Reduce damage from Exploding Barrels

  • A friend and I were on a sloop.

    Because of the design configuration, 1 barrel has enough to destroy the Anchor/Ship-Wheel/And Mast - Full Damage on each thing - with putting numerous holes to bail water too. So now, you're in a situation where you have to not only save your ship from sinking (regularly this was fine) but now the ship damage will cause a huge problem for anyone on a sloop.

    And all it takes is 1 barrel. Even a suicide barrel strike would be a crippling blow.

    Here are the facts that I just tested:

    1 Barrel strike coming up the right ladder did this

    4 BIG holes to repair (7 second repair time each) - 3 Mid deck. 1 Bottom deck.

    Anchor wheel - 1 Plank to repair - now you have to raise it to get moving again.

    Ship Mast - 3 Planks to repair - time required to raise and reset sails to wind.

    Ship wheel - 3 planks to repair - Need to get back to moving.

    Plus time to bail the water out of your ship.

    I tested the Brig and Galley under the same conditions.

    Brig has a + 1 plank requirement for anchor wheel dmg and the second mast gets max dmg too so that is a + 3 require = +4 total.

    Galley. The front mast survived. It has a + 1 requirement over the brig for the anchorwheel.

    And the arguements to avoid/get Gud/dont let them explode/ Please find another thread to write in.

    This is bad game balance. Period.

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  • @lord-szarvas just give it 5 months for an update that balances highly tested mechanics

  • I snuck up on a galleon earlier today and solo sank it with a single GPB...

    I was at an active skull fort when I saw them approach. I started sailing away and used the speaking trumpet to let them know they could have it. I then positioned my sloop against the wind and away from any islands or rocks in its path, raised the sails almost all of the way up, checked to see if they stopped (they did), and then climbed up to my crow's nest to grab my only GPB. From there I dove off the side of my ship opposite their position and swam wide around the fort to the opposite side of their ship, careful not to surface except for air. As I approached their ladder, I grabbed it from under water and waited to see if anyone noticed. I then climbed to the top of their ladder and took a peak to see if the deck was clear (it was). I then took the barrel down below and set it in the middle of the bottom deck, grabbing supplies, ammo, and a blunderbuss along the way. As I lit the fuse, I ran up the stairs and hid under the mid-deck stairs. As the water flooded up to the mid-deck, I surprised 1 bucketing pirate with a shot to the face, and then engaged the other 2 with my sword. Though I was felled, I lived up to end of the bargain, and let them have it! 😈

    If you know how to do it, and have had plenty of practice, ship size doesn't matter.

  • @galactic-geek

    Wow, I seen you in other threads doing the same things.

    Ship size does matter because of my original post. 1 Barrel did not disable the Galleon in your story. All you proved was that you were able to surprise and kill someone using 1 GPB. And pre-damage change that was possible before. 1 GPB could kill all ship types as long as the crew on that ship was dead from combat. Good job proving what we already know.

    So, thanks for your non-rebuttal?

  • I agree with you, right now sloops seem to have a big disadvantage. It feels like one shot to the back will drop the anchor, if you have two people shooting at the back you cant even raise it, not even with two people helping. Sloops need some sort of advantage besides maneuverability, that only helps so much.

  • @thenobleshrimp said in Reduce damage from Exploding Barrels:

    I agree with you, right now sloops seem to have a big disadvantage. It feels like one shot to the back will drop the anchor, if you have two people shooting at the back you cant even raise it, not even with two people helping. Sloops need some sort of advantage besides maneuverability, that only helps so much.

    Nono. I dont mind the cannons right now. The sloop is nimble and a small a target to hit. So a hit to the back that does as you described can be good gunning.

    All this thread is about is the fact that 1 barrel does MAX destruction to all 3 things at once. Plus adding holes.

    So the ship is small enough that the blast has a chance to 1 hit kill the sloop crew cause the sloop is small. This completely disables the sloop and this needs to be fixed.

  • Don't let players board with GPBs. How hard is that?

  • The new mechanics were meant to enhance the Ship to Ship mechanics

    @galactic-geek said in Reduce damage from Exploding Barrels:

    Don't let players board with GPBs. How hard is that?

    They don't have to board.

  • @viperishemu2992 True, but good luck getting under a moving ship with an aware crew...

  • The new ship damage mechanics were meant to encourage ship-vs-ship combat.
    Unfortunately they have made the suicide barrel Nuclear.

  • @galactic-geek said in Reduce damage from Exploding Barrels:

    @viperishemu2992 True, but good luck getting under a moving ship with an aware crew...

    What are you talking about. We do it all the time. It is not hard at all. We have been doing it regularly since launch. Piece of cake. These days it's pretty much all you need to do to sink a ship although with a good opponent it helps to circle back and blast their crippled ship to bits. At least if it's a Galleon.

  • @viperishemu2992 If a ship is on the move, and has a good crew, it will outpace/outmanuever anyone swimming in the water with a GPB. If the ship is stationary, a watchman with an EoR under the boat is all that is needed to stop any underwater GPB shenanigans.

  • @galactic-geek It's easy to manoeuvre your opponent to where you want them. It just takes some experience. And recognizing the right moment to launch your suicide attack.

    The 3 suicide crew members go over the side (2 with barrels). The first two try to board or at least detonate near the hull. The 3rd one waits behind and boards amide the chaos.

    If the barrel crew miss they stay in the water while the 3rd mermaids back to you ship to help sail your opponent back to the waiting Barrel Boys.

    There's nothing the opponent can do except guard their ladders or get a lucky shot in. But either way the Barrels are going to cause damage. This used to just be an annoyance unless all three boarders succeeded in getting aboard. But now it's pretty much fatal since the opponent's Ship will be crippled.

    If they haven't sunk by the time we get back we start them off with a PeaceBall and fire 2 cannons at them until they sink. Our other 2 crew grab a EoR/pistol combo and drop into the water to pick off survivors/boarders.

    The new Nuclear Powder Keg has made this technique almost unstoppable. Even against experienced opponents. We are loving it! Which is why it has to go.

  • The problem with GPB damage is that it used to be limited to 4 points of damage. It would reliably do four holes in the vicinity of where it was detonated. Now with the addition of more points of damage, they are simply added in as extra causalities instead of taking up some of those 4 points.

    A keg detonated midship should topple the mast and maybe put 2 holes in the hull. In the stern it should blow the wheel and capstan and put another two holes in the hull. The keg should NOT do four holes as well as the extra damage on ANY ship. These elements are all close together on a sloop so the odds of having everything go wrong at once as well are too great. The capstan on a brig or gally is far away and not an issue.

    Also I urge Rare to include a counter for suicide bombers. Allow a gunpowder barrel to be doused out with a bucket of water (and making a 10 or 15 second delay before it can be lit again) and only have the barrel explode when shot, not slashed at (this always bugged me) That way a defending player has a slight chance of countering a keg by killing the player before detonation.

  • @m1sterpunch

    Look at it this way and I just tested it:

    If your on a Brig and a barrel is lit at one of the ladders. The Brig's masts are completely destroyed.

    If you're on one of the forward cannons, you survive the blast losing 60-70% of your health. But the front mast (more forward and center than you are) is COMPLETELY destroyed.

    This needs to be changed.

  • @lord-szarvas I'm still with you that damage should be limited to 4 points but that one element (ie capstan, mast, wheel) take up some of those points. On all ship classes.

    With the exception of Fort barrels. They should probably just cut the ship in half.
    alt text

  • @galactic-geek You don't have to be under the sloop with a GPB. You just have to be near the ship. This is why suicide attacks were mentioned. Sure, someone could shoot the barrel... it will still take down the mast, break the capstan & wheel, and put holes in the sloop - completely disabling it - you don't have to get on board, you don't have to get under the ship... just near it.

    Basically, it needs to be tweaked.

  • @galactic-geek said in Reduce damage from Exploding Barrels:

    Don't let players board with GPBs. How hard is that?

    The problem is, our capstan, masts, and wheel are now made of paper, or something. Barrels in the water drop masts? Come on. That's ridiculous.

  • A sloop, which is one of the smallest boats ever to sail the ocean, EVER! would be blown up with NOTHING left after an explosive detonated under it. Second you sound dumb for repairing your anchor, wheel, and mast before repairing your ship. One person could have saved it if done right I know this because I've done it a few times. But you had TWO freaking people to get water out and repair. Also your forgetting that you could have stopped the guy from getting their in the first place, If either you or your friend had been paying attention to your surroundings you would have been able to see the guy walking or swimming up to your boat with a large red barrel. Also the sloop is the hard mode of the game you really cant get mad when something seems like its too much for the SMALLEST boat. The only thing bad here is your logic and perception.

  • I do tend to agree that the damage done from a single barrel does seem a bit extreme, now, especially on the sloop. It was no cakewalk before, but it was at least survivable. I can't imagine what a 'mega keg' from a fort is like now.

    Of course, from a defensive standpoint, I love it... much more effective when used to 'discourage' pursuers. So, I guess I have somewhat mixed emotions.

  • @m1sterpunch
    Im not opposed to these things getting damaged or having full damage done to them.

    I am opposed to having MAX dmg done to ALL of them from 1 Barrel. Thats the key thing that most people are missing here.

    And Im tired of the trolls like Galactic that come into these threads and repeat what people have been arguing since day one when talking about the Sloop/Brig/Galleon.

    Get good. Turn. Play differently doesn't fix the fact that 1 barrel does as described.

    Right now I just gave away the best position and strategy if you manage to get 1 keg on a ship. Just light it at the ladder for Maximum effect. If you kill occupants then you're lucky.

    All this talk of well barrels are risky now - nonsense. They have always been risky. Someone could sneak on your ship before and use your own barrels against you. Thats not new. Now its the fact that 1 barrel does all as described. Its not good balance because the Sloop suffers the most from this change.

  • @entspeak Again, EoR. Damage is proximity-based. Less damage occurs the further out it explodes.

  • @dislex-fx Made of paper? It takes 3 cannonballs to fully break them! Toughest paper I've ever heard of, if you ask me...

  • @lord-szarvas Not a troll; just knowledgable.

    It is a good strategy (I hesitate to say great), but the key word is IF it gets close or on board. Against an observant crew, it's actually very hard.

    If you're detonating on the ladder, you're doing it less effectively. You'd kill yourself in the process preventing your ability to ensure that things don't get repaired. If you're on the ladder and have a choice to go into the ship then do it!

    When solo-slooping, I don't carry GPBs on my ship very often because I don't want them used against me.

  • @galactic-geek

    You haven't rebuttled the point of this thread.

    You are trolling when you come in here and start talking strategies of IF statements.

    This is a thread of facts. 1 Barrel pre-damage update only did 4 holes of dmg.

    They updated the game. 1 Barrel still does the 4 holes of dmg + 3 for mast + 3 for wheel + 1 for anchor. And it adds +3 for brig + 1 for anchor. And the Galleon gets +1 for its anchor wheel. So, looking at the math, 1 barrel now has an increase effectiveness of over 100% from before in all circumstances. It needs to be reduced.

    The blast radius on a sloop (because of its size) is enough to do that amount of damage and risk killing her entire crew. The Brig and Galley have the advantage of size so the crew has a much lower chance of dieing in one hit from the blast.

    But, again you come here with your (knowledge), stroking your ego of elitism trolling in a way that you do in other threads. It isn't about IF you did this or that in battle, it is about the worst case scenario when someone comes on your ship with a barrel and they do MAX DMG to these things. Period.

    So, go away.

  • @m1sterpunch said in Reduce damage from Exploding Barrels:

    The problem with GPB damage is that it used to be limited to 4 points of damage. It would reliably do four holes in the vicinity of where it was detonated. Now with the addition of more points of damage, they are simply added in as extra causalities instead of taking up some of those 4 points.

    A keg detonated midship should topple the mast and maybe put 2 holes in the hull. In the stern it should blow the wheel and capstan and put another two holes in the hull. The keg should NOT do four holes as well as the extra damage on ANY ship. These elements are all close together on a sloop so the odds of having everything go wrong at once as well are too great. The capstan on a brig or gally is far away and not an issue.

    Also I urge Rare to include a counter for suicide bombers. Allow a gunpowder barrel to be doused out with a bucket of water (and making a 10 or 15 second delay before it can be lit again) and only have the barrel explode when shot, not slashed at (this always bugged me) That way a defending player has a slight chance of countering a keg by killing the player before detonation.

    GPB use to suck, if one went off I didn't care lol, easy fix. It usually only worked on people who panicked. The only time they were effective is if you killed the crew with them as well or if you was already in a ship to ship combat and you surprised them, something to give that extra umph. Honestly I hated having them on my ship because other than for PVE reasons I always had to worry about someone sneaking up my crows nest.

    Sloops use to be hard as heck to sink against an experienced crew. There is a reason why people like me have taken out galleons while solo slooping.

  • @lord-szarvas sagte in Reduce damage from Exploding Barrels:

    @thenobleshrimp said in Reduce damage from Exploding Barrels:

    I agree with you, right now sloops seem to have a big disadvantage. It feels like one shot to the back will drop the anchor, if you have two people shooting at the back you cant even raise it, not even with two people helping. Sloops need some sort of advantage besides maneuverability, that only helps so much.

    Nono. I dont mind the cannons right now. The sloop is nimble and a small a target to hit. So a hit to the back that does as you described can be good gunning.

    All this thread is about is the fact that 1 barrel does MAX destruction to all 3 things at once. Plus adding holes.

    So the ship is small enough that the blast has a chance to 1 hit kill the sloop crew cause the sloop is small. This completely disables the sloop and this needs to be fixed.

    A gpb does also maximum damage to a galleon...when you place it next to or under the main mast

  • @schwammlgott

    I haven't tested that but I don't doubt you either. I just made a test using the same exact circumstance (a boarder coming up the ladder). I know that different placements means the deck holes appear in different places.

  • @lord-szarvas i tested it in insider's not that extrem as on a sloop, because you only get 1 or 2 holes in the lower deck and, depending on where it blows up the wheel isn't completely destroyed...

  • @schwammlgott

    Go back to insiders. Sail to a fort. Get a barrel. Light it at one of the ladders. It does as described.

  • @lord-szarvas why light it at a ladder...when you start the fuse before you climb up the ladder you still get into the middle of the ship...did that often before the update...

  • @lord-szarvas said in Reduce damage from Exploding Barrels:

    And the arguements to avoid/get Gud/dont let them explode/ Please find another thread to write in.

    This is bad game balance. Period.

    So you're right and anyone who disagrees with you is wrong and shouldn't use the forums for their intended purpose?

    These forums are for everyones feedback, not just yours.

    Oh and by the way, I personally don't think explosive barrels are an issue, and have not had a problem shooting the slow moving targets that swim them up to my ship. :)

  • @lord-szarvas its not just on a sloop, one well placed barrel will take down all 3 masts, the capstan and helm on a galleon.

    And i love it

  • @spartem

    In the context of what you highlighted - those are not good rebuttals or arguments.

    If you think the barrels are fine then that's one thing. But to give an explanation and blame someone that might think that barrels are a problem (and its not the barrel - its the lack of knowledge/skill is the problem - is their viewpoint) then that is a poor argument.

    And these kinds of viewpoints happen all the time when someone has a suggestion on these forums.

    Again, you're pulling scenarios where things have gone right. People could sneak up on you with a rowboat and sink you all the same. There are many different variables where things can go wrong for you. But again, thats not the point. The point of this thread is what 1 barrel does to a ship. Just 1.

    People have already explained that they kill barrels underneath the ships and they still cause max dmg to these things. Then the same tired viewpoint comes back - get gud. Gimme a break..

    It takes 3 cannon shots to MAX dmg one of these. Its not hard to barrel a ship.

  • Barrels in general are overpowered and have always been too strong.

    Now they come with the caveat that having them aboard your own ship poses real risk to yourself.

    Wanna load up your crows nest like previously in a galleon? Now one well placed shot from a sniper blows out all 3 sails and youre dead in the water.

    There's a reason barrels dont exist in the Arena.

    The way they are now is fine. The risk vs reward balances them out to the point choosing not to have them at all is a viable choice.

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