Anyone else having issues with the game crashing? - Xbox one x

  • Hey pirates, any of you sea dogs having issues with game crashes? I am!

    I'm using an Xbox One X so it's a standard configuration, it's a digital download so no disc, no other game (disc or otherwise) does this. This first started happening on the 22/03, since then it's happened more and more frequently, in total the game's crashed on me 6 times, booting me back to the dashboard each time. For the first two days after release day it was smooth as a whistle, no issues whatsoever. Both me and my housemate using the same internet connection (200mb fibre) played for hours on both days.

    It's driving me nuts, I've lost over 15 chests because the game keeps freezing up. I'm currently re-installing in the hope that may fix it.

    Is anyone else having this issue? Is it just me or is this widely known with a fix incoming?

    Any help would be great!!

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  • @jamiecurnock I'm playing on the X and it hasn't crashed on me yet but I've had trouble logging in during the first evening. If you faced the issue this morning it's possible the reason is because there was a maintenance update which they announced few days ago. Try not to carry over 15 chests at a time for other reasons than game crashing. They are looking into fixes they can push early next week and Xbox One X performance is one of them, maybe that will help. For now just play it a little safer than usual and try to get your loot sold more frequently.

  • @jamiecurnock , did it give you beard code or ethernet cable unplugged? Yeaterday i got the ethernet cable unplugged. Im on a wireless set up. Ive put in a request on that issue like 45 mins ago.

  • Hey, thanks for replying. I wasn't carrying 15 chests tho, I only had 2. I've lost 15 chests in total over 6 different crashes. It's odd that it only started happening on Thursday.

    If your using a One x and it hasn't happened at all that sounds more like either my install or the machine itself. As I said tho, doesn't happen on any other game.

    Hoping the reinstall works otherwise I may have to just move on from sot.

  • @jamiecurnock im sure its a bugged that will get fixed.

  • @jamiecurnock I'm sure the devs will see this as you post it. Try to make sure your internal hard drive is holding the game opposed to an external one. If you continue facing the issues maybe wait for the upcoming update. Sorry to hear about your experience and hope you don't give up on the game. For a seemingly simple game, there is an incredible amount of infrastructure and work that has been put into it (I can see this as I am a programmer myself) so there is bound to be some issues at launch window.

  • @too-much-space plugged via Ethernet. No 'beard' message given. Just back to the Xbox home screen and have to reload the game again

  • @jamiecurnock open a support ticket and explain to them. The more they know the more they can fix.

  • @brutalpandax sorry that reply took so long. Apparently I'm to 'new' to post responses that quick. Lol

    yeah it's on the internal HD, 115gb free. NAT type is open.

    Can't see any logical reason.

  • @jamiecurnock

    Was your problem resolved? If so, what fixed it?

    I too am getting random crashes to dashboard on Xbox One X as solo sloop player. Usually crash within 15 minutes of play. I tried Clear Mac Address which seemed to get me longer play (closer to 45 minutes), but still same result. Next step I guess would be to delete/re-add my profile and re-install the game.

  • @too-much-space any fix for this...?

  • Yes, having the same issue. Had my Xbox one x crash a lot with Fortnite until I think an update fixed that (I think).
    Spoke with Microsoft support (fortnite issue) and they got me to reinstall my actual Xbox live profile, but that didn t seem to work. Maybe make It less likely. Hope it gets fixed, like you said I have also lost a lot of chests/loot.

  • Play in xbox one S, and be occurring more frequently from the game freeze and then come back. But when he comes back, he gets caught up in everything. I have to close the game and open it again

  • Crashes on splash screen on my Xbox One original during Xbox Live free weekend, works on my laptop though. I'm okay with that as I usually use my laptop anyways but it's a 60 buck title. I booted this treasure on my Xbox during the beta and it worked, so you must've plundered your code during a patch.

  • Yup. Xbox one S here. Crashes, lockups and 10-15s freezes are commonplace. If it doesn't crash to the home screen, I have to force quit it.

    It's pretty annoying and also the only Xbox game I've ever had problems with.

  • I have this freezing problem in patch 1.8 every 15 min max it freeze and get back to home screen.
    I played sea of thieves for 2 month without any problem on my xboxone x
    Now i open ticket for it in support. I hope for a way to fix it.

  • @majid1970s I had the same issue. I uninstalled the whole game and then reinstalled and haven’t had any issues since.

  • @sabraros3-43v3r today they made 200 mb update. After that my fixed again.

  • Here's my issue, I can start the game no problem, once I select my type of game, open or close, sloop or galley, the game starts to load, I can see all the new hungering deep screen shots and tips. Then about 30 seconds in, the game stops, the screen freezes for about a second, then goes to the box dashboard... Not sure why, but every since the hungering deep's launch its been a constant issue for me. Killing my game-play with friends too, we go get loots then I can't rejoin, they sell and profit, I cry with no loots .
    I'm on my Xbox One, never had any issues before, any thoughts?? - TYIA!

  • Same here, constant freezing and crashing on X1X... I'll never finish The Hungering Deep at this rate ! 😥

  • @jamiecurnock
    I have an Xbox One and it crashed 2 times today while I was playing with me friend. When it crashes it makes a weird buzzing noise and then goes back to the Xbox Homepage.
    Hopefully it is not my Xbox dying, I do not like spending hard earned dabloons.

  • I have only had maybe 3 or 4 crashes but I think they have all happened within the last couple of weeks (I have been playing it since launch), so maybe an updated increased the chances of this happening? Luckily I was with a galleon crew and I could be invited back to the game on loading it again.

    I don't know if this is the cause but I'm sure most of them happened during lots of skeletons all feverishly shooting me at the same time.

  • Anybody find a fix to this yet? Happening to me just seconds after I hit the start game button.... really hope I don't have to uninstall/reinstall for the 3rd freaking time......

  • No not at all, my game is working fine on Xbox One X

  • Only experienced one crash up until Thursday and then 3 times on the same day, game locks along with a strange sound and booted to home

  • @rieleyhunt same since the thrones update

  • haven't had an issue with game crashing but its weird that i haven't seen a single ship all day. got a chance to play a full day and came across two ships in the morning. we battled for a fort i killed of the last player, but little did i know it was the last player i would see all day. i got two forts, leveled up at least 1 and a half each reps a couple i leveled up several. i sail solo so this was an epic day. kinda liked not running into anyone for a change.

  • @jamiecurnock yes they need to stop merging the servers

  • Hi Guys..i have Xbox x and the same problem!but al last 3 days...beafore the game play good! Black screen and go to home!i hope my Xbox x is not broken!!anyone fix it?

  • @jamiecurnock
    It’s either a bug or it’s because Rare is hot fixing bugs right now. Lol

  • Hi @madpunx, we don't allow necroing of very old threads, especially ones with bugs - as often the issue at the start, isn't the same issue at the end! Please submit a bug report with Support for your issue, thank you!

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