Release Notes Discussion - Launch 1.0

  • I think the death cost makes sense. It gives more risk for just engaging ships and players. This is especially fruitful when groups just decide to attack ships with no treasure. However, there should be a death cooldown or, better yet, some small respawn protection to keep players from camping your ship-spawn, killing you, and making you lose more gold

  • first, solve the cheaters problem, then add the death cost
    because yesterday I died like 20 times because cheaters appeared to disturb our group, and not always you die because they kill you, but because of they chasing you.. you can die by NPC or shark.

  • @khaleesibot I don't think that there should be a gold cost for death while on the raid fort. anywhere else then you should have a fee.

  • @hailstorm56368

    Why not add yer views to our new Mega thread on the topic?

  • @ohrstrom they said in the article that they are working on whether or not they will add the death tax to player vs player caused deaths, currently its ONLY preventable deaths such as blowing yourself up, falling off a cliff, etc

  • i'm noping all the way out of the death toll.. i'm dead like 15 times while raiding a fort, depending on the money it would cost, i'd have done all that for nothing, or i would have stopped before losing too much. people will then stop doing pvp in fear of losing money..
    I think it would be better to value the ship and having a fee when you lose it, rather than when you lose your life!

  • Death Cost: you guys must really NOT want people to continue to playing your game.

    People hate having things taken away from them. Especially things they have earned. That is why reddit has exploded with stories of grifers.

    Make your game better...not worse. Look at the can’t afford to make dumb decisions like this.

    The game is imprecise to control...easy to get disoriented while fighting a player or skeleton with a sword...easy to die with no auto regenerating health...and skeletons shoot like aim bots (insane!). The last thing you want to do is charge people their gold to die...especially when it’s the only economy in the game.

    It’s also impossible to not die over and over in the skull’s crazy that the death cost thing actually got approved by managers at your company.

    You’re going to turn skully fort raids into camping on a ship with snipers...and I’ve tried’s not fun.

  • @sense-field you are apparently not in discord.. Lemme update you with player deaths..
    alt text

    So player deaths won't be affecting your cash currency but unless your bad or get swarmed at normal islands then not a big issue.. Well except 'Fort Raids' but that is the point of it being hard :D

  • @z1n6

    I’m saying that the whole idea is bad...even if it doesn’t apply to PvP. The skeletons are can’t avoid a shot unless you manage to hide behind a rock. It’s way too easy to die in this game and they shouldn’t charge you for sowing in a game that has one economy and hinges on people playing to earn gold to get cosmetics.

    Sounds to me like they want to slow how long it takes to save for cosmetics. I’ve grinded for two days to get enough for sails...they should leave it alone.

    The problem isn’t careless players, it’s the spot on aim from skeletons and the max distance that they can hit you with a swored.

    I guess I’m just saying...they should focus on putting positive things in the game...not negative.

  • Taking gold upon death is a bad idea. Hoards of skeletons, especially ones with pistols, can kill you in seconds. There should be positive reinforcement for staying alive, not negative for death.

  • @silver2shine This is the best suggestion on this thread, but atlas they already made their minds up on this as it is in the next updates page.

  • @death-by-pinga THANK YOU !!! I have this bug constantly and now I have the temp fix for it. Things like this is what RARE should be posting on there status page area,

  • The gold charge for deaths is an awful idea for several reasons, the main reason being that this is an unnecessary gold sink in a game that doesn't have a living economy. Gold sinks are for games that need gameplay mechanics that charge currency for normal activities in order to not make their currency inflate wildly. This game isn't built like that, and in addition, it undermines the care-free sandbox foundation this game has. Not to mention, it doesn't even create a resolution for the issues with the respawn system. The respawn system should be changed, I understand, but it should be a longer respawn time on the ferry for each subsequent death, not an arbitrary gold amount that changes nothing and just annoys casuals. This just breeds upset players and doesn't solve the issue.

    Please rethink this.

  • Charging too die is pretty stupid as when we get over run we are spawn killed over and over again. Then people camp at outposts as well as soon as they board the ship they just kill you again again and again. This needs too go away they should not be allowed too camp on your ship and spawn kill your team. Or camp at outposts or being spawn killed at outposts.

  • @z1n6 Thanks for showing this link to all. I just found it also on discord. I hope they added a bug list there of known bugs and workarounds, it would be helpful .

  • I feel like the time spent on the ferry of the damned is enough of a penalty, especially when you factor in how long it takes to rejoin the game once you jump through the door. It’s not like I’m intentionally dying.
    But if the death tax is inevitable... I only got 15 gold for the chicken I caught and cashed in. If the death tax is more than that, it hardly seems fair or reasonable.

  • @radellah I've never seen a chicken sell for only 15 gold... and to be honest I doubt the penalty will be a significant amount of gold probably just a small fee.

  • @red0demon0 there are 3 base stats for the ships: damage, health, speed, and maneuverability. The galleon has better damage, speed, and health. The sloop has better maneuverability. You can't outrun them. You have to out turn them. Some people simply prefer to solo play EVERY game. It's sad to see a game that's possible to play solo is almost impossible to progress at a steady pase. As a sloop, when a galleon has you in their crosshairs, they chase you down relentlessly until they catch you. I've been chased for hours. I can't stop to do my voyage, turn in chests, or even think. And at that point, why even play at all. I understand solo play SHOULD be harder, but it shouldn't be impossible to actually progress through the game.

  • So uhhh... when's the update for a bigger map? We've been sailing on the same size map since (not gonna say when because I don't want to violate an agreement) and it has become really boring hunting for treasure on the same islands over and over again; with an addition like this, I'd assume that a larger player count would follow ten-fold as the Microsoft store had Sea Of Thieves listed as being an online multiplayer game with between 1 and 99 players. As it stands right now, the world feels really empty and if you have bad luck then it may feel even emptier; countless times have I joined a server with one sloop or no boats at all. There's so many things that I thought would make it into the launch build but this was the thing that I was most bummed about.

    I'm not saying that I haven't enjoyed the game however, I play SoT whenever I get the chance; I also must congratulate the developers on their transparency with the community and their ability to address bugs in real-time.

  • @el-perplexo said in Release Notes Discussion - Launch 1.0:

    i'm noping all the way out of the death toll.. i'm dead like 15 times while raiding a fort,

    Is this just you raiding a fort by yourself? Forts aren't really intended for solo.

  • @mad-jack-ketch The only thing you have to worry about concerning your concerns is the accidental kills. They state somewhere on their site (sorry, I know I read it, but don't remember where) that PVP will not incure the death cost.

  • @doctor-n****e but forts can be solo'd without dying. It's harder, takes more time, but it is doable.

  • @boushwa agreed, but then you have done it and a galeon of 4 comes next to you and shoots you down

  • @boneface96 Fair enough tbh.

    It's still possible though. Park yourself inbetween the two forts, so they don't shoot at you. They will shoot at all incoming traffic though, so once you hear them shoot go to your sloop. A "new" player will probably lack the basic game knowledge to accomplish this though - it takes some experience.

    It's easy to avoid galleons, especially as a solo player. They will always have to angle themselves. You're more agile, so you can almost always avoid it. Steer infront of them and behind them, don't give them an angle for their cannons and blow up their front / behind and you will most likely end them.

  • The death toll is not a good idea, the loss of treasure from pirate attacks is enough of a loss. When out looking for loot and I encounter skeletons, i can bare the amount of times I die because I will make gold. If I am going to lose gold for death, there will be no point in completing those quests becuese I will be losing money instead of making a profit. I love this game, because I can play solo and still make a profit as if I was with a full crew.

  • @ashing-kushr "we cannot get any more powerful guns"

    F*****g lol

  • @ashing-kushr They are weaker to swords

  • Gradually lose my vision due (Retinitis Pigmentosa) and as a gamer since I was a kid, it hurts losing my hobby. I still have some vision and Sea of thieves, when it’s daytime is really fun, but the problem is that the text is Very small and I need to put my nose on the tv more or less.

    Can you please make it possible to edit font size? Ark have a easy way to change it with a slider.

    Kind regards.

  • @mad-jack-ketch PvP kills will not cost any money.

  • IMO there needs to be a change to ship sink/respawned ship, you need to make it so they spawn more then 5+ islands away not a island or 2 away... to sink the same gallon 5 times while doing a skull is just sad... they should not be spawning so close to players, they died and they should spawn much farther away.

  • Yes i also think boat respawn distance should be increased because it’s not enought punitive for people who have been sunk.
    You don’t have the time to loot their stuff and they are here again.

  • @jotfur I agree, in particular with the shelly forts, it just becomes an attrition war, a pain in the posterior, and labourious, tedious even, so fed up of taking on 2/4 ships at the skelly forts, only to run out of ammo and having to give it up.

  • @jotfur I totally Agree! Otherwise just respawn with malus like less health or no weapons... that permit to be more careful during the game...

  • @khaleesibot Death Cost
    What an awful idea - now I get killed - waste time on the death ship - have my loot stolen AND lose gold for dying. Oh no - this is disastrous.

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