Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6

  • Patch Notes - 1.0.6

    Ahoy pirates!

    We read your feedback in the Customisation Mega Threads and in other parts of the community about the limited variety of available options to dress and customise your pirate. This weeks patch delivers the first wave of cosmetics into shops in the form of expanded sets for Admiral, Bilge Rat, Sea Dog and Sovereign.

    Alongside the new cosmetics variations, you'll find that shop stock varies from outpost to outpost, depending on the region you’re in. Don't worry, you can pick up your new Bilge Rat gear in all regions, but you'll have to head to the Ancient Isles to pick up the new Sovereign set!

    In addition to more customisation options, Patch 1.0.6 also includes our regular performance improvements and bug fixes.

    Download size:

    Xbox One: 2.40GB
    Xbox One X: 2.40GB
    Windows 10: 2.06GB

    Xbox Installation Instructions can be found here.

    PC Installation Instructions can be found here.

    Customisation Variety

    • Regional Stock - Shopkeepers in different regions now only stock certain item sets, due to some mistimed deliveries.
    • Strike a Pose - We’ve expanded our clothing range to include the Executive Admiral, Grand Admiral, Rotten Bilge Rat, Castaway Bilge Rat, Corsair Sea Dog, Ruffian Sea Dog and Imperial Sovereign sets.
    • Ship Shape - Multiple sets of ship cosmetics have been added to the shipwright stock. Now you can purchase and equip Grand Admiral, Castaway Bilge Rat, Ruffian Sea Dog and Imperial Sovereign ship customisation sets.
    • Ohh, Shiny! - Visit the weapon shops at the many outposts to find their stocks of Grand Admiral, Castaway Bilge Rat, Ruffian Sea Dog and Imperial Sovereign weapons. Fancy a new weapon style? We’re sure one of these will take your fancy!

    alt text

    • “Launch Crew” Eye of Reach - In celebration of being at sea for a month, we've added a special weapon to the store. This limited edition item will only be available for two weeks, so grab yours while you still can at a very reasonable price of 1 Gold!


    • Tutorial Invulnerability - Players are no longer invulnerable during parts of the Tutorial when first launching the game.
      This should resolve confusion around players seemingly being invulnerable at outposts. We take all reports very seriously, so please log a Support Ticket and we will investigate further.
    • Skeletons Accuracy - When shooting cannons from islands at long distances, Skeleton accuracy has been reduced. We read your feedback that it was a little extreme... #SkellyOP!
    • Merchant Voyages - It is no longer possible to force Merchant voyages to request delivery to a specific outpost. Now you'll have to earn your cheddar.
    • Sneaky Climbing - The bell on the small ship has been moved to the other side of the ladder, to avoid accidental ringing. We're redecorating! With the Ammo Crate and Bell moved, what are we moving next?

    Fixed Issues

    • [PC Only] Rebinding to the F key will no longer soft lock the radial.
      This has been a top reported issue to Support, and we believe this is now resolved. If you are still encountering issues with this rebind locking the screen, please log a Support Ticket and we will investigate further.
    • Stow and Disengage can now be rebound to the same button on a controller
    • Incorrect company icons will no longer be displayed for a split second if trying to get reputation from two different Trading Companies.
    • Joining a dead player whose ship is parked at an active Skeleton Fort will no longer prevent the joining player’s radials from being opened.
    • Recent Players list will no longer be delayed in updating players from other crews.
    • Hunter of Cursed Crews and Hunter of Fort Skulls Commendations now track.
    • Voyage inventory message is now translated when there are no voyages in the inventory.
    • Loot items can no longer be dropped behind the Captain’s table on the small ship when trying to place them on the table.
    • Ships’ ropes now cast shadows on the deck.
    • Musical instruments can now be used immediately after interacting with parts of the ship.
    • [PC Only] Half Vsync option was removed. The Frame Lock option should now be used instead.
    • Resolved an issue which could cause players to fail to migrate and remain on low population servers.

    Performance Improvements

    • Repetitive actions from players will no longer impact the network stability for other players.
    • Frame rate lock option is no longer disabled when vsync is enabled.
    • Significant reductions in time taken to return from the Ferry of the Damned.
    • Images in all Chests now load gracefully when browsing.
    • Multiple server crash fixes.
      Further improvements and optimisations for all platforms are ongoing.

    Known Issues

    • Some players cannot see their downloadable content in game.
      Once you redeem your code, here is a Support Article that shows you where to find your items in game. If you still cannot find your items in game, please raise a support ticket to log this issue.
    • Players may experience details of their pirate (such as hair colour / scars) looking different from their initial selection.
      We are working on a way for our Customer Support team to reset your pirate to your original selection. If you have experienced this bug, please ensure you have logged a Support Ticket for this issue.
    • Players are experiencing delayed achievements and commendations from in-game actions.
      We are working on a way for our Customer Support team to re-award these achievements and commendations back to players.

  • 409
  • I can't get the game to load after the patch. It sits on the grey screen with the art work picture for a few seconds and then closes again. Are the servers up just now, and if so, is there a fix for this issue other than having to reinstall the whole game again?

  • Nice work!

    Still no private invites and spot holding though :(

  • @themuckypaw
    Servers not back online until 2pm bst.
    2hr 15mins from now ;)

  • @themuckypaw said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    I can't get the game to load after the patch. It sits on the grey screen with the art work picture for a few seconds and then closes again. Are the servers up just now, and if so, is there a fix for this issue other than having to reinstall the whole game again?

    Hi there, we have a Support Article which should help fix this issue for you!

  • @themuckypaw Servers are still down matey. Just over two hours before they're due up again.

  • good news on holidays

  • @khaleesibot
    He's trying to load the game now while the servers are down, i don't think that requires a support ticket ;)

    My bad, didn't realise he was having the close at splash screen issue.

  • Im so happy i famed that cheese

  • servers are up

  • @bezy96 probably won't be for long!

  • Wooooooo

  • Ships’ ropes now cast shadows on the deck....


    Resolved an issue which could cause players to fail to migrate and remain on low population servers.

    Boo! (lol)

    I win todays bet... no hungering deep, yet but dang thanks for the new gun!

  • @LogansDadToo we completed maintenance a little earlier this week, so the servers are indeed up!

  • @lil-deann said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    Nice work!

    Still no private invites and spot holding though :(

    We're still actively working on this!

  • I just wanted to be able to set sail at say 8pm on my sloop and hold a spot for my friend who gets on at like 9pm without having to restart a game :(

  • @khaleesibot Thank you. I will do this just now.

    @LucianSanchez82 and @LogansDadToo Thanks for the info.

  • @jagnew92 said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    @LogansDadToo we completed maintenance a little earlier this week, so the servers are indeed up!

    Brilliant work, well done :). Thank you for the update.

  • I don't want to hear people talk about "no content" ever again. Also, has the random disconnection issue been worked on?

  • @jagnew92
    rushes off to boot up xbox :)

  • Nearly all cosmetics.....Thanks. You've helped me make up mind , definitely trading it in.

  • @khaleesibot so no changes for finishing a voyage and getting rep and gold for it?

    At low level GH you should find lots of castaways and seafarers, but as you level up GH you should lower your probability of finding them and increase the probability of finding better chests

  • Still no private match..

  • why nerf skeleton cannons but not their guns, especially flintlocks. i can get u loads of fottage of them shooting through solid objects and just being plain op :/ the long shot cannons rarely hit and was hilarious to watch :/

  • @reluctantdragon said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    Nearly all cosmetics.....Thanks. You've helped me make up mind , definitely trading it in.

    Don't let the door hit you on the way out, kid.

    You've been shown the roadmap: We're getting content THIS MONTH. If you're so impatient that you can't wait for it and are upset when a regular update adds cosmetic stuff, then we honestly don't need you to be in the selection pool for random Galleon crews.

  • @khaleesibot that eye of reach is a thing of beauty!

  • Nice improvements guys!! but the nerf on skeleton cannons is meh

  • Thx, better patch notes than I expected honestly. Love especially the regional stock thing and respawn time fix. (well, i'll have to test that one first, but any improvement is welcomed)

  • Hello,

    My reaction to this patch is W*F ?! Do I really need to check all outposts to see the SKINS ?! Really for skins ? I have to spend 2 hours ? Ok let's disconnect and reconnect until I went to all outpost to buy my skin...this is stupid, like really.

    Second is not related to the patch, but you fixed the issue for the merchant, please consider that merchant is not fun at all, it's a nightmare, it's killing game, it's not pve, it's not pvp, there is no interest to do it. If you pvp, you kill the animals, and if you don't, even if you steal them to someone else, you don't get money for that, then it's just useless, this job is the contrary of what we want in the game.

    Anyway, thanks for adding skins, even if we have to spend hours to see what it looks like.

  • Definitely a great update this week.

    Hunter of Cursed Crews and Hunter of Fort Skulls Commendations now track.

    Can someone confirm if this is retroactive?

    Resolved an issue which could cause players to fail to migrate and remain on low population servers.

    Shame, I liked the quiet haha.

    Significant reductions in time taken to return from the Ferry of the Damned.

    I wonder what qualifies as significant.

    Can't wait to play tonight now!

  • @khaleesibot
    Nice updates again and awesome looking Eye of Reach skin. I also like the idea of regional stock, it gives at least a bit of incentive to check out vendors at different outposts.

  • Nice Rum Rifle haha

  • @logansdadtoo Don't know about you but I can get in :)

  • @british-legends said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.6:

    Can someone confirm if this is retroactive?

    unless it'll be delayed now, it's not. I've just checked.

  • For all us pirates stuck at work, get online and show off your pirate booty's in the new outfits :D

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