[CLOSED] Design an Achievement Contest!

  • Achievement Name: Ghosts party!
    Achievement Description: Get with 4+ other players on the Ferry of the Damned at the same time
    Picture: Several ghosts players attached to chains and drinking grog together.

    Achievement Name: Wrong direction, captain!
    Achievement Description: Sink your ship by getting out of the map borders
    Picture: Pirates on a sinking boat trying to survive by moving water out of the ship (red water, dark ambiance)

    Achievement Name: All together!
    Achievement Description: Play a Shanty with 3 other crew members
    Picture: Pirates dancing and singing together next to the wheel.

    Achievement Name: Just a little mistake
    Achievement Description: Shoot on your own ship while being drunk
    Picture: Pirate aiming with a cannon with a cup of grog in his hand

  • @teddy-25
    Achievement Name: Too early
    Achievement Description: Given to all participants of the closed beta. :-D
    (Optional): The rare logo ofcourse

  • Achievement Name: A Good Plunder
    Achievement Description: Sell Treasure Someone Else Dug Up

  • @teddy-25 How about
    Achievement Name: 'Why Is The Rum Always Gone?
    Achievement Description: 'Kill an enemy blinded by grog puke.'

  • Achievement name: Risky Business

    Achievement description: Have on board 25+ chests at any one time
    -or - successfully raid a ship with 15+ chests on board

    Achievement image: a group of miscellaneous chests alt text

  • Achievement Name: Shark Sushi
    Achievement Description: Kill more than one shark in one go by exploding barrels
    A suggested image: Shark biting an exploding barrel

  • Achievement name: Man Over Board!
    Achievement Description: Launch yourself out of a canon and knock and enemy pirate into the water.
    Image: possibly a life preserver landing in the water, or a hand sticking out of the water.

  • Title - Pick Pocket Pirate

    Description - Steal X number of other pirates chests from their ships.

    Achievement Image - Picture of pirate creeping on lower deck near chest with other pirates facing the other way not seeing what’s going on under their noses.



    PICTURE= chests open with gold showing.


    DESCRIPTION= WITH YOUR CREW SELL OVER 20 treasure chests in 5 minutes.

    Pic= chest open gold show

    Title= LYERS GAME


    Pic= bucket of water

    P.s. All three are not easy to do so definitely atleast minimum of 50 gamerscore if not 100 I have alot more lol.

  • Achievement Name: Red Rum

    Achievement Description: In a team of four players, kill a full team within 10 seconds while in a tavern.

    Achievement Art: Blood-spattered tankards

  • Achievement Name: Flying Dutchman
    Achievement Description: Repair your ship with planks X number of times.
    Achievement Image: An image of dutch cheese with holes (with a green phantom silhouette maybe).

  • Achievement Name: Got Scurvy
    Achievement Description: Kill or be killed by another player that has scurvy (This achievement).

    Generally, Devs would start with the achievement and then it would spread across all players who have this achievement.

  • @teddy-25
    Achievement Name: Noah's Arrrk
    Achievement Description: Set off on your own ark of divinity (or vice) and capture two of each attainable animal. The animals must be caged and aboard the ship at one given point in time.
    (Optional): A congregation of caged animals on the deck.

  • @teddy-25
    Achievement Name: Burial at Sea
    Achievement Description: Kill a pirate swimming in the water.
    Suggested Image Idea: A pirate's body floating face-down in the ocean.

  • @teddy-25
    Ive got one that is quite simplistic yet easy to pull off:
    Achievement name: Dead men tell no tales
    Achievement description: Die 10 times in Sea of Thieves
    (Optional): A picture of the "davy jones" (ish) ship you see when you die.

  • Achievement Name: Eyes in The Sky
    Achievement Description: Succesfuly land in a crows nest after being fired out of a cannon
    (Optional): picture of a crows nest with the little flag on it flowing in the wind

  • Achievement Name: There and Back Again
    Achievement Description: Kill X sharks after having your ship destroyed in the edge of the world and escape to tell the tale. (Kill a x number of sharks and escape death using the mermaid).
    (Optional): An image of the ship sinking in the edge of the world.

  • Achievement Name: Some Tuning Required
    Achievement Description: play a song with 3 crew members while you're all drunk

    Achievement Name: Band Stand
    Achievement Description: Play a song with a total of 8 pirates

  • Achievement Name: Grog Hog
    Achievement Description: Singlehandedly empty your ships grog supply

  • Achievement name: Sunken Sorrows

    Achievement Description: Sink a rival ship using only a Chest of Sorrows.

    Optional A crying pirate.

  • @teddy-25 Achievement Name: A bad Yarr' Day
    Achievement Description: Die 10 Times.
    (Optional): A Pirate Skull with a bullet hole.

  • @teddy-25 Achievement Name: Only 53,597 To Go
    Achievement Description: Get your first kill.
    (Optional): A musket firing.

  • Achievement Name: Don't Forget Your Old Shipmate
    Achievement Description: Complete X Voyages with the same crew.
    (Optional): Two pirates clinking mugs of grog.

    Achievement Name: Dark Seahorse
    Achievement Description: Sink a Galleon while sailing a Sloop.
    (Optional): Pirate celebrating on a Sloop and a sinking Galleon in the background.

    Achievement Name: Boarding Parrrty
    Achievement Description: Fire yourself from a cannon onto an enemy ship.
    (Optional): Pirate blasting out of a cannon with sword in teeth.

    Achievement Name: Dead Men Tell No Tales.
    Achievement Description: Kill a whole crew.
    (Optional): Pirate standing over dead body as Ghost is leaving it.

    Achievement Name: Stowaway
    Achievement Description: Hide on an enemy ship for X minutes.
    (Optional): Pirate hiding behind barrel.

  • Achievement Name: Ins-Pirating!
    Achievement Description: Play an instrument while in a sea battle
    Icon: Ship with notes above or in the background

  • Achievement Name: A Golden World

    Description: Surround the map table with chests

    Picture: Pirates Dancing around the chests

  • Set of 3 achievements.

    1.Deliver me timbers
    2.Here be balls
    3. 'Av at ye scurvy, seadogs

    1.Store 100 planks on any ship
    2.Store 100 cannon balls on any ship
    3.Store 100 bananas on any ship

  • Achievement Name:
    Swiggity Swooty, I`m Coming For That Booty!

    Achievement Description:
    Steal 1000 chests from other pirates.

    Artwork Idea:
    Pirate standing on front of ship raising his sword charging towards an enemy ship

  • Thanks to my son for actually doing this just a moment ago. While in solo play, he got his map, sailed out, dug it up.. and then.. Chest of Sorrows! While attempting to get back, the chest sunk his ship. He had to get a new ship, get back to the island the chest was on, and then make it back, all the while being chased by pirates. I was impressed he did it, thus thought it worthy of an Achievement. ;)

    Achievement Name: Tears of Loneliness
    Achievement Description: When playing, as a Solo Player, Dig up, and then Turn a Chest of Sorrows to the Gold Horder's NPC.
    (Optional): Image of a Chest of Sorrows being carried to the greedy Gold Horder NPC.

  • Achievement Name: The Flying Dutchman
    Achievement Description: Kill another pirate within 5 seconds after being shot out of a cannon and landing.
    Suggested icon: The infamous ghostly ship.

    Achievement Name: The Jolly Crew
    Achievement Description: Play a full shanty with your three crew members.
    Suggested icon: Notes swirling around the two typical instruments of Sea of Thieves.

    Achievement Name: Peace after the Storm
    Achievement Description: Have a drink in the vicinity of another pirate not belonging to your crew, who is also drinking.
    Suggested icon: Two tankards striking.

    Achievement Name: Where did ye get tha carrots?
    Achievement Description: Kill another pirate who's blinded by puke.
    Suggested icon: A bucket emptying its foul contents, like some fish bone.

    Achievement Name: The Zoo of Tortuga
    Achievement Description: Cage each kind of wild animal.
    Suggested icon: A stack of cages.

    Achievement Name: Stocked for Retirement
    Achievement Description: Reach the maximum commendation for the Gold Hoarders.
    Suggested icon: A load of doubloons!

    Achievement Name: The Ferryman's Best Buddy
    Achievement Description: Pay the Ferryman a visit 100 times.
    Suggested icon: The Ferryman's face, laughing.

    Achievement Name: Jolie Rouge
    Achievement Description: Reach the maximum commendation in pirate killing.
    Suggested icon: A fearsome skull, preferably red.

  • Achievement Name: Shark fin soup!
    Achievement Description: Kill 100 sharks with any weapon.
    (Optional): I just though it was funny and a good idea!

  • Achievement Name: Bar Hopping
    Achievement Description: Successfully drink a glass of grog at every outpost without dying
    (Optional): A parchment photo of two sailors clinking mugs of Grog in front of a map.

  • @teddy-25

    Achievement Name: Hey, you guys!!

    Description: Kill an enemy player with the Cutlass whilst wearing the Admiral hat

    (Optional): A Sea of Thieves character that looks like Sloth from The Goonies

  • Achievement name: Ocean-Man Achievement Description: Successfully drown in the brig.

  • Achievement name- Holy Ship!

    With a cannon, put 30 holes in another ship’s hull

  • @teddy-25

    Achievement Name: One-Eyed Willie!

    Description: Complete a total of 20 voyages

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