Spawn killing

  • Why must a group of 4 spawn kill a solo player over and over?, I was spawn killed 7 times, every time a came back I was killed before I was able to do anything.

    And rare stop doing monthly updates that force interaction between players as it is unbalanced.

  • 105
  • @snowfire if this is happening to you then you have lost the encounter with a galleon. Scuttle ship/server hop and start again.

  • @snowfire
    They were practicing their aim.



    Who cares why they were doing it. Just scuttle your ship if you don't want to get spawn killed.

  • @satanicnemesis yeah your right, but I had just arrived at shipwreck bay, I had nothing, they said they were friendly, so let one aboard.

  • @snowfire with all due respect, this is the risk you take on the sea of thieves. The fact you had nothing is a blessing, at least you didn’t lose any hard earned loot.

  • @drbullhammer said in Spawn killing:

    @snowfire as the others have said, this is why you can scuttle your ship. To add to that, if they're killing you repeatedly just for the sake of killing you (not taking loot or supplies and not trying to sink you), then record it and report them as it's a violation of the code of conduct. It's not a violation to kill you repeatedly to give more time to take your stuff or ensure your ship sinks, but it is a violation if their goal is to ruin your experience and nothing more.

    Spawn killing by itself is not a violation.

    How do you know that they are doing it to "ruin your experience and nothing more"?

    They could just be practicing their aim.

  • @drbullhammer it was a galleon of 4, 2 stayed on shipwreck bay digging the rag and bone crates while the other 2 went to hand in and get more voyages.
    The 2 on the island killed anyone that tried to get on the island to do reaper's voyage.

  • @drbullhammer
    Rare has never said that spawn killing by itself is a reportable offense. And, in fact, they have gone out of their way to put a note on the ferry that tells you what to do if you are being spawn killed to make sure that players know this is an option.

    Any time Rare has come close to mentioning something like this, it has been in conjunction with something else that usually involves toxic communication. (To attribute motives to an in-game action like this is only possible if those motives are communicated in some way.)

    So if someone is saying nasty things to you while they spawn kill you, then definitely report it, both to Rare and Microsoft. Otherwise, scuttle and move on.

  • Spawn killing is not bannable. How do you prove they don’t have a reason to make sure you are kept dead? Spawn killing does not exist as long as the option to scuttle is there.

    People are just too proud to admit defeat.

  • @drbullhammer do you have a link? what if I wanted to use someone else’s boat, I get my crew to keep them killed while we make the most of two boats until they eventually quit/scuttle? This whole argument falls flat on its face when you try and garner proof. Everything you do against another player in sea of thieves ruins their experience.

    The simple act of sinking and stealing could ruin some kids enjoyment. They can only enforce toxic chat.

  • @drbullhammer said in Spawn killing:

    @little-squash like I said, there was a Reddit thread where @S0nicbob specifically said that deliberately ruining the experience of others is against the code of conduct, spawn killing repeatedly just to spawn kill falls under that, and that they would look at all evidence given. Also, it's not hard to see when people are killing just for the sake of killing and when it's gone on too long. They mentioned that players doing this know that they're going too far.

    Yup. If there is evidence that someone spawn killing you is doing it to deliberately ruin your experience, then report it. Typically, this evidence will involve toxic communication. Other possible evidence could include them repairing your ship so that they can continue spawn killing you longer.

  • @drbullhammer whatever makes you feel better bud :)

  • Lots of reasons to spawn kill. Here are 4 the most common.

    Crew of 4 were grief-ers being jerks.
    Crew of 4 had a mission in the area and didn't want you around there.
    Crew of 4 had valuable treasure on their Ship and didn't want to risk you stealing it.
    Crew of were looting your Ship for supplies/treasure.

    Admittedly they should have sunk your ship before killing you 7 times. But it's actually tactically better to hope someone "rage quits" than "scuttles" because it removes them from that server. Avoiding a revenge scenario.

  • @snowfire

    Scuttle your ship, this is what it's there for. Just remove yourself from the situation. If you're being spawncamped you have lost and would be sunk anyway if they weren't spawncampng you. Why prolong your frustration by not scuttling? Just scuttle and be done with it.

    Furthermore, asking Rare to stop incentivizing social interaction is extremely counter-productive for this game. Sea of Thieves is a shared world social/multiplayer game that is about social interactions.

    We're meant to be playing in crews and encountering other crews, having all sorts of crazy unpredictable encounters with one another. It's not supposed to cater to a single player isolation experience...

  • @chronodusk why must every month update force people together?, the first 2 worked e.g thrones and meg because different crews needed each other, but every other update has forced different crews in the same vicinity where they dont need a random crew.

    People play this game solo, like me and dont need to be put against a full crew just to get the commendation's done.

    I have never gone out of my way to kill, steal or abuse any player, and never will, so why am I forced to one island where everyone else is just to try and get commendations done?.

  • @snowfire Because that's what the mission requires.

  • @jc-yukaze what mission?, is there a commendation to repeatedly kill a solo player over and over again?.

  • @snowfire No, but there is a mission that brings allot of people to Shipwreck Cove =^) You asked why everyone has to go to the same Island and I let you know because the mission states you need to go there.

  • The other crew’s decision to keep killing the OP makes tactical sense. They knew where the sloop was during those few minutes. If they had just sailed the sloop away, or sank it, they should assume the sloop was probably going to return, and as mentioned earlier, with vengeance in mind. The OP would have been better off just scuttling and waiting for them to leave Shipwreck Bay.

  • Consider that while you keep respawning and losing the fight over and over and your ship is being kept afloat by the attackers, they are raiding your ship for supplies.

    We will keep you afloat and kill you as many times as necessary to empty your supply barrels of whatever may be there. Supplies are that valuable.

    Your best bet is to scuttle and move on. Deny us the kills and supplies and continue playing in another area of the map. There's nothing wrong with the situation you described other than you sticking around for 7 deaths.

    Someone said scuttling moves you to a new server but I'm not sure that's correct.

  • @gutterangel I wouldn't have a problem but spawning and being killed within 2 seconds by the same person just because I spawn in front of them behind me for the sixth time is unbalanced and stupid, remember solo players has paid the same amount as everyone else to play the game.

  • @snowfire said in Spawn killing:

    Why must a group of 4 spawn kill a solo player over and over?, I was spawn killed 7 times, every time a came back I was killed before I was able to do anything.

    Why must a solo slooper with nothing to lose or gain keep respawning in an unwinnable scenario instead of scuttling?

    And rare stop doing monthly updates that force interaction between players as it is unbalanced.

    They add both PVP and PVE voyages in events now it seems, stick to the ones that don't bring you towards PVPer if you insist on soloing.

  • @bloodybil said in Spawn killing:

    @snowfire said in Spawn killing:

    Why must a group of 4 spawn kill a solo player over and over?, I was spawn killed 7 times, every time a came back I was killed before I was able to do anything.

    Why must a solo slooper with nothing to lose or gain keep respawning in an unwinnable scenario instead of scuttling?

    And rare stop doing monthly updates that force interaction between players as it is unbalanced.

    They add both PVP and PVE voyages in events now it seems, stick to the ones that don't bring you towards PVPer if you insist on soloing.

    So a solo slooper who is trying to get all commendations should not bother?

  • @snowfire No, A solo Slooper can wait until who is ever at the island is done. Or risk getting killed.

  • @jc-yukaze so a person just because who play solo has to wait just because they are bullied by a full crew?, I would agree with you but the update is focused around one island, shipwreck bay, all other has been on multiple different islands.

  • @snowfire what about the rag and bones crates that are outpost to outpost? Idk, I just log on to do w/e I want idc about what's going on. Plus the missions are free now.

  • @snowfire said in Spawn killing:

    @jc-yukaze so a person just because who play solo has to wait just because they are bullied by a full crew?, I would agree with you but the update is focused around one island, shipwreck bay, all other has been on multiple different islands.

    "Bullying" that's a bit of a stretch.

    Just wait a few days and the event will calm down making it less risky for you, it's just how these events go unfortunately for you.

    Unless they were being verbally toxic to you, they haven't done anything wrong.

    I know you don't like it, but that's the reality of it.

  • @troubled-cells said in Spawn killing:

    @snowfire said in Spawn killing:

    @jc-yukaze so a person just because who play solo has to wait just because they are bullied by a full crew?, I would agree with you but the update is focused around one island, shipwreck bay, all other has been on multiple different islands.

    "Bullying" that's a bit of a stretch.

    Just wait a few days and the event will calm down making it less risky for you, it's just how these events go unfortunately for you.

    Unless they were being verbally toxic to you, they haven't done anything wrong.

    I know you don't like it, but that's the reality of it.

    It's not a stretch, killed over and over for no reason by a group without being able to defend myself Is bullying.

  • @snowfire said in Spawn killing:

    @troubled-cells said in Spawn killing:

    @snowfire said in Spawn killing:

    @jc-yukaze so a person just because who play solo has to wait just because they are bullied by a full crew?, I would agree with you but the update is focused around one island, shipwreck bay, all other has been on multiple different islands.

    "Bullying" that's a bit of a stretch.

    Just wait a few days and the event will calm down making it less risky for you, it's just how these events go unfortunately for you.

    Unless they were being verbally toxic to you, they haven't done anything wrong.

    I know you don't like it, but that's the reality of it.

    It's not a stretch, killed over and over for no reason by a group without being able to defend myself Is bullying.

    It's not bullying

    You have the tools to defend yourself, you was just outnumbered.

  • @snowfire said in Spawn killing:

    @troubled-cells said in Spawn killing:

    @snowfire said in Spawn killing:

    @jc-yukaze so a person just because who play solo has to wait just because they are bullied by a full crew?, I would agree with you but the update is focused around one island, shipwreck bay, all other has been on multiple different islands.

    "Bullying" that's a bit of a stretch.

    Just wait a few days and the event will calm down making it less risky for you, it's just how these events go unfortunately for you.

    Unless they were being verbally toxic to you, they haven't done anything wrong.

    I know you don't like it, but that's the reality of it.

    It's not a stretch, killed over and over for no reason by a group without being able to defend myself Is bullying.

    Its not bullying. You lost, just scuttle and move on.

    It was your choice not to crew up and sail solo. You put yourself at a disadvantage. So you gotta deal with the consequences

  • @snowfire said in Spawn killing:

    @chronodusk why must every month update force people together?, the first 2 worked e.g thrones and meg because different crews needed each other, but every other update has forced different crews in the same vicinity where they dont need a random crew.

    People play this game solo, like me and dont need to be put against a full crew just to get the commendation's done.

    I have never gone out of my way to kill, steal or abuse any player, and never will, so why am I forced to one island where everyone else is just to try and get commendations done?.

    It's almost as though Rare designed this game to be played with other people on your crew and only added the ability to play solo later even though it's not what they originally envisioned. And on top of that, it's almost as though Rare designed this game for us to interact with other crews because that's where the "magic" happens.

    Oh wait. That's exactly what happened and that's exactly what Rare said.

    If you've only been playing solo, I would encourage you to find others to play with. I'm always willing to help. Feel free to add me and message me if you see me online.

    Gamertag: Little Squash

  • @snowfire said in Spawn killing:

    @bloodybil said in Spawn killing:

    @snowfire said in Spawn killing:

    Why must a group of 4 spawn kill a solo player over and over?, I was spawn killed 7 times, every time a came back I was killed before I was able to do anything.

    Why must a solo slooper with nothing to lose or gain keep respawning in an unwinnable scenario instead of scuttling?

    And rare stop doing monthly updates that force interaction between players as it is unbalanced.

    They add both PVP and PVE voyages in events now it seems, stick to the ones that don't bring you towards PVPer if you insist on soloing.

    So a solo slooper who is trying to get all commendations should not bother?

    A solo slooper can do whatever a solo slooper damn well pleases.

    If he struggles to do something by himself, he can step out of his comfort zone for once and team up for an achievement. A solo slooper can survive a social interaction, yes?

    It's the same story on a different day, someone struggles in a situation to which they have all the tools at their disposal to help them, yet refuses to use them and blames the devs/game.

  • @bloodybil said in Spawn killing:

    @snowfire said in Spawn killing:

    @bloodybil said in Spawn killing:

    @snowfire said in Spawn killing:

    Why must a group of 4 spawn kill a solo player over and over?, I was spawn killed 7 times, every time a came back I was killed before I was able to do anything.

    Why must a solo slooper with nothing to lose or gain keep respawning in an unwinnable scenario instead of scuttling?

    And rare stop doing monthly updates that force interaction between players as it is unbalanced.

    They add both PVP and PVE voyages in events now it seems, stick to the ones that don't bring you towards PVPer if you insist on soloing.

    So a solo slooper who is trying to get all commendations should not bother?

    A solo slooper can do whatever a solo slooper damn well pleases.

    If he struggles to do something by himself, he can step out of his comfort zone for once and team up for an achievement. A solo slooper can survive a social interaction, yes?

    It's the same story on a different day, someone struggles in a situation to which they haves all the tools at their disposition to help them, yet refuses to use them and blames the devs/game.

    This is exactly why Rare didnt wanna let us play solo. Look how much they had to nerf the game just so a solo slooper has an easy time. And even after all the nerfs, ppl still complain instead of tryin to get better or crew up.....

    You can lead a horse to water, but you cant make it drink.

  • @snowfire said in Spawn killing:

    So a solo slooper who is trying to get all commendations should not bother?

    This is nonsense! I play solo A LOT and complete content without being pushed around. In fact, I often instigate fights with larger ships. Quit viewing yourself as the victim, as if you are at the mercy of any crew larger than one. If you do not want to participate in PvP, then keep an eye on the horizon and keep your distance. The galleon did not come out of nowhere. You either failed to spot them when you arrived, or you missed (or ignored) them as they sailed your way. The fact that you let them on board as they pulled the “WE’RE FRIENDLY!!!” trick tells me you are not fully aware of the risks other crews pose. Just keep your distance and you’ll be fine. And quit pretending you are just some poor helpless solo player at the mercy of all larger crews. That’s total rubbish! I’m really sick of that narrative.

  • The problem is there aren’t enough Cannon balls!

3 out of 105