New Challenges every 2 weeks

  • Hello, i have read on forums there is a weekly challenge that can give you doubloons. I have completed the forsaken shores challenge and got all my doubloons. Now what can i do to earn more. I can't find anywhere is the next challenge and you said a challenge it will stand 2 weeks. The challenge for forsaken shores is here from when i started to play.
    I want to know how to get more doubloons they are really helpful.

  • 5
  • @luc1f3r422 The Bilge Rat Adventures are what reward you with doubloons. The original road map had a new adventure with new commendations every week. This proved to be a little too ambitious and left many folk without enough time to complete the event and was therefore changed to fortnightly events. Due to issues with unwanted bugs and clashes with major releases this two weekly schedule has rarely been kept to (such is life).

    Forsaken shores is the current event which is expected to end next week on 31st (I'm guessing) when the next Adventure: Festival Of The Damned, will begin. New commendations should be introduced then, allowing you more opportunities to earn those coveted doubloons!

    After that, we've no idea what or when the next adventure might be... yet.

  • @luciansanchez82 ok i had understand. so where i can see the new adventure every week? like the new adventures in forsaken shores.

  • @luc1f3r422 You'll be wanting to speak to Duke in any of the outpost taverns to find out what the latest adventure is.

    You can also look up the latest commendations under the Bilge Rat option of the Reputation tab in your menu (once there you can scroll right to see the older commendations available to you, some may still have doubloon rewards for you).

  • @luc1f3r422 just remember that the challenges often only bring small changes to the game as well - whilst we have doubloons for the Forsaken Shores event, the next one will be based around existing mechanics, with a small tweak in the form of lantern flame colours.

    Really big changes to the game world come from content drops like Hungering Deep, Cursed Sails and Forsaken Shores.

    Happy sailing- you can always still go for the Cursed Sails doubloons as Rare has decided to keep those in the game from now on too! Just check that reputation page for Bilge Rats and see which ones can be unlocked!

4 out of 5