Fast, easy gold.

  • I tried making a thread to share my ideas on how to make quick, easy gold and it never really made any headway which got me to thinking "are they ignoring my thread because there's a better way?"

    So, what's your favorite way to make easy, fast gold?

  • 92
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  • Skull Forts at night when everyone is at sleep, fastest way ever. At peak hours, Skull Forts are a waste of time. ALWAYS Galleons showing up, atleast one or 2.

    During peak hours i run normal voyages, because the PVP in this game needs a serious overhaul, its pointless in every way, shape or form.

  • @haxxorsauruz that's an interesting idea to do skull forts at night. Hadn't thought of that.

    When you say voyages, do you have a specific method?

  • The pvp, in it's current state, is a battle of wits and fortitude honestly.

    Can I outmaneuver my enemy?
    Can I maintain more resources, while they keep respawning and rushing me?
    Can I keep getting on their nerves, while they cause almost no damage to my ship?
    Can I get them to start flaming in game chat, and some salty comments?

    Once you start playing like this, you pretty much never lose the fight, however it depends on how much you value your PvP prowess over loot. I personally love these types of "X" players in a map farming games where I can pvp anyone and everyone, except my own crew ofc (even if you sometimes want too).

    My main loot of choice, gameplay experience level over actual bounty :)

  • @d00m-incarnate Like the Order of Souls quests or Hoarders, the Merchant quests are just too annoying for me. Oh and dont upgrade the Voyages past level 10, otherwise you nerf your own progress. Upgrading only means more chests/skulls per quest, but they also cost gold, so you end up spending almost the same amount you earn....

    Its amazing how a level 20 quest can still be giving 3 Castaway's chests and 1 Marauder's chest....good job Rare.

  • @haxxorsauruz said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @d00m-incarnate Like the Order of Souls quests or Hoarders, the Merchant quests are just too annoying for me. Oh and dont upgrade the Voyages past level 10, otherwise you nerf your own progress. Upgrading only means more chests/skulls per quest, but they also cost gold, so you end up spending almost the same amount you earn....

    Its amazing how a level 20 quest can still be giving 3 Castaway's chests and 1 Marauder's chest....good job Rare.

    The higher level quests give you a chance at more maps and more chests/captains per map (also potentially higher grade drop rate but I can't confirm that, but I get a ton of captains and villainous at 30+).

    So you still want to rank up, as that gives you a chance to get more done. If you focus only on maps that have 4+ chests/captains and then dump the quest, you'll fly through levels on par with pirate forts (unless you farm them at 4AM).

  • @atrocity-v85 said in Fast, easy gold.:

    The pvp, in it's current state, is a battle of wits and fortitude honestly.

    Can I outmaneuver my enemy?
    Can I maintain more resources, while they keep respawning and rushing me?
    Can I keep getting on their nerves, while they cause almost no damage to my ship?
    Can I get them to start flaming in game chat, and some salty comments?

    Once you start playing like this, you pretty much never lose the fight, however it depends on how much you value your PvP prowess over loot. I personally love these types of "X" players in a map farming games where I can pvp anyone and everyone, except my own crew ofc (even if you sometimes want too).

    My main loot of choice, gameplay experience level over actual bounty :)

    Wrong, all over the place. This is what you WANT the PVP to be, its far from what it is. PVP in this game is all about getting lucky, as shooting at the actual ship does NOTHING, if they are smart enough to patch it up. Its a waste of cannon balls. Hitting a player and killing him is what needs to be done ina fight, and thats based on pure luck. Other than that, its a game of "whose resources lasts the longest", because eventually one team runs out, and loose. That isnt skill, its poor PVP design.

    Me and my team are all GOOD players, and we all fkin hate the PVP in this game, its utterly pointless as you can never truly WIN, even if you sink their ship. # minutes and they are back with a fully stocked ship, and nothing to loose.

  • @haxxorsauruz said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @atrocity-v85 said in Fast, easy gold.:

    The pvp, in it's current state, is a battle of wits and fortitude honestly.

    Can I outmaneuver my enemy?
    Can I maintain more resources, while they keep respawning and rushing me?
    Can I keep getting on their nerves, while they cause almost no damage to my ship?
    Can I get them to start flaming in game chat, and some salty comments?

    Once you start playing like this, you pretty much never lose the fight, however it depends on how much you value your PvP prowess over loot. I personally love these types of "X" players in a map farming games where I can pvp anyone and everyone, except my own crew ofc (even if you sometimes want too).

    My main loot of choice, gameplay experience level over actual bounty :)

    Wrong, all over the place. This is what you WANT the PVP to be, its far from what it is. PVP in this game is all about getting lucky, as shooting at the actual ship does NOTHING, if they are smart enough to patch it up. Its a waste of cannon balls. Hitting a player and killing him is what needs to be done ina fight, and thats based on pure luck. Other than that, its a game of "whose resources lasts the longest", because eventually one team runs out, and loose. That isnt skill, its poor PVP design.

    Me and my team are all GOOD players, and we all fkin hate the PVP in this game, its utterly pointless as you can never truly WIN, even if you sink their ship. # minutes and they are back with a fully stocked ship, and nothing to loose.


    Shooting the actual ship does nothing?

    It seems to work fine for me and my crew. Aim below the water line and in different spots so there's faster flooding. You can hold 300+ cannonballs and only 100+ planks, so if you're a good shot you can out-pressure any opponent with cannonballs alone.

    If you're losing fights in this game, it's not because of luck dude, you're just doing it wrong.

  • @jecksauce said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @haxxorsauruz said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @d00m-incarnate Like the Order of Souls quests or Hoarders, the Merchant quests are just too annoying for me. Oh and dont upgrade the Voyages past level 10, otherwise you nerf your own progress. Upgrading only means more chests/skulls per quest, but they also cost gold, so you end up spending almost the same amount you earn....

    Its amazing how a level 20 quest can still be giving 3 Castaway's chests and 1 Marauder's chest....good job Rare.

    The higher level quests give you a chance at more maps and more chests/captains per map (also potentially higher grade drop rate but I can't confirm that, but I get a ton of captains and villainous at 30+).

    So you still want to rank up, as that gives you a chance to get more done. If you focus only on maps that have 4+ chests/captains and then dump the quest, you'll fly through levels on par with pirate forts (unless you farm them at 4AM).

    The higher "rank" chests is not true, as someone has tested this. True, they give you MORE chests, but the voyages also costs you alot of gold as you upgrade, meaning you start to earn less if you are unlucky. Plus they take ALOT longer to finish, and start to become longer journeys aswell. Level 5 and 10 quests are usually the islands nearby, level 15+ starts sending you 2-3 islands away, and thats 10 minutes of sailing AND a chance to get really unlucky.

  • @jecksauce You seem to miss what i say about them beeing smart enough to patch up their ship,and yes you confirmed what i just said, its a game of who has the most resources, not skill.

    Sinking a ship effectively isnt about shooting at the ship, its about boarding them, killing atleast 1 or 2, and then blow a barrel inside, or from the outside, and hold them off from repairing in time by staying below their deck, guarding their holes.

    Trust me, ive played this game more than enough to know this, the actual PVP is seriously lackluster, winning means cheesing it, not actual naval combat.

  • @HaxxorSauruz You and your crew may need to get lucky and 1v4 me sometime :) ill show you how a sloop can hit you, board kill, and camp until you sink. If you can all deal with me jumping and killing like a damn jackrabbit on coke, then gj.

    EVERY sandbox game I play with some form of open world pvp, my points hold true. If you PVP in all games you play, that offer it, you figure out perseverance with adaption is key. (counter intuitive I know, but you get me?)

    We held a skull fort last night before server reset for 2 hours, sunk 2 galleons over and over. We didn't fire more than 10-15 shots per ship, rest was 2 people man boat, 2 people board. WE NEVER LOST OUR SHIP 4v8. We got both crews to dump their salt on us though when they switched to game chat and flamed. Also, we kept boarding, and taking their resources, then we'd resupply our ship and re-engage, never leaving the waters around the fort.

    We kept our ship safe, cleared island, they fought us on island, but wit and skill overpowered. We took key and sold loot. They even camped the island to get us when we sold the loot, managed to get 1 entire skull from us, rofl. The fight after selling concluded with server maintenance, and us getting drunk on the nectar of the seas, while they took one final trip to the afterlife.

    Truly sorry, that you guys have problems in PvP.

  • @atrocity-v85 OK i give up, your not getting the point. You just confirmed AGAIN, its not about the shooting...its about the boarding. Also, the crew you fought must have been brand new.

    We are not having TROUBLE in pvp, we just find it extremly poorly designed considering its a NAVAL combat game, which requires Call of Duty gameplay to win.

    Have a good day.

  • @haxxorsauruz said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @atrocity-v85 OK i give up, your not getting the point. You just confirmed AGAIN, its not about the shooting...its about the boarding. Also, the crew you fought must have been brand new.

    We are not having TROUBLE in pvp, we just find it extremly poorly designed considering its a NAVAL combat game, which requires Call of Duty gameplay to win.

    Have a good day.

    What is the problem with firing at them..... Then boarding so they dont repair? fixes your problem.


    It's more like you want your own version of the game, not adapt to the current one.

    IF YOU INSTEAD COMPLAIN ABOUT, the respawning proximity, then I get it. Really annoying when a sloop/galleon can keep suiciding, and returning every 2-5 mins.

    Good day sir. I hope to sink you one day :)

  • @haxxorsauruz Huh? what ? i am level 25 hoarder and 25 order of the souls, a quest costs 100g. i buy one order, and 2 hoarder and make at least 1.1k gold. so that is a +800 return, not including the various other things i find on the different islands i go to. + the sunken ships.

  • @thefappenin said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @haxxorsauruz Huh? what ? i am level 25 hoarder and 25 order of the souls, a quest costs 100g. i buy one order, and 2 hoarder and make at least 1.1k gold. so that is a +800 return, not including the various other things i find on the different islands i go to. + the sunken ships.

    800 gold in return, when i made 800 in return at level 10, faster too.

    Hope you get the point.

  • @d00m-incarnate I think Gold Hoarders are the fastest way. Sure some of the chests are worthless, but you can complete many voyages in a short amount of time as compared to skulls, or heaven forbid trying to find a black pig and keep it alive.

    Gold Hoarder missions also have a high likelihood of coming across side missions and booty such as books, message bottles, or rare items.

    They should really allow us to run multiple voyages at a time, especially from different clans. It would be great to just keep a trader mission running in the background while you dig up chests, so that when you do come across that elusive pig / chicken, you can just grab it and bring it back at your convenience as opposed to going island hopping looking for animals.

  • @haxxorsauruz i am saying at a minimum of 800 gold. on a very bad RNG base. we did two gold hoards and one order of the souls last night, ended up with three captains chest 2 marauders 3 seafarers a sunken marauders, two villainous skulls, and a few c****y skulls. +stuff i am forgetting.
    when we cashed in the pay out was roughly 6k. off three 100g costing quests.
    get the point ? the thing is, having to go to more islands gives chances to find more items not in the quest. more maps/chests/skulls etc. explore the islands you go to. dont grab your quest and then run off.

  • @haxxorsauruz ----
    I assume that ye be one of the dingle berries that we have been stomping on this past week. I would like to kindly invite you to play Minecraft or get a box of leggos. It might be your better choice for PVE. This game is not cut out fer yer soft skinned lil noggin! There is a great deal of tactics that go into naval battle. My crew and I have not lost a single Skelly Fort or PVP battle yet. I'll tell you a lil how..

    1. We are constantly maintaining supplies and never run out of anything but cannon balls. Is that luck or a matter of who supplied first? neither... man up your crew and have them supply during battle... OR STEAL THE ENEMIES SUPPLIES!!!! Have a dedicated crew member or 3 jump off when passing by barrels in the sea or an island and stock up!
    2. We plot our courses with the wind, even during a chase. There is never a moment that the direction of the wind and your relative location on that map doesn't effect your chances of catching the sloop or galleons attempting to be dodgy. If they are going into the wind, plot a tacking course that will let you use the wind.
    3. Positioning in battle! Always be conscious of the speed of your ship and theirs. Make sure that you aren't anchoring your ship in their broad side range. Instead try hoisting the sails for soft maneuvering and the ability to swivel your ship left and right to maintain your broad side on them. Position yourself behind their ship or even in front (though beware of them ramming you).
    4. Always keep 1-2 players on your ship and 2 players for assaulting the enemy. We always have 1 player repairing and 1 player navigating the ship at all times. It is ultra critical that you have a player on board your ship at all times to make sure the enemy doesn't blow a hole in your ship and guard it.
    5. Once you blow a hole in your enemies ship, get on board and guard it if possible. It is a very lengthy battle if you are competing resources against resources. It is a very fast battle if you can distract them from repairing though.
      Don't worry, it will float to the top after the ship is sunk. Focus on the enemy.

    So If you are properly plotting your courses, manning your sails CORRECTLY, positioning yourself advantageously in position for broad side, and maintaining people on your ship at all time, then you might just have a chance at surviving the cut throat brutality of the legendary pirate XANDERDN. Good luck though, you will prolly still feel my steel.

  • @haxxorsauruz said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @jecksauce said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @haxxorsauruz said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @d00m-incarnate Like the Order of Souls quests or Hoarders, the Merchant quests are just too annoying for me. Oh and dont upgrade the Voyages past level 10, otherwise you nerf your own progress. Upgrading only means more chests/skulls per quest, but they also cost gold, so you end up spending almost the same amount you earn....

    Its amazing how a level 20 quest can still be giving 3 Castaway's chests and 1 Marauder's chest....good job Rare.

    The higher level quests give you a chance at more maps and more chests/captains per map (also potentially higher grade drop rate but I can't confirm that, but I get a ton of captains and villainous at 30+).

    So you still want to rank up, as that gives you a chance to get more done. If you focus only on maps that have 4+ chests/captains and then dump the quest, you'll fly through levels on par with pirate forts (unless you farm them at 4AM).

    The higher "rank" chests is not true, as someone has tested this. True, they give you MORE chests, but the voyages also costs you alot of gold as you upgrade, meaning you start to earn less if you are unlucky. Plus they take ALOT longer to finish, and start to become longer journeys aswell. Level 5 and 10 quests are usually the islands nearby, level 15+ starts sending you 2-3 islands away, and thats 10 minutes of sailing AND a chance to get really unlucky.

    I already bought everything I want, so gold to me is just a means to level faster. So I buy tons of voyages and cancel most. Higher level voyages don't always send you far away, so just cancel them until you get an island with 4 items right next to you (this is how I'm 34-34-25 now, mostly avoiding forts and working a full time job).

    If you care about gold then yeah my method isn't for you.

  • @xanderdn said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @haxxorsauruz ----
    I assume that ye be one of the dingle berries that we have been stomping on this past week. I would like to kindly invite you to play Minecraft or get a box of leggos. It might be your better choice for PVE. This game is not cut out fer yer soft skinned lil noggin! There is a great deal of tactics that go into naval battle. My crew and I have not lost a single Skelly Fort or PVP battle yet. I'll tell you a lil how..

    1. We are constantly maintaining supplies and never run out of anything but cannon balls. Is that luck or a matter of who supplied first? neither... man up your crew and have them supply during battle... OR STEAL THE ENEMIES SUPPLIES!!!! Have a dedicated crew member or 3 jump off when passing by barrels in the sea or an island and stock up!
    2. We plot our courses with the wind, even during a chase. There is never a moment that the direction of the wind and your relative location on that map doesn't effect your chances of catching the sloop or galleons attempting to be dodgy. If they are going into the wind, plot a tacking course that will let you use the wind.
    3. Positioning in battle! Always be conscious of the speed of your ship and theirs. Make sure that you aren't anchoring your ship in their broad side range. Instead try hoisting the sails for soft maneuvering and the ability to swivel your ship left and right to maintain your broad side on them. Position yourself behind their ship or even in front (though beware of them ramming you).
    4. Always keep 1-2 players on your ship and 2 players for assaulting the enemy. We always have 1 player repairing and 1 player navigating the ship at all times. It is ultra critical that you have a player on board your ship at all times to make sure the enemy doesn't blow a hole in your ship and guard it.
    5. Once you blow a hole in your enemies ship, get on board and guard it if possible. It is a very lengthy battle if you are competing resources against resources. It is a very fast battle if you can distract them from repairing though.
      Don't worry, it will float to the top after the ship is sunk. Focus on the enemy.

    So If you are properly plotting your courses, manning your sails CORRECTLY, positioning yourself advantageously in position for broad side, and maintaining people on your ship at all time, then you might just have a chance at surviving the cut throat brutality of the legendary pirate XANDERDN. Good luck though, you will prolly still feel my steel.

    Thanks for the tips, but i know them all. And i can tell you are a very young person.

    Nice tips, still doesn fix the actual BROKEN PVP mechanics and respawn timers, aswell as the annoying ship vicinity spawn.

    Glad your taking this game very seriously tho, its kinda hilarious.

  • @haxxorsauruz said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @jecksauce You seem to miss what i say about them beeing smart enough to patch up their ship,and yes you confirmed what i just said, its a game of who has the most resources, not skill.

    Sinking a ship effectively isnt about shooting at the ship, its about boarding them, killing atleast 1 or 2, and then blow a barrel inside, or from the outside, and hold them off from repairing in time by staying below their deck, guarding their holes.

    Trust me, ive played this game more than enough to know this, the actual PVP is seriously lackluster, winning means cheesing it, not actual naval combat.

    No, it's about skill, as both ships can max out resources. If your crew was too lazy to prepare, that's lack of skill right there. If both ships have max resources and one ship loses, guess which ship was the weaker one?

    Boarding and guarding holes is only a method of winning if the other team isn't as good at FPS combat/communication. By leaving your ship, you're actually more vulnerable when the crews are good at using the cannons (most aren't). You can create holes faster than they can be repaired.

    I have over 100+ hours in this game and only sank twice (epic fights) so my opinion should be considered.

  • @jecksauce said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @haxxorsauruz said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @jecksauce said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @haxxorsauruz said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @d00m-incarnate Like the Order of Souls quests or Hoarders, the Merchant quests are just too annoying for me. Oh and dont upgrade the Voyages past level 10, otherwise you nerf your own progress. Upgrading only means more chests/skulls per quest, but they also cost gold, so you end up spending almost the same amount you earn....

    Its amazing how a level 20 quest can still be giving 3 Castaway's chests and 1 Marauder's chest....good job Rare.

    The higher level quests give you a chance at more maps and more chests/captains per map (also potentially higher grade drop rate but I can't confirm that, but I get a ton of captains and villainous at 30+).

    So you still want to rank up, as that gives you a chance to get more done. If you focus only on maps that have 4+ chests/captains and then dump the quest, you'll fly through levels on par with pirate forts (unless you farm them at 4AM).

    The higher "rank" chests is not true, as someone has tested this. True, they give you MORE chests, but the voyages also costs you alot of gold as you upgrade, meaning you start to earn less if you are unlucky. Plus they take ALOT longer to finish, and start to become longer journeys aswell. Level 5 and 10 quests are usually the islands nearby, level 15+ starts sending you 2-3 islands away, and thats 10 minutes of sailing AND a chance to get really unlucky.

    I already bought everything I want, so gold to me is just a means to level faster. So I buy tons of voyages and cancel most. Higher level voyages don't always send you far away, so just cancel them until you get an island with 4 items right next to you (this is how I'm 34-34-25 now, mostly avoiding forts and working a full time job).

    If you care about gold then yeah my method isn't for you.

    Listen man....i know these things, my point is, it shouldnt be like this. Higher level quests should be higher level loot/enemies. It isnt. They recycle the same content, just more of it. This is just tedious.

    No one is encouraged by leveling up a faction only to STILL get Castaway's Chests, its a waste of time and pointless RNG. Now, if at level 20, the lowest chest you could get was a Marauders, we would be talking, as that atleast covers the quest fee's.

  • @haxxorsauruz said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @jecksauce said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @haxxorsauruz said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @jecksauce said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @haxxorsauruz said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @d00m-incarnate Like the Order of Souls quests or Hoarders, the Merchant quests are just too annoying for me. Oh and dont upgrade the Voyages past level 10, otherwise you nerf your own progress. Upgrading only means more chests/skulls per quest, but they also cost gold, so you end up spending almost the same amount you earn....

    Its amazing how a level 20 quest can still be giving 3 Castaway's chests and 1 Marauder's chest....good job Rare.

    The higher level quests give you a chance at more maps and more chests/captains per map (also potentially higher grade drop rate but I can't confirm that, but I get a ton of captains and villainous at 30+).

    So you still want to rank up, as that gives you a chance to get more done. If you focus only on maps that have 4+ chests/captains and then dump the quest, you'll fly through levels on par with pirate forts (unless you farm them at 4AM).

    The higher "rank" chests is not true, as someone has tested this. True, they give you MORE chests, but the voyages also costs you alot of gold as you upgrade, meaning you start to earn less if you are unlucky. Plus they take ALOT longer to finish, and start to become longer journeys aswell. Level 5 and 10 quests are usually the islands nearby, level 15+ starts sending you 2-3 islands away, and thats 10 minutes of sailing AND a chance to get really unlucky.

    I already bought everything I want, so gold to me is just a means to level faster. So I buy tons of voyages and cancel most. Higher level voyages don't always send you far away, so just cancel them until you get an island with 4 items right next to you (this is how I'm 34-34-25 now, mostly avoiding forts and working a full time job).

    If you care about gold then yeah my method isn't for you.

    Listen man....i know these things, my point is, it shouldnt be like this. Higher level quests should be higher level loot/enemies. It isnt. They recycle the same content, just more of it. This is just tedious.

    No one is encouraged by leveling up a faction only to STILL get Castaway's Chests, its a waste of time and pointless RNG. Now, if at level 20, the lowest chest you could get was a Marauders, we would be talking, as that atleast covers the quest fee's.

    I get what you're saying, but I disagree that higher ranks should give better rewards. I like that it just makes the quests harder and more chances for more rewards, as this prevents people from easily power-leveling their buddies.

    I think it should be less random though. A rank 1 voyage should be 1 chest, 1 map. A rank 5 voyage should be 2 chests, 1 map or something, and then increment it. The randomness of the numbers isn't bad but feels wonky.

  • @jecksauce said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @haxxorsauruz said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @jecksauce said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @haxxorsauruz said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @jecksauce said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @haxxorsauruz said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @d00m-incarnate Like the Order of Souls quests or Hoarders, the Merchant quests are just too annoying for me. Oh and dont upgrade the Voyages past level 10, otherwise you nerf your own progress. Upgrading only means more chests/skulls per quest, but they also cost gold, so you end up spending almost the same amount you earn....

    Its amazing how a level 20 quest can still be giving 3 Castaway's chests and 1 Marauder's chest....good job Rare.

    The higher level quests give you a chance at more maps and more chests/captains per map (also potentially higher grade drop rate but I can't confirm that, but I get a ton of captains and villainous at 30+).

    So you still want to rank up, as that gives you a chance to get more done. If you focus only on maps that have 4+ chests/captains and then dump the quest, you'll fly through levels on par with pirate forts (unless you farm them at 4AM).

    The higher "rank" chests is not true, as someone has tested this. True, they give you MORE chests, but the voyages also costs you alot of gold as you upgrade, meaning you start to earn less if you are unlucky. Plus they take ALOT longer to finish, and start to become longer journeys aswell. Level 5 and 10 quests are usually the islands nearby, level 15+ starts sending you 2-3 islands away, and thats 10 minutes of sailing AND a chance to get really unlucky.

    I already bought everything I want, so gold to me is just a means to level faster. So I buy tons of voyages and cancel most. Higher level voyages don't always send you far away, so just cancel them until you get an island with 4 items right next to you (this is how I'm 34-34-25 now, mostly avoiding forts and working a full time job).

    If you care about gold then yeah my method isn't for you.

    Listen man....i know these things, my point is, it shouldnt be like this. Higher level quests should be higher level loot/enemies. It isnt. They recycle the same content, just more of it. This is just tedious.

    No one is encouraged by leveling up a faction only to STILL get Castaway's Chests, its a waste of time and pointless RNG. Now, if at level 20, the lowest chest you could get was a Marauders, we would be talking, as that atleast covers the quest fee's.

    I get what you're saying, but I disagree that higher ranks should give better rewards. I like that it just makes the quests harder and more chances for more rewards, as this prevents people from easily power-leveling their buddies.

    I think it should be less random though. A rank 1 voyage should be 1 chest, 1 map. A rank 5 voyage should be 2 chests, 1 map or something, and then increment it. The randomness of the numbers isn't bad but feels wonky.

    But isnt HARDER....its more tedious! You're not challenged more, your patience is. Do you not see this? WEll it will start to sink in within a few days or weeks, they are just recycling the same stuff, nothing HARDER is added, or NEW.

    And Power Leveling??? What levels? There is no levels they way you describe them, there are faction reputation, for one can be "power leveled" in this game unless they introduce character progression with perks/traits/abilities/stats, and that will never happen.

    The only "leveling" we have is to get a yellow shirt, faster. Thats IT.

  • @haxxorsauruz said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @jecksauce said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @haxxorsauruz said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @jecksauce said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @haxxorsauruz said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @jecksauce said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @haxxorsauruz said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @d00m-incarnate Like the Order of Souls quests or Hoarders, the Merchant quests are just too annoying for me. Oh and dont upgrade the Voyages past level 10, otherwise you nerf your own progress. Upgrading only means more chests/skulls per quest, but they also cost gold, so you end up spending almost the same amount you earn....

    Its amazing how a level 20 quest can still be giving 3 Castaway's chests and 1 Marauder's chest....good job Rare.

    The higher level quests give you a chance at more maps and more chests/captains per map (also potentially higher grade drop rate but I can't confirm that, but I get a ton of captains and villainous at 30+).

    So you still want to rank up, as that gives you a chance to get more done. If you focus only on maps that have 4+ chests/captains and then dump the quest, you'll fly through levels on par with pirate forts (unless you farm them at 4AM).

    The higher "rank" chests is not true, as someone has tested this. True, they give you MORE chests, but the voyages also costs you alot of gold as you upgrade, meaning you start to earn less if you are unlucky. Plus they take ALOT longer to finish, and start to become longer journeys aswell. Level 5 and 10 quests are usually the islands nearby, level 15+ starts sending you 2-3 islands away, and thats 10 minutes of sailing AND a chance to get really unlucky.

    I already bought everything I want, so gold to me is just a means to level faster. So I buy tons of voyages and cancel most. Higher level voyages don't always send you far away, so just cancel them until you get an island with 4 items right next to you (this is how I'm 34-34-25 now, mostly avoiding forts and working a full time job).

    If you care about gold then yeah my method isn't for you.

    Listen man....i know these things, my point is, it shouldnt be like this. Higher level quests should be higher level loot/enemies. It isnt. They recycle the same content, just more of it. This is just tedious.

    No one is encouraged by leveling up a faction only to STILL get Castaway's Chests, its a waste of time and pointless RNG. Now, if at level 20, the lowest chest you could get was a Marauders, we would be talking, as that atleast covers the quest fee's.

    I get what you're saying, but I disagree that higher ranks should give better rewards. I like that it just makes the quests harder and more chances for more rewards, as this prevents people from easily power-leveling their buddies.

    I think it should be less random though. A rank 1 voyage should be 1 chest, 1 map. A rank 5 voyage should be 2 chests, 1 map or something, and then increment it. The randomness of the numbers isn't bad but feels wonky.

    But isnt HARDER....its more tedious! You're not challenged more, your patience is. Do you not see this? WEll it will start to sink in within a few days or weeks, they are just recycling the same stuff, nothing HARDER is added, or NEW.

    And Power Leveling??? What levels? There is no levels they way you describe them, there are faction reputation, for one can be "power leveled" in this game unless they introduce character progression with perks/traits/abilities/stats, and that will never happen.

    The only "leveling" we have is to get a yellow shirt, faster. Thats IT.

    Yeah I agree, it's just more tedious. I personally prefer it that way though but I can understand the perspective of wanting that changed.

    Power-leveling to pirate legend is kind of a big deal. It potentially opens up new voyages, which is supposed to be the end game. If we can power level people to the end game easily, what's to stop people from power leveling accounts and selling them, flooding the game with pirate legends? It's supposed to be a unique thing that a small percentage of pirates achieve.

  • @jecksauce said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @haxxorsauruz said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @jecksauce said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @haxxorsauruz said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @jecksauce said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @haxxorsauruz said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @jecksauce said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @haxxorsauruz said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @d00m-incarnate Like the Order of Souls quests or Hoarders, the Merchant quests are just too annoying for me. Oh and dont upgrade the Voyages past level 10, otherwise you nerf your own progress. Upgrading only means more chests/skulls per quest, but they also cost gold, so you end up spending almost the same amount you earn....

    Its amazing how a level 20 quest can still be giving 3 Castaway's chests and 1 Marauder's chest....good job Rare.

    The higher level quests give you a chance at more maps and more chests/captains per map (also potentially higher grade drop rate but I can't confirm that, but I get a ton of captains and villainous at 30+).

    So you still want to rank up, as that gives you a chance to get more done. If you focus only on maps that have 4+ chests/captains and then dump the quest, you'll fly through levels on par with pirate forts (unless you farm them at 4AM).

    The higher "rank" chests is not true, as someone has tested this. True, they give you MORE chests, but the voyages also costs you alot of gold as you upgrade, meaning you start to earn less if you are unlucky. Plus they take ALOT longer to finish, and start to become longer journeys aswell. Level 5 and 10 quests are usually the islands nearby, level 15+ starts sending you 2-3 islands away, and thats 10 minutes of sailing AND a chance to get really unlucky.

    I already bought everything I want, so gold to me is just a means to level faster. So I buy tons of voyages and cancel most. Higher level voyages don't always send you far away, so just cancel them until you get an island with 4 items right next to you (this is how I'm 34-34-25 now, mostly avoiding forts and working a full time job).

    If you care about gold then yeah my method isn't for you.

    Listen man....i know these things, my point is, it shouldnt be like this. Higher level quests should be higher level loot/enemies. It isnt. They recycle the same content, just more of it. This is just tedious.

    No one is encouraged by leveling up a faction only to STILL get Castaway's Chests, its a waste of time and pointless RNG. Now, if at level 20, the lowest chest you could get was a Marauders, we would be talking, as that atleast covers the quest fee's.

    I get what you're saying, but I disagree that higher ranks should give better rewards. I like that it just makes the quests harder and more chances for more rewards, as this prevents people from easily power-leveling their buddies.

    I think it should be less random though. A rank 1 voyage should be 1 chest, 1 map. A rank 5 voyage should be 2 chests, 1 map or something, and then increment it. The randomness of the numbers isn't bad but feels wonky.

    But isnt HARDER....its more tedious! You're not challenged more, your patience is. Do you not see this? WEll it will start to sink in within a few days or weeks, they are just recycling the same stuff, nothing HARDER is added, or NEW.

    And Power Leveling??? What levels? There is no levels they way you describe them, there are faction reputation, for one can be "power leveled" in this game unless they introduce character progression with perks/traits/abilities/stats, and that will never happen.

    The only "leveling" we have is to get a yellow shirt, faster. Thats IT.

    Yeah I agree, it's just more tedious. I personally prefer it that way though but I can understand the perspective of wanting that changed.

    Power-leveling to pirate legend is kind of a big deal. It potentially opens up new voyages, which is supposed to be the end game. If we can power level people to the end game easily, what's to stop people from power leveling accounts and selling them, flooding the game with pirate legends? It's supposed to be a unique thing that a small percentage of pirates achieve.

    No one knows what Pirate Legend will be yet, but we all know the basics of RARE's mentality....cosmetics. Most likely, Legends get new cosmetics, and better ways to get Gold...for Cosmetics. Nothing they get will be BETTER, gameplaywise, than a Level 1/1/1. Thats 100% certain.

    And the way this game is beeing reviewed by the largest channels and outlets out there...i sadly think it wont last much longer than a couple months. None of the most subscribed youtube channels approve of this game, and thats damn scary, because it had SO much potential.

    I'm gonna hang on for a few more weeks, but if they dont drop a content patch by then, we are atleast 4 people thats gonna call it quits. Doing recycled quests over and over and beeing trolled by never ending spawning pirates while doing a fort is not fun, its just tedious.

  • @haxxorsauruz said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @jecksauce said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @haxxorsauruz said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @jecksauce said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @haxxorsauruz said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @jecksauce said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @haxxorsauruz said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @jecksauce said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @haxxorsauruz said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @d00m-incarnate Like the Order of Souls quests or Hoarders, the Merchant quests are just too annoying for me. Oh and dont upgrade the Voyages past level 10, otherwise you nerf your own progress. Upgrading only means more chests/skulls per quest, but they also cost gold, so you end up spending almost the same amount you earn....

    Its amazing how a level 20 quest can still be giving 3 Castaway's chests and 1 Marauder's chest....good job Rare.

    The higher level quests give you a chance at more maps and more chests/captains per map (also potentially higher grade drop rate but I can't confirm that, but I get a ton of captains and villainous at 30+).

    So you still want to rank up, as that gives you a chance to get more done. If you focus only on maps that have 4+ chests/captains and then dump the quest, you'll fly through levels on par with pirate forts (unless you farm them at 4AM).

    The higher "rank" chests is not true, as someone has tested this. True, they give you MORE chests, but the voyages also costs you alot of gold as you upgrade, meaning you start to earn less if you are unlucky. Plus they take ALOT longer to finish, and start to become longer journeys aswell. Level 5 and 10 quests are usually the islands nearby, level 15+ starts sending you 2-3 islands away, and thats 10 minutes of sailing AND a chance to get really unlucky.

    I already bought everything I want, so gold to me is just a means to level faster. So I buy tons of voyages and cancel most. Higher level voyages don't always send you far away, so just cancel them until you get an island with 4 items right next to you (this is how I'm 34-34-25 now, mostly avoiding forts and working a full time job).

    If you care about gold then yeah my method isn't for you.

    Listen man....i know these things, my point is, it shouldnt be like this. Higher level quests should be higher level loot/enemies. It isnt. They recycle the same content, just more of it. This is just tedious.

    No one is encouraged by leveling up a faction only to STILL get Castaway's Chests, its a waste of time and pointless RNG. Now, if at level 20, the lowest chest you could get was a Marauders, we would be talking, as that atleast covers the quest fee's.

    I get what you're saying, but I disagree that higher ranks should give better rewards. I like that it just makes the quests harder and more chances for more rewards, as this prevents people from easily power-leveling their buddies.

    I think it should be less random though. A rank 1 voyage should be 1 chest, 1 map. A rank 5 voyage should be 2 chests, 1 map or something, and then increment it. The randomness of the numbers isn't bad but feels wonky.

    But isnt HARDER....its more tedious! You're not challenged more, your patience is. Do you not see this? WEll it will start to sink in within a few days or weeks, they are just recycling the same stuff, nothing HARDER is added, or NEW.

    And Power Leveling??? What levels? There is no levels they way you describe them, there are faction reputation, for one can be "power leveled" in this game unless they introduce character progression with perks/traits/abilities/stats, and that will never happen.

    The only "leveling" we have is to get a yellow shirt, faster. Thats IT.

    Yeah I agree, it's just more tedious. I personally prefer it that way though but I can understand the perspective of wanting that changed.

    Power-leveling to pirate legend is kind of a big deal. It potentially opens up new voyages, which is supposed to be the end game. If we can power level people to the end game easily, what's to stop people from power leveling accounts and selling them, flooding the game with pirate legends? It's supposed to be a unique thing that a small percentage of pirates achieve.

    No one knows what Pirate Legend will be yet, but we all know the basics of RARE's mentality....cosmetics. Most likely, Legends get new cosmetics, and better ways to get Gold...for Cosmetics. Nothing they get will be BETTER, gameplaywise, than a Level 1/1/1. Thats 100% certain.

    And the way this game is beeing reviewed by the largest channels and outlets out there...i sadly think it wont last much longer than a couple months. None of the most subscribed youtube channels approve of this game, and thats damn scary, because it had SO much potential.

    I'm gonna hang on for a few more weeks, but if they dont drop a content patch by then, we are atleast 4 people thats gonna call it quits. Doing recycled quests over and over and beeing trolled by never ending spawning pirates while doing a fort is not fun, its just tedious.

    Pirate legend voyages sound like better gameplay to me. Even if it's just a unique cosmetic ship for pirate legends I'm happy.

    As for reviews, what are you talking about? It's in the top 10 most played games and all reviews I've seen only complain about lack of content, and everything else is positive.

    If they actually do focus on adding content at this point, the game will be around for a very long time.

  • Skullforts at midnight and grind out higher level quests during the day. I also do any messages in bottles I find

  • Play solo or duo and keep joining servers till you find a skull event, Do that and that's 10k+ gold.

    If you find message in the bottle on islands, Get them, They give you good rewards.

  • @jecksauce said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @haxxorsauruz said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @jecksauce said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @haxxorsauruz said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @jecksauce said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @haxxorsauruz said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @jecksauce said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @haxxorsauruz said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @jecksauce said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @haxxorsauruz said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @d00m-incarnate Like the Order of Souls quests or Hoarders, the Merchant quests are just too annoying for me. Oh and dont upgrade the Voyages past level 10, otherwise you nerf your own progress. Upgrading only means more chests/skulls per quest, but they also cost gold, so you end up spending almost the same amount you earn....

    Its amazing how a level 20 quest can still be giving 3 Castaway's chests and 1 Marauder's chest....good job Rare.

    The higher level quests give you a chance at more maps and more chests/captains per map (also potentially higher grade drop rate but I can't confirm that, but I get a ton of captains and villainous at 30+).

    So you still want to rank up, as that gives you a chance to get more done. If you focus only on maps that have 4+ chests/captains and then dump the quest, you'll fly through levels on par with pirate forts (unless you farm them at 4AM).

    The higher "rank" chests is not true, as someone has tested this. True, they give you MORE chests, but the voyages also costs you alot of gold as you upgrade, meaning you start to earn less if you are unlucky. Plus they take ALOT longer to finish, and start to become longer journeys aswell. Level 5 and 10 quests are usually the islands nearby, level 15+ starts sending you 2-3 islands away, and thats 10 minutes of sailing AND a chance to get really unlucky.

    I already bought everything I want, so gold to me is just a means to level faster. So I buy tons of voyages and cancel most. Higher level voyages don't always send you far away, so just cancel them until you get an island with 4 items right next to you (this is how I'm 34-34-25 now, mostly avoiding forts and working a full time job).

    If you care about gold then yeah my method isn't for you.

    Listen man....i know these things, my point is, it shouldnt be like this. Higher level quests should be higher level loot/enemies. It isnt. They recycle the same content, just more of it. This is just tedious.

    No one is encouraged by leveling up a faction only to STILL get Castaway's Chests, its a waste of time and pointless RNG. Now, if at level 20, the lowest chest you could get was a Marauders, we would be talking, as that atleast covers the quest fee's.

    I get what you're saying, but I disagree that higher ranks should give better rewards. I like that it just makes the quests harder and more chances for more rewards, as this prevents people from easily power-leveling their buddies.

    I think it should be less random though. A rank 1 voyage should be 1 chest, 1 map. A rank 5 voyage should be 2 chests, 1 map or something, and then increment it. The randomness of the numbers isn't bad but feels wonky.

    But isnt HARDER....its more tedious! You're not challenged more, your patience is. Do you not see this? WEll it will start to sink in within a few days or weeks, they are just recycling the same stuff, nothing HARDER is added, or NEW.

    And Power Leveling??? What levels? There is no levels they way you describe them, there are faction reputation, for one can be "power leveled" in this game unless they introduce character progression with perks/traits/abilities/stats, and that will never happen.

    The only "leveling" we have is to get a yellow shirt, faster. Thats IT.

    Yeah I agree, it's just more tedious. I personally prefer it that way though but I can understand the perspective of wanting that changed.

    Power-leveling to pirate legend is kind of a big deal. It potentially opens up new voyages, which is supposed to be the end game. If we can power level people to the end game easily, what's to stop people from power leveling accounts and selling them, flooding the game with pirate legends? It's supposed to be a unique thing that a small percentage of pirates achieve.

    No one knows what Pirate Legend will be yet, but we all know the basics of RARE's mentality....cosmetics. Most likely, Legends get new cosmetics, and better ways to get Gold...for Cosmetics. Nothing they get will be BETTER, gameplaywise, than a Level 1/1/1. Thats 100% certain.

    And the way this game is beeing reviewed by the largest channels and outlets out there...i sadly think it wont last much longer than a couple months. None of the most subscribed youtube channels approve of this game, and thats damn scary, because it had SO much potential.

    I'm gonna hang on for a few more weeks, but if they dont drop a content patch by then, we are atleast 4 people thats gonna call it quits. Doing recycled quests over and over and beeing trolled by never ending spawning pirates while doing a fort is not fun, its just tedious.

    Pirate legend voyages sound like better gameplay to me. Even if it's just a unique cosmetic ship for pirate legends I'm happy.

    As for reviews, what are you talking about? It's in the top 10 most played games and all reviews I've seen only complain about lack of content, and everything else is positive.

    If they actually do focus on adding content at this point, the game will be around for a very long time.

    Buddy...every new game is in the top 10 played at release....come on now, you know better than this. It's new, its the big thing, it will fade.

    And lack of content is a big problem in a game that advertises itself to be nothing but content.

    It will be around if they drop a good amount of new things to do and aim for within 2-3 months, no one will wait longer than that. Far Cry 5 just released, and other large titles are on the horizon, this game seriously needs to pay its dues.

  • @d00m-incarnate
    Wow, that got off topic quick, was kinda of looking forward to reading some money making too bad.
    Besides earning banana reputation by stealing others loot, I've been loading up on merchant voyages... I know, "those be annoying!" but, what I do is accept and cancel missions until I get golden pigs or chickens (haven't the rep for snakes yet).. All the while picking up cages for said canceled voyages.. Those golden b*****s are worth some coin... Then I fulfill the order and pick up every golden animal I can carry to rinse and repeat. All the while, hunting every ship I see that I suspect could have treasure..
    Fast, Easy... Meh
    But it brings in the cash and it's fun... I could do with out the extra animal noise though.. hahahaha.

  • @theunknownd said in Fast, easy gold.:

    Play solo or duo and keep joining servers till you find a skull event, Do that and that's 10k+ gold.

    If you find message in the bottle on islands, Get them, They give you good rewards.

    Skull Forts are great yeah, ive done 12 of those....but that has now stopped. If you wanna do a Fort, you have to wait for everyone to be asleep, otherwise you can forget about it, as it is this game's ONLY event. The Meta in this game is find a fort, go there, and be stuck fighting and respawing for hours, until someone eventually gets the loot because the other boats logged.

    And ive never bothered with the Bottles, are they any good?

  • @haxxorsauruz said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @theunknownd said in Fast, easy gold.:

    Play solo or duo and keep joining servers till you find a skull event, Do that and that's 10k+ gold.

    If you find message in the bottle on islands, Get them, They give you good rewards.

    Skull Forts are great yeah, ive done 12 of those....but that has now stopped. If you wanna do a Fort, you have to wait for everyone to be asleep, otherwise you can forget about it, as it is this game's ONLY event. The Meta in this game is find a fort, go there, and be stuck fighting and respawing for hours, until someone eventually gets the loot because the other boats logged.

    And ive never bothered with the Bottles, are they any good?

    I got a few good chests (I think I got a captain chest from doing it) from them but in all my games I never got a cursed chest once, I joined a few games that had a galleon with a cursed grog chest, My rng getting them seems to be very low.

  • @theunknownd said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @haxxorsauruz said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @theunknownd said in Fast, easy gold.:

    Play solo or duo and keep joining servers till you find a skull event, Do that and that's 10k+ gold.

    If you find message in the bottle on islands, Get them, They give you good rewards.

    Skull Forts are great yeah, ive done 12 of those....but that has now stopped. If you wanna do a Fort, you have to wait for everyone to be asleep, otherwise you can forget about it, as it is this game's ONLY event. The Meta in this game is find a fort, go there, and be stuck fighting and respawing for hours, until someone eventually gets the loot because the other boats logged.

    And ive never bothered with the Bottles, are they any good?

    I got a few good chests (I think I got a captain chest from doing it) from them but in all my games I never got a cursed chest once, I joined a few games that had a galleon with a cursed grog chest, My rng getting them seems to be very low.

    Im 25 with gold hoarders, never gotten a Cursed Chest yet, but i got a Grog Barrel once....seems they drop incredibly rare, and pay the most. Seems RARE wants us to grind for a slong as possible until they patch content in, so we dont hit "endgame" too fast.

    Hell ive already met 2 galleons with new sails, paint and a figure on it, meaning someone already spent over 200.000 gold on their ship. Must be farming Forts.

  • @haxxorsauruz said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @jecksauce said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @haxxorsauruz said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @jecksauce said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @haxxorsauruz said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @jecksauce said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @haxxorsauruz said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @jecksauce said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @haxxorsauruz said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @jecksauce said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @haxxorsauruz said in Fast, easy gold.:

    @d00m-incarnate Like the Order of Souls quests or Hoarders, the Merchant quests are just too annoying for me. Oh and dont upgrade the Voyages past level 10, otherwise you nerf your own progress. Upgrading only means more chests/skulls per quest, but they also cost gold, so you end up spending almost the same amount you earn....

    Its amazing how a level 20 quest can still be giving 3 Castaway's chests and 1 Marauder's chest....good job Rare.

    The higher level quests give you a chance at more maps and more chests/captains per map (also potentially higher grade drop rate but I can't confirm that, but I get a ton of captains and villainous at 30+).

    So you still want to rank up, as that gives you a chance to get more done. If you focus only on maps that have 4+ chests/captains and then dump the quest, you'll fly through levels on par with pirate forts (unless you farm them at 4AM).

    The higher "rank" chests is not true, as someone has tested this. True, they give you MORE chests, but the voyages also costs you alot of gold as you upgrade, meaning you start to earn less if you are unlucky. Plus they take ALOT longer to finish, and start to become longer journeys aswell. Level 5 and 10 quests are usually the islands nearby, level 15+ starts sending you 2-3 islands away, and thats 10 minutes of sailing AND a chance to get really unlucky.

    I already bought everything I want, so gold to me is just a means to level faster. So I buy tons of voyages and cancel most. Higher level voyages don't always send you far away, so just cancel them until you get an island with 4 items right next to you (this is how I'm 34-34-25 now, mostly avoiding forts and working a full time job).

    If you care about gold then yeah my method isn't for you.

    Listen man....i know these things, my point is, it shouldnt be like this. Higher level quests should be higher level loot/enemies. It isnt. They recycle the same content, just more of it. This is just tedious.

    No one is encouraged by leveling up a faction only to STILL get Castaway's Chests, its a waste of time and pointless RNG. Now, if at level 20, the lowest chest you could get was a Marauders, we would be talking, as that atleast covers the quest fee's.

    I get what you're saying, but I disagree that higher ranks should give better rewards. I like that it just makes the quests harder and more chances for more rewards, as this prevents people from easily power-leveling their buddies.

    I think it should be less random though. A rank 1 voyage should be 1 chest, 1 map. A rank 5 voyage should be 2 chests, 1 map or something, and then increment it. The randomness of the numbers isn't bad but feels wonky.

    But isnt HARDER....its more tedious! You're not challenged more, your patience is. Do you not see this? WEll it will start to sink in within a few days or weeks, they are just recycling the same stuff, nothing HARDER is added, or NEW.

    And Power Leveling??? What levels? There is no levels they way you describe them, there are faction reputation, for one can be "power leveled" in this game unless they introduce character progression with perks/traits/abilities/stats, and that will never happen.

    The only "leveling" we have is to get a yellow shirt, faster. Thats IT.

    Yeah I agree, it's just more tedious. I personally prefer it that way though but I can understand the perspective of wanting that changed.

    Power-leveling to pirate legend is kind of a big deal. It potentially opens up new voyages, which is supposed to be the end game. If we can power level people to the end game easily, what's to stop people from power leveling accounts and selling them, flooding the game with pirate legends? It's supposed to be a unique thing that a small percentage of pirates achieve.

    No one knows what Pirate Legend will be yet, but we all know the basics of RARE's mentality....cosmetics. Most likely, Legends get new cosmetics, and better ways to get Gold...for Cosmetics. Nothing they get will be BETTER, gameplaywise, than a Level 1/1/1. Thats 100% certain.

    And the way this game is beeing reviewed by the largest channels and outlets out there...i sadly think it wont last much longer than a couple months. None of the most subscribed youtube channels approve of this game, and thats damn scary, because it had SO much potential.

    I'm gonna hang on for a few more weeks, but if they dont drop a content patch by then, we are atleast 4 people thats gonna call it quits. Doing recycled quests over and over and beeing trolled by never ending spawning pirates while doing a fort is not fun, its just tedious.

    Pirate legend voyages sound like better gameplay to me. Even if it's just a unique cosmetic ship for pirate legends I'm happy.

    As for reviews, what are you talking about? It's in the top 10 most played games and all reviews I've seen only complain about lack of content, and everything else is positive.

    If they actually do focus on adding content at this point, the game will be around for a very long time.

    Buddy...every new game is in the top 10 played at release....come on now, you know better than this. It's new, its the big thing, it will fade.

    And lack of content is a big problem in a game that advertises itself to be nothing but content.

    It will be around if they drop a good amount of new things to do and aim for within 2-3 months, no one will wait longer than that. Far Cry 5 just released, and other large titles are on the horizon, this game seriously needs to pay its dues.

    No, not all new games are in the top 10 at launch. Even a lot of AAA games don't make it there. I don't think it will fade anytime soon unless they have no content updates for months at a time.

    This game doesn't advertise itself as nothing but content, but it does lack content, and even Rare acknowledged that. They also claim they'll be adding lots more for years to come, and this isn't a company known for betraying their customers.

    This game can legitimately go two ways. Either they add more content regularly and everyone declares this the best game ever made, or they don't add regular content and people get bored in 3 months. I doubt that Rare is dumb enough to forego a chance at making lots of money by not adding the easiest thing to add into a game, content.

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