Here's More Info On Alliances

  • Ahoy matey! I've seen quite a few post on the upcoming alliance system in regards to how it'll work. Some great anticipation and a little skepticism. Here's a video by Rare with their behind the scenes on Alliances.

    • New Flag Type
    • Sharing Treasure
    • Seeing Alliance Ships On Map

    And yes, voyages can now be placed on other ship tables. Pirate Legends get ready if you know what I mean. Check out the video below.

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  • Great video, super informative! This is going to open the door for a ton of gameplay potential. I eagerly await tales of mutiny and deception.

  • Based on te video, if sharing treasure ends up being full xp and gold, there will be no downsides to alliances, an entire server will be able to join forces to grind together and break the game's xp system, basically speedrunning the game, to the point that with this new feature of adding voyages to people's tables feature will be used to have multiple crews doing athena's on the back of a single legend.

    Cool? Yeah it's amazing, but do we really want to speedrun the process of leveling up to this degree? Do we really want to break the game like this? Is this the birth of Sea of Fleets?

  • @urihamrayne I'm pretty sure there will be a limit of two to three crews.

  • @dcr-lt-kanada in the video the showed how it seemed that people could join in at will and they didn't especify limits and neither especify what was the mentioned "cut" of the reward, I hate it when they are vague for no good reason.

  • This sounds like alot fun, being a Merchant Sailor myself I love the idea of Alliances but working with Pirates sounds kinda dangerous.

  • I like the alliance system! Hopefully there has to be some sort of agreement to prevent people from joining at random.

  • I’m assuming the more crews that join the alliance, the smaller the cut for each crew

  • @urihamrayne the highest join number they said was a 3rd crew. Also they're not saying all of the information due to subject to change and leaving some things a surprise for release.

  • @dcr-lt-kanada said in Here's More Info On Alliances:

    @urihamrayne the highest join number they said was a 3rd crew. Also they're not saying all of the information due to subject to change and leaving some things a surprise for release.

    They specifically said an Armada of 6 ships.

  • @nikinjapan said in Here's More Info On Alliances:

    I’m assuming the more crews that join the alliance, the smaller the cut for each crew

    They never mentioned sharing a cut...and since crews all get the same amount regardless of 1-4 players, don't be surprised if its equal across...I hope it is cut or speed runners are gonna go nuts.

  • @dragonsire2016 I think that's just what the were testing in the dev build.

  • @dragonsire2016 6 ships meaning the whole server?

  • @nikinjapan said in Here's More Info On Alliances:

    @dragonsire2016 6 ships meaning the whole server?

    had to go back and listen...but the quote was "the stories that this feature will be able to tell, whether it was an armada with 6 ships sailing around dominating everyone..."

  • Not a fan of there not being any downside to forming an alliance. If gold/xp isn't lowered for an allied crew then this is an already broken feature.

    1v5 skull forts are gonna be a blast :/

  • If there's no downside to being in an alliance then welcome to the end of pvp, why would anyone ever do anything but ally up? It will increase the number of AFK leeches drastically, and turn every server into a chicken farm. On the other hand if they balance the cut correctly you'll always be wondering whether it's worth adding a new ship & crew to an alliance, if they're AFK leeching you'll have a mutiny, pvp will have awesome fleet battles, mutinies will actually serve a purpose and be well worth the risk of being hounded by the remaining ships if yours is the one with all the loot. Done right alliances will be awesome, for both friendship and villainy, but done wrong and it's Sea of Friends, chicken farmer edition from here on out.

  • @reedski said in Here's More Info On Alliances:

    If there's no downside to being in an alliance then welcome to the end of pvp, why would anyone ever do anything but ally up? It will increase the number of AFK leeches drastically, and turn every server into a chicken farm. On the other hand if they balance the cut correctly you'll always be wondering whether it's worth adding a new ship & crew to an alliance, if they're AFK leeching you'll have a mutiny, pvp will have awesome fleet battles, mutinies will actually serve a purpose and be well worth the risk of being hounded by the remaining ships if yours is the one with all the loot. Done right alliances will be awesome, for both friendship and villainy, but done wrong and it's Sea of Friends, chicken farmer edition from here on out.

    It will certainly encourage farming Athena missions, and chickens etc. AFK will no doubt reach epic levels, so they need to add a kick option.

  • @dragonsire2016 see now I have a thought. Will the Chest of Legends rep be shared?? 🤔🤔🤔

  • @dcr-lt-kanada said in Here's More Info On Alliances:

    @dragonsire2016 see now I have a thought. Will the Chest of Legends rep be shared?? 🤔🤔🤔

    If it gets shared between crew members now...then probably...I mean otherwise if your alliance turned it in for you, who gets the rep....

  • U forgot quest sharing

  • @flippin-loud no I didn't.

  • @urihamrayne
    I'm interested in finding out more on the cuts as well.
    I think the rewards and XP should be cut and spread accordingly across the alliance, otherwise everyone will just crew up with the entire server.

    Please if anyone can clarify this im sure we all want to know

  • @slave2thesave said in Here's More Info On Alliances:

    I'm interested in finding out more on the cuts as well.
    I think the rewards and XP should be cut and spread accordingly across the alliance, otherwise everyone will just crew up with the entire server.

    Please if anyone can clarify this im sure we all want to know

    Whatever it is at launch people will complain, if they cut too much...people wont want alliances, if they cut too little...people will complain that they are killing the incentive to attack. Alliances make PVP less appealing, but they increase potential farming...this is why PVPVE games are so difficult to make work. I don't envy RARE. I think groups are a great idea, personally I love the idea of fleets practice however they can be problematic....not so much in PVE.

  • @dragonsire2016
    Perhaps something as simple as reducing the cut per crew for each ship in the alliance would give some less experienced crews incentive to join alliances, whereas more seasoned crews would opt to not join an alliance to maximise their rewards and Exp. It would keep the element of greed at play.

  • @slave2thesave said in Here's More Info On Alliances:

    Perhaps something as simple as reducing the cut per crew for each ship in the alliance would give some less experienced crews incentive to join alliances, whereas more seasoned crews would opt to not join an alliance to maximise their rewards and Exp. It would keep the element of greed at play.

    Possibly. I am for alliances...not a fan of speed running, or power leveling. Boy oh boy this could lead to that...even with reduced rewards. It's a tricky one. I'm gonna hold off judgement until the patch notes come out, and what not. I certainly support anything that encourages players to work together... but it's a slippery slope.

  • @dcr-lt-kanada said in Here's More Info On Alliances:

    @flippin-loud no I didn't.

    I stand corrected, it wasnt a bullet point so my brain must have broke for a second lol 😂

  • @gdb071 said in Here's More Info On Alliances:

    @urihamrayne said in Here's More Info On Alliances:

    Based on te video, if sharing treasure ends up being full xp and gold, there will be no downsides to alliances, an entire server will be able to join forces to grind together and break the game's xp system, basically speedrunning the game, to the point that with this new feature of adding voyages to people's tables feature will be used to have multiple crews doing athena's on the back of a single legend.

    Cool? Yeah it's amazing, but do we really want to speedrun the process of leveling up to this degree? Do we really want to break the game like this? Is this the birth of Sea of Fleets?

    Lazy gaming.yeh that's really fun.
    8manning a treasure chest digup.
    How exciting.
    8-manning a fort.
    This sounds exciting to you?
    People who were already bored by the game and expect more challenge and content are getting even less action.
    Start criticizing Rare when the time is right, and this is the moment people need to to say , Yo, this is a bad idea rare.
    [Mod edited]

    Fleets are already doing this stuff, RARE is just legitimizing it. That doesn't mean I think it is a good idea. Its not likely to be 8 people digging up a treasure, more than likely it will be crews on separate islands farming various items.

    It gives players a way to team up in a legit way, and share rewards and reduce hostile players who are only out for themselves...the problem is it can be abused in the other direction as well.

    It will likely find a fair balance eventually.

  • @gdb071 yes all of the things you listed sound like they would be fun and exiting to do, any social experience can be interesting if approached with the correct perpective, if the game devs intend to shift the focus of the game from crews to fleets they can, so long they provide the apropriate tools to maintain a level of gameplay that remains engaging.

    I don't criticise things with subjectivity, I try to put effort into my argumentation when providing a point of concern about a certain mechanic of the game. I already said what I had to say about the issue in the thread and I urge you to find my posts, along with many others that voiced similar concerns as I did regarding the Alliance system, since you dislike lazyness so much I believe you can find them yourself.

  • @gdb071 You do realize that you both agree, yeah?

  • @dragonsire2016 Yes, what will best make an alliance system will be how the alliance can be broken and what incentives will exist to break it. If there is no incentive to break it then the game is shifting away from it’s core and moving toward simply being about loot farming.

  • @gdb071 said in Here's More Info On Alliances:

    So you are saying this game should now be based around fleets?

    @urihamrayne said in Here's More Info On Alliances:

    @gdb071 if the game devs intend to shift the focus of the game from crews to fleets they can, so long they provide the apropriate tools to maintain a level of gameplay that remains engaging.

    I am now covinced you lack reading comprehension.

  • @bran-the-ent said in Here's More Info On Alliances:

    @dragonsire2016 Yes, what will best make an alliance system will be how the alliance can be broken and what incentives will exist to break it. If there is no incentive to break it then the game is shifting away from it’s core and moving toward simply being about loot farming.

    An alliance by definition shouldn't be about what do you gain by breaking it. And likely whatever you could gain, would never match what you would get by not. Teaming up is a good thing, especially against AI ships and other events. If people abuse it for PVE or PVP gains, well it won't be any different than most of the systems now.

  • @gdb071 said in Here's More Info On Alliances:

    @dragonsire2016 those are real problems you are listing.why bother doing anything solo,2player,3player,wich they put a whole boat in for,when you can just double the grind in a alliance.
    Worrying about thieving pirates is kind of the thing that made it's called sea of thieves.
    They should call it Alliance power grinding.cause that will be the game.

    Don't think for a second many PVP players wont use it too. People always use the reason its players choice...we will see given the choice, what a large portion of players bad they abuse the many times RARE will have to adjust things...and in the end I'm sure it will be either balanced or completely broken....we shall see.

  • Well first of all

    So Manny people have Been complaining about pvp people that they get sunk by them,

    Now the pve people have a chance to team up and help eatch others out.

    I rly look forward to this, and maybe have the chance to start fight fleet’s 😁😁

  • @gdb071 trust me i go alone with My crew ;) i see this as a bigger target for me :D

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