Rare's stream madness

  • So I finally watched one of their streams for the first time this morning. I'm still trying to wrap my head around what I saw. Reading the chat and watching the video of Rare playing the game themselves, I was going to pull my hair out.

    The only time I somewhat laughed was when the clown was playing that song of the Titanic played on a recorder. Gawd that was awful lol.

    Joe Neate, please please please please for the love of god. Take like 2 weeks and just no life your game. PLEASE. Watching you 3 really frustrated me.

    You need to learn how to play your game. At least enough to where you know where the major islands are on the map. You had no idea where Mermaids Hideaway was. That hurts me inside.

    Edit I'm being critical of the whole group that was playing. Neate, Gambit, and khaleesi

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  • @drbullhammer Seriously as to what I saw on their stream? Yes. Definitely. It was near impossible to watch.

    They stand there telling each other that the enemy was climbing up on the boat but instead of guarding the ladders they instead ran around spinning in circles watching the enemy just climb right now.

    Next was when Neate was swimming upto his boat and you can CLEARLY SEE the enemy climb the crows nest where they have 5 GPB's just waiting to be dropped onto them. He has clear view of this guy climbing but DID NOTHING. Then when they got blown up he acted like it was a surprise someone was on their boat.

    They were all bad. GullibleGambit was the only SEMI decent player and that is being generous.

    Its easier to get people to watch a stream if you guys aren't frustrating the whole player base by your lack of skill. Just giving them advice. They play badly and its almost sad that they don't even know where Mermaids Hideaway is after the game has been out this long. Hell they made they map they should know where it is.

    Makes me feel like they dont take the game seriously and that all their changes or future changes are not made with any type of actually gameplay knowledge. Only feedback from cry babies.

  • @xultanis-dragon I wouldn't say this that directly...but yes that is one of the reasons I don't watch their streams :(
    It is funny when someone says "come on lets play like noobs" just to make a laugh about it but actually having the creators playing like that, because they ACTUALLY cannot play any other way is really bad :/ I am not good at that game in PvP but if I am able to defeat the creators in their own game with my skill lvl, I would be just depressed about it :( (not that I fought them but even I can guard the latters or shoot someone with a gunpowder barrel in the water before it arrives near my ship)

    No criticism to them it is just sad to watch :(
    But finding the islands is sometimes really hard (if talking about the small ones) XD

  • @shikia-caeleaum Small ones I understand, but Mermaids Hideaway is a main island. Anyone with some significant sailing time should at least know where the main large islands are. Like maybe 15 to 20 islands? Small ones you forget because you don't go to those a lot when you get higher level but still.

  • @xultanis-dragon aye I agree that is why I said in the brackets small island like uhhh the one that looks like a turned around ancor (my skill in that game is so low) XD

    Edit: is it Shark tooth? XD

  • Really??

  • @shikia-caeleaum Dude.....i can never find shark tooth. Its like my unicorn. Everytime I see that map on my wheel I just sigh and give up.

    @XRayLexx Yes really.

  • @xultanis-dragon I just know it is in the wilds but thats about it XD

  • Isn’t it supposed to be a light hearted stream where they get to play and chat with members of the community. None of them profess to be leet players. It’s more like a chat with them playing the game at the same time. I’m not overly critical of their game play or skills.

  • I think you're missing the point of these streams.

  • Waw, i have to admire your tenacity...If i see something that makes my skin crawl after 5 minutes , i simply switch off and do something different.
    In all honesty , the fact that they aren't the best Pirates around , shows that they are more working on the game than playing it themselves...Every two or three weeks are there new Bilge Rats adventures , that needs to be developed in small timeframes , and if you work day in and day out , and i'm sure that some of them can't even catch sleep while they keep thinking on new things...And if they come home ,then i think they want to play something different than just that game they work everyday on...

    Do you know what i found toecurling bad last week, Not Mr Joe, Mr Josh nor Mr Mc Farlane nor the Streamer guy but that clown figure...You can be the best player around but if you are that good and you can't grant any other a fair chance then you're not that great in my eyes and yep , i switched off from the moment i understood that the clown wasn't going to stop fighting them while gleaming in the idea " Look Mommy, i can shoot Mr Joe, i can shoot a person who has little experience because allmost all of his time he spends on working and improving the game...Mommy, Mommy, i'm such a Hero"...Sad, just sad...

    And if you get frictioned by something, then take an advice of an old man, let things be like they are but don't torture yourself and just walk away and do or play something different instead.

  • @xultanis-dragon I'm Pirate Legend, played stupid number of hours and at least 3 or 4 times per week - I don't know the map! I'm not bothered about learning it either as there is a giant sea-chart for me to use below deck.

    Seems a rather odd way to surmise whether someone is good at the game or not. And with regards to the enemy and the GPB in the crow's nest - just because you saw it doesn't mean Joe did - afterall he is trying to read stream comments, has other people in the room with him and generally trying to have fun.

    (Mermaid's Hideaway is South-West right?)

    I'd also hazard a guess that you are skirting on the very edge of the forum rules with regards to the calling out/insulting the devs - even if in jest (this is in jest right?)

  • @theunionjames I like how you use an analogy of a Pro vs a regular person. If you want it to be in the same context, it would be as if Reggie lost to a level 1 computer. There you go.

    @DrBullhammer I was wondering why someone was going to use the whole "if you don't like" phrasing. Later than I expected but oh well. Never insulted them. Never called them names. I made an observation to how they played and it was very bad. Saying that he should take 2 weeks to actually PLAY the game is advice. He needs to play his game.

    @XRayLexx Never said they had to be leet. However that level of gameplay is very poor. Just very bad. It says something when the people who decide what to balance don't even know how to play their own game to an even basic standard. Judging from feedback I've gotten from other individuals I've talked to about this they also agree with the lack of skill. There is just BASIC level.

    @Sir-Lotus I am not missing the point. I know they are taking their time to talk with the community and just have a good time. However, I would like to know that the people who decide the future of the game have even a basic level of understanding of game mechanics and tactics. They take feedback from the community and make changes to the game, and it makes one wonder if they even know how to consider that feedback accurately if they can't even do certain things.

  • @sshteeve Not in jest and I like how any form of criticism or "feedback" is considered an insult if its negative. Also Joe isn't the one reading the comments. They have someone dedicated to reading the comments and giving Joe the feed back if you actually watched it. The guy climbing the crows nest wasn't hard to miss. He was in full view and Joe was looking straight at the screen.

    @DrBullhammer Yes it did make me want to pull my hair out and yes they do need to learn how to play their game. These are the events that happened. I watched the stream and it made me want to pull my hair out. They obviously don't really play their own game due to which they might not have a lot of time so they should learn how to play it. I even suggested he take 2 weeks off to no life the game. Get a rando account and play with some folks and learn.

  • @drbullhammer I like how its as if I'm asking them to be the best at the game. Basic simple knowledge of the game. When you say "someones climbing up to our boat" don't just turn around run away and then do nothing while watching the guy get on your boat and start killing your crew.

  • @theunionjames you and me both!

  • Can we all PLEASE agree though...

    Kato was being a very good boy during that stream!

  • @drbullhammer My frist time watching it. It is constructive criticism. They need to learn how to play a little better. They don't have to be gods at the game, just basic level stuff, how is that so hard? Whats awesome is I've given feedback of my experience of their stream. However instead of actually trying to explain points on how I'm mistaken, your debating style is non existent. Instead you use the "if you don't like it" argument constantly.

    So I watched the stream for the first time, gave feed back, according to you that feedback is a no no and that I should just do something else. So in regards to mister Pioneer, founder, insider, boatswain. From now on I will consider it okay that whenever someone complains about anything about this game that the correct response should be "If you don't like it, then do something else."

    Thank you for you multitude of wisdom on how to debate.

  • elitist gaming puke

  • Seriously though - Kato was the star of the show!

  • @xultanis-dragon

    remembering island locations on the map is not basic stuff. From what I've seen, I'd call them average at least. Saying they don't know the basic stuff is really off. You should remember, they're not streamers. Focusing on playing the game on stream, while thinking about how to answer questions in a way those answers won't be missinterpreted, easy to understand and not revealing any unannounced stuff at the same time, is pretty hard actualy.

  • @xultanis-dragon I have watched every stream, every week, and have seen some amazing gameplay from the devs and some very "Neate" maneuvers from Joe. Talking about the game, answering some player questions, whilst sat in a studio with multiple people walking around, and knowing there are a lot of people watching, is not going to be easy. The concentration will be lost quite a bit.

    As it's the first stream you ever watched, perhaps you might want to go back and watch some of the others then you would be more in a place to give some "constructive criticism".

  • @j4dio Wow.....thank you. No sarcasm I actually mean it. Why any of the other people who watched the streams couldn't have said something like that instead of just telling me off I don't understand. If that is true then I retract my statements.

    To the other guys. Learn from J4dio.

  • @xultanis-dragon No problem, truly though go back and watch some bits of other streams, some of them are hilarious, and some are tactically brilliant.

  • @j4dio Thanks for the heads up man. I'm going to do just that when I get back from the grocery. Get some food and actually watch multiple ones.

  • The dev's sent my friend a message saying the whole point of the streams are not for questions and answers but for showing game play. They said they choose to answer only of they want too.

  • @obligedsnail750 yes it's not a Q&A, but they will answer some, it's all about gameplay and fun, with a few leaks and answers.

  • @xultanis-dragon true, there is hostility (I would say not on my behalf), but perhaps look inwards a little and re-read your own statement: Opening a thread as you have in such a negative manner is only going to breed negative responses.

    Perhaps, as J4dio has said, it would've been a good idea for you to think about the statement through a little watch of the other streams first to familiarise yourself with how the team play.

    Also it is wise to think about how a software developer is going to work. They will be so focused on one specific aspect of the game that they are currently working on that they may never even see the fully finished versions themselves, let alone get chance to play them.
    What i mean by this is that an animator is going to be doing their little bit of animation, a programmer their little bit of code, a level designer their little section of the world.
    Joe, Mike and Craig are overseeing things, but think about the time that they have to spend elsewhere - i.e. Mexico for 3 to 4 days on a business trip, think about the amount of time they must spend in meetings with each department at the company, the iterations of different versions of the game that they play (3 or 4 different content updates to check and test at any one time), this leaves very little time to play at all really.

    We know that Rare has 3 or 4 development teams working on content and they are pretty much developing - crunch - release - new cycle, so they will be getting very little downtime as every three and a half months they enter a new crunch cycle for the next big release.

    They really shouldn't be expected to have the same level of engagement with the game as those of us mere mortals who can spend all our downtime on it.

  • @drbullhammer The problem with the "if you don't like it" argument is that its shallow and just a blanket statement. It servers no purpose other than for a person to get a word in.

    Examples - Someone ordered a food from a restaurant, a type of seafood. We'll say fish. Now the person orders the fish breaded. The person tries it hates it, says they didn't like it. Now thinks the restaurant sucks at making. This is where you come in. We'll if you didn't like it then don't eat it. See the statement is pointless. You could have suggested, well that type of fish is better served grilled or blackened, (who knows).

    Your argument base is completely empty of any suggestive debate. The goal of the stream might be as you say, however when the developers play a game openly in front of people regardless of intentions, they are show casing their understanding of the game. They are the ones who decide the balance and future of the game. In most instances the people who help balance competitive aspects of the game are just that the people who play it competitively or even the pros. Gaming companies take HUGE feedback from the pros playing their games because they understand that the pro's have an understanding of their game that they don't have.

    So my current understanding is that they take feedback from themselves and from the community on what changes to make to the game. Its a valid worry if they showcase their lack of understanding for the own game. How can they come up with making changes if it looks like they never play it?

    However mister J4dio has suggested that I watch the streams and that they do in fact know what they are doing. Which has alleviated some of my worries. Again thank you kind sir.

    So maybe instead of using a blanket statement, say something of value to the argument itself, so that we can reach a common ground.

  • I just started watching these streams. Mostly because that Italian crew posted their view of last weeks stream. Interesting to see two sides of the same encounter.

    About this last stream, I remember thinking Khaleesi is the prettiest girl in Rares videos, and Joe got pretty good cannon skills. How is he not brain fried from Mexico City. Gambit, the only PL, seemed to be the most serious. Not too serious, they get to giggle a lot when they play.

    But really critical scrutiny of their gameplay? Meh, I'm just watching for the teaser bits.

  • @obligedsnail750 said in Rare's stream madness:

    The dev's sent my friend a message saying the whole point of the streams are not for questions and answers but for showing game play. They said they choose to answer only of they want too.

    If this is true the the stance of multiple people in this thread are on shaky ground.

    @sshteeve said in Rare's stream madness:

    @xultanis-dragon true, there is hostility (I would say not on my behalf), but perhaps look inwards a little and re-read your own statement: Opening a thread as you have in such a negative manner is only going to breed negative responses.

    That is true. I did in fact have a lot of negative responses to say and that was because I had a negative time watching it. The remarks I used might have been negative but at no point was I being strict. Never did I once say that they had to play the game better than the best player ever EVAR. No. I always said that my worries were that they didnt have a basic level of understanding of the game. I voiced my concerns and suggested that they really need to take time to play the game. If they can't then have Joe Neate focus on replying to questions while they have a team who actually plays the game showcase it.

    I'm under the impression that Joe Neate and the team he has are the ones who make the decisions for the game. If I am wrong please let me know. But instead of working on my argument you guys worked on how I delivered it. See the issue?

  • @xultanis-dragon "it you don't like it" is a perfectly fine argument to your "git gud, you make me sick" one.

    If we look at what you're saying a bit more closely, let me ask you this.

    Is the CEO of for example BMW, a race car driver? Would a movie producer be a great actor?

    You just need to understand, that being good at the game has nothing to do with their ability to do their jobs and you coming here and saying otherwise, doesn't really help anyone.

  • That clown was no joke. They do pretty well for playing on xbox while talking and joking. They did team up and take him down a couple times.

  • @sir-lotus sigh which is sad because you guys are actually using the words "if you don't like it" but never have I even said "Git gud you make me sick"

    @sir-lotus said in Rare's stream madness:

    Is the CEO of for example BMW, a race car driver? Would a movie producer be a great actor?

    Thats the direction you want to take it is it? Okay. I love it when people try to use any similarity they can think of for an argument but ignore the context. You have to be careful with that kind of thing because naming just one instance ruins your whole argument. TOM HANKS. There you go. He producer is an actor. There a lot of producers who are actors by the way. You stepped on a land mind with that one.

    Back to your game. Lets get the context right. I'm asking if the Dev's have basic knowledge on how to play their game. That would be the same as asking if the CEO of BMW knows how to drive a car. He doesn't have to race cars, just drive them and does he? Yes, yes he does. Lets take this further. Bill Gates is the man at microsoft, does he play Xbox games professionally since XboX is a microsoft product? No I'm probably sure he doesn't. Does he know how program and use a computer? Yes, yes he does.


  • @xultanis-dragon said in Rare's stream madness:

    @sir-lotus sigh which is sad because you guys are actually using the words "if you don't like it" but never have I even said "Git gud you make me sick"

    just a few of your words:
    "watching the video of Rare playing the game themselves, I was going to pull my hair out."
    "Gawd that was awful lol."
    "Watching you 3 really frustrated me."
    "You need to learn how to play your game."

    i just kinda summed it up.

    "some" producers are good actors, just like some devs are good at their games. you can't expect all of them to be.

    @xultanis-dragon said in Rare's stream madness:

    I'm asking if the Dev's have basic knowledge on how to play their game.

    I still don't understand what do you mean by that. Knowing where islands are? Not basic. Noticing another player when streaming, thinking about questions etc.? not basic. Basic would be, if they didn't know how to move, shoot or repair the ship. And i think they were pretty decent at that.

    edit: also Steve's right, this is pointless. i'm out.

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