Unofficial Spinal Tap figurehead code giveaway!

  • Ahoy pirates!

    I have two Spinal Tap figurehead codes that I don't need so I will be giving them away to two lucky members of the Sea of Thieves community. The winners will be chosen at random on Friday, November 9th. To enter, simply reply to this thread with an answer to the following question: What has been your favorite Sea of Thieves update (big or small) and why?

    Best of luck!

  • 59
  • My favorite sea of thieves update so far is the hungering deep! It was awesome to play through it and how excited everyone was the day it came out. Would love to win this figure head it's my favorite!

  • @xcalypt0x I think my favourite expansion is Forsaken Shores. The volcanoes were an interesting twist and the rowboat are an amazing new tool. When this expansion came out, I felt like the first time I jumped into the beta.

  • @xcalypt0x has to be the hungering deep

  • My favourite so far waas Cursed Sails - it generated such epic battles!

  • my favorite update was skeleton throne event because i met some really cool people

  • @xcalypt0x my favorite update for Sea of Thieves was the Hungering Deep event. I have been playing this game for many months with my best friend and we have had some success on the sea but it was limited to voyages. The hungering deep event was the first major event that brought crews together. I fought Meg (the original Meg) three times (sunk once) and the other times were some of my favorite moments on Sea of Thieves ever. I fought Meg at night in the middle of the storm with the entire server. Really showed me how crews could work together for a change.

  • @xcalypt0x
    Wow thanks for doing this!

    My answer has to be the Forsaken Shores, I like the area (controversial opinion, I know haha), the forsaken ashes clothes look amazing, as does the the ship and weapon cosmetics, also the story that came with it was nice as well.

  • It would have to be the Forsaken Shores update.
    All new islands to explore brought back that feeling of not knowing the islands at all, struggling with riddles and the all new challenge the volcano's bring as you try and escape with the loot. Not to mention the all allusive wonderous box of secrets...

  • Hands down its got to be Curse Sails! It brought me back to the game from a long, long break and I haven't left yet!

  • Gunpowder Skelton bildge rat adventure, so much fun running from skeletons and so frustrating trying to colabarate for fort commendations.

  • The Hungering deep hands down. From being able to play a new tune with Merrick on the beach, to teaming up with other crews and finally figuring out the location of the mighty meg. Summoning miss meg and freaking out as all of our tattoos started glowing. Killing meg with only 10 cannon balls left on a galleon and 8 players on deck because she sunk two other sloops. Then hanging out back on shark bait cove to wait for new players and do it all over again. Might actually be one of my fondest gaming memories this gen!

  • Hungering Deep... finding other crews and then the cool boss battle was a high point for me

  • My favorite was one of the earlier ones (pre-hungering deep) that brought a bunch of new cosmetics into the game. Hoping they'll do something like that again soon.

  • What has been your favorite Sea of Thieves update (big or small) and why?

    The QOL update recently that made the plank/banana/cannonball crates operate like regular barrels because IT'S ABOUT DAMN TIME.

  • @xcalypt0x My favourite is The Gunpowder Skeletons, because it forces you to have a pistol or EoR and the cutlass is more used
    Also the required teamwork on the skeleton forts was fun

  • @xcalypt0x Surprisingly the Bomb Skelly event (forget its name). It made combat more exciting when they first appeared and now make combat much faster.

  • Like many others, I would have to say The Hungering Deep as well. It was an awesome experience to team up with 4 Chinese Pirates who could barely speak English in a Galleon, while Me and my Friend were in a Sloop. We all freaked out when our tattoos glowed bright. They ended up getting sunk by the Meg, while my Friend and I barely finished her off. Good Times!

  • Salutations Calypto,
    I would say my favorite Sea of Thieves update was the addition of Devils Roar. I just cant get enough of the Volcanic territory. I havent been around Long, But Coarsing the Dangerous Shores of Devils Roar and The sheer Terror of having to always be prepared to abandon your "booty" for the sake of your crew and ship is a rush of adrinaline and change of gameplay that compliments the calming and soothing normality of Sea of Thieves. heres a little poem I came up with haha - Devils Roar is not to be underestimated, for your fate awaits on your captain's Greed, and if you to follow orders, running with loot indeed, as your steps become uneven, ground trembling and smoke Gleaming, your bound to meet your venture, with the Ferrymans Ship indeed.

  • Hungering Deep had the most game changing impact.
    Devils Roar was a robust, solid effort, and Festival of the Damned is my favorite Bilge Rat Adventure.

    I think the best update for me was Cursed Sails. Fighting the skellie ships in an alliance, and solo in a sloop, provided invaluable practice for ship-to-ship pvp never possible before that update.

    Although it's a rarity, for me, It still feels awesome when I hear that music and see the ships breach the surface.

    Would be awesome to encounter just one rogue skellie sloop, brig, or galleon in a open world random situation, instead of a Meg now and again.

  • @xcalypt0x you know what? Genuinely, the Beacons!
    Skeleton Thrones was a little arduous, especially Marauder's Arch, but Beacons brings back that first adventure again in a new form, but with a much easier set of locations (that still offer some challenge) and of course, the ability (finally) to customise your lantern colours!

    Though I have to say that the party boat look most rock is a little... off putting - hey - at least there is light out there on the horizon again though!

  • The Hungering Deep! I liked Cursed Sails too, but I choose The Hungering Deep because it was the first DLC, and even if there were no alliances we had to collaborate with another crew, sing that fantastic song to summon the great shark! I collaborated with pirates of other nationalities and the battle was fantastic! Among the other just as in this case you get a figurehead! ☠️

  • @xcalypt0x
    BIG thumbs up to you Captain for your kindness in sharing with the community, very nice of you indeed.

    For me, I have a feeling the best is yet to come as far as updates go. One thing RARE do well is listen and the community have some really good ideas.

    My favourite "things" so far though would have to be the addition of closed crews (more of a feature) and the introduction of the Brigantine built for 3.

    Good luck to all entrants and thanks.

  • @xcalypt0x My favourite update was the Hungering deep, even if "small" because it's big impact, the mistery about what you have to do for summon the Megan and the addition of equibable scars and tattooes

  • @xcalypt0x

    For me, the best thing has been the forsaken shores update with the Devils Roar, it's added so much more to the game, environment, size and some extra activities. It's really cold up here too in the highlands of Scotland and all the volcanoes and fires and glowing ashen chests and brimstone stuff are all helping me to feel a little warmer!

    Spinal from killer instinct is one of my fave characters from that game, his figurehead would set off my other skins so well I think I would struggle to take him off lol!

  • The Devil’s Roar.... it’s a love hate relationship. It’s a challenge for sure. Arrrg, Me loves the smell of singed feet in the morn :O

  • @xcalypt0x You should have titled the thread: "This is Spinal Tap figurehead code giveaway" : )

  • My favorite update was the Cursed Sails update and the following Bilge Rat adventure that introduced cursed cannonballs. They're just such a cool, useful item and make pvp much more interesting. Skeleton crews can be fun to fight and give good loot as well.

  • devils for sure. something brand new and challenging

  • Mine would have to be Forsaken Shores. New section of map, p.i.t.a volcanos, cool gear, and higher loot payout.

  • I've only been playing for 2 months and while I really enjoyed everything that came with the Devil's Roar, I have really been getting a kick out of the festival of the damned.

  • I know that it's a more recent update, but my favorite thus far has been the Foresaken Shores. I love the addition of the rowboat to the game - I feel like it added a whole new dimension to gameplay - and the volcanoes are amazingly rendered.

  • Mine has definitely been the Forsaken Shores one, Athenas that don't require animals, rowboats, and ships full of mid deck holes were all amazing.

  • Ohhh that's a hard one... I guess it was the cursed sails. The story was so nice, and the battles were so fun and hard to do, that when you finished them you had the sense of fulfilment that you never had on the game!
    Plus the team work you needed when doing it with more boats was really nice and the ways people found to sink the pirates ships... Amazing!

  • Festival of the Damned!

    Party Boat f*w ;)

11 out of 59