Strange skull fort.

  • I'm not exactly sure if it's a glitch or not so I don't know where to post this.

    Last night we had been sailing for a very long session doing the 30 voyages CCB commendation and at this stage never saw another vessel or a skull cloud.
    Another crew member and myself stopped off at a fort to grab more supplies as the rest of our crew sailed onward to the next quest destination.
    The original plan was to mermaid back so as to get these voyages knocked out as fast as possible.

    The fort barrels were plentiful with goodies including many cursed cannonballs.
    Whilst grabbing all we could we noticed that the stronghold door was open with loot inside.
    So we started stacking all of the loot and a ton of gun powder kegs on a rock for when our ship finally returned.
    We waited quite a while but didn't see another ship at all.

    Our game session would have been well over six hours.
    A skull cloud finally appeared near the end of our session and we completed that still without seeing anyone else on the server for a good few hours and even then they weren't around for long.

    Just wondering could the skull fort have glitched, not showing the cloud or spawning the skeletons yet open the stronghold door leaving the loot behind or was it Santa?

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  • Ok that is strange i dont think its a glitch but i have the feel that something is wrong since the shipraid are inplemented. What i mean is my crew and i do a skullfort and than a little time later a shipraid spawns and at this point i dont see any skullfort again for hours. At our last hour of gaming we saw a other ship fighting the skelletonships and finish them and after the shipcloud goes away a fortcloud spawns. So i think that something is wrong at the moment.

  • @admiral-rrrsole

    Well I'd suggest you to open a support ticket if it's not already done. Rare would probably know immediately if it's a bug or someone just forgot to take the loot or whatever happened :)

    Sea of Thieves - Support

  • @daniel-xpr0
    I know that they are currently working on activating the remaining six forts so maybe there was a little hiccup that happened to fall between the cracks.
    Your reply has me thinking deeper. I don't recall ever seeing both ship raid cloud and skull fort cloud at the same time.

    I just thought to mention it here to see if perhaps someone else may have experienced the same since the last patch or if it was just a one-of thing where we just happened to be at the right place at the right time.... for a change.

    If anyone did defeat the skull fort and just left the loot behind, they must have been quick while our backs were turned to the cloud as we never saw a skull cloud until well after clearing the loot ourselves and the next fort was activated.

  • Hey there, just to inform you guys.

    If a shipraid is up (ship shaped cloud in the NE, NW or SE) a skull fort wont spawn, the ship fight has to be taken down first. This also goes the other way around.

    However the 3 hour timer for skullforts is still counting down and if it reaches 0 when the shipraid is up it will just wait and pop up as soon as the shipraid is taken down.

    As for the first matter, maybe someone used the skullfort to grind the 200 skelly commendation of the event and had not interest in the loot and just opened the fort for someone else to take.

  • @admiral-rrrsole sounds like the beginning of an isolationist horror story lol. I personally have had some bugs with the skull fort, like the fort having a skull above it but no waves ever spawn. I’ve also had one where the loot wasn’t in the fort once we completed it :/

  • @haydensolo said

    I’ve also had one where the loot wasn’t in the fort once we completed it :/

    Dang. I wonder if I can do a PayPal transaction to give you the free loot we got to make up for it? lol

  • @admiral-rrrsole I mean, I’m down if you are

  • Then again, a lot of the glitches I’ve encountered happened a while ago, so they may have been patched by now ;)

  • @haydensolo Yeah we've had to leave and return to forts to get the waves rolling again.

    We've even had them stuck inside rocks at the fort where the only way to continue was to use a powder keg right beside the rock. It's become a common trend.

  • From your description I have a theory. While the Skeleton Ship cloud is up the skull fort can't spawn, but maybe the loot does. This is only helpful if the previous skull fort spawn was at the same island where the door would still be open.

  • @aliasmask Yeah that does make sense.

  • @aliasmask While that's a reasonable assumption - I've seen both spawn at the same time so I don't think that's quite the reason.

    @Admiral-RRRSole Maybe someone completed the fort and didn't want the loot? Blasphemy, I know - but you do get some strange pirates on these seas!

  • @Admiral-RRRSole When you say loot, did it include the fort skull and fort chest?

    During your session, was the skelly ship cloud up at all?

  • @TheTwistedTaste The forts don't spawn when skelly ships are up. I have cleared many of them after hours of game play just to get the skull for to pop up and sure enough, as soon as that cloud for the skelly ships goes away, the fort pops up. It also works in reverse as last night we had a skull fort up for hours. We initially were not going to go for the fort, but when we were done we decided why not. We went and killed the fort and sure enough the skelly ship cloud popped up. So we went and dealt with them as well.

    I do think that the servers might be having a population issue. As we too saw some ships when we first spawned, but after a while nothing the remainder of the night. A while back it seemed the servers were having issues re-populating after initial spawn, I wonder if that glitch is back.

  • @nofears-fun said in Strange skull fort.:

    @TheTwistedTaste The forts don't spawn when skelly ships are up. I have cleared many of them after hours of game play just to get the skull for to pop up [...]

    Maybe I'm not recalling very well, then 😕 - I'm 99% sure I have seen a skull cloud, and a ship cloud, in the sky at the same time. Hopefully we'll get a definitive answer from Rare

  • @TheTwistedTaste We have tested this many times. If the cloud has been up there a long enough time, it ends up holding the next event from happening until it is cleared. Not sure why, but that is what we have found. Now if one of the clouds show up and you go right away and clear it, then you will wait for the next clouds timer.

  • @thetwistedtaste said in Strange skull fort.:

    @aliasmask While that's a reasonable assumption - I've seen both spawn at the same time so I don't think that's quite the reason.

    @Admiral-RRRSole Maybe someone completed the fort and didn't want the loot? Blasphemy, I know - but you do get some strange pirates on these seas!

    Really? I've never seen them spawned at the same time and I play alot. I make it a point to kill the skeleton ship so the fort can spawn, which it does immediately after if it's been awhile.

  • @aliasmask I think I've seen it happen the once - but I'm honestly not so sure now since others have said it's not possible.

    If it happens again - I'll record and upload it

  • @thetwistedtaste said in Strange skull fort.:

    @aliasmask I think I've seen it happen the once - but I'm honestly not so sure now since others have said it's not possible.

    If it happens again - I'll record and upload it

    Earlier today, I think I may have seen it happen but I really wasn't paying attention and when I took note, there was only one of them in the sky. I think it may be possible on a new server for the first iteration but after that the respawn becomes dependent on the other. At least that's a theory that can accommodate our two perspectives.

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