Event time limited items.

  • Please make time limited items available again. I don't care of you have to finish all commendations for a particular section/event/tale to unlock them. It's just a waste that you will only ever make them available once.

  • 36
  • @creeroyalty I am against this, i like that some people have something that other people do not have.

  • @creeroyalty like @Lysergicaa said, its stuff that makes us different, and joe neate stated that if they make them available again that they where gonna do slight differences to set people apart

  • Disagreed, time limited should be just that. It makes it special and unique. If you don't get to participate... There will always be another opportunity for you to be special and unique as well.

  • On Easter I want a rabbit curse to give me floppy rabbit ears

  • @zomb-bunny I hope it adds to your hitbox too so I can shoot your ears.

  • @creeroyalty They should always remain exclusive to the people who earned them during the time they were made available. There will be other events with new cosmetics to earn.

  • To want is better than to have.


  • @lysergicaa said in Event time limited items.:

    @creeroyalty I am against this, i like that some people have something that other people do not have.

    @callmebackdraft said in Event time limited items.:

    @creeroyalty like @Lysergicaa said, its stuff that makes us different, and joe neate stated that if they make them available again that they where gonna do slight differences to set people apart

    @corvum-mortis said in Event time limited items.:

    Disagreed, time limited should be just that. It makes it special and unique. If you don't get to participate... There will always be another opportunity for you to be special and unique as well.

    @wildbloodoz said in Event time limited items.:

    @creeroyalty They should always remain exclusive to the people who earned them during the time they were made available. There will be other events with new cosmetics to earn.

    These arguments are all incredibly detrimental to the expansion of the game, if every set is just a once-off, the content of the game would never expand... Not to mention it's unfair to the new players who never got the chance to get some of those sets.

    There are ways to allow these sets to be available, and still maintain "prestige" or "Special Snowflake Status" or whatever you want to call it, without harming the expansion of the game you know...

    Like for instance, have regular events where you can obtain any of these sets, whichever you prefer, but you can only get ONE of the sets per event... So that new players who join can get the set they like the most, but of course they wont ever be able to get ALL the sets because they haven't played the game since launch and missed a lot of the events.

    This way, the more of the sets you have, the more prestige you got... Not everything has to be a once-off, you know. I don't even want any of the sets i've missed, but i really hate, with the deepest parts of me, that game developers make these ridiculous once-off things... It's completely flawed design, and completely contradictory to the development of the game.

    They essentially make content for the game, that is only available once, and then they remove it, permanently... Why the hell would you remove content from a content-starved game?! That makes no sense!

    Blizzard has been doing this for a long time now with WoW, and it is biting them in the butt BIG TIME... They have NEVER been more disliked by their consumers than they are now, and the reason for that is because their game, World of Warcraft, now has no content, because they keep removing content outright, or makes old content obsolete by increasing the level cap, or even makes content once-off... So for the current expansion, there's nothing to do, because Blizzard removed everything that was cool about the game.

    And i am not interested in Rare falling for that same trap, they are shooting themselves in the foot, and it will come back to haunt them. : /

    Please, guys, stop encouraging this stuff, try to come up with productive ways of preserving prestige, that WONT harm the game in the long run!

  • @creeroyalty I bought this game when it was €70,- I played it a lot and enjoyed that. On top of that Rare rewarded our regular logins with unique cosmetics, we didn't have to do much (sit on some thrones/ kill some mermaid statues, etc) but coming back every now and then and going trough the content rewarded us.

    Now what you're asking is to undo that and just give it to everyone who wasn't there for it? If you want this why didn't you buy the game at launch and play it regularly back then? Then you'd have these cosmetics.

  • @sweltering-nick not detrimental at all... we dont all need to have the same cosmetics.... see what happened with the gold hoarder curse.

    They can release the once time limited cosmetics with i slight difference to them making them available to the later people but still the originals that went trough the original event will be special and distinct.

  • @sweltering-nick lol snowflakes are people that cry about things they dont like right? anyone seeing the irony here bwhaha.

    anyway, it adds to the lore of the game. you become the lore.

    people see my devils roar sword and already know i was there OR they dont know because they werent and i spin my yarn about the good old days when volcanos erupting meant you were dead because they shot all the time and with insane accuracy compared to how updates have made them a bit more docile now.

    people see my insider ship cosmetics and already know i help the game test stuff out and get ready for live launch OR they dont know and i tell them.... nothing because nda BUT maybe i suggest they have a look for theirselves.

    people see my bone crusher set and think im some tough nut from beyond the grave and know that i was there when the skeletons set up their thrones and duke came to the sea of thieves OR they dont and i tell them stories of how the first bomb toting skellys jammed me up and how great it was to actually get a fuse on powder kegs now.

    if you just start handing this out to ppl (however hard) the living lore of sea of thieves dies.

    ill tell you like i tell the others. play the game and you will join the lore. they will come out with some stuff you will get. and half a year later when newer players come or players who took a break come you will be the guy that's looking all shiny and cool and you can regale them with your bit of sot lore.

  • Here is one of my posts from a previous thread on this topic.

    I have mixed feelings on this one, and it boils down to whether it is considered a world changing event or not. Sea of thieves has a moving timeline, as in certain events alter the state of the game and are part of history like the Hungering Deep and the Cursed Sails.

    Hungering Deep: This featured the return of the Hungering One to the Sea of thieves, and had crews band together to drive it back to the depths. In the process, the way was owned for the smaller Megs which remained in the world.

    Cursed Sails: Wanda discovered a Cursed Cannon ana created the Cursed Cannonballs to strike a profit, but was corrupted by their power. With this, she aligned with other skeleton captains and led a war against the living in the Sea of Thieves. Once again, pirates banded together to drive them back, but they can be seen wandering around gathering strength and occasionally rising in small fleets.

    For me, those two events and the items tied to them were a once in a lifetime event . They are part of the lore and wont be rotated.

    Now the Forsaken Shores isn't really world changing for the games timeline. During the event you discovered islands and the fate of Captain Morrows crew along with other various tasks to unlock the weapons and livery, all of which are repeatable tasks still. With this regard, I'd say everyone should be able to get the items for the same number of doubloons as when released for this content drop.

    This also applies to all Bilge Rat Adventures.. None are world changing and the events could easily come back whenever Duke wants.

  • I think it's nice that not everyone will have those items and there is some rarity to the items

  • @creeroyalty

    The time limited cosmetics have a story and meaning to them that is special to people who were around to earn them.

    I think the fairest thing to do is bring back the style of cosmetic, but with a different color scheme. The original colors should never be available again.

  • @callmebackdraft

    I'm on board with that! But do you happen to have the source that this statement is from? I think it would be good to share with others!

  • I agree that old sets should come back sometime to be earned again. It stinks when you're going for a certain aesthetic for your character only to find out that you'll never be able to get all of the outfit just because you missed it by small amount of time. And since said outfit fills a niche in the design you'll be hard pressed to find Rare making another clothing set with that same aesthetic once again.

    Just make anyone that had the set before have a "Legendary Outfit Set" and give it a ghostly green glow or something that way they still feel special about themselves.

  • Definitely NO, most of the time the people that ask for old cosmetics was the people that abandoned the game in the first months/year because the “not content issue” I remember on every YouTube video, Twitter, Facebook, and this forums, making Fun of the game, calling “No mans seas” and wide as an ocean shallow as a puddle. So the real pirates didn’t abandon the game.

    We deserve the exclusive cosmetics, because we play when the game hasn’t content, as everyone said in that moment.

  • the story of my pirate is written in the outfit that I've chosen for the day.

    Sometimes ita full ghost to remember the climb to Athena 10.

    Sometimes I use my megalodon figurehead to remember banging on drums to summon the beast.

    Please keep these stories unique. Allowing people to get them after not participating when it was the current story or challenge just cheapens the story of those who did it.

  • @aithemed said in Event time limited items.:

    Definitely NO, most of the time the people that ask for old cosmetics was the people that abandoned the game in the first months/year because the “not content issue” I remember on every YouTube video, Twitter, Facebook, and this forums, making Fun of the game, calling “No mans seas” and wide as an ocean shallow as a puddle. So the real pirates didn’t abandon the game.

    We deserve the exclusive cosmetics, because we play when the game hasn’t content, as everyone said in that moment.

    Amen to that. We stuck with the game when it seemed like things wouldn't get any better. We have our cosmetics to show for that!

  • @callmebackdraft said in Event time limited items.:

    @sweltering-nick not detrimental at all... we dont all need to have the same cosmetics.... see what happened with the gold hoarder curse.

    They can release the once time limited cosmetics with i slight difference to them making them available to the later people but still the originals that went trough the original event will be special and distinct.

    What does the gold hoarder curse have to do with this? It's still available to everyone, and it's permanently available too... It's not going anywhere. ._.

    You're not even addressing my argument. o_.

  • @sweltering-nick yes i am...

    The gold hoarder curse changed and went from different for different people to the same for everyone and all of a sudden no one likes it anymore...

    Yes on the availabillity side these discussions are different but it makes a point of not everybody needing the exact same thing.

    The time limited cosmetics show that people where there at the time of the event initially and had to do work to get them. It tells a story, a tale if you will... a personal tale for everyone that where able to retrieve them.

    Also RARE already stated that they might bring them back with a slight but distinct way to tell them apart from the original ones, just for that reason.

    It doesnt matter some people have something no others can ever get, it sets us apart just like in real life...

  • I agree with the original statement made in this thread. I have had to disappoint newer players countless times by telling the an item they want for themselves isn't available anymore. Maybe allow players to buy a limited amount of previously available items for a higher doubloon price?

  • @revanjstone said in Event time limited items.:

    @sweltering-nick lol snowflakes are people that cry about things they dont like right? anyone seeing the irony here bwhaha.

    anyway, it adds to the lore of the game. you become the lore.

    people see my devils roar sword and already know i was there OR they dont know because they werent and i spin my yarn about the good old days when volcanos erupting meant you were dead because they shot all the time and with insane accuracy compared to how updates have made them a bit more docile now.

    people see my insider ship cosmetics and already know i help the game test stuff out and get ready for live launch OR they dont know and i tell them.... nothing because nda BUT maybe i suggest they have a look for theirselves.

    people see my bone crusher set and think im some tough nut from beyond the grave and know that i was there when the skeletons set up their thrones and duke came to the sea of thieves OR they dont and i tell them stories of how the first bomb toting skellys jammed me up and how great it was to actually get a fuse on powder kegs now.

    if you just start handing this out to ppl (however hard) the living lore of sea of thieves dies.

    ill tell you like i tell the others. play the game and you will join the lore. they will come out with some stuff you will get. and half a year later when newer players come or players who took a break come you will be the guy that's looking all shiny and cool and you can regale them with your bit of sot lore.

    Snowflakes are people that like to feel special and unique at the expense of others, actually... My argument is "Equal opportunity for all." which cannot be a snowflake argument.

    The forums are intended for feedback and suggestions, feedback includes critique aka "crying about things you don't like", and if critique makes one a snowflake in your eyes, then the term snowflake means nothing, as it applies to everyone, no exceptions.


    1. You also, like someone else, completely ignore my argument.

    2. You assume im some "whiner" that wants to get these unavailable cosmetics, even though i specifically said in my comment that i don't want them.

    3. You assume my argument is "Give them all the cosmetics for free for no reason" which is not even remotely what my argument was, not that you care enough to pay attention.

    4. Your arguments rely on the social aspect of this game, which btw, is already dying, i haven't met a Mic-user in this game for half a year... So your Story-teller arguments are kinda redundant when nobody speaks to eachother in this game... Rare needs to fix this, encourage social interaction somehow.

    5. My argument isn't "Give it to everyone for free" my argument is "Keep them in the game, make them available for players, new and old, to EARN."

    6. Next time, try to actually read and figure out what the argument is instead of just assuming random things that have nothing to do with the conversation.

    7. Im a year one Pirate Legend, i have the day one eyepatch... I joined the sea of thieves in the early access week before launch... You assuming im some random inexperienced newbie based solely on your own personal biases is a logical fallacy of biblical proportions mate... Just what the hell, dude? ._.

    I missed out on some cosmetics, because i didn't want those cosmetics, but that doesn't mean new players joining the sea of thieves TODAY shouldn't be given a chance to earn those cosmetics somehow. In fact evidence suggests that making once-off content is a good way to make your game more content-starved in the long run... Which will continually reduce player activity, which inevitably results in a dead game.

    SoT is designed around cosmetics being the main motivator, if a new player sees something they'd like to work towards, but then figures out they can never have it, ever... They will either not buy the game to begin with, or quit playing, completely.

    Your argument of "Join the lore" is, in theory, amazing, but in practice, doesn't work.

  • The time limited items are working as intended.

    Look at the upvotes, that's what Rare monitors.

    More than a year and these post keep reappearing, proves to me Rare has this part right.

    Last years time limited items are designed to create envy among those who do not possess said items, for whatever reasons.

    We dont need the old stuff coming back, we need more new things to look forward to.

  • @sweltering-nick “equal opportunity to all” the irony of that statement eludes you i think....

    Everyone had the same opportunity to get the cosmetics, the same chance to play trough the then available event. We all had to deal with the same time limitation and some capitalized on it and some didn’t

  • @callmebackdraft said in Event time limited items.:

    @sweltering-nick “equal opportunity to all” the irony of that statement eludes you i think....

    Everyone had the same opportunity to get the cosmetics, the same chance to play trough the then available event. We all had to deal with the same time limitation and some capitalized on it and some didn’t

    No, they did not, the people who hadn't even heard of this game by the time those cosmetics were made available in the game, did NOT have an opportunity to earn them, because they did not posess the information that this game existed, or that this cosmetic set was time-limited.

    Not to mention, most of the playerbase actually have jobs, and can't dedicate an entire week to farming a particular time-limited set. They don't have equal opportunity either, they are FORCED to miss out on content, purely because they don't dedicate 100% of their time to this game, lol. xD

    This is where the inherent limitation of games comes into play, if people pay for a game, they expect access to its content... Once-off cosmetics is content that is denied the new players who never had the chance to earn them when they were available. So new players that join, will literally pay the same amount of money, for LESS content than the older players were given.

    This is why once-offing content is detrimental to the games design, and overall amount of content in the long run.

    Your argument only works if everyone on the planet owns this game from start to finish, which btw, isn't the case... So that argument is redundant.

    New players for this game, is important... You, and everyone else in this thread, seem to forget this, or be completely ignorant of this... or maybe you just don't care, because you already have what you want, and you don't care about other people's problems as long as you are happy? I have no earthly clue, but i know for a fact, that new players to this game are important... And what this game is currently doing, is not something new players find very welcoming or attractive.

  • @sweltering-nick my bad, i thought snowflakes were people who melted easily due to being easily triggered and got upset about stuff too much.

    i wasnt really tryin to rebut your argument as much as make my own argument about the lore. i think its a fantastic theory too! i feel like it works cause it has been the case for me. i run into talking pirates a lot so i suppose your experiences and mine dont necessarily mean everyones is the same so we could be wrong of course.

    but ill hit up your bullet points for sake of satisfying your points.

    1. sorry folks arent really taking in what you said. like i said i was just making my own argument not really trying to pick apart yours.

    2. i think you came off as a whiner to me based on you saying something about the game going to die if they dont give these few cosmetics out to people. seems a bit dramatic to me. i guess the bottom line is whining is just complaining when i think what youre asking for is unreasonable haha so maybe that ones on me.

    3. i didnt say you wanted them to go out for free. i said somewhere (however hard) when handing them back out. that means even if they are locked behind some challenges or something. for me personally the cosmetic being linked to the events they came with is important like i stated for lore.

    4. i dont think it can be true that the social aspect is dying. if that were true wouldnt be as many posts about wanting pve only and separating pc/xbox and all that jazz. so pirates are still interacting for sure. i know i do every session. i either get in fights or make alliances. i either get yelled at or asked questions.. especially about my time limited cosmetics haha.

    5. this one seems a lot like three so im gona leave it.

    6. i read what pirates said here. im not necessarily obligated to reply to your exact arguments if i want to present my own. you just seemed the most hyped up about it so it was replied to you. whatever your exact argument, your end result is time limited cosmetics out for the public and my reply was a disagreement to that for my own reasons.

    7. your stats are noted. i didnt mean to offend you. if i made any assumption it was that you wanted some of these time limited things youre complaining arent available in the game now. i guess youre just complaining on behalf of others who will supposedly quit or never buy the game leading sot to die. thats noble i suppose. thanks.

    i dont agree that this will be the thing that kills sot. if putting out an unfinished game didnt kill sot i dont think a few cosmetic sets are gona do the deed. sot is stronger than that. it has things other games dont and tries to be its own thing. because its cosmetic based i think its great that people can obtain very exclusive stuff. and all that was really required was to support and play the game at that time. so no, people joining sot today do not deserve a chance to get what the people who put time and money into the game already deserve.

    i think id support you if your solution was sot needs to make many more cosmetics to make up for the ones that people cant get now. give new players cool things to work for. i think they did that with the pirate legend weapons. they can do more.

  • @revanjstone said in Event time limited items.:

    @sweltering-nick my bad, i thought snowflakes were people who melted easily due to being easily triggered and got upset about stuff too much.

    i wasnt really tryin to rebut your argument as much as make my own argument about the lore. i think its a fantastic theory too! i feel like it works cause it has been the case for me. i run into talking pirates a lot so i suppose your experiences and mine dont necessarily mean everyones is the same so we could be wrong of course.

    but ill hit up your bullet points for sake of talking up the points.

    1. sorry folks arent really taking in what you said. like i said i was just making my own argument not really trying to pick apart yours.

    2. i think you came off as a whiner to me based on you saying something about the game going to die if they dont give these few cosmetics out to people. seems a bit dramatic to me. i guess the bottom line is whining is just complaining when i think what youre asking for is unreasonable haha so maybe that ones on me.

    3. i didnt say you wanted them to go out for free. i said somewhere (however hard) when handing them back out. that means even if they are locked behind some challenges or something. for me personally the cosmetic being linked to the events they came with is important like i stated for lore.

    4. i dont think it can be true that the social aspect is dying. if that were true wouldnt be as many posts about wanting pve only and separating pc/xbox and all that jazz. so pirates are still interacting for sure. i know i do every session. i either get in fights or make alliances. i either get yelled at or asked questions.. especially about my time limited cosmetics haha.

    5. this one seems a lot like three so im gona leave it.

    6. i read what pirates said here. im not necessarily obligated to reply to your exact arguments if i want to present my own. you just seemed the most hyped up about it so it was replied to you. whatever your exact argument, your end result is time limited cosmetics out for the public and my reply was a disagreement to that for my own reasons.

    7. your stats are noted. i didnt mean to offend you. if i made any assumption it was that you wanted some of these time limited things youre complaining arent available in the game now. i guess youre just complaining on behalf of others who will supposedly quit or never by the game leading sot to die. thats noble i suppose. thanks.

    i dont agree that this will be the thing that kills sot. if putting out an unfinished game didnt kill sot i dont think a few cosmetic sets are gona do the deed. sot is stronger than that. it has things other games dont and tries to be its own thing. because its cosmetic based i think its great that people can obtain very exclusive stuff. and all that was really required was to support and play the game at that time. so no, people joining sot today do not deserve a chance to get what the people who put time and money into the game already deserve.

    The full term is "Special snowflake" and has factual, and cultural origins relating to how no 2 snowflakes are the same.

    The personal definition of "Snowflake" you describe, is what most other people call "hot-headed", and btw, upon melting, a snowflake is just water, so calling them snowflake using your personal definition is sort of an oxymoron. xD

    1. If you aren't going to address my arguments in any way, then replying to me seems rather pointless. Why not just make a regular post on the thread instead? o_.

    2. I have factual evidence to support my claim, which i referred to in my argument, which you would know, if you actually read it. xD

    3. You implied it... "Handing it out to people" is a common expression which literally means "Give for free"... In addition, adding the "however hard" as a side-note as if difficulty doesn't matter, is a gross misrepresentation of the real problems here. Whilst the living lore is important to you, it's completely irrelevant to most of the others in this thread, they simply want to feel special for being loyal to the game, basically... So for the sake of preserving the "specialness", difficulty is extremely relevant, not just a side-note to ignore.

    4. It's true, open crews is the worst experience in this game atm, that's clue number 1. PvE/PvP arguments on the forums, have absolutely no connection or relation to the sheer fact that nearly nobody uses mics to talk in-game. Forum posters are literally the vocal minority... And are in no way representative of what it's like, ingame. Most of the PvE/PvP posts on this forum, btw, are people who regularly make double posts and/or remake their former posts, using the same copy/paste they've used since the game first launched. Also, me attacking people ingame does not equal social interaction, social interaction requires conversation, dialogue, a topic, communication, and conclusions to these conversations. I've met plenty of mute pirates in this game...

    5. Yepp.

    6. In which case, don't reply to me, and direct your posts to the thread instead of using me as your personal boxing bag/strawman, lol...

    7. I was more, hysterically confused, than offended... Someone had replied to me, and made a whole lot of assumptions based on things i haven't said... So my mind went "Who the hell does that?! What the hell is going on?! What am i supposed to do, when i make my case, use examples and references, but nobody reads or cares, but still reply to me!?". :P

    It nearly killed World of Warcraft, so it can definitely kill Sea of Thieves... Hence my concern, sea of Thieves isn't an MMORPG, and cannot handle the same kind of stress and fiasco as a world-renowned MMO like WoW can... So if WoW nearly dies because of this... SoT will actually die, because it isn't as popular as WoW is, wow barely survived on popularity and brand-recognition... just barely... And it's still hanging on by a thread, but Blizzard, the creators of WoW, are freaking out because people are losing interest in their game, because it has no content... They removed too much content from the game, and added too many once-offs...

    SoT managed to evolve periodically fast enough after launch to make up for their initial lack of content, and given the interest of online media and overall gamers interest in games, their behavioural patterns basically, SoT didn't die... let's just say if Rare had come out with the accumulated content updates of this game, TODAY instead of gradually over a time period of a year like they did... SoT would be dead, right now... We wouldn't be having this conversation, we would be playing other games atm.

    Btw, this quote right here "so no, people joining sot today do not deserve a chance to get what the people who put time and money into the game already deserve." Implies you think new players haven't put money into this game, and don't intent to put in the time for it either. And if they knew this game existed back then, your argument implies you think they wouldn't support the game if they could. Feels like a biased argument to me, like you have something against new players, aka, discriminating against new players. I'm not comfortable with that, i find that to be an unhealthy mindset.

    Obviously i also want them to add more new cosmetics to the game, but if all the new cosmetics they add are just once-off's... Then they're not adding lasting content to the game... AKA, the game doesn't actually expand... AKA, detrimental to the expansion/evolution of the game.

    The only way to make up for removed content, is to make it permanent content and NOT remove it... If you make new content to make up for removed content, and then remove this new content after a time period, that's not making up for removed content, that's just removing more content, lol...

    Where does this cycle end? if nobody is putting limitations to this cycle, SoT will eventually experience the exact problems WoW is experiencing right now.

  • @sweltering-nick i also heard that the Whos in Whoville live in snowflakes. when the snowflake gets upset and becomes water from melting, they just flow all over the place like water, except its tears lol. it makes sense to me.

    i dont want us to become the numbers guys so im gona just reply in a group even though its less organized haha. i replied to you because you seemed to be the most recent one talkin in opposition of what i want. i wanted you to see my idea too. i dont think of you as a punching bag made out of straw for my posts. youre just another pirate on the seas mate. we rum and we pillage and we adventure alike. we dont think or express ourselves the same way but youre alright by me.

    i did imply that it was a possibility theyd hand it out or side text make it hard. it doesnt matter to me because its value is history to me. you can say no one else thinks so but there were a lot of upvotes there. maybe people hadnt considered it that way or couldnt put it into words why they cherish the items so much. its more than just i have it you dont. but thats all that can be said for that.

    open crew has always sucked in my opinion haha. sail with friends or be cursed. being attacked is definitely a social interation. i dont think the relationship or result has to be positive although that might be ideal. my point was i have both. maybe you dont. but if we split the difference between you never having it and me always having it i guess it could be something in the middle.

    i do remember skimming over something about the world of that warcraft. idk anything about it so im gona pass. people have been saying sot will die since before it started. maybe it has maybe it will maybe it wont. thats for the devs to worry about. they have the stats and id think they know how and would pay attention to if their game is gona die and why. im sure they look over all that. and heck if they see people in the forums shouting about time limited stuff enough, they may change their minds, but for now im just gona trust them over you.

    maybe im foolish and uninformed but i just cant see a scenario where people quit or dont buy due to not getting some past event items. although when i was once a waiter i did have people leave because we didnt have some side item they coveted haha but id consider that an oddball out. the arena and story mode and random occurrences in the game are very fun and cool.

    im not sure what assumptions i made of you at the time of the post. i think you might be looking a little too deeply there. like i said if it was anything it was just that you must want these cosmetics because you didnt get them. but wonder no more my friend. i dont think youre a noob now or then, or a loser, or inexperienced. just thought you wanted some cosmetics you couldnt get.

    i stand by the quote that new players dont deserve a chance at what old players have that rare deemed time limited. i guess its possible that the newer players these days didnt even know that sot was a game a year ago, but its neither here nor there. the point is that rare gave veteran players some cool special things and made it so they wouldnt be earned unless you were there. that was an appreciation of us, so to change that now would spit in all the veteran faces.

    i dont see it as unhealthy of me to be proud of my time in sot and what i have to show for it. and i think its reasonable to feel some type of way when people say its not right that i get to be proud of it, i dont deserve what rare gave me, and it should be taken away from me (the snowflake status rare gave me for being among the few that got the items, not the actual item taken away).

    of course its a bias argument. im very much involved in this and these are opinions we are dealing in. the only fact is that rare decided to make these special time limited items, not me. so we know where they stand on the argument. i know you said you have WOW facts that show sot is doomed by this decision, but its the one rare made with im sure more than a wisp of forethought.

    i dont mind most of what youve said but to imply i am discriminatory and 'have something against' new or any players is not right. and since that is all put on me i think its relevant to say im very accepting and kind to all players of any skill level or background. so.. OFFENSE SIR! clutches pearls

    they need to add a billion cosmetics. flood the game with all relevant and interesting cosmetics. they should not continually have just time limited cosmetics. have a cool set come once every three months or so thats timed and then come up with as much as possible that just stays in the game always. have it cost gold, have it cost doubloons, have it cost time on challenges. id like that to be the preponderance of how cosmetics are handled, but have a few exclusives to reward players of that current time frame.

  • @revanjstone

    "i also heard that the Whos in Whoville live in snowflakes. when the snowflake gets upset and becomes water from melting, they just flow all over the place like water, except its tears lol. it makes sense to me."

    Cartoon logic... Makes perfect sense!

    "i dont want us to become the numbers guys so im gona just reply in a group even though its less organized haha."

    Well, that sucks... So to cope with that, i've started a quote system instead! xD

    "you can say no one else thinks so but there were a lot of upvotes there."

    Just cause someone upvotes you doesn't mean they agree with 100% of what you said, but more agree with the main message of your post, or even your final conclusion. No need to get bigheaded just cause you got a lot of upvotes, lol. xD

    "open crew has always sucked in my opinion haha."

    When the game first released, it was reasonably pleasant actually, people talked, listened, made jokes, shared game knowledge, etc. Now it's just a constant surge of server-hoppers and mute griefers... oof... Clearly something went wrong at some point, and ever since, we've been seeing increasingly severe symptoms of that thing that went wrong. :P

    "being attacked is definitely a social interation."

    Antisocial interaction, actually... Decidedly not social... In fact the direct opposite of social. xD
    Trust me, i googled this! 8D

    In short:
    Social = I want people around me, so i'll befriend them, bond with them, bla bla bla
    Antisocial = I don't want people around me, so i'll just... Kill them and sink their ship.

    "but if we split the difference between you never having it and me always having it i guess it could be something in the middle."

    You and me, are not a perfect representation of the average SoT experience... Your "quik mafs" there don't really serve a purpose. : /

    I've met more people that share my experience of meeting mutes, server-hoppers and griefers, than i have met people sharing your experience.

    The way i see it, you're just in a lucky server-region where people still talk. xD

    "people have been saying sot will die since before it started."

    There's a difference between doomsayers, and people voicing very valid concerns based on proof and actual history.
    Also i didn't say SoT will die overnight, im saying if they continue like this, problems will snowball into bigger problems, until the game, and the company behind it, can't handle it anymore, which then results in slow, gradual death.

    This could happen in the span of 2-3 years, if rare keeps going at their current pace...

    "thats for the devs to worry about."

    If you love this game, it's something you should worry about too... You are on this forum, specifically for that purpose. You are here, to voice your concern, make your case, just in general give feedback, and make suggestions.

    "and heck if they see people in the forums shouting about time limited stuff enough, they may change their minds, but for now im just gona trust them over you."

    Trust who? Rare hasn't said anything about it, which most likely means they either haven't noticed it, or recognized/acknowledged it.
    Same way people refuse to notice/acknowledge global warming lol... I think that's an appropriate analogy for a problem that doesn't affect us in a meaningful way now, but will definitely affect us in the future if we don't do something about it now. xD

    Because it's not a problem we can just all of a sudden try to fix when it starts affecting us, because at that point it's already too late. : /

    "maybe im foolish and uninformed but i just cant see a scenario where people quit or dont buy due to not getting some past event items."

    If a friend asked me "Hey, is Sea of Thieves worth buying?" i would feel obligated to tell them "Hmm, well, it's unique, and definitely fun to play if you know how to make the best of it, but, as a con, i will mention that the developers like to make a lot of the content they add a one-time event, that when it ends, is removed from the game, meaning you can't do it anymore after that... Which sort of slows down the expansion of the game, and highly limits the amount of content in it... So keeping that in mind, you can make your own mind up about whether or not SoT is worth buying based on some youtube footage." and then he watches some youtube footage and goes "Wow, what is that?" and then i say "The Hungering One Figurehead" then my friend says "Dude i HAVE to have that, would be so beast if other people saw a ship with that sailing at them, i can't wait to sail around and plunder booty with that thing!" and then i go "You can't get that anymore, was part of a one-time event that introduced the megalodon sea monster, they removed the quest line, so no longer obtainable" then my friend goes "Seriously? Sigh Well, that sucks." and an aspiring pirate's pirate fantasy was denied that day.

    Already, my friend would have a bad impression of Sea of Thieves, it's not very good for sales. : /

    "i think you might be looking a little too deeply there."

    In my defense, you kinda misused the reply function... You replied to me, directly... Of course i look deeply into it when someone is speaking to me. xD

    "that was an appreciation of us, so to change that now would spit in all the veteran faces."

    No it wouldn't, but that wont stop people from feeling that way, because they feel entitled... I have the Day One Eyepatch and the Launch Crew Eye of Reach, that's enough veteran prestige for me... If everyone else wants MORE than that, i will call them entitled.

    "i dont see it as unhealthy of me to be proud of my time in sot and what i have to show for it."

    There's a good form of pride, and there's a bad form of pride.
    A good form of pride is the kind that makes you happy about what you've accomplished, this is perfectly fine.
    The bad form of pride is the one that makes you discriminate against newbies as less worthy than you are... Which btw, is against the pirate code.

    "i know you said you have WOW facts that show sot is doomed by this decision, but its the one rare made with im sure more than a wisp of forethought."

    On the subject of forethought, i will remind you of what happened to the gold curse... Rare are professionals, but as so many game companies have demonstrated, nobody is capable of perfection... Not even blizzard, who, up until a few years ago, was considered the company closest to perfection in terms of game design, game polish and their understanding of consumer needs.

    "i dont mind most of what youve said but to imply i am discriminatory and 'have something against' new or any players is not right."

    Are you sure about that? lemme post a quote from that very same comment i am replying to this very second: "i stand by the quote that new players dont deserve a chance at what old players have"

    This is, objectively, discrimination, dude. xD

    If you're not okay with being called out on your discriminatory behaviour, maybe just... stop discriminating? I mean, there's a reason why people tell you not to discriminate, because it's wrong.

    "id like that to be the preponderance of how cosmetics are handled, but have a few exclusives to reward players of that current time frame."

    Well, more content is always an automatic yes from me, obviously.

    But on the time limited cosmetics set, i made a suggestion in my original comment in this thread that could work... that literally nobody paid attention to... That i wont quote, because i want people to actually read it, lol. xD

    Good day, sir!

  • @sweltering-nick said in Event time limited items.:

    Trust who? Rare hasn't said anything about it, which most likely means they either haven't noticed it, or recognized/acknowledged it.

    About what ? The healthyness of the game/playerbase ? Yes they have the game (according to them is very healthy currently)

    Or about the time limited cosmetics ? Because on that fromt they have also already stated that they are looking into bringing them back BUT with slight but distinct changes in order to keep the original ones exclusive....

  • FOMO strikes again!

  • @sweltering-nick you win on any of the stuff you said man i dont have the endurance to read and reply to it all haha. but i am going to stand on what i said about you thinking im discriminatory. i guess if i marry someone im discriminating against everyone i didnt marry. i mean if you want to go the insane route of what is technically discrimination as in picking things for certain reasons. everyone cant get everything thats impractical.

    but in the real world saying someone doesnt deserve something isnt discriminatin against them. i dont deserve a lot of things. if rare doesnt give me the 'rare employee sails' are they discriminating? the game literally gave us that time limited stuff for doing what was required. we deserve it. its not discriminatin if you dont do whats required. you dont go to class when its class time. you fail so they discriminated on ya haha.

    youve taken it too far for me. that said thats all i got partner. take care of yourself

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