SoT back at number 2 in the Xbox charts..

  • It would seem we have a surge of new pirates grabbing there sea legs this week as Sea Of Thieves climbs back up to number 2 on the Xbox charts pushing Minecraft to 3rd and only being beaten by EA’s newest slot machine simulator ;)

    Great job Rare! The game seems to be keeping its steady course for a bright future!

  • 12
  • @knifelife

    Aye it's looking really good....
    It's funny was just reading a "troll" post on the forum... guy claiming there is only about 100 core players playing this game.
    Then this post of yours popped up.

    Wonder which one I believe :)

    edit: .... just incase of ambiguity, the game I see is very much rich & alive.

  • @piratecraggy said in SoT back at number 2 in the Xbox charts..:


    Aye looking really good....
    It's funny was just reading a "troll" post on the forum... guy claiming there is only about 100 core players playing this game.
    Then this post of yours popped up.

    Wonder which one I believe :)

    Haha who knows 🤷‍♂️ Although you can usually get a nice gist of activity through there guess for gold competitions.
    What was it last time 6 shrouded ghosts killed?
    The fact 6 where killed in 24 hours with there spawn rate already tells me there’s at least 8 billion active players... 😂

  • @knifelife that's very nice, but it's very confusing tho... Because servers are almost empty and player communities abandoned... If there are new players where are they actually?! 🤔

  • @nunoazuldimeter I don’t know bud, I’ve always been a bit of a loner so I’m not really involved in any communities besides the forums.

    But I played for about 4 hours last night and in total I saw one ship in the distance and another’s loot from where it sank.
    But at the same time I was trying to avoid players so I wasn’t exactly hunting 🤷‍♂️

  • It's ranked 12th as most played Xbox Game at this moment. Which isn't to bad.

  • @knifelife aye it is cheers * raises grog*

  • I find this guide a little odd, as it says sales charts.
    But Forza horizon 3 has just been on games for gold free for the previous month. Why would that be a top selling game last month? Surely is was very popular as a free game to download, not purchase?

  • @needsmokes it says it's twelvfe

  • i don't care where or what place it takes in whatever ranking system from whichever country...What i do know is that i play this game purely to have fun, to meet my Friends and new fresh Personalities who roam the Seas ,just like me , to have some pure undistilled fun...

    This game, including it's long development and Alpha period , still stands as a skycrawler above all other " waterbased" games...We are nearing the end of 2019 , and this water is still unbeaten ...The other graphical Pearls are still not being bypassed by any other Developer And what's striking on that is that so many other Developers use the same Engine...

    Rare ,also , had to get used or learn this engine , just like all other Developers , but what they purefy out of this Engine...Well, if Rare was a carmechanic , then i knew where to go to finetune my standard car engine...They pull out stuff no one else can...

    All comes to planning ,combined with an Unseen , almost Sacred Passion. And when meeting Rare People , High or lower ranked , you never feel envyness , frustration or hidden jealousy , i really think they work together instead of against eachother ...i'm truely sad that i'm not smart , because working in an enviroment where people help eachother , motivate eachother ,to reach your highest potential ,is something i would pay money for to work in such an enviroment...

    But the fact that every Person there can grow out above their own expectations makes a whole lot towards the endproduct...The fact that real Artists like a Mr Beanland , to name one , or a Mastermind like Mr Chapman who are only happy if they have reached Perfection , makes the difference towards a game that runs for years or one that runs for three months...

    i remember the beginning, when people slapped SOT around the ring like fighting a bum but Rare kept the Flow , the Everflowing Stream of Free updates and enhancements and look to what this game has become...For me , there is simply no other game that reaches the same Height as where Sea of Thieves is standing , casting a very tall shadow over many other , and certainly not bad , games...

    Just saying ... ( * What ? Just saying? For this long ? Moron!...How long will you write when you would give a Topic a Serious thought ? Luckely PC Screens are not needed to print out because you are a higher threat to the Amazone Forest than a dumb president who let it burn away...fool...The both of you)

  • That can't be right, word on the streets is that the game is dying! /s

  • @needsmokes said in SoT back at number 2 in the Xbox charts..:

    I find this guide a little odd, as it says sales charts.
    But Forza horizon 3 has just been on games for gold free for the previous month. Why would that be a top selling game last month? Surely is was very popular as a free game to download, not purchase?

    Generally these charts are not particularly accurate . I believe they are measured usually by retail purchases not digital downloads.
    So take it with a pinch of salt.

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