The Kraken still lacks a body... But here's another giant sea creature

  • How about making the Kraken an actual finished creature before adding in another giant creature?

    As it currently stands it's nothing but a bunch of sea worms connected to nothing.

    Will this big shark (or whatever) just be teeth and a big shadow in the inky water?

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  • It's really concerning. Across the board, the AI is really poor in SoT. We need significant AI improvements (including skeletons). My biggest concern is that whatever this is will be a giant bullet sponge.

  • What The hungering deep should be is the finished product of the kraken. To leave it where it’s at but introduce this other thing it’s like.. why?

  • @bloodfrenzy187 @WilliamHerschel aren't you assuming a bit much? We literally got no concrete info at all, so all we can do is guess. All we know is that It's going to be something that you can team up with other crews to do since they mentioned it in a dev update. Rest is just up to interpreting the teaser :p

  • If I don't see ship customisation for putting pot plants in the Captain's Quarters in this DLC, I'm boycotting the game.

  • @skritsarn Which is honestly a mistake because player speculation leads to hype and sometimes that hype is hype over the wrong thing and that leads to disappointment on the day of the release. I appreciate RARE keeping to their guns on the secretive portion of things, but considering you have people shouting for content and you show it, but not really. Heh, who is going to be excited except the people who are considered "True fans". Shouldn't this kind of be pointed at the potential new buyers or the people who said "Not enough content" and put the game away for a while?

  • @bloodfrenzy187 Check out their Twitter or Facebook cover image. The new monster is much, much more than just some disembodied teeth.

  • @mr-spiderhead they haven't even confirmed any monster yet

  • The kraken doesnt need a body. All a kraken ever is are tentacles attacking a boat. Why are people still obsessed with this?

  • @mr-spiderhead I want to be optimistic because it looks cool. But after the Kraken letdown I'm in wait and see mode.

  • @bloodfrenzy187 To save you time.

    More mysteries.

  • @tedakin You can literally google kraken, go to images and see how wrong you are. Everyone knows that a kraken is a giant cephalopod.

  • @kashaarafall Don't get me wrong that looks cool and I hope it's a huge, finished and deadly creature. But it's all speculation at the moment and I don't want to get my hopes up.

  • @bloodfrenzy187 I highly doubt it will be scary/dangerous. The AI in the game prevents that unless they've been working on a major overhaul. If anything it will likely just smack you with its Dorsal fins or something, I doubt it would come up to attack via a upward strike because the water isn't that deep to begin with to house something that big.

  • @kashaarafall I know what a Kraken is, but in the context of a basic Kraken attack in fiction it uses its tentacles to sink a boat. The body is irrelevant. There's a body, we're just meant to believe it's hidden in the ink. Putting in a body would in no way change the gameplay other than having something to look at if you jump in the water.

    Not to mention they'd have to completely redo the entire thing from the ground up with a whole new model connected to the tentacles that work as a single mesh. Wanting them to spend valuable time fixing something old for cosmetic reasons rather than adding new content makes no sense to me.

  • @tedakin

    Good point. The Kraken is currently loads of fun to fight...

  • @tedakin said in The Kraken still lacks a body... But here's another giant sea creature:

    @kashaarafall I know what a Kraken is, but in the context of a basic Kraken attack in fiction it uses its tentacles to sink a boat. The body is irrelevant. There's a body, we're just meant to believe it's hidden in the ink. Putting in a body would in no way change the gameplay other than having something to look at if you jump in the water.

    Not to mention they'd have to completely redo the entire thing from the ground up with a whole new model connected to the tentacles that work as a single mesh. Wanting them to spend valuable time fixing something old for cosmetic reasons rather than adding new content makes no sense to me.

    Makes perfect sense to me. I think some people would like to see the ripples in the water as a Kraken approaches, not randomly sail into tar or oil. It is also pretty impossible not to notice it had no body, as the person who gets grabbed and released falls into the water...the masking of the no body with black water was just lazy. If they gave the new monster a body, what reason did they have to not give one to the Kraken?

  • @bloodfrenzy187

    Well of COURSE they didn't show the Kraken's body. If they did that it would have spoiled the later update "Sloopy-Doopy-Doo", where we find out the Kraken is just mechanical tentacles controlled by Old Man Jenkins.

    He was trying to scare everyone off so he could turn the Sea of Thieves into a tourist trap of luxury beaches and condos.

    And he would've gotten away with it too, if not for us meddling pirates!

  • @JediMasterFraze If it is not there, I will stand with you in solidarity.

  • @mr-spiderhead said in The Kraken still lacks a body... But here's another giant sea creature:

    @bloodfrenzy187 Check out their Twitter or Facebook cover image. The new monster is much, much more than just some disembodied teeth.

    Looks like a sunk ship with barrels floating over it to me..

  • @kashaarafall Probably because each tentacle on the kraken is its own AI? Who knows, I'm not a programmer. It just seems like a ton of wasted time to go back and work on adding a body to appease a rather than working on new things.

  • @a-trusty-mango said in The Kraken still lacks a body... But here's another giant sea creature:

    @bloodfrenzy187 Hahahahahahaha ohhhh man. I laughed at that. (4).JPG

    Just the head sticking out of the water.

    If this happens so help me God. lol.

  • @a-trusty-mango At first I thought the same thing, but it looks scalier than normal. So, my thought is in this photo that the boat in question is currently "Protected" as the trailer implied or rather surrounded by RARE's mystical armor for the purpose of the photo. I suspect the creature will attack from the side with either bites or swipes. This would give players the ability to fend it off because if they go with a underneath upwards bite...I will have to swim down there to see it because I've been to the bottom. So, I know half if not more of that creature's body is going to be clipping through the land on it's ascent.

  • @tedakin If they just want to move on then they should just rename it seaworms and be done with it. Because that's no Kraken.

  • Yea not going to lie, but the teaser trailer told us nothing. It was a visual rehash of the dev update with literally no tease except MaYBE it’s a shark looking thing? That was the only new thing we learned in the trailer. That’s it. Oh and that hopefully it’s May 29th if that patch is t borked as well :(.

    Sorry to be a pessimist on this one, but they are going to have to prove me wrong on this stuff. I expect d an actual dev update to address the last few days today. Not a trailer that rehashes everything thy have already said.

  • @kashaarafall yeah, they had something else in mind:
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  • @bloodfrenzy187 said in The Kraken still lacks a body... But here's another giant sea creature:

    @tedakin If they just want to move on then they should just rename it seaworms and be done with it. Because that's no Kraken.

    I always simply look at the Kraken issue as shadow and dark waters which conceal the body below - Obviously the body isn't there but the idea is presented, albeit in a obviously simple means to conceal it, but it works.

    I never imagined actually SEEING the body of the Kraken in the game anyhow - To me, it'd always present itself as tentacles rising from the deep, that's actually good enough for me considering all I have to do is imagine the hulking beast masqueraded by inky water.

    besides the octopus can ink water.. why couldn't a kraken?

    Choosing to highlight your personal awareness that we're actually dealing with disembodied tentacles, is just a persons choice to disregard the suspension of disbelief which in VIDEO GAMES is alot easier to do..

    @Kashaarafall you mention directing new updates towards new fans.

    Honestly, once initial sales are passed - game devs/publishers generally stop making money. With the advent of places to purchase games used, or at less than full price, the gains after release are micro-transaction and DLC based more than anything else now days.

    New customers won't help Rare directly unless they are paying for the full version at $60, unlikely thanks to the inclusion on game pass.

    Since the inclusion of SoT on Gamepass... now no one ever has to buy this game ever again. - Directly.

    The money everyone wants to make from here on in - is going to be recouped in XboxLIVE subs and eventual DLC/Micro transaction costs.

    New players thanks to game pass wont spend a penny on the game itself.

    Welcome to the world of unique profit measures!

    And, no, my comment isn't entirely true - but look it up, there are some really interesting articles on this subject.

  • @a-trusty-mango said in The Kraken still lacks a body... But here's another giant sea creature:

    @blooddoll22 Mainly because the kraken is a squid and not a octopus lol.

    No.. the Kraken is a mythological being open for interpretation by any who dare. The insistence that it is "Octopus", "Squid" or even "Dolphin" is the first mark of discord between suspension of disbelief and logical expectation.

    It all comes down to the "Kraken" as defined by Sea of Thieves... versus as defined by lore, pop culture, scientific fact, whatever.

    Just like how we don't count 12 ribs on the skeletons... but no one complains about that. because "it's close enough to expectation that it serves as a adequate enough representation of expected form"

    Obviously for some Rare's version of "The Kraken" doesn't line up closely enough... That's where Suspension of disbelief breaks.

    The examples of the concept art can be spotted here... nothing like an octopus or squid with the exception of the second pages "top half" which do remind me of an octopus... just.... similarities in concept.

    What I enjoy presuming is that when attacked by strangely scattered tentacles from the sea that aren't anywhere near close enough or positioned well enough to reflect a single beast logically anyhow is simple.... I picture many "krakens" in some form of a "pod" and only some are raising one or two 'arms' up in an effort to attack.

  • @kashaarafall I think that as long as they release content that is well made and fun, people wont be disappointed. Ofc they can't make everyone happy tho.

    Honestly i expected to get to see actual gameplay, but i still liked the trailer we got cos there are a lot of small hints of what we're getting :D Like the crab on the beach, the dude playing a drum on the boat, etc :)

  • @shuoink Look again. It looks nothing like a sunken ship. Literally none of its features are shared with the models for either type of ship.

  • @roughleech03117 I think the teaser and image are pretty strong confirmation.

  • @mr-spiderhead lol

  • @roughleech03117 Laugh as loud as you like, but I'll be coming back to say "I told you so" in a couple of week's time. No doubt you'll then try to find a way to claim that the creature we get isn't a monster (although technically, with it blatantly being a massive shark-like creature I'd be inclined to agree it's not what I want from my sea monsters). See you after it drops.

  • @mr-spiderhead

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