

    Once picked up, the crew takes on a grim appearance of skeletons so long as the chest remains on the ship. Alternatively, instead of making new skeleton models, the existing crew models could be color palate swapped to look like zombies. Pale green skin, streaks of red on clothing, and other color alterations.

    Clockwork Chest - Category 1 (Inspired By: @l0ne-vvolf)

    This chest has an etching on it that displays the hours between which it must be turned in. The players must use the pocket watch to time the turn in. The etching displays a random time of day every time the chest is dug up.

    Chest of Mirrors - Category 1 (Inspired By: @daPoseidonGuy)

    When first struck with a shovel, three more chests unearth themselves next to it, as if all four chests were struck with a shovel at the same time. All chests must be dug up individually. Only one of the chests actually contains treasure, but the crew does not know which one. For the trouble, the Chest of Mirrors contains as much gold as a Category 2 chest.

    Overstuffed Chest - Category 1 (Inspired By: @Hot-Juicy-Pie)

    This chest has been stuffed with coin so much, that it requires two crew-mates to carry, one on each side. When one player tries to pick up a chest, a message flashes on screen pointing to the other large and obvious handle on the chest, perhaps flashing it red for other players or something like that. Once the other player comes to the chest and picks it up, the two players carrying the chest are now facing each other. So in order to move with the chest, they must enter directional movement commands in the same direction, and communicate which direction they want to move in to avoid obstacles. Once in the water, only one person is required to haul the chest up the ladder and onto the ship, and one person can move with the chest through water at 50% of the normal swim speed. Once on board, the chest again requires two people to move. For the trouble, this chest contains as much gold as a category 3 chest.

    The Scuttling Chest - Category 1 (Inspired By: @Hazerblade) - Art by: @Galghumor

    Some sea creature has used this chest as a shell, and it aims to keep it for itself! As soon as this chest is struck with a shovel, it shoots up from the ground in a cloud of sand, knocking away all crew within 10 yards, 10 yards away. The chest then proceeds to rapidly scuttle away from any crew member within 30 yards moving in a zig-zag pattern but at a speed of 90% of a sprinting crew member. Landing a shot on the chest with a pistol will slow the chest for a few seconds, and shooting it again while it is slowed will stun it for a few seconds. The chest recovers from the slow faster than one crew member can reload, so teamwork is advised. Once picked up, the sea creature is removed, and the chest becomes a regular immobile chest. It makes a jingling sound of gold coins when it runs.

    Chest of The Trickster - Category 1 (Created by: @Cows-n-Muffins )

    Once picked up, this chest is perfectly harmless. Once put down, in 30 seconds and every 30 seconds, and if not in line of sight of the player, the chest will teleport a short distance away to a location that is not in view of any other player. If put down on an island, this can be problematic, as it could potentially move up cliffs or teleport downwards into cave networks, or just teleport into some nearby brush. Once on the ship, the chest will only teleport around the ship. So if left unattended in the captains quarters, it might teleport down into the lower decks or up into the crows nest. Once the chest is in line of sight of a crew member, it can not teleport. The chest could also leave skid a skid mark on the ground where it once was that is pointing in the general direction of its new location. This would allow the players to track it down more easily.

    Chest of Unambiguity - Category 1 (Inspired By: @Hot-Juicy-Pie)

    Once this chest is dug up and picked up, the map or riddle that lead to this chest fades in a new map or riddle directing the crew to a specific port to cash it in. If cashed in at the correct port, the chest has as much gold as a Category 2 chest, otherwise it has as much gold as a Category 1 chest.

    Chest of the Moon - Category 1 (Inspired by: @retto-elbaroda)

    This chest can only be dug up and turned in at night. If the sun rises when the chest is on board the ship, it turns rock solid, deformed and can not be turned in. If the chest touches sunlight it will turn to dust. So the crew better keep it below deck and wait for the next night so they can turn it in.

    Plagued Chest - Category 1 (Inspired By: @Hot-Juicy-Pie)

    When first struck with a shovel, a sprout of vomit shoots up to blind the crew member that discovered this chest. Once extracted, this chest will periodically vomit in a random direction if any of the following occurs: crew member running with the chest, falling from high places, the ship rocking excessively during a storm, dropping and picking up the chest repeatedly in a short time frame.

    Chest of Golden Sand - Category 1 (Inspired by: @hazachaos )

    A golden hourglass filled with golden sand sits on top of this chest. Once it is dug up, the sand begins to pour down the hourglass. The level of sand in the hourglass represents the value of gold the chest will be worth when turned in. If the hourglass runs out, it is worth very little. The hourglass can only be restarted if the chest is returned to the island it was dug up on and set down on it and picked up again(give hint of that in the riddle). This chest encourages the crew to head to port to cash it in as soon as possible.

    Chest of Chuckles - Category 1 (Inspired By: @lizalaroo)

    Once picked up, the chest causes the crew member to laugh uncontrollably while carrying it. This will undoubtedly attract the attention of other nearby pirates. Once placed on board, every few minutes this chest will cause one random crew member to laugh for a few seconds. If the crew member is drinking at the time, it will cause him to spray out his drink! (Just change the color on the existing vomit mechanic from green to clear water)

    Chest of Music - Category 1 (Inspired By: @biggeb4)

    This chest has a music based lock on it. The merchant will not accept it while it is locked. On the lid of the chest, facing the front of the chest, are 4 symbols for the instruments the chest wants to hear in order from left to right. The crew members must play each instrument in the correct order, at the same time, to unlock the chest. For example, combination of Concertina, Fiddle, Hurdy-gurdy, Concertina, would require the first crew member to start playing the Concertina, then the second crew member to join in with a Fiddle, the third crew member to join in with the Hurdy-gurdy, and the final crew member to join in with a Concertina. The icons on the chest glow if they have been activated, to show the crew which instrument is next.

    Flare Chest - Category 1 (Inspired by: @red0demon0)

    This chest has a dragon head on the lid. Once fully dug up it begins to glow red and after 5 seconds shoots up a bright flare high into the sky which then explodes like a firework. The chest continues to shoot up a firework every 5 minutes afterwards. If there is a ceiling over the chest, the fireworks explodes when hitting it. This has a blinding effect of 5 seconds on any players within 25 meters that had the explosion in the view frustum of the player camera.

    Chest of Invisibility - Category 1 (Inspired By: @Its-s****.)

    This chest gains invisibility when it is not moving. Could also grant invisibility to the carrying player when standing still. Could lead to some fun shenanigans.

    Category 2 Chests

    Tsehc Drawkcab - Category 2 (Inspired By: @EventfulStraw63)

    Once picked up, this chest causes all motion controls for the player to invert while carried.

    Chest of Sensitivity - Category 2 (Inspired By: @Its-s****.)

    This chest randomly fluctuates the sensitivity of the mouse for the player carrying it. This could be communicated by some kind of visual ques like sharpened vision, similar to the Left 4 Dead 2 adrenaline shot.

    Driftwood Locker - Category 2 (Inspired by: @TouchDown1504)

    The chest poses no danger while on shore or carried. When put down on the ship, it causes the ship to slowly drift to port or starboard when moving, depending on which side of the ship the chest was placed on. The crew member at the helm will need to continuously compensate for the drift while steering.

    Chest of Broken Chain - Category 2 (Inspired By: @Matthewx4)

    Once placed on board the ship, the chest prevents the anchor from being dropped. The only way to slow the ship or to keep the ship still is to raise all the sails. This makes navigating near islands a bit more difficult, but does not spell doom for the ship. If the anchor was dropped when the chest was placed on the ship, it takes two times as long to raise it, even with 4 people raising it.

    Chest of Beacons - Category 2 (Inspired by: @MysticDragon297 )

    Once placed on board, all lanterns become twice as bright, and bells become shiny and glow like a sniper scope from a distance. The chest only begins its effects after 30 minutes on board the ship, and only effects the ship between 10PM and 7AM during night hours.

    Ferryman's Chest - Category 2 (Inspired by: @timisreallyrad)

    This chest belongs to the Ferryman. It can't be traded in at the ports, the merchants say they won't accept it. The chest is a puzzle itself because the players have to find out how to cash it in. All they are given is that the chest "belongs to the Ferryman". So the trick is, the player has to be killed while holding the chest. The chest is then transported with them onto the Ferry of the Damned, and you can cash it in to the Ferryman himself! To make the task a bit harder, skeletons will avoid the player with the chest, they don't mess with the Ferryman. Alternatively to make the chest a bit easier, the final part of the riddle after digging up the chest can be to take the chest to a high cliff side, which reveals the final riddle. "With the chest to take a leap, you will find treasure in your sleep." Basically hinting for the player carrying the chest to leap off a cliff to his death, which would take him to the Ferryman.

    Chest of Visions - Category 2 (Inspired by: @laughsmaniacaly )

    Once the chest is placed on board the ship, the players of that crew begin to see things. Different players may see different things. Examples may include: seeing a lantern on that is actually off and vice versa, seeing a skeleton in the brig that is not visible to other crew members, seeing ghostly transparent pirates walking around below deck, but fading from sight when they are spotted, hearing footsteps when there is nothing to cause them. All effects are not lethal, but can cause the crews attention to be divided.

    Freddie's Chest - Category 2 (Inspired by: @faramous )

    A chest that refers to the infamous game series Five Nights at Freddie's
    This chest should not be left alone. If the chest is not being observed by anyone for 10 minutes, it will eventually spawn the ghost of Pirate Fred. Pirate Fred will teleport around the ship and position himself out of the view frustum of players, and as close to their back as possible. So when a crew member turns around they might come face to face with him and be startled. When seen, he screams a ghostly scream and fades into nothingness to repeat the process every 10 minutes or so, unless the chest is observed, which resets the timer.

    Super Hot Chest - Category 2 (Inspired by: @cursingmushroom)

    This chest is super hot... super hot... once the chest is picked up, it begins to glow red increasing in intensity for 30 seconds. After 30 seconds, the chest will begin dealing small damage to the player carrying it. Another player can pick up the chest and carry it in the hot state for 30 seconds before taking damage. Alternatively, the chest can be set on the ground to cool down over 15 seconds. If the chest is submerged in water, the heat level goes down to 0 and the chest may be carried safely.

    Chest of Waves - Category 2 (Inspired By: @Sangheili11)

    Any ship that has this chest on board, becomes the epicenter of some rough seas. Waves become as rough as if the ship is within an intense storm, even though the weather might be clear blue skies in every direction. The area is wide enough to afflict other ships that might try to get close enough to fire on the ship. This chest makes movement and gunnery a bit more difficult, but nothing too dangerous.

    Chest of Combustion - Category 2 (Inspired By: @Hot-Juicy-Pie)

    When dug up, the chest will begin to fizzle, and in about 15 seconds burst into flame, dealing periodic damage to whoever is carrying it. Dumping a bucket of water onto the chest will extinguish it and it will not reignite again.

    Chummed Chest - Category 2 (Inspired By: @ll-Blaky-ll)

    For some reason, this chest was chummed before it was buried. It is not a danger while on land, but once the chest enters the water, it causes sharks to smell the delicious chum, and prioritize attacking the crew member that is carrying the chest. The other crew members will need to protect the chest bearer as he makes his way to the ship. Once the chest is on board, a number of sharks will continue circling the ship attacking anyone that gets close. This is really cool, because it adds a layer of security to your ship against would be thieves, while also making it a lot harder for the crew to get on board without using a dock to avoid the water.

    Foggy Chest - Category 2 (Inspired By: @QM-Ginger-Beard)

    This chest has a cloud of thick fog following it around. Where ever it is buried will be shrouded in a dense fog making it hard to see into the distance for X number of meters. Once on board the ship, the chest causes the entire ship to be shrouded in fog. This obstructs visibility into the distance making long range gunnery troublesome, and makes navigating more difficult. The fog can not be outrun, and will continuously follow the ship around so long as the chest is on board. The fog cloud shrouding the ship can be seen from a great distance away, and could potentially attract unwanted attention, but they would need to get really close to see the ship.

    Chest of The Cursed Navigator - Category 2 (Created by: @Cows-n-Muffins )

    This chest becomes problematic once on board the ship. Once set down on the ship, the chest causes all compass needles of the crew and the compass near the helm to point to the island it originally came from. A skilled navigator can still call out directions under these conditions, or navigate by landmarks, but unless the ship is heading directly away from the island the compass is pointing to, the compass needles will constantly offset the course of the ship if they are the sole navigational tool.

    Chest of The Wicked Winds - Category 2 (Created by: @Cows-n-Muffins )

    This chest becomes problematic once on board the ship. This chest causes one of the 3 sails on the ship to occasionally start slowly turning away from the wind. The chest will randomly effect a sail every few minutes for about a minute turning it as far away from the wind as possible. If a crew member mans that sail, he can rotate it back in place... until the chest picks a new sail to afflict. At worst, this chest slows down the ship to minimum speed. Not particularly dangerous, but certainly annoying.

    Chest of the Damned - Category 2 (Inspired by: @hazachaos )

    This chest increases the respawn time of the crew of the ship on which it is placed by 5 seconds. A small increase, but can encourage the crew to head for port. Can be used to delay the spawn on an enemy ship.

    Chest of Damp Powder - Category 2 (Inspired by: @Sir-Kringle)

    One the chest is picked up, the powder of the crew turns damp. All ammunition counts are reduced by 3, so make your shots count! The chest only has such an effect when not in direct sunlight. If the sun is illuminating the chest, it dries up, and ammo counts are only reduced by 1. Put the chest below deck, or have it on deck during cloudy weather or storms, and it has the standard effect.

    Chest of 1,000,000 Grogs - Category 3 (Inspired By: @motion-man)

    This chest works in the exact same way as the Chest of 1,000 Grogs, but as soon as the chest is picked up it effects the entire crew. Once placed on the ship the chest continues effecting the crew as long as it stays on board, even if no one is carrying it. This continues until the chest is turned in.

    Category 3 Chests

    Chest of Lightning - Category 3 (Inspired by: @Faramous )

    Once dug up, this chest will be struck by lightning every 30 seconds. In the 10 seconds leading up to the lightning strike the chest will begin to softly glow and crackle with lightning to indicate it will soon be struck. If the pirate carrying the chest is in the water when struck, he dies instantly. On board the ship, the only safe place to store this chest is in the crows nest. This doesn't stop the lightning strikes, but it does prevent damage to the ship. During storms, this chest attracts all lighting to itself, in addition to the regular 30 second interval strikes.

    Chest of Storms - Category 3 (Created by: @Cows-n-Muffins )

    As soon as this chest is picked up, the crew members ship becomes the epicenter of a brewing storm that will follow the ship so long as the chest is carried by a crew member, or on board the ship. The storm reaches full intensity over the course of 20 minutes. If the ship was already in a storm when the chest was picked up, whatever strength that storm is becomes the storm that follows the ship. So it is best to pick up this chest in calm conditions. The storm moves at 50% of the ships maximum speed if all sails are catching the wind, so the storm can be outrun if the crew is skilled at controlling the sails of the ship. This chest is dangerous because lightning strikes can damage players, I saw a video where a player got hit by lightning and it took one third of his health away. Scary stuff.

    Chest of Snakes - Category 3 (Inspired By: @sorelaxmax)

    This chest is full of golden snakes. The chest functions similar to a snake crate that contains a snake. If not charmed a gleaming golden snake will emerge from the chest and bite the person carrying it. Once placed on the ship, if the chest is not continuously charmed it will spawn up to 4 gleaming golden snakes that will patrol around the chest in a small radius and spit gold venom at anyone who comes near. The snakes can be charmed and killed like regular snakes.

    Chest of Gun Powder - Category 3 (Inspired by: @demonicthing and @Hazerblade )

    This cursed chest looks like a gun powder barrel, but more ornate. If shot at the chest will explode in the same way as a gun powder barrel. Exploding causes the chest to become blackened for a short while. While blackened it will not explode when shot. After a short while the chest repairs itself and can be exploded again. The explosion flames from this chest have a golden tint to them, instead of the regular red.

    Chest of Torn Sails - Category 3 (Inspired By: @vythros )

    Once placed on board the ship, turning the sails to catch the wind will cause them to start ripping. The tearing takes about 5 minutes, and reduces the bonus from catching the wind to 50% of normal. If the ship is stationary, the sails slowly repair themselves over the course of 5 minutes. This chest may not be a direct danger to the crew, but they become an easy target for any other pirates due to the visibly torn up sails.

    Chest of Inversion - Category 3 (Inspired By: @YaWaffles)

    This is a variant of the Tsehc Drawkcab that effects the entire crew as soon as the chest is picked up by a crew member. This chest does not reverse the movement controls of the players, but it reverses the controls of all intractable parts of the ship. Examples: Steering left steers right and vice versa, turning sails is reversed, unfurling sails is reversed, raising anchor requires pulling on the anchor instead of pushing. Cannons rotate in opposite direction of mouse movement, climbing ladders is reversed so hold down to climb up, and the map table controls are also reversed.

    Chest of Skull and Bones - Category 3 (Inspired By: @EventfulStraw63)

    When struck with a shovel, summons many, many, skeletons for the crew to fight, and continues spawning them until the chest is on the ship. Maybe even some special skeletons? Idk what Rare plans for boss fights etc...

    Chest of Tormented Souls - Category 3 (Inspired By: @dark-major-112)

    During the day this chest is harmless. At night the chest starts glowing green. It makes scary sounds, you can hear whispering, steps, your bells ring without reason, lights turn on and off, the ship wheel starts turning as if in a storm. Sometimes the chest rips a hole in your ship or does damage to one of the crew members. Illuminating the chest with a lantern at night will cause it to stop haunting your ship for a short time.

    Maynard‘s Chest - Category 3 (Inspired by: @hazachaos )

    Named after the famous pirate hunter Robert Maynard who ended Blackbeard’s reign.
    Once the chest is placed on the ship, it causes the square of the map in which the chest is located to have a semi transparent skull and bones visible on it for the entire server. The semi transparent skull moves to a different square on the map as the ship moves from one square to another. So it only shows an estimate of location, not heading. Additionally, the last crew member to carry the chest has their compass pulse with a soft red light, and that compass now points to the nearest player galleon instead of North. Sloops are not tracked by this chest, but they can still see the skull and bones on the map. There is a limit of 2-3 of this chest on any server to prevent the map from becoming too cluttered.

    Chest of Golden Bones - Category 3 (Inspired by: @sirliborius )

    Gold is gold, even if it cursed bones. After this chest is placed on the ship, every 5-10 minutes it will spawn a golden skeleton that climbs out of the chest armed with a golden blunderbuss that shoots golden skeleton bones. The skeleton deals normal damage but has twice as much hitpoints as a normal skeleton. If the skeleton kills anyone, that players body turns into another golden skeleton. The spawned skeletons have the same combat stats as the original. Maximum number of skeletons is 4. All skeletons are limited to the ship they spawn on and despawn if they fall overboard. Any kill that is not on the ship does not spawn a skeleton. If no one is on board the ship, the skeletons may sometimes use cannons to shoot at things not on the ship with golden cannonballs.

    Chest of The Cursed Sailor - Category 3 (Created by: @Cows-n-Muffins )

    This chest effects the crew member as soon as he picks up the chest. The player model is swapped with that of a skeleton, all skeletons are now friendly to him, he can not harm skeletons, he can not drown while afflicted by the chest, and he is slowly losing health which will result in death in about 30 minutes. Health can still be replenished with bananas. All other crew members view the afflicted crew member as hostile, and can damage him with friendly(or unfriendly) fire. If put down on an island, the chest continues afflicting the crew member that last carried it until he leaves its line of sight. If put down on the ship, the chest continues afflicting the crew member so long as the chest is on board. If the chest is taken off the ship by anyone that is not the crew member that set it down on the ship, the cursed crew member starts rapidly losing health. Or instantly dies. I'm sure the Rare designers can make that decision.

    Chest of The Dutchman - Category 3 (Created by: @Cows-n-Muffins )
    By far the most dangerous chest in the game that I could think of. As soon as the chest is struck with a shovel, that crew member is marked with two large bloody red X marks on his chest and back. The Dutchman begins stalking the ship of the crew member that dared disturb his treasure. The Dutchman is a ship, similar to the ferry of the damned when you die, that endlessly follows the crews ship seeking to send their ship to the bottom of the ocean to let his treasure rest.
    The Dutchman spawns just on the edge of the visible horizon away from the targeted ship.

    The Dutchman moves at 100% of the players ship speed if all sails are catching the wind.
    The Dutchman gains a 20% speed bonus in storms, for a max movement speed of 120% of the targeted ship.
    The Dutchman has 2 slow firing bow cannons. In addition to the regular 4 per side.
    The Dutchman will seek to overtake and broadside the targeted vessel.
    The Dutchman will fire on any vessel within half a kilometer of him, none will stand in the way of his hunt.
    The Dutchman can not be harmed by any ship that is not his target.
    The Dutchman is unsinkable, but putting holes in his ship that cause him to take on water will slow him by 10% per hole for 1 minute. This effect stacks as many times as the number of holes inflicted, and is refreshed if a new hole is added before a previous hole is fixed.
    The Dutchman fixes holes one at a time, so it is possible to get away from him for a little while until he fixes his ship.
    Overall, expert management of the sails, navigation, and fine gunnery can keep The Dutchman away long enough for you to cash in this chest, but if you are not great pirates, only doom awaits you.

    Final words.

    I like how the current chest in the game effect the crew or the ship in interesting ways, and I would like to see more of that in the future. Especially combinations of chests that combo together to make life even more... adventurous for the crew, hehe. Such as my proposed Chest of Storms and Chest of The Dutchman. Surely doom awaits the ship that dares to have both of these chests on board at the same time. Perhaps they could glow when in each others presence, indicating an increased volume of treasure inside if by some miracle the crew manages to make it to port. Anyway, this was fun to write, I hope it is also fun to read. Let me know what you think everyone!

    Honorable Mentions Section.

    This is for all the chest ideas that did not quite make the cut because they are too dangerous, don't quite fit the rules, buff the player crew too much, or because I don't like you. (Just kidding, I love all of you)

    Ticking Time Chest - Category 3 @Hazerblade
    As soon as this chest is unearthed, a timer starts for 15 minutes (could be longer or shorter). It behaves like a normal chest except after the timer runs out, it explodes. On a ship, this causes massive damage that puts dozens of holes in the ship.

    • Reason: Too dangerous/weaponized.

    The Chest of Gluttony - Category 2 @Hazerblade
    This chest is ravenous. It has an insatiable appetite; Food, Cannonballs, Wood Planks, ANYTHING! If you can keep the chest full, you get a higher amount when it is finally turned in. If you don't feed it, and it's on the ship, it may start taking bites out of the hull.

    • Reason: Too dangerous.

    Chest of the Mighty @Low-and-Wide
    Once this chest is onboard the ship, it increases the health of the ship and it's crew by 120%; however, while it is onboard, no other chests may come onboard the ship.

    • Reason: Too big of a player buff.

    The Chest of Riddles - Category 1 @Rafael-cmm
    After unearthing the chest, it asks 3 riddles to the one who tries to pick it up(probably with some time limit as to avoid googling for answers). If all three riddles are responded correctly then the chest behaves normally and may be carried out. If given a wrong answer the chest vanishes and instead skeletons are summoned.

    • Reason: Not sure how to talk to chest.

    Chest of speaking - Category 1 @WaldoTehStoner
    There must be a crew member talking to the chest or the chest will find someone to talk to.

    • Reason: Not sure how to talk to chest.

    Chest of Sea Sight - Category 1 (Inspired by: @zenzuki)
    This chest only has an effect when placed on the lowest deck in the ship. It causes the bottom of the ship to be transparent to the crew. This can be somewhat useful to scout ship wrecks.

    • Reason: The more I think about this chest, the more I find that it doesn't fit in. Placing down here till I think of a better idea for it.
  • 129
  • A Kraken's chest ? x)

  • This a new chest ?

  • Cool ideas

  • @cows-n-muffins Love your ideas for chests. Would just add a chest that played music from time to time causing all players in the area friend or foe to start dancing ☠

  • @theo-karbo I'll need a bit more to work with for something like that, haha
    I'm sure Rare has some plans for the Kraken they teased.

  • Mentioned this in another thread: Dragon chest- Has a dragon head on the top of the chest. When a player picks it up, from the dragon's mouth shoots out a firework (Flare like system) Enemy players may see the chest from afar. The fireworks shoot out after charging. The chest starts to glow ember and lava red, increasing in intensity, till it shoots out the fire work.

  • @cows-n-muffins dude your ideas are awesome but you passion is contagious. I love how much thought you put into this idea. Thank you for sharing and you have my 👍

  • @red0demon0 That's a pretty good idea. Let me refine it a little :)

    Flare Chest - Category 1 (Inspired by: @red0demon0)

    This chest has a dragon head on the lid. Once fully dug up it begins to glow red and after 5 seconds shoots up a bright flare high into the sky which then explodes like a firework. The chest continues to shoot up a firework every 5 minutes afterwards. If there is a ceiling over the chest, the fireworks explodes when hitting it. This has a blinding effect of 5 seconds on any players within 25 meters that had the explosion in the view frustum of the player camera.

  • Chest of the Hot Potato

    Its Simple once the chest is picked up it can only be held by that person for 30 Seconds at a time and cannot be placed down. It must be passed to other players before the time runs out. It cannot be passed back and forth must be a different player than the last. Well what happens you say if you go over the 30 Seconds the chest will return to its original location where you dug it up at lol.
    Good luck and don't drop the Hot Potato.

  • Moonlight Chest
    Chest that is only to be found at night.
    If the chest isn't handed over at the outpost until the morning, the chest disappears.

    Sluggish Chest
    Every pirate, friendly or enemy, is slowed down by 50% while in a 20m area around it.
    If the Chest is present on the ship, the ship takes no boost from the wind and instead behaves like the wind is always facing against it.

    Chest of a human cannonball
    On this chest there is a fuse that starts burning with a green flame every 60 seconds (making a burning fuse sort of sound :D). Once it burns down (takes about 8 seconds), the chest sends every pirate in a 20 metres area flying into the air. (the point is that on land you have to run away from the area not to be damaged and on the sea you have to go under the deck to be stopped by the ceiling.)

    Chest of Screams
    Chest that starts screaming in a terrible matter ever since dug up. (not like earrape lvl, but almost :D)

    Chest of beaconing
    Above the chest a huge light beam comes from the sky, that is visible from miles away.
    Every pirate around will see you have one. And so they will want it too naturally :).

  • @cows-n-muffins A lot of great ideas here! I love it! Your mind is a treasure in its own sense 😉

  • Catagory 2 chest, chest of madness when unearthed you (and only you) start seeing procedurally generated ibjects (from rocks to ships) these things are not solid objects but appear as such. Once dropped on the ship the whole crew fall under the same effect (although each member will see different things)
    This is not harmful as no crew member can be harmed by the imaginary obstacles but would cause major confusion between team members upon the return journey. Also you'll never truely know if that ship is real or not.

  • This is an idea of mine on the subject that I posted in another thread.

    Category One...

    Chest of Clear Sight!

    You place it on the bottom deck of your ship and it creates a glass-bottom boat effect.

    You could stand down there and get a nice clear view of the underwater scenery below the ship as you mosey along.

    Could be good for scoping out shipwrecks as well finding schools of fish for fishing, simple sightseeing, etc. That Kraken wouldn't have no where to hide!!! haha

    Plus it'd be pretty cool having the whole crew playing music and dancing on a glass deck on top o' the sea! :)

  • @cursingmushroom That's an interesting idea. I am going to change it a bit though so even solo players can get it.

    Super Hot Chest - Category 2 (Inspired by: @cursingmushroom)

    This chest is super hot... super hot... once the chest is picked up, it begins to glow red increasing in intensity for 30 seconds. After 30 seconds, the chest will begin dealing small damage to the player carrying it. Another player can pick up the chest and carry it in the hot state for 30 seconds before taking damage. Alternatively, the chest can be set on the ground to cool down over 15 seconds. If the chest is submerged in water, the heat level goes down to 0 and the chest may be carried safely.

  • @zombie-p1ague @Allfader121 Thanks guys, I am glad you are enjoying the post :)

  • @retto-elbaroda Some interesting ideas here. Chest of Beaconing was already though up by @Red0Demon0 as the Flare Chest. I'll modify the others.

    Chest of the Moon - Category 1 (Inspired by: @retto-elbaroda)

    This chest can only be dug up and turned in at night. If the sun rises when the chest is on board the ship, it turns rock solid, deformed and can not be turned in. If the chest touches sunlight it will turn to dust. So the crew better keep it below deck and wait for the next night so they can turn it in.

  • @zenzuki Lol, that is great. Going to change the name a bit more though to explain the chest function

    Chest of Sea Sight - Category 1 (Inspired by: @zenzuki)

    This chest only has an effect when placed on the lowest deck in the ship. It causes the bottom of the ship to be transparent to the crew. This can be somewhat useful to scout ship wrecks.

  • @cows-n-muffins These are all awesome ! Hope some get implemented into the game.

  • Awesome ideas!!!

  • @cows-n-muffins This is a great topic and it definitely needs work on since in the Alpha there was very little to do with progression and it got repetitive.

    Tunneling Chest

    This chest would tunnel underground if it was on the sand/grass for 5 minutes and then reappear in a close proximity leaving a tiny bit showing out of the ground which glints in the sun and can be dug up again.
    On board the ship the chest moves to any location on the ship every 3 minutes, leaving a small crack in between the wood on the floor and you can sometimes hear creaks around where it is. You would have to wedge your shovel in between the creaks and and spam RT to get it out (or whatever button on PC).
    If you went to fast then your controller would vibrate and loud creaks could be heard. A sloppy job leaves a hole in your ship which can be planked up.

    When the chest moves you can hear shuffling and it cannot be dug up during the process whether it is on land or on the ship.

  • @laughsmaniacaly That's a neat idea. Though I would make it a bit less annoying so it is more fun than hindering.

    Chest of Visions - Category 2 (Inspired by: @laughsmaniacaly )

    Once the chest is placed on board the ship, the players of that crew begin to see things. Different players may see different things. Examples may include: seeing a lantern on that is actually off and vice versa, seeing a skeleton in the brig that is not visible to other crew members, seeing ghostly transparent pirates walking around below deck, but fading from sight when they are spotted, hearing footsteps when there is nothing to cause them. The worst effect being a generated reef ahead of the ship. This reef is only generated when none of the crew are looking forward, and rises from the water to obstruct the ships path. This may cause the crew to scramble to avoid a collision, even though the reef is fake. All effects are not lethal, but can cause the crews attention to be divided.

  • @cows-n-muffins you could improve this to a catagory 2 by seeing rock outcrops whilst sailing. Again not leathal but could cause some serious navigation issues especially with communication.

  • @laughsmaniacaly That's a fair point. I'll make the edit.

  • @cows-n-muffins I like I like

  • These are great! Here's a few of my ideas:

    Ferryman's Chest (Category 2) - This chest belongs to the Ferryman. It can't be traded in at the ports, the merchants say they won't accept it. The chest is a puzzle itself because the players have to find out how to cash it in. All they are given is that the chest "belongs to the Ferryman".

    So the trick is, the player has to be killed while holding the chest. The chest is then transported with them onto the Ferry of the Damned, and you can cash it in to the Ferryman himself! However, skeletons won't attack you while holding the chest, (they must be afraid of the Ferryman or something) so you must trick other players into killing you while holding the chest. They will be so confused when the chest disappears with you! (I suppose fall damage, drowning, and being eaten by sharks are also all valid ways to get to the ferry, too.)

    Chest of the Lost - (Category 2) This chest is similar to the one that messes with your compasses. While on board the ship, the chest will obscure the map so that the players must use their compasses and general knowledge of the area to find port again. Be careful not to drift off the map! This one is fun because 1) You actually have to know where you're going in order to cash this one in and 2) That "Oh s**t! Turn around, TURN AROUND!" moment if you do reach the edge of the map.

  • @slipkick01 We already have a Chest of The Trickster that does something similar. Neat idea though!

  • Absolutely love these, and they fit so well within the mechanics that we already know are implemented.

    For my own contribution, I offer:

    Chest of Currents
    Category 1
    While placed on a ship, the ship's steering is impacted as if in a storm, pulling left and right at random unless held in check by someone at the wheel.

  • @timisreallyrad That is a great idea for a puzzle, to die with the chest to turn it in, haha. I'll probably write up something later today, I just want to think it over.

  • Chest of Sedate Winds
    Idea is that once the chest is in your possession your sails arent affected by the winds, making it so that it takes the max time to get to your destination. Would also make outrunning other crews incredibly difficult....

    Virulent Chest
    All your bananas make you sick and dont heal you, your grog makes you vomit immediately and wooden planks cant be used as the wood has rotted....

    Just a couple of my ideas.

  • @timisreallyrad Ok, I came up with something for the Ferrymans chest.

    Ferryman's Chest - Category 2 (Inspired by: @timisreallyrad)

    This chest belongs to the Ferryman. It can't be traded in at the ports, the merchants say they won't accept it. The chest is a puzzle itself because the players have to find out how to cash it in. All they are given is that the chest "belongs to the Ferryman". So the trick is, the player has to be killed while holding the chest. The chest is then transported with them onto the Ferry of the Damned, and you can cash it in to the Ferryman himself! To make the task a bit harder, skeletons will avoid the player with the chest, they don't mess with the Ferryman. Alternatively to make the chest a bit easier, the final part of the riddle after digging up the chest can be to take the chest to a high cliff side, which reveals the final riddle. "With the chest to take a leap, you will find treasure in your sleep." Basically hinting for the player carrying the chest to leap off a cliff to his death, which would take him to the Ferryman.

  • I’ve mentioned this chest idea on another thread.
    The highlander chest.
    A chest that reduces the health of all players in the vicinity to 1hp so any damage will kill. Bananas are ineffective whilst the chest is in the area. Only the last pirate standing will get keep the chest, there can be only one!

  • @cows-n-muffins Yeh got the 'Chest of Sorrows' today, two actually from same spot almost...and while hauling the second one the 1st had sunk my ship lol.

  • @bitnissedalton You never forget your first (and second) check of sorrows ;)

  • @cows-n-muffins
    Chest of the restless Pirate/Captain - Category 3
    This chest could have a pirates skull or a captains hat on top.
    In random intervalls a skeleton spawns out of a cloud nearby, so it can even spawn anywhere on a ship.
    There should be a minimum intervall so a ship cannot be overrun, maybe 30 second or a minute?

    Instead of a simple pirate there could even be a chance to spawn a skeleton captain, but only once per chest.

    As alternatives: the captain and/or a skeleton crew spawns once you step on an outpost - this would encourage teamwork, maybe even teaming up with other crews.

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