A concept for the Megs - Wrath of the Megalodons

  • I decided it would be smart to also share my ideas on the official forums, so I´ve copied my post from the SOT subreddit : https://www.reddit.com/r/Seaofthieves/comments/akm9w4/a_concept_for_the_megs_wrath_of_the_megalodons/

    Cheers fellow scallywags!

    One of the features I really like in the game are the Megalodons, and it´s been quite nice to finally get rewards for defeating them, however, I do feel the whole encounter is tad underwhelming for what kind of loot (multiple stronghold stuff if you´re lucky) you can actually get from killing the megs. In my opinion, the kraken is much more engaging than the meg, it has more mechanics, some of which can actually target the players. The Meg fight consists mostly of it circling around ship and charging at you in various frequencies. The fact it will totally ignore you in the water and just focus on taking a chunk of wooden planks feels immersion-breaking and not that interactive. Call me weird, but I actually want to feel fear of ending up in the water, knowing it could at any moment stop going after the ship and start wanting to take a munch off me salty behind, haha!

    So I made this mock up suggesting to new mechanics - Strike from the Depths (pictured) and Blood in the Water. The first is another attack that is supposed to punish player crews that are too stationary, so no more anchoring down and just tanking through it all. The meg has already an animation that could easily be used for this attack mechanic and that is it´s spawn animation, which is what I used for the mock up. A potential addition would also be maybe to add a visual cue of where it might strike from the depths, giving players a chance to react with a well-placed Gunpowder-keg.

    The second suggested mechanic is a way for the Meg to regain a bit of health and punishing bad positioning from the players. I´m thinking it shouldn´t always go for the players that falls into the water but a chance that increases depending on the health of the player, like the players are bleeding.

    I hope you like my ideas, and I wish you all a continued pleasant sailing on the seas! :)
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  • I can see this being implemented in The Hungering Deep rerun since they did state they would like to rerun some of the older events but with some changes to add to them for each time.

  • i like the idea of the attack where it bursts out of the water

  • @th3xr34p3r Oh they did? That would be a great time in case they ever did rerun on The hungering deep. :)

  • I love the concept amigo, i would love to see different buffs / attacks being dependant on the meg type that spawns, similar to how the cursed cannon balls work.

    For example the shrouded ghost ( if it ever decides to spawn for you lol ) could have either a timed cloaking cycle or one that makes it temporarily immune / transparent to cannon and gun fire, having your shots pass through it.

  • @mrscentless13 nice idea looks good

  • @troubled-cells

    That would also be quite interesting! But I think it would be hard to come up with interesting mechanics for all the types of megalodons. :P I could easily imagine that the Shrouded ghost would live up to its name if it had abilities like that!

    @closinghare208 said in A concept for the Megs - Wrath of the Megalodons:

    @mrscentless13 nice idea looks good

    Thank you very much! :)

  • @mrscentless13

    Your post has been added to the Community Ideas Master List. Thankyou for your contribution.

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