Raiseable ship ladders for pvp balance!

  • ive been waiting a long time hoping this would happen. I think it could balance pvp greatly. Right now it seems the only way any one wins a fight today, is with one annoying strategy. We all know it, climb the ladder, drop the anchor, start a fire, spawn kill. A nonsweaty pve casual player like my self doesnt stand a chance againgst this strategy soloing any more. There are plenty of ways, ramming, cannon fire, harpoons, forgetfullness, to find your way onboard an enemy ship. I really think it could bring balance by bringing new strategies to the pvp table. It would also add more risk to falling over board, but i feel like it is a fair sacrifice. We have mermaids after all.

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  • Balance? Please! 1 good shot from the enemy to knock you off your ship after you have raised your ladders and they win because you can't get back on quickly.

    Learn how to watch your ladders.

  • @deathvessle learn to defend the ladders!

  • Most people will say learn to defend your ladders, but they rarely consider solo players defending against 2 or 3 people trying to board you at once, the sloop has more disadvantages than any other ship, but these players won't consider everyone, just themselves. However, I think raising your ladders is realistic and potentially a good idea, but that would also make it harder to board brigs and galleons.

  • spoken just like those who couldnt win without climbing the ladder. Besides its like we both seem to agree, one good shot. Sounds like raisable ladders could bring more to the game.

  • Just learn to guard your ladders, it not that hard to throw a couple blunderbombs or shoot them off as a solos sloop.
    If you are afraid of being boarded and unable to defend the ladders, keep yourself distanced from them

  • @tek-lt said in Raiseable ship ladders for pvp balance!:

    Most people will say learn to defend your ladders, but they rarely consider solo players defending against 2 or 3 people trying to board you at once, the sloop has more disadvantages than any other ship, but these players won't consider everyone, just themselves. However, I think raising your ladders is realistic and potentially a good idea, but that would also make it harder to board brigs and galleons.

    Solo is hard mode. If you can't come to terms with that, then sail with a crew.

    In any case, you can still sail solo and avoid being boarded - you just have to use the sloop's great manueverability to your advantage. If multiple pirates are in the water and spread out, avoid 1 by steering clear while watching (and listening to) the ladders for the other. If they shoot ahead of you, anchor turn (or harpoon turn If near an island) - it's easy to turn the wheel half way, drop anchor and get a 90° turn that will befuddled your enemies.

    Worried about chainshots or firepower? Cursed cannonballs are the great equalizer.

  • No thanks to this one.

    Just learn to watch you're ladders better, the blunderbuss & blunderbombs are you're best ally.
    Subtracting ladders is only going to take away in pvp situations.

  • @deathvessle Sounds like you're just not a very good solo slooper to be quite honest. If anyone boards your ship that means you messed up. You don't need to be able to raise ladders. Just use your eyes and ears and pay attention. If you let someone on your deck that's your own damn fault and you deserve to lose that fight. Priority one as a solo sloop is to never allow boarders. If you can't do that solo probably should find some crew.

  • @deathvessle said in Raiseable ship ladders for pvp balance!:

    spoken just like those who couldnt win without climbing the ladder. Besides its like we both seem to agree, one good shot. Sounds like raisable ladders could bring more to the game.

    I win most of my fights without ever leaving my ship, because I am very good with coordinating my position and angles while also being a pretty decent shot on cannons. Experience and knowledge are your strongest allies when you don't have a crew. Use all of the tools at your disposal - you'd be surprised at how most pirates don't.

  • @cptnpotbeard said in Raiseable ship ladders for pvp balance!:

    @deathvessle Sounds like you're just not a very good solo slooper to be quite honest. If anyone boards your ship that means you messed up. You don't need to be able to raise ladders. Just use your eyes and ears and pay attention. If you let someone on your deck that's your own damn fault and you deserve to lose that fight. Priority one as a solo sloop is to never allow boarders. If you can't do that solo probably should find some crew.

    I wholeheartedly agree with you, but I just want to point out that while the odds are certainly against you, being boarded isn't necessarily the end of the fight. Many a pirate can be terrible at preventing boarding attempts, but can then wreck the opposition on deck quickly and mercilessly before the opposing ship can get into position.

  • @galactic-geek Oh, 100%. I mean hell. I've flipped a 4v1 spawn trap before on my sloop. It can happen. And true getting boarded doesn't immediately signal the end of the fight but usually and certainly against the inexperienced player it tends to spell doom. Mostly because from what I've seen, people go into panic mode and stop thinking logically when they are boarded.

  • when you guys read the title and skipped the rest you missed the NON sweaty PVE casual solo player part. You all seem to think every body has that skywalker focus, we dont.

  • @deathvessle Yeah but what you're forgetting is everyone plays the game with the same tools. Meaning if you take away ladders. They get removed for everyone. So now how you gonna sink that ship full of sweats you can no longer board? Again think about all the angles before making foolish suggestions. And even like @Galactic-Geek said, If you get knocked off and you're anchored but you have no ladder. Guess what, you're still gonna sink because by the time you swim far enough away to spawn a merm your ship will be beneath the waves.

  • @cptnpotbeard the same way, i, atleast always have when i can manage. Being well stocked, NEVER droping my anchor and using the various available curses, chain shots, and fire/blunder bombs. Ramming, cannon fire, Harpoons (forgetting to roll up ladders). Boarding is still a viable solution, it would a little bit more strategic.

  • @cptnpotbeard OH MY GOD I completely forgotten about that 😂

    how are the clumsy non pvp casual players supposed to get back on the ship if they forget to lower the ladder before rushing to digging up their castaway chest or some how falling off their anchored ship.

    This is just one of those idea that sound harmless but turns out to be the opposite the more you think about it and all possible situations and outcome

  • @butterfinger750 said in Raiseable ship ladders for pvp balance!:

    @cptnpotbeard OH MY GOD I completely forgotten about that 😂

    how are the clumsy non pvp casual players supposed to get back on the ship if they forget to lower the ladder before rushing to digging up their castaway chest or some how falling off their anchored ship.

    This is just one of those idea that sound harmless but turns out to be the opposite the more you think about it and all possible situations and outcome

    I fall off very frequently...lol
    Plus my left analog has a tiny bit of drift...

    No to this idea

  • @deathvessle Personally defending a ladder is easy. It's much harder to defend a board from a ram or deck shot. But you seem to want that which I find funny. And again if you're well supplied that means you should have enough food to handle a fight with boarders. While I do not condone the use of blunder camping a ladder it's a pretty effective way to insure you don't get boarded.

  • @pithyrumble same here, I fall off whenever I’m trying show my crew some dumb tricks lol

  • @butterfinger750 That's funny. I wasn't even thinking about them forgetting to drop it when they went ashore. An even further reason why it's a terrible idea lol.

  • @butterfinger750 MERMAIDS & ROW BOATS! Are we all so spoiled we shouldnt have to pay for our mistakes any more. 80% of the mistakes in sot spell doom. god forbid you need to pay attention to 1 more thing. This entire debate is about paying attention to ladders, if you forget owell hope you find a way back onboard before an enemy does.

  • You accuse me of not thinking of all these potential mistakes, but im sure im the only one who has. As youve said, you didnt think about it. Im prepared for the consequences of forgetting to lower/raise ladders. I wouldnt have made this post it i hadn't thought about the pros and cons.

  • I would like to express my displeasure in today's pve server/raise ladder/add utility to pets/complaining about reapers/add whaling post. Have a nice day all!

  • @deathvessle No you just want an easy way to not have to pay attention to the sounds of someone climbing a ladder or watching for a merm in the water. You even said you want it for pvp balance. Problem is like I stated originally it would actually cause more imbalance. Because again a sweaty crew is also gonna take advantage of rolling ladders and then you will never stop them. What are you gonna do? Ram the sweats and make their job of boarding you easier. Or you just gonna run away and keep the ladders up so you can't be boarded, which again if you are in fact being chased and harassed by sweats. They are gonna change angle and just land a boarder with a deck shot which again you still won't be able to defend. Atleast with ladder boarding you can camp the ladder and prevent them from touching your deck.

  • @cptnpotbeard Look some people like myself arent experts of deck combat, we suck. But in ship maneuverability, cannon fire, and sailing we may be experts. We should have that chance. My eyes arent perfect my ears arent perfect, i will not see every person in the water or hear them. But i can see your ship, predict your movements, and counter. Youre fighting my poin by saying you might screw yourself over. You wont even consider the pros. All you guys say is think about your ladders more, but with this idea youre saying that you need to think about your ladders too much.

  • @deathvessle LOL if you gave my crew the advantage of rasing ladders we'd never sink. Only time I ever even come close to sinking is if I've allowed boarders on. So that's why I'm saying the idea isn't good. And yeah you certainly can solely naval a crew but again even if you don't have a ladder me and my crew are still gonna get on your ship. And if that ever became a feature the new strat would just be ram to board or deck shot then blunderbomb the crew overboard raise their ladders and laugh as they can't get back aboard their own ship. So again. Not a good idea.

  • @deathvessle in order for the mermaids to spawn you have to swim far from your ship if anchored, so wish good luck to any new player who get stuck outside of their ship to know that.

    Rowboat aren’t reliable enough to get back on if the ladders are raised as you could have a whole session without seeing one sometimes so wish good luck to any new players, also if you forget to lower the ladder and drop off the rowboat before jumping off there will be almost no way to get back on your anchored ship.

    The only reliable way to get back on is dying which shouldn’t be that way as that carries its own problem for people to deal with it.

    This idea in my opinion kinda suck as it add a list of problems that shouldn’t even exist for those who thought they were being smart to raise ladders to stop boarders.

  • @deathvessle Ladders are fine. IMO, it's the anchor meta that needs a shakeup. Dropping the anchor of another ship should have an interact time similar to what it takes to steal a map bundle.

  • @cptnpotbeard said in Raiseable ship ladders for pvp balance!:

    @deathvessle LOL if you gave my crew the advantage of rasing ladders we'd never sink. Only time I ever even come close to sinking is if I've allowed boarders on. So that's why I'm saying the idea isn't good. And yeah you certainly can solely naval a crew but again even if you don't have a ladder me and my crew are still gonna get on your ship. And if that ever became a feature the new strat would just be ram to board or deck shot then blunderbomb the crew overboard raise their ladders and laugh as they can't get back aboard their own ship. So again. Not a good idea.

    All your points are based on the ideas, EVERYBODY, has skywalker focus, perfect eyes and ears, perfect aim, expert cannon fire. every strategy you have mentioned can be done already, yet you never see these employed in combat. Raisable ladders would guarantee Broadened pvp scenarios. A ram will not always work, climbing ladders doesnt always work. But it is 100% the only strategy used, not practical for sloops to handle brig and gally crews, especially for the pve players who dont fight often. Stop being afraid of balance, like you keep saying you will find another way on my ship. Ladders just make it too easy for the boarder. Dont pretend like people wont forget to raise thier ladders either, i see all complaints about, what if i forget to lower it? Again weigh the pros and cons. Some people wont raise them, some might leave 1 down. Think about the way the game would evolve.

  • @deathvessle All you want is a crutch because you aren't willing to learn to better defend your ship in hand to hand. I hate to say it but. Get good. This game is perfectly balanced as is. It all comes down to experience and good judgment and quick thinking. If you lack those things. You're probably gonna lose a lot. But hopefully in those losses you'll pick up something to help you in your next encounter.

  • @butterfinger750 said in Raiseable ship ladders for pvp balance!:

    @deathvessle in order for the mermaids to spawn you have to swim far from your ship if anchored, so wish good luck to any new player who get stuck outside of their ship to know that.

    Rowboat aren’t reliable enough to get back on if the ladders are raised as you could have a whole session without seeing one sometimes so wish good luck to any new players, also if you forget to lower the ladder and drop off the rowboat before jumping off there will be almost no way to get back on your anchored ship.

    The only reliable way to get back on is dying which shouldn’t be that way as that carries its own problem for people to deal with it.

    This idea in my opinion kinda suck as it add a list of problems that shouldn’t even exist for those who thought they were being smart to raise ladders to stop boarders.

    Newer tutorial tips tell you about scuttling, mermaids, and, (row boats, [in the maiden voyage]). which I believe is forced on new players now. Ignorance is at thier own fault, like every other mistake you can make in sot.

  • @deathvessle
    You seem to not realize that boarding other ships is sometimes the best way for solo sloopers to slow down or stop other ships chasing them too. You don't need spiderman senses to spot or hear someone trying to board really.
    If Rare adds grappling hook or boarding axes to compensate though, now we'd be talking about balance and options. Just being able to deny ladders sound like a crutch and an unbalanced easy "solution".

  • @DeathVessle

    Newer tutorial tips tell you about scuttling, mermaids, and, (row boats, [in the maiden voyage]). which I believe is forced on new players now. Ignorance is at thier own fault, like every other mistake you can make in sot.

    Just like allowing someone to board you is your mistake and you should have to deal with the consequences.

  • @deathvessle said in Raiseable ship ladders for pvp balance!:

    You all seem to think every body has that skywalker focus, we dont.

    It can be learned, padawan - do, or do not, because there is no try. 😉

  • @deathvessle said in Raiseable ship ladders for pvp balance!:

    god forbid you need to pay attention to 1 more thing.

    Pay attention to your ladders then if paying attention to one more thing isn’t a problem. Everyone has the same tools. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to throw a blunder bomb at the ladder and then have a blunderbuss for the other. Even easier is going back and forth slashing ladders with a cutlass. If you aren’t as good at the game as others might be, why you play the hard mode being solo sloop is something I don’t understand. The discord and Xbox LFG are always full of players willing to play with a teammate.

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