Share your Pirate! - Let's see yer IPG Scallywags in all their glory!

  • before I do this wrong...can someone tell me how to paste a screen shot. I took one with prtscreen to onedrive. now what. haha

  • So I noticed now much my charater goes from athletic female to a male from the 70’s. 🤣😂🤣

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  • @johnny-vain Not too long with the help of a few chests from bottle quests :)

    These are all looking FABULOUS!! Love seeing the range of characters and @IceCreamManatee I reckon yours is absolutely brilliant :D

  • I wish I had a beard :(

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    Getting the fanciest pirate possible haha

  • Alive Me
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    Dead Me
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    My Wife and I before heading out on our pirate journey
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  • Loving the pirates shown off so far, here is my contribution.

    I went with dashingly good looks with a chiseled jaw because that's not me IRL. harhar

  • Mine looks like Fabio 😒

  • My pirate and his dancing partner:

    my pirate

  • @whenkoalasattak Where´d ya find those bad boys ? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  • @johnny-vain upload it to an image hosting website (I use then copy the link, click the picture icon above the text box here and paste the link with .png on the end

  • Hammy Hamstar

  • Didn't spent gold on rags, bought all the fancy weapons haha. And we had the best looking ship, only sank once (when we weren't on it) after that 7+ hours of owning the seas undefeated. Sloop all the way.
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  • @wolff34 said in Share your Pirate! - Let's see yer IPG Scallywags in all their glory!:

    Old man!...OLD MAN!!! I resemble that character!

    Same lol!

  • Kringle himself.(sorry for bad quality, taken with phone) As you can see he's drowning, R.I.P...


  • @scheefinator

    Are you talking about GeForce Experience not being able to optimize the game for you? If so that is because they do not release profiles for games not released, that's pretty straight forward yeah?

    If you are talking about the GeForce Experience overlay that allows you to take ScreenShots, Capture Replays, Broadcast. That feature works just fine.

    As for the Alt+Tabbing issue have you allowed the APPS to be ran in the background?

    Click your windows key and type "Privacy" navigate to "Background apps" turn on "Let apps run in the background" You can then turn off all the ones you don't want as if you do not have it turned on already it will turn all apps on. Then just make sure that your Xbox App and Sea of Thieves Apps are turned on.

    If that still does not work for you, you can simple hit "Alt+Enter" then do your Alt/Tabbing until your hearts content.

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    Captain Zartooth here.
    I may not look like much yet, but I shall be known, you mark my words.
    And I'll go through a makover on the 20th, mainly the eyes... Blue as the sea they shall be.

  • To much sun

  • !

  • @KattTruewalker Not quite furry enough, but it'll do.

  • @ch3wiie I know what you mean. I want a beard big enough to grow tomatoes in.

  • Mine is in some way an old Robinson Crusoe :
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  • When you’ve been elected as a God by the local cannibals, all you can do is Rock IT!


    I'm actually going to be really sad when I have to pick again :c

  • I'm actually going to be really sad when I have to pick again :c

    I hope this time you can go back. I passed a few I shoulda picked and I thought eventually I would see em again but after 20 mins of looking I had to just choose the next one I seen that was good enough

  • @dje-la-planque

    Haha! Definitely know what i'm watching now, after just getting home from work. Gonna through it up on the big screen and watch it with my 6 dogs :)

    Maybe tomorrow i'll watch

  • @katttruewalker hmmm... guess I need to find a better "mugshot" of my fine pirate.

    Anyway, while I try to look for a fellow pirate well versed in the arts of capturing the light properly, here's me and my pet shark doing sea worthy exercise.
    That little fella follows me everywhere I go ^_^


    ...and land'ercising...

  • Thinking about booty

  • I'm a proud Admiral.

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  • After she got aged up in the second scaletest I decided my pirate was the mother to the pirate i had in the alpha/closed beta (which were slightly different but similar enough in my head theyre the same)
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    dont know if im gonna keep the lineage going in the final game yet or not lol

  • @katttruewalker alt text

    TIS A lonely day in the void

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    Chilling at the campfire. The boat approaching in the background I had no idea was approaching, until shots were fired!

  • Sorry for back to back posts. But my daughters (7 and 11) and I had the best of times playing last night. Not the highest qualtity screenshot (The Wilds is a terrible place for tourism photography!) But it still shows the fun we were having!

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