Printable world map

  • Was just wondering if anyone had created or was working on a printable version of the world map from in game that can be printed out and used as a reference at any time alongside playing the game.

    Marking which animals can spawn on each island would be a good addition to it as well.

  • 16
  • i used this one

    its in 8000 × 5610!

    looks good on paper =)

    maybe I am printing that on A2, right now A4 is enough

  • @madscallion
    Couple things. I thought that map was just a concept map, showing the different biomes you could spawn into? Its not accurate anymore is it?

    Also, the island locations randomize each game do they not?

  • I heard the map is to be increased to such an extent that it will take 7 hours real time to travel from one corner to the other in a diagonal line so....BIG map.

  • @uberkull sagte in Printable world map:

    Couple things. I thought that map was just a concept map, showing the different biomes you could spawn into? Its not accurate anymore is it?

    Also, the island locations randomize each game do they not?

    nope, that's the actual map

  • @uberkull no Islands will be set, they don't move around.

  • i think the number and letter coordinates are not accurate, but the island locations are

  • @madscallion Pretty sure that its not the only map. But inform me if I'm wrong.

  • @leasterbeaster

    there is also this Interactive Map

    or did you meant different island layout maps?

  • @madscallion dijo en Printable world map:

    i used this one

    its in 8000 × 5610!

    looks good on paper =)

    maybe I am printing that on A2, right now A4 is enough

    this map is not updated, just compare it with this:

    I was about to print it as well till I realized how inaccurate it is. I'd rather print the second one. It may not be as "official" as the first one, but at least the locations are updated.


  • Does anybody know where this map (the older, more beautiful, outdated one) actually comes from and whether we can expect an updated version?

  • @ben-sharktooth The older one is from the Art of Sea of Thieves Book I believe... No idea how it was turned into a viewable image though as it is over a 2 page spread.

  • @ben-sharktooth @DreamingNomad
    The 1st map was released as part of an event tied in with Gamescom last year.
    It was accompanied by a riddle you had to solve (just noticed the riddle is on the map!) & then find the location of the skulls with keys on (which are still in the game to add to the lore!) There are 8 of them hidden away in caves if you want to search them out :)
    These then pointed you to a shipwreck with some glorious booty!
    Hope that clears it up for you ;)

  • @electricape Wow thanks
    Wow thanks for letting me know, I think I have seen some of them around actually...
    A work colleague just said Falcore Gaming did a video about it.

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