Cheating in Sea of Thieves

  • @lord-sphinktus Try reading all of the post of the one you are trying to help. Might be useful in the future. You repeated one of the ways I had already listed when I clearly asked you to give me a way OTHER than what I had already given. Good day to you, as well.

  • I have encountered one cheater in my absurd amount of time playing this game. however, the number of times I have been accused of cheating are incredibly high.

    It's always amusing to see posts like this, because they are always the same in the assumption of cheats being far more prevalent than they are, as well as an attitude that this is not something that is being addressed by the developer/publisher or that an anti-cheat does not already exist. These characteristics are often accompanied by a propensity to falsely accuse people of cheating on a regular basis, and typically read the same: doomsday scenario of cheaters ruining the game when, in fact, the percentage of players utilizing these programs is quite low.

    Most companies keep the details pretty tight in regards to the actions they take, the methods they use, and the frequency of accounts banned. And for good reason. The more information cheaters have on these things, even stats on ban waves, they more they can learn about how to protect their software.

    The only real options you have are to report the ones you suspect, or to stop playing. They won't remove cross play or provide other options, as it was a main selling point for the game. But it also helps to not accuse everything you can't immediately explain as a hacker, because there is probably something else at play 90% of the time.

  • @drunkpunk138 exactly... Use the tools provided to you and let Microsoft/Rare handle it.

  • If you watch the road map video listen to how often they say that new content is free and they do not want to seperate the playerbase in any way, so as xbox/pc only servers would seperate the player base it wouldnt happen.
    As you've stated you've had the unfortunate experience of meeting some but to make your claim sound as if all pc players are using cheats is madness, the percentage of cheaters will be less than those who play fairly, and by applying the same logic pc players could say we want seperate servers because we dont want matchmaking to put us with kids as most kids play on xbox that would solve the issue, but its a bad way to do it, seperating the playerbase should never be considered a fix for any problem.
    Now if you asked for an easier way to report cheaters and better matchmaking those are good suggestions that can be built upon.

  • @mrbrocksego i've ran into one aimbot. i myself am on PC and its pretty obvious. For my crew i am the boarder, one time when i was attempting to board, i was very inconspicuous about how i did it, made sure i stayed well below water to ensure no white name showed up, and i was pistoled from the boat while in deep water. An ESP+aimbot is the only way he could have landed the shots. But as i said only one time so i don't feel its a systemic problem.

  • Xbox Gamers will often jump to "call hacks" far more than anyone any time they're beaten and just can't accept the fact someone played better than them. There's no reason to label all of us PC gamers who 99% of the time arent cheaters. I've not once run into a game in SoT yet I genuinely thought someone is cheating. The actual amount of cheaters is negligible at best, its just Xbox players looking for a scapegoat because they've not had crossplay too long and clearly aren't taking it too well.

  • @xx-Morik-xx Please do not post video of cheats on the forums, as it is against the Forum rules.

    Please report hackers and cheaters in game, so that appropriate action can be taken:

  • @lady-aijou yeah wouldn't want people to know there are hackers in SOT. Every time someone calls hacks there are 30 [mod edited] who claim they are cappy players and newbs with no skills and beg the person to prove it. But if they post the clip of the person hacking they are in violation of forum rules. So funny how that works out, protect the hackers and protect the lambs by blocking the fact that the hackers exist.

    Here's an idea, allow crossplay optional and xbox players can't claim hacks anymore. The truth is PC players need xbox players, xbox players don't need PC players. We should have the power not them and until we unite as xbox players agaisnt forced crossplay nothing will be done.

    People complain about dividing player base but in a game where there is a max of what 3 gallons and 3 sloops, what 30 people max in a server? Pepole are worried the optional cross play will make it so some people cannot find matches is just plain [mod edited]

  • @lady-aijou recent players doesn't work on xbox btw, last time I checked it was like 9 hours ago even when the person just joined, barrel bombed our own boat and left the game

  • @r3lapz said in Cheating in Sea of Thieves:

    @xx-morik-xx if you have evidence post a video. other wise its all speculation.

    It’s not speculation there’s tutorials on YouTube for PC players to add aim bot and you can watch game play videos by people with aim bot whom are playing on PC

  • Hi @nevabud4u , can we ask if you can please read the Sea of Thieves Official Forum Rules as your post has been edited due to language.

  • @nevabud4u never heard of decorum or common decency? or the whole innocent until proven guilty? given your post history, I'd take a whack and say 'none of the above'

    I could call you any name under the Sun, claim you were cheating and more....might not be true but some people might believe it.

    would that be fair?

    It is a rule to not name/shame because it may not be true 100% of the time. It is also a rule to not post links to any proof or evidence of cheats/hack etc because it is likely a breach of Xbox ToS, to which you are bound (like it or not) the instant you use anything Xbox related.

  • @triheadedmonkey I didn't name anyone who I accused of cheating. I don't understand your post. I was referring to the dude/gal who posted instructions on how to report players and how it is broken. If they wold have read the whole topic it has already been started that the recent players list is not dependable.

  • @nevabud4u you argued that

    "But if they post the clip of the person hacking they are in violation of forum rules. So funny how that works out, protect the hackers and protect the lambs by blocking the fact that the hackers exist."

  • Real nice. They ban Cebelicus for posts he removed when told they couldn't be posted. A post that clearly showed cheaters undetectable, wreaking havoc in their game. One strike & you're out around here if you ruffle the wrong feathers. The content was deleted LONG before a mod even looked at the matter.

  • @slim-shanty that's what I'm referring to... everyone begs for evidence and when shown you get banned

    I don't even know how many hours I've played, 100+ I would guess and I've only ran into a cheater 1 time 100% sure and two other times we had a very suspect encounters.

    When you play on xbox you shouldn't have to endure those rare encounters...

  • I have been playing this game for a while and have not seen anyone or anything to make me believe someone is cheating. That was until last night.

    I will tell you what happened and you be the judge. I did not think to record this as i was too busy eating bananas.

    I was being followed by a sloop with 2 people on board. We were both going with the wind full speed the seas were very choppy. One of them was on the bow of the boat with a sniper rifle shooting me hitting me with every shot. A few of the shots hit the frame or the walls and missed me but I would run up to try to shoot back and get hit again. So I kept eating bananas and ran down below in the corner by the brig and the keg. He hit me there too! Completely down below the deck in the corner out of sight this dude is hitting me through the wall of the ship! Remember both boats are moving around like crazy in ruff seas and they were at least 3 galleon lengths behind me.

  • @r3lapz there are tons of videos of pc cheaters on YouTube. The mods on this forum are removing all links to these vids.

  • Search my name on the xbox app and view my latest capture.

  • @xx-morik-xx Report them to Rare.

    Please don't for a minute think that all PC players use cheats. I am a PC user and I couldn't hit the side of a barn from ten paces. lol

    I've mostly met Xbox users when joining crews as a random. I've only met 3 PC players to my knowledge since game launch. That's pretty small odds, but just my personal statistic.

    I'm not saying that cheats aren't out there, I have seen a video made by the cheater using aim bots. I personally don't see how they can play that way (either visually or enjoy the non-challenge) but none the less, he/she did.

    Bottom line is, get their user tag and report all cheats to Rare.

  • @blyssful-abyss said in Cheating in Sea of Thieves:

    @mrbrocksego it's a significantly small percentage, but there are gameplay captures showing these hack in action. There are aim bots, player locators, and loot locators that I've seen so far. And good ones too. Like a HUD that shows the location of a buried chest and what chest type it is from the opposite side of the map like a way-point. Again, not prolific, but a problem when it does occur.

    You don’t need gameplay captures, hackers are making video and uploading it.

    Rare should permanent ban these clowns.

  • @biter-wylie

    @katttruewalker said in WE GOT PC HACKERS!!:


    Ahoy mates, this thread is 2 months old and there's been a whole lot of information just recently around how Rare will be retroactively banning pirates who they've been able to identify as using cheats, from the Support tickets they've received as well as data collected from the game.

    Rare have a zero tolerance approach to this, so if you come across any suspect incidents, please report them via Support.

    Joe mentions around 3:00 in this video from 22nd May, the actions which will be taken.

  • @biter-wylie said in Cheating in Sea of Thieves:

    Rare should permanent ban these clowns.

    They work on it.
    What I like is that they said they could prove cheating from the gathered data, meaning that people who used cheats 5 weeks ago would still get their accounts banned.

    In regard to to entire "when people want proof you're not allowed to post it".
    "People" are irrelevant here.
    Rare matters.
    You don't reveal your ID to some random person on the street either.
    You reveal it to a cop.

    A little more common sense from all sides would go a LONG way

  • Boyfriend and I were playing a few nights ago and came across some suspicious activity. The crew we encountered weren't interested in taking loot or sinking our ship. They lowered our anchor by an island. It seemed they just wanted to spawn camp, but we decided to entertain this anyway - for fun and practice. Their pistol aim was incredibly accurate, even at long distances. We also noticed, while running around on an island, that they somehow had more than 5 shots without an ammo box nearby. After a while of battling it out, our ship respawned at another location although it hadn't sunk. It wasn't even taking on water (they were spawn camping us, after all). The whole thing just seemed odd.

  • I'm a little confused - the hack videos I just watched on Youtube are Xbox players?

  • 1.) Not all PC players are cheaters

    2.) You can upgrade your computer/but your xbox is the same as everyone elses
    I.E. better refresh, quality, smoother movement/predictability

    3.)There is very little point to this game to attack others, why people do I do not understand.
    Cheating even less, since your character is no better at LVL 100 then LVL 1.
    Hoarders, Souls, Merchant or otherwise.

    4.) I am friendly to all, why others aren't is a riddle since it actually gives you an advantage.

    5.) I understand you may have put 1000+ hours into the game, but is indeed just that a game.
    Everyone is entitled to the same content, rules, benefits, opportunities, and rewards as you.

    Teamwork makes the Dreamwork
    Alliance Encouraged Always
    Mic Enthusiast
    Xbox/PC Player

    Signing Off:
    Love to Sail Sometime
    P.S. Thank you Rare for making an awesome game as you usually do.

  • @syntheticsoildr This is in violation of forums rules. The last post on the thread is from 3 months ago mate. No bumping. @Deckhands

  • @xx-morik-xx said in Cheating in Sea of Thieves:

    This is a feature easily obtained by PC players,

    You seem to know a lot about cheating. I'm on PC. I don't cheat. I've been outplayed by a lot of players on all platforms and I don't think I've seen anyone who was probably cheating.

    If you've really been the victim of hacking then make a video and submit it to support or report the player through the appropriate avenue. Creating another topic against crossplay will not help your case.

  • @m1sterpunch
    Yep old topic, but why not, I’ve noticed cheaters as well presumably the never missed type. Recording isn’t always the easiest on Xbox especially when fighting and unfortunate the last player list doesn’t work right. I have to agree with others as someone who plays on Xbox. I don’t care if there is only 10 percent of those who cheat on PC I want no part of it simple solution get rid of cross play or make it optional. Fortnite it’s opitonal. I think Xbox players just don’t want o be forced to play with PC players cheat or no cheat.

  • @bababooey said in Cheating in Sea of Thieves:

    I don’t care if there is only 10 percent of those who cheat on PC I want no part of it simple solution get rid of cross play or make it optional.

    I'd like to see your source for that statistic. It was something like 14% of the player base was playing on PC (not cheating) and the estimated percentage of cheaters was something like 0.9%
    Now if you XBox folks are right and ONLY PC players are cheating (hypothetically but doubtful) then that's 1% of that 14% of the entire player base. So that means the majority of people crying about cheaters are simply mistaken.

    I am so sick of console players endlessly accusing all PC players of hacking.
    I would like you to go to your XBlive account and see how many times you were accused of cheating. There is a page that will tell you. If you have no strikes against you at all then good for you, but that must mean you're not that good at PvP or that every player you are up against is cheating right?

  • @xx-morik-xx said in Cheating in Sea of Thieves:

    To anyone now who has played this game for a while, I'm sure you've come across cheaters. Most common one I've run into is the Aimbot where people are able to not miss their shots and see locations of players even through an environment. This is a feature easily obtained by PC players, and unfortunately is ruining gaming experience for a lot of pirates.

    Suggestion: Give an option (not mandatory) for Xbox players to que into a server that is Xbox only. Of course this solution is only a quick fix. The real fix needs to be finding and banning these players (but that is difficult) and players usually find work arounds and continue cheating.

    It is unfortunate that an amazing feature (cross platform with PC/Xbox together), is ruined by the ease of PC hacks. Unfortunately, without the option (again not mandatory) of playing with your own platform only, a lot of players will be frustrated and the perception of "unfair" could potentially ruin gaming experience.

    I have sailed much, much more than you, and have run into ONE person who was cheating in this game. Honestly with the state of the game, I don't know if that person was "teleporting" or if the game was just behaving strangely because of lag.

    I will never understand why so many people immediately cry "hacker" when the game doesn't go their way.

  • @knightslayer937 said in Cheating in Sea of Thieves:

    Cheating is part of gaming for some the end of the day if someone is cheating and ruining your game leave and go to a different server.

    That is probably the worst advice for handling someone cheating that I have ever seen.

    A) record
    B) report

    Cheating is NOT a part of gaming. It is a symptom of something wrong with people.

  • These I almost hate when they pop up.

    Posting a video of an advertisement showing features of a commercial cheat that can be purchased is not proof that you encountered someone cheating. That video (if it is what I think you posted) is indeed for a widely available cheat. The thing is, since it is widely available and easy to find I would GUARANTEE that you would last maybe a week or two before Rare or Microsoft suspended your account, if even that long.

    You cannot get beaten down and come out of it hailing "ERMAGERD HAXX0R!" every time you lose in a PvP encounter.

    You have put very little time into this game since it came out. You have not even gone the distance I have gone (by one-quarter) and there are people with 2 or 3 times the distance I have gone.

    Don't sail alone. Put in more time and practice to be better. Realize that by choosing to play on a console that you literally chose to be at a disadvantage to some other players. That disadvantage has NOTHING to do with people cheating, and everything to do with limitations you placed on yourself in terms of control scheme and hardware.

  • @m1sterpunch
    Lol it was a hypothetical, so I can’t prove or disapprove I was just saying if there was like ten percent sorry if I want clear enough. Point is though even if there was only o.9 percent there are still cheaters and I for one in a game like this don’t want to be mixed in with them and unless you can tell me that xbox players cheat and back that up let me know. Last time I checked there isn’t a aim bot not on the Xbox etc I cant mod my Xbox like a pc player.

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