There's No Reason to Complete Voyages

  • I'm sure some may have had this happen to you so you're off on a voyage for either a chest or a skull and things start off well with you getting either a gold chest or skull, so then you're thinking "great surely the next thing must be equal or better," so you decide to chance it thinking the next chest or skull on you journey will be worth the additional effort, but then it's a castaway chest.

    Why am I wasting my time searching for a castaway chest when I already have a captain's chest on board? Maybe it's a seafarer chest which is a little better, but point is not worth the risk. Surely I'd be better off just taking the captain's chest or marauder's chest back and immediately starting a new voyage if I can expect to get one high value chest or skull per voyage. Since reputation is tied to what's turned in you really don't have much reason at all to complete the voyage entirely. Recognizing this as the case I think there are a couple solutions:

    1. The most obvious and perhaps easy fix is tie the reputation to the actual voyage completion and you only get gold when the chest is turned in.

    2. More consistent rewards. You always get something equal or better than the last chest or skull on your voyage.

    3. Rep/Gold Voyage Completion Bonus. You get an additional percentage of gold or rep from chest received from the voyage.

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  • @prodigy-burns

    Well, if you got lucky with a valuable chest/skull/spicebox, go sell it immediately if an outpost is nearby. No reason to keep it.

    The rewards scale with mission levels (you need to increase reputation levels to get better missions). A lvl 20+ gold hoarder mission almost always rewards at least one captains chest (usually 2-5).
    So yeah, there are plenty of reasons to spend that gold on buying the next (5) level of reputation.

  • @prodigy-burns Or they should add a voyage completion bonus. I agree that some voyages just aren't worth completing. I had one yesterday where I got two captains chests and two marauders chests on the first few maps then sailed across the map for a measly castaway chest, I would have been better off just skipping it. But if there would have been a bonus it would have been worth it.

  • @msxbsucks I know all that. My point is it's not worth the time to actually complete the voyage as I can easily still get that reputation by turning in the chest. There's in reality no incentive to not just start another voyage after getting a good chest.

  • I suppose the current only incentive would be if you want to complete all of the commendations, you would need to actually complete the voyages. But I do agree, there should be some sort of bonus (I prefer rep gain) for completing the voyage.

  • @darkesthour138 That's a good idea too I'll put it up there.

  • @prodigy-burns said in There's No Reason to Complete Voyages:

    @msxbsucks I know all that. My point is it's not worth the time to actually complete the voyage as I can easily still get that reputation by turning in the chest. There's in reality no incentive to not just start another voyage after getting a good chest.

    Have you actually ranked up and stopped purchasing the free voyages?

  • @prodigy-burns

    yes there is... If you are doing a voyage all chests gotten from that voyage give appropriate gold and rep despite the rarity of said chest. meaning...

    A castaway chest from a lvl 5 gold hoarders, gives less gold than a castaway chest of level 20 gold hoarders.

  • This was an idea I had:

  • @raggedynaphtali a dit dans There's No Reason to Complete Voyages :


    yes there is... If you are doing a voyage all chests gotten from that voyage give appropriate gold and rep despite the rarity of said chest. meaning...

    A castaway chest from a lvl 5 gold hoarders, gives less gold than a castaway chest of level 20 gold hoarders.

    Really not sure about the second part. I'm lvl 31 gold hoarders, and a castaway from a level 30 gold hoarder voyage worth somewhere between 70 and 90 gold, about the same as when i started to play if i recall correctly.

  • @darkesthour138 said in There's No Reason to Complete Voyages:

    @prodigy-burns Or they should add a voyage completion bonus. I agree that some voyages just aren't worth completing. I had one yesterday where I got two captains chests and two marauders chests on the first few maps then sailed across the map for a measly castaway chest, I would have been better off just skipping it. But if there would have been a bonus it would have been worth it.

    you wouldn't have known that if you finished the quest. You need to look at it more like, was the entire quest worth the entire effort because there is no guarantee when the best loot turns up, so there is a degree of randomness to the reward your getting. Voyages are just guaranteed loot to be there.

  • @msxbsucks a dit dans There's No Reason to Complete Voyages :


    Well, if you got lucky with a valuable chest/skull/spicebox, go sell it immediately if an outpost is nearby. No reason to keep it.

    The rewards scale with mission levels (you need to increase reputation levels to get better missions). A lvl 20+ gold hoarder mission almost always rewards at least one captains chest (usually 2-5).
    So yeah, there are plenty of reasons to spend that gold on buying the next (5) level of reputation.

    Quite not sure about that either. For instance, i only got 2 sorrow chests from gold hoarder voyages since the beggining, one when i was very low level, one very recentely (i'm now 31), and i keep getting a lot of castaways and seafarers.

    The more advanced voyages are, the more chests you have to dig up by voyage, the more chances you have to dig up a captain when doing a voyage, but i'm skeptical about the fact higher voyages have a higher yeld for better chests.

  • @msxbsucks

    @msxbsucks said in There's No Reason to Complete Voyages:


    Well, if you got lucky with a valuable chest/skull/spicebox, go sell it immediately if an outpost is nearby. No reason to keep it.

    The rewards scale with mission levels (you need to increase reputation levels to get better missions). A lvl 20+ gold hoarder mission almost always rewards at least one captains chest (usually 2-5).
    So yeah, there are plenty of reasons to spend that gold on buying the next (5) level of reputation.

    This is simply not true at the moment, lvl 26 Gold hoarders, lvl 27 Order of Souls and lvl 20 Merchant Alliance, and I still get Castaway chests and Foul skulls, and most of those times they are single map/bounty voyages when activated too. The loot is completely random and literally makes it pointless to upgrade Voyages.

  • @aenima123 said in There's No Reason to Complete Voyages:

    Quite not sure about that either. For instance, i only got 2 sorrow chests from gold hoarder voyages since the beggining, one when i was very low level, one very recentely (i'm now 31), and i keep getting a lot of castaways and seafarers.

    Did you buy the Next tier of mission access before you bought the next voyage? Lvl 20 Voyages cost 80 gold each, if you got them for 0g, than you kept doing starter missions.
    The title indicates the level (measly = lvl 0, notable = lvl 20 i believe etc.)

    The more advanced voyages are, the more chests you have to dig up by voyage, the more chances you have to dig up a captain when doing a voyage, but i'm skeptical about the fact higher voyages have a higher yeld for better chests.

    Well, i got at least one capt. chest on lvl 20 and 25 missions so far, maybe it's RNG luck, maybe not, but high level missions beat the c**p out of Skull Fort grinds once you reached lvl 30.

  • @prodigy-burns
    You might get another good chest on the second or third leg :)

  • It's really obvious with the merchant missions. Last night I had a voyage that wanted 1 gold, 2 black, and 2 red chickens. My island had all of the above except I was missing one of the red ones. I decided to go cash in what I had and it was pretty obvious that I should just cancel the rest of the voyage because a red chicken is a seafarer's chicken, and then get a new voyage worth more higher value animals.

  • I'm 32-32-22 and mostly do voyages instead of forts.

    I did this by only going on voyages that had 4+ chests/skulls on an island, and then abandoning the quest otherwise.

    At level 30, the chest drops (and reward for the drops) are random. Sometimes you get one mission for a chest worth 100 gold, voyage complete.

    but the one thing that does seem to happen, is the higher level you are, the higher the chance of 4+ chests and you also get more maps per voyage, so it does pay off in the long run to level up.

    This is why leveling past 30 takes ages compared to leveling past 20, as the rewards don't scale with the needed experience.

  • @aenima123

    Exactly now go get someone who is only level 5 Gold hoarders. You will get noticeably less.

  • @msxbsucks a dit dans There's No Reason to Complete Voyages :

    @aenima123 said in There's No Reason to Complete Voyages:

    Quite not sure about that either. For instance, i only got 2 sorrow chests from gold hoarder voyages since the beggining, one when i was very low level, one very recentely (i'm now 31), and i keep getting a lot of castaways and seafarers.

    Did you buy the Next tier of mission access before you bought the next voyage? Lvl 20 Voyages cost 80 gold each, if you got them for 0g, than you kept doing starter missions.
    The title indicates the level (measly = lvl 0, notable = lvl 20 i believe etc.)

    The more advanced voyages are, the more chests you have to dig up by voyage, the more chances you have to dig up a captain when doing a voyage, but i'm skeptical about the fact higher voyages have a higher yeld for better chests.

    Well, i got at least one capt. chest on lvl 20 and 25 missions so far, maybe it's RNG luck, maybe not, but high level missions beat the c**p out of Skull Fort grinds once you reached lvl 30.

    I bought the promotions of course. Gold hoarders voyages cost me 120 gold each now. At this level, i even had some with ONE riddle map (so, one chest). So, i'm pretty sure it's randomized and still needs a bit of balancing.

  • Chests give the exact same payout range regardless of who turns them in or what level of mission you're on. A castaway's chest is a castaway's chest is a castaway's chest. It pays a range centered on 100g. No difference in shipwrecked v normal.
    Higher missions give more chests, not better ones.
    Very first mission I ran. Level 0. Paid one maurader's.
    I'm doing lvl 20's now and they're 1-3 islands 1-2 rounds with 1-3 chests each island. Each dig has maintained the same general ratio of junk to value. The only thing that changes is your value to a hunter and the amount of xp needed for the next number increase.

  • Don't just grind for money, I thought it was about sailing and adventure haha. Not who has the MOST stuff

  • Pirates sailed for stuff. Adventure was the method of attainment.

  • @msxbsucks said in There's No Reason to Complete Voyages:

    The rewards scale with mission levels (you need to increase reputation levels to get better missions). A lvl 20+ gold hoarder mission almost always rewards at least one captains chest (usually 2-5).
    So yeah, there are plenty of reasons to spend that gold on buying the next (5) level of reputation.

    This isn't true. The only thing that scales is amount to dig up or captains to kill. Payout, Rep, or even higher tier drops definitely do not scale.

    Seems more random than anything.

  • @nomadical13 said in There's No Reason to Complete Voyages:

    Pirates sailed for stuff. Adventure was the method of attainment.

    Well then, it is a good thing we are not real pirates!!

  • With the current structure of voyages, why do we even need to encourage people to finish them? The game has a pretty heavy risk vs. reward approach to the gameplay. All you're doing is buying maps, it's up to you whether to chase after a particular treasure or not. If voyages were structured more like mini adventures with a particular end goal and not just several disconnected maps or riddles, I could see a point to wanting people to compete them, but with the current structure it's kind of pointless to box players in like that.

  • @erikinthebakery Well yes, for one we wouldn't be on a forum on the interwebs. However, we're playing a game who's sales pitch is 'be a pirate', not 'have an adventure on the seas in a pirate-ish themed playground'.

  • @raggedynaphtali a dit dans There's No Reason to Complete Voyages :


    Exactly now go get someone who is only level 5 Gold hoarders. You will get noticeably less.

    I just checked on Youtube, here is the first 30 minutes of gameplay of some youtuber, his first gold hoarder voyage, he got a castaway and sold it for 120 gold, so nope, you're wrong :

  • I assume the chest is randomly selected when you dig it up, not when the voyage starts. It would be easier to code random chest selection upon finding a chest, where the probability of higher chests increases as you level up, than it would be to generate and store the chest quality for each location. If that is the case, you have an equal chance (maybe 20% at level 25 reputation) of finding a captain's chest each time your shovel strikes a chest including the last chest in the voyage.

  • @aenima123 No your not listening... Go read again.

    IF you are on a crew and you set up and vote for a lvl 5 gold hoarder mission and you yourself are lvl 31 you will get less rep and gold for all chests associated with that voyage.

    IF YOU DO A LVL 31 voyage and you are a lvl 31 gold hoarders, you will get the normal rep and gold.

    Please learn to pay attention to what other people say.

  • it’s not about gold you make from quests it’s about the stories you make doing the quests. Usual fanboy response. I agree I get a captains chest and I have to sail across the map for another quest I just abandon. Not worth the effort

  • @raggedynaphtali said in There's No Reason to Complete Voyages:

    @aenima123 No your not listening... Go read again.

    IF you are on a crew and you set up and vote for a lvl 5 gold hoarder mission and you yourself are lvl 31 you will get less rep and gold for all chests associated with that voyage.

    IF YOU DO A LVL 31 voyage and you are a lvl 31 gold hoarders, you will get the normal rep and gold.

    Please learn to pay attention to what other people say.

    Sorry, this is not true. I'm level 31 and when doing solo maps, I still get 100 gold for chests.

  • @jecksauce

    I swear can no one read...

    Learn to read posts before open your face.

  • @prodigy-burns I can fully understand the issue, what they have to do is to make voyages in general more inviting to complete instead of forcing players to eventually just server hop for forts, and the only true way to do so is to add a mechanic were it brands all the chests, skulls, supply crates or live stock you find in your voyage to it that voyage (game should be aware were you got it from that voyage), so that once you deliver it to an outpost you should gain about double its value in reputation, so that just collecting them from forts are good for gaining lots of gold, while voyages gives you lots of Rep and in addition points towards Commendation progression, especially given that the most time consuming trade faction is the Merchants due to their pick up and delivery quests locks you into it til you have fully delivered their cargo.

  • @raggedynaphtali said in There's No Reason to Complete Voyages:


    I swear can no one read...

    Learn to read posts before open your face.

    The rep/rewards are the same no matter what level you or your crew are. The only difference is the potential number of chests/skulls and potential number of maps.

  • @jecksauce No that is not true. You get less rep and gold for chests that assosicated with lower level voyages than what you currently are. This has been confirmed and this way for a long time now.

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