The Gold Hoarders have settled in our Store!

  • Not content with being part of the Scale Test, the Gold Hoarders have landed in the Official Sea of Thieves Store with two new items for you to spend your gold on!

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    Gold Hoarder TOTAKU™ Purchase link

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    Gold Hoarder TOTAKU™ Bundle Purchase Link

    Bundle Contains
    Gold Hoarder TOTAKU™
    Exclusive Gold Hoarder T-Shirt
    Exclusive Gold Hoarder Print

    These are pre-order items and will be shipped week commencing 19/03/2018. You will be charged for this purchase when you checkout. If you order a pre-order item and regular items they will be shipped to you when all the items are available.

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  • @khaleesibot Aye... another piece of fine booty for the collection!

    Preordered! The poor postie is going to hate me March 20th week!

  • Look how cool it looks!

  • @khaleesibot Why are you doing this to my wallet?!

  • @khaleesibot Is there any way to block/ban me from the store?!?! :P I may be slightly tooo addicted now... Just trying to grow a third hand :P

  • Placed my order a week ago at work when I found them in our system haha.

  • @khaleesibot My wife and I needed new controllers so we ordered two SoT ones... I Know it's weird but I live with my wife... yeah crazy right who lived together when married?

    Anyways we had to order from two separate companies as for some reason the controllers are so limited that you can order one per households.

    But we worked it out, can't wait to get a cool green and purple controllers that does not spin to the left... Yeah we get that alot...
    Wife's A key and right trigger gets stuck... She is a button smasher lol.

  • @musicmee I thought you only got two LOL.

  • @yoshirimitsu I may have got one for a special reason :) I have plans for one so will be left with 2 :)

  • Oh god my poor credit card. I guess I’m building credit?

  • Glad to see Sea of Thieves reaching vinyl land. Hope to see more artists and figures for different price ranges as things develop. Totaku is kinda good as a starting point (better than Funko Pop! for sure), but i think SoT artstyle could really shine brighter in the help of more companies (who said Kidrobot?).

  • @tre-oni said in The Gold Hoarders have settled in our Store!:

    Placed my order a week ago at work when I found them in our system haha.

    So sneaky!

  • @musicmee Clever! I hope we will be able to see the final effect.

  • Ahoy mates! Don't know when post that but i found chest of sarrow, it's cursed so i don't recommend u to take it, but if u want i left this on Fools Laagon ( i don't know if servers are share)

  • The controller was amazing then they do this...

  • Aha I knew that skeleton was a gold hoarder! It really makes you think what Rare has in store for them in the future. What story are they going to tell? What made the Hoarders cursed like this.. so many questions!

  • One word defines my new life broke

  • Yeah, a lot of merch for a game that hasn't even come out yet.
    Just saying.

  • I love it!

  • @khaleesibot said in The Gold Hoarders have settled in our Store!:

    @tre-oni said in The Gold Hoarders have settled in our Store!:

    Placed my order a week ago at work when I found them in our system haha.

    So sneaky!

    Yeah really unimpressed I had to find out that way. You should have told me.


  • Is it an in-game skin?

  • @juke-ninja We believe it to be a skeleton lord... so maybe an upcoming boss?

  • So it is NOT in game dlc its just the figureen?

  • Can we in the US order these? Will it accept US credit cards?

    Edit: Nevermind lol ordered the figure and the coin.

  • When will we see the X-box with a SoT theme on it.
    Please make a bundle, X-box, controller + stand and of cause SoT(and whatever goodies you can give)
    Something that should be out before the game :P

  • @musicmee I love that controller

  • Isn't there another figure that was made? Like an E3 exclusive or something? Have to be honest, my OCD won't let me order something if I can't complete the collection!

  • @touchdown1504 I think there was one for that ghost captain we've seen in some concept art.

  • @mcpoopy7000 Yeah...I dug all over the net. Can't seem to find a confirmation of that.

  • @mcpoopy7000

    95% sure that was given away during E3 2017.

  • And the loot pile GROWS! :)

  • @musicmee so this is why I couldn't find anywhere to buy the controller!

  • Found it!
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  • @touchdown1504 Nice! Very lucky since they are very limited now.

  • Pre-ordered! :) I think I will literally have to turn to a life of piracy just to afford all these collector items!!!

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