Cheater followed by five to six Galleon crews SEE Below , if this is not where to post it , where is.

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  • @captmarti Ahoy matey, I see you have posted this again but I will offer you the same advice.

    @musicmee said in Cheater followed by six crews whom do we let know, if this is not the right place plse let us know where is:

    @captmarti Ahoy matey!

    This is not the place to report a player, the forum policy is not to name and shame so I would remove any names from your post that may be incriminating and against the rules.

    I would, however, use the link below to report any player behavior you found unacceptable.

    Contact Support

  • @captmarti Like I said though matey.. make sure you edit your posts and delete one of the duplicates by using the ship's wheel in the bottom right of your posts.

  • @captmarti Musicme while I appreciate your advice about the wheel and support , thank you. This is not the right place to have that conversation. I have taken care of it and posted it where it needs to be. I appreciate your response but this is not the right place for that response. You might find that contacting the person via a message is a better way. This is not the place to post that even though I know you are well intentioned and I am grateful for your thoughts. I think if you talk to support you will find posting it there is a better way to go about it perhaps

  • @musicmee I think too along with forum rules it might not be correct to highlight incorrect statements. But I know that was just oversight on your part. I know you see there are no names used other than mine in support. I do hope you correct that as I have removed all other items even though fellow players requested it .

  • @captmarti Matey! Thanks for your help... it's just we don't like even hinting at names... it creates a witch hunt and these conversations are better behind closed doors as not to cause any unrest. Thank you greatly for your help.

  • I must ask in all humility is there an implication there. My name is Capt. Marti NOT Matey please I earned my rank. If you have those on a witch hunt, here would hardly be the place for you to post about that isn't that true or am I confused. If someone is on a witch hunt isn't that better handled by support or someone a bit higher up? Do you see the confusion and where it comes and why it comes in? It isn't me mentioning anything or anyone that could make it possible for anyone to identify anyone other than me. Your players asked for help and the subject was rerouted. I will let them know that and send them back to support if they so chose but here is not the place. Just a little side note , the internet does not have any "closed doors" that I am aware of. I am glad you refrain from hinting at names that could ID someone. Perhaps , not jumping to conclusions or accussing others might be a good policy as well but I digress and here is not the place., message me. My account with others will gone though by tomorrow. So, we can continue this through support until then.

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    I don't even know how to react...

  • As the opening post has been removed by the poster, and there is no longer a topic of discussion present, this thread will now be locked.

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