Less pvp

  • I'd like there to be an option to pick a lower population server to use. I don't like being attacked every 10 minutes. I like playing by myself and just sailing and doing quests. It's fun for me. Is that so wrong? If like-minded people could choose a separate server, that'd be fantastic.

  • 55
  • Yes its wrong. This mentality is killing the game. Its like, you think you know what you want, low pop pve servers. But the grind and the end goal is totally meaningless without danger, you will get bored and quit anyways so why should Rare cater to that? Rare is at a identity crisis crossroads right now and being stuck in the middle like they are currently and hemorrhaging players and streamers is not good for ANYONE who enjoys this game.

  • About Sea of Thieves:
    "Exotic islands. Hidden treasures. Riddles, battles and shanties. The essential pirate experience.
    Sea of Thieves is a new type of MULTIPLAYER GAME that delivers all you need to live the free-roaming pirate life. Whether adventuring as a group or sailing solo, YOU'LL ENCOUNTER OTHER CREWS... but will they be friends or foes, and how will you respond?
    " - Source HERE

  • OH YES. Me wanna have an option for that.
    Your personal limit on incidents [0 - 999]

    • be robbed: [2]
    • meet the Kraken: [0]
    • find valuable treasures: [999]
  • the problem as I see it is the attacker with a fresh ship has nothing to lose. In my opinion there has to be something you lose when you lose a ship besides loot/currency... like in your overall reputation or only being able to use larger ships by using a special currency. otherwise the attacker with an empty ship always has the upper hand because they have nothing to lose.

  • Hey @pureformash! While they haven't told us when it will come out, Rare has announced that private servers will definitely be implemented at some point. In Joe's words, "it's a question of when, not if." Hope that encourages you to stick with the game for a bit longer :)

  • @dreadzepp ha detto in Less pvp:

    In my opinion there has to be something you lose when you lose a ship...

    Welp...if you get attacked and lose your ship you lose your loot.
    If you attack and lose your ship you spawn somewhere else and lose the opportunity to get enemy's loot...

  • I understand personal experience can vary, but where are these attacked every 10 minute servers. Where is my luck on actually finding these? So... I have hard time believing these claims, my experience is mostly barren seas with sloops. Sloops are dull sinks, tend to let them be.

    To give you an example, I will hop servers until I find a reaper. With a full crew looking (4 hoppers in total), it takes sometimes 60-80 plus servers to find them. Could our process be flawed? Maybe, but we just want a good fight. Even if we just stay on a server, we could just aimlessly sail and still not run into people wanting a fight. I have a hard time believing people making these always attacked claims. We just don't see it.

  • @xpacco98x
    sorry mate I was editing my comment to make it sound less dumb, probably should go back and re-read it

    Losing the opportunity to get loot isnt enough of an entry barrier because it causes some pretty unhealthy pvp encounters. Ships shouldn't be so expendable, at least the larger or more capable ones. I have a feeling that's not always going to be the case though, as I have experienced this sort of free reign of things in developing games before, only to have that freedom torn away from me at a later date. I would be surprised if it stays this way forever.

  • @dreadzepp we all started as a new player to the game we have all lost loot your not the only one who gets picked on really just learn from your mistakes and move on get better and you will be fine learn to watch your horizon like common sense i think ???

  • @OutbackGamer868 oh I dont care at all about losing loot, you have completely missed the point. the point is when I have something to lose as an attacker, it actually makes the game more exciting for me and i won't be yawning as i kamakaze my sloop into a galleon for 12347986th time

  • So what would stop people from joining such a server and having a field day?

    I'm not sure of this, but I myself rarely get chased or killed by other crews, sure I meet some and some are hostile but most of the time I'm either gone before they arrive or I'll talk them into leaving me alone.

    I don't know why you're being attacked every 10 minutes but I'm thinking you're exaggerating this a lot.

  • @nabberwar said in Less pvp:

    I understand personal experience can vary, but where are these attacked every 10 minute servers. Where is my luck on actually finding these? So... I have hard time believing these claims, my experience is mostly barren seas with sloops. Sloops are dull sinks, tend to let them be.

    To give you an example, I will hop servers until I find a reaper. With a full crew looking (4 hoppers in total), it takes sometimes 60-80 plus servers to find them. Could our process be flawed? Maybe, but we just want a good fight. Even if we just stay on a server, we could just aimlessly sail and still not run into people wanting a fight. I have a hard time believing people making these always attacked claims. We just don't see it.

    lol, consider yourself lucky friend! I'd reakon that it just depends on the randomality of it all. I too have been in servers where it almost seems TOO crowded, considering all of the places that you can be at one time. But there's also times where I havn't seen anybody for quite some time. It's all random far as I can tell /=

    I do reakon though that, and TOTALLY NO OFFENSE to the op, but I know from my experience that when you die and keep dying, it might appear to be happening to you way more often than it actually is. I mean, if that's the only thing that you encounter in the game, one would think that that's the POINT of the game. That its a PvP survival game with a pirate theme and occasional voyages. But it's not. Its a pewpy aspect of the game, but that IS part of the game.

  • @hynieth +1000
    I play everyday and I am most of the time solo slooping. I would be surprised if PVP fights is more than 10% of my total playtime since the game came out.
    These people that claims to have PVP every 10 minutes, or even only once per session, must be the most (un)lucky people I've ever met. Either that or they are over-exaggerating

  • @PureFormAsh
    i understand your approach and i am biased about that.
    On the one hand i like this too sometimes. Just sail around, do this, do that and with recent updates we had there are also unwanted encounters that can make you having a hard day.
    So i'm not against ist completely and sometimes also wish for it, expecially when soloing and the seas are full of harrasement and you are unable to just do some cargo's and immerse.
    But on the other side, it can become boring very quick and it maybe would split the playerbase drastically.
    SoT has no consensual PvP and this means, if you want to play SoT and agree to the PvEvP Mix you agree to be a target to those who focus on PvP.
    You agree to be the sheep!
    But unless in other games, you have a good chance to never meet aggresive pirates and you also have a good chance to avoid them or lets say to avoid any player encounter if you watch out and plan your route or react early enough to ships on the horizon.
    But there is still a thread and the possibility to get caught, because you cannot have your eyes everywhere and all the time.

    @dreadzepp sagte in Less pvp:

    the problem as I see it is the attacker with a fresh ship has nothing to lose. In my opinion there has to be something you lose when you lose a ship besides loot/currency... like in your overall reputation or only being able to use larger ships by using a special currency. otherwise the attacker with an empty ship always has the upper hand because they have nothing to lose.

    agree to that, but its a difficult thing to balance.
    The attacker is allways in favor, because he usually has nothing to loot except some ressources.
    So he wont loose anything, he attacks to get something and all he invests is some time.
    So no matter what or how you do it. someone attacking another one of course has an advantage. He wouldnt attack if he has none or hoped for to have one.

    We recently had a brigg attacking us at a fort for more than 10 times.
    It was annoying becuse they didnt even fight, but only harassed us and alltime spawned just a few miles away. they were back in under 5 minutes, so we hardly fight the skeletons at the fort.
    In the end we did it, but only because the ressources at the fort.
    I'd like to have attackers allways spawn at the opposite end of the map. And there was a fix about that. If this happens to me, i allways loose 20 minutes to get back :P

  • @bugaboo-bill it is difficult, and I do not envy the people who have this job... but I do believe it is being worked on by someone, correct me if im wrong. ships cant stay free forever, they are free now for testing purposes... if not they are really passing up an opportunity to capitalize on how much people can "love" their ship, when it actually is worth something. and your ship having value will give you a more satisfying experience as an attacker as well, I am sure of this.

  • @fractal-pitch I also pay in your same manner. I find it depends on the day and time you play if the seas are full of players trying to grind for loot or players that want to kill everything they see. Generally the weekend is the most treacherous time to play. Things have gotten worse since the game got popular with streamers over the last month or so.

  • @dreadzepp sagte in Less pvp:

    @bugaboo-bill it is difficult, and I do not envy the people who have this job... but I do believe it is being worked on by someone, correct me if im wrong. ships cant stay free forever, they are free now for testing purposes... if not they are really passing up an opportunity to capitalize on how much people can "love" their ship, when it actually is worth something. and your ship having value will give you a more satisfying experience as an attacker as well, I am sure of this.

    True, imagine it would cost something or you need to have a full customized ship and if it sinks hull, sails, figurehead, capstan, wheel and cannon cosmetics were gone ^^.
    But this wont balance anything, because some are incerdibly rich.
    I for myself am a Millionair, although i'm still no PL, but i just didnt care about that and often played very ineffective if it comes to "leveling", i just love progression in SoT is optional and in no way mandatory.

    So hardcore gamers would be in an advante because of Millions of gold and because they usually can aquire more gold more quick.

    I sometimes think that if you got sunk, you automatically should switch to another server.
    This way you cannot fight back, but on the other hand you cannot get harrassed by the same people over and over.

  • @pureformash said in Less pvp:

    I'd like there to be an option to pick a lower population server to use. I don't like being attacked every 10 minutes. I like playing by myself and just sailing and doing quests. It's fun for me. Is that so wrong? If like-minded people could choose a separate server, that'd be fantastic.

    absolute 100% best solution is to enhance the PvE aspects of the game so that it is just as entertaining to watch and play as PvP.

    i keep saying this, but it is still relevant in my opinion.

  • Escape from NY, 1981, Kurt Russell, Lee Van Cleef and Ernest Borgnine. A classic story of putting all the bad guys in Manhattan Island to fight for survival.

    Arena is coming. I feel you.

    The Beauty of this game is such that sailing without threat is peaceful and spectacular. cocktail in had, headset on with sound of the waves surfing under your boat, very cool setting no doubt.

    For me, there is a good balance in the game. I'm not of the opinion that I get attacked every 10 min. Likely you're perception is an exaggeration, but I hear you.

    I think weeks of sailing against AIs is a prospect I don't think I personally would enjoy.

    The Tension of Danger, the Suspension of Disbelief, and the beauty of the game is what makes Sea of Thieves a 500+ hour a year game for me.

  • I, like my friends, got to play an average of 5 hours a day, and the lost time is not more than 30 minutes with PVP, that's when someone is on the server.

    If there is a server that is every 10 minutes has ship and PVP then I will ask Rare to insert me in it alone. Because all the servers lately are empty.

    Please Rare, decrease the number of servers and increase the number of ships per server. Also increase the PVP and the possibility of finding other ships, and for the rest please stop crying for the dynamics proposed by the game.

  • @pureformash sagte in Less pvp:

    I'd like there to be an option to pick a lower population server to use. I don't like being attacked every 10 minutes. I like playing by myself and just sailing and doing quests. It's fun for me. Is that so wrong?

    As far as you ask me, yes, it is. Playing an MPORG in the mood of wanna be for myself is wrong. Just this. You can't consider the rolling stones give a personal concert for just you, visit their concert in the albert hall, right? MPORG is no solo game.

  • @Bugaboo-Bill in my opinion the best strategy would be to deploy a whole armada of different types of ships, along with new quests and loot types that grant you access to the far superior ships... maybe we could say that the 3 available ships now are the tier 1 type in their class... and the higher up the tier you go in a class, the more capable a ship will be. there could also be different class ships they could release with their own tier levels. and to please the pve crowd, these higher tier class ships would almost be required to complete as-of-yet-released end game encounters. pirating these large encounters would become a primary focus for everyone. these encounters would have ships that you can only get access to by boarding and killing the skeleton crews... and that leads me to probably the best part of ships having unique value and worth. stealing other people's ships.

  • @DreadZepp would destroy any balance and cater to hardcore gamers. therefore i disagree.
    You cannot do something about that without to destroy balancing and the original philsophy of the game, were progression is optional and everybody has the same strenght regarding gamemechanics.
    Play a longer session and you are already stronger due to ccb's you can find. It shouln't be more or the hardcore gamers will take over everything. And then the game dies, because these are allways not satisified and jut work the game off and faster than any developer can produce content or new mechanics.

    With Arena i think we will see all hardcore PvPers only play arena, one or another will try to grief some PvE players, but because it can be very time consuming and less rewarding i think most pvp focussed players will only play Arena and the Adventure mode will become something like an inofficial PvE Server were PvP will happen very much less, but still happen at Forts or because they also add some PvP incentives for Adventure mode, who knows.

  • @bugaboo-bill the problem with not catering to hardcore gamers is they will be the only ones left still playing this game and purchasing anything, in the long run

  • @dreadzepp sagte in Less pvp:

    @bugaboo-bill the problem with not catering to hardcore gamers is they will be the only ones left still playing this game and purchasing anything, in the long run

    I disagree on that!
    My first computer game i bought in 1985 and i see that streamers and hardcore gamers are somwhat important, but more they are just loud and exagerating about almost everything.

    imo the "normal" players and casuals are the far more bigger audience what does not use any forums or watching streams.
    I played with a lot of players who dont read forums or watch streamers, i also dont watch streamers, never did, in no way interested :P
    But i read forums and i also often partake and share my opinion or discuss.

    edit most players i/ we meet arent hardcore gamers for sure, we allways check their stats and think over what to do, attack, flee, leave them alone and dont estroy their first adventures or whatever :)

    Most people are normal playing and not exagerating like playing 10+ hours, min maing everything imho

  • @vorondil1 they never said something about private servers, thats what some people want to hear. What he was actually talking about was the option to join friends on a seperate ship on the same server (so you can have more thrustworthy alliences for instance, or a shoot of between palls)

    Private servers have never been acknowledged by rare.

  • @callmebackdraft good to know. I thought I remembered Joe specifically calling them private servers, but I guess I was wrong. I'll go re-watch the video when I get a chance to confirm one way or the other. Thanks for the correction!

  • @Bugaboo-Bill it's nothing personal, it's just a strategy I think would succeed in creating a lucrative market feeding off hardcore competitive gamers, which personally I think is a market you are severely underestimating for its profit potential. the reality though is that Rare would probably love to have access to that kind of revenue stream, but they are well aware that their game in it's current is in no way e-sports ready

  • @pureformash I like this idea but I don't like it at the same time

  • @dreadzepp sagte in Less pvp:

    @Bugaboo-Bill it's nothing personal, it's just a strategy I think would succeed in creating a lucrative market feeding off hardcore competitive gamers, which personally I think is a market you are severely underestimating for its profit potential. the reality though is that Rare would probably love to have access to that kind of revenue stream, but they are well aware that their game in it's current is in no way e-sports ready

    I think even Arena wont cater to hardcore or e-sports if i see what they are testing imho it's about more fun, but not serious competition stuff.
    But i may be wrong about that.

    They can do it with Arena and. Ore modes. There are also tons of pve coop only lovers what would buy all extra cosmetics and stuff to shine in coop.
    So this audience is maybe also very strong to get money from.
    Same for the 0815 normal and casual gamer. Less time, but more money like the generous family father.

    Hardcore players are important because the are loud and exagerating and able to start a shitstorm.
    Until at least in this forum ans community there are lots of for fun players and like ambitious casual players like myself what defend rares initial philosophy and how they developed the game.
    And until they (Rare) did very well.
    Future plans are amazing.
    Latest Pioneer build, Arena, announced features with more pve story quests, fishing etc...

    Hardcore do one big mistake, they insult casuals and noobs all the time, they are splitten, they are elitist and ostracizing a lot.
    And they are hardly to satisfy if ever possible, because many of them are addicts and compensating while gaming.
    Therefore The are so loud and often emotionally, super upset, ranting etc.
    The normal player would think what the heck and quit the game.
    If the game is done right and gameplay is fun, and thats personal taste, even repetetive gameplay can be fun, i mean all gameplay is somehow repetetive, but taste are different, then there will allways be enough players.

  • @pureformash In a game called Sea of Thieves, PvP is crucial. I really believe people are exaggerating this "attacked every 10 minutes"... playing solo, I have entire sessions where I'm not harassed - this is the case more often than not, in fact.

  • @pureformash

    Try this: Don't drop your anchor. It's the trigger for a server merge. You'll soon have an empty server if you can manage this. I'll admit though that even if it didn't merge there may still be plenty of people about.

  • @Bugaboo-Bill that's a lot of conjecture I really don't care to address.. back to my original point, if ships have actual worth, and I believe they will, it will make pvp more enjoyable in an open world sense. arena combat in my experience offers no meta aspect to the players and simply draws the pvp oriented players away from the open world experience into a confined, highly competitive mode where burn out is likely. The meta experience is about nurturing the unexpected. The unexpected is multiplied by adding layers to the value of items and ships.. and also, something we havent really talked at all about, is reputation. the more complicated a situation can get breeds out the best of us and that is how real reputations are born, when you witness someone doing something that seems impossible.

  • I am doing that mostly, sailing alone on a sloop. nobody is attacking me.
    Then again I have a friend who has the most miserable time alone.

    Few tips that I think make a difference:

    • be careful, but not fearful. Seemingly bloodthirsty players can smell fear;
    • Cash in often, with alot of loot you will act differently, most players can tell when you have something to hide and will chase you;
    • avoid galleons if you can, if not sail into the wind;
    • talk, be ready to play stupid if need be, but be friendly;
    • And if being shot at, fight back fiercly, but avoid boarding at all costs and protect your latters;
    • Sometimes preemtive attacks can be a good thing;
    • Insurance is in kegs. collect as many as you can;
    • be prepared to sacrifice all;
    • Plan you actions when escaping and attacking and you will win even big crews.

    few trips and tricks.

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