Ashen Key Voyages

  • Hi,

    With the latest Legends of the Sea update - did Rare add Ashen Key voyages back in the game?

    My crew couldn’t get Tome of Power IV for love nor money. And getting Ashen Keys without voyages was dreadful.

    Aware you can roam random islands for Ashen Key Masters (mostly came across Ashen Guardians or normal captains though).

    Aware you can fish out an Ashen Key from the Sea if you’re lucky (about as rare as Treacherous Loot if not worse).

    Aware you can do Ashen Forts and one of the final waves gives you an Ashen Key Master and the vault gives you an Ashen Chest (we don’t always have the time for Forts or the PvP that might come with it).

    The other night we roamed and roamed for Key Masters on islands and we found 3 of them in the space of 2 hours. Unfortunately we didn’t get Tome of Power IV. Now we have another batch of Tomes to get.

    So I’m hoping Rare have made that experience much more user friendly again; with the return of Ashen Key Voyages in this update.

    Someone please give me some good news on this one lol.


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  • @ell635 Man on my solo sloop I get at least4 per hour, normally have more keys than chests.

  • @ell635 the voyages are not back. have to get keys the hard way

  • Could try fishing. 3 of us fishing for a couple 1-2 hours fished up 9 keys.

  • Pity the voyages aren’t back. Odd hearing others aren’t facing as much difficulty getting keys either. I rocked up to 10 islands without a single key master. Was fishing as I sailed to every island. We get so many more Ashen Guardians than key masters. Very inconsistent experiences apparently.

  • @archangel-timmy said in Ashen Key Voyages:

    Could try fishing. 3 of us fishing for a couple 1-2 hours fished up 9 keys.

    Where do you mostly fish? On ship as you sail or stationed on a specific island?

  • @ell635 said in Ashen Key Voyages:

    @archangel-timmy said in Ashen Key Voyages:

    Could try fishing. 3 of us fishing for a couple 1-2 hours fished up 9 keys.

    Where do you mostly fish? On ship as you sail or stationed on a specific island?

    We were fishing in the pond at Mermaids Hideaway for Treacherous Plunder. The pond at Hidden Spring Keep is another good spot since no Skellies spawn when it is inactive.

  • @archangel-timmy - Thanks a lot man I’ll give this a try, fingers crossed :)

  • @ell635 They were supposed to increase the spawn rate of Ashen Key Masters with this update, but that doesn't appear to be the case. My buddies and I played for a ridiculous amount of time yesterday (14 hours in total) and came across 3 Key Masters and 1 Guardian. We completed the entire Legend of the Seas commendations, and sailed to probably 60+ islands over the course of the day. We ended the night with 6 Ashen Chests.

    Two of us tried fishing for keys, and were successful in getting 2 keys total in probably an hour or so of fishing. It's really unfortunate that when you have an abundance of chests, the primary source for keys is fishing endlessly for hours.

  • @daddy-sanctus said in Ashen Key Voyages:

    @ell635 They were supposed to increase the spawn rate of Ashen Key Masters with this update, but that doesn't appear to be the case. My buddies and I played for a ridiculous amount of time yesterday (14 hours in total) and came across 3 Key Masters and 1 Guardian. We completed the entire Legend of the Seas commendations, and sailed to probably 60+ islands over the course of the day. We ended the night with 6 Ashen Chests.

    Two of us tried fishing for keys, and were successful in getting 2 keys total in probably an hour or so of fishing. It's really unfortunate that when you have an abundance of chests, the primary source for keys is fishing endlessly for hours.

    This sounds alot more familiar to the experience my crew has. Shame it'll be more of the same, only we have more tomes to hope for now they've added five.

    Rare - bring back Key Voyages!

  • The Ghost Meg An ashen key for your chest is the rarest thing in the sea these days.

    Keeps you playing though, those tomes, gotta catch 'em all.

  • I mean the insiders did have threads asking for the return of the voyages... But Rare don't listen or communicate in anyway lol.

  • @dyfrin said in Ashen Key Voyages:

    The Ghost Meg An ashen key for your chest is the rarest thing in the sea these days.

    Keeps you playing though, those tomes, gotta catch 'em all.

    Catch em, catch em, gotta catch em all. Gotta catch em all - ASHEN TOMES!

    At least 150 or more to see, to be an Ashen Tome master is my... DESTINYYYYYY!


  • @mc-rossco said in Ashen Key Voyages:

    I mean the insiders did have threads asking for the return of the voyages... But Rare don't listen or communicate in anyway lol.

    Rare should've listened. These are achievements after all. Think of a player who comes back now or in a few months time and wants to earn these achievements. How long is it gonna take them?

  • I don't think making both Key Voyages and Chest Voyages purchasable, would be a good idea. As then, there'd be no real effort involved to achieve the commendations.

    IMO, it would have been better with no emergent Ashen Guardians.
    Have it so that the only emergent Ashen skeletons, were the Key Masters. This way, if you found keys whilst out on your adventure but didn't acquire any Ashen Chests (through PvE battles or thieving or other methods), you could always resort to purchasing an Ashen Chest quest with doubloons, should you need to.

  • Searching for Key Masters can be a pain but you do find a bunch, then I just go to the outpost and buy chests stash's. Makes it quick and painless. Finished the Ashen chests the first night.

  • @rev-humpjoy Where are you finding "a lot"? Find them very very sparingly on small islands. Might find 1 on the course of 15+ islands.

  • My crew has been having a problem with this too. We sold at least 10 locked ashen chests this past weekend because despite spending hours looking for key masters we were barely able to find any.

  • @doctor-meat sagte in Ashen Key Voyages:

    @rev-humpjoy Where are you finding "a lot"? Find them very very sparingly on small islands. Might find 1 on the course of 15+ islands.

    I find them almost every 2 or 3 islands (guardian or key master), when island hopping

  • Just to verify those that have not found many keys on islands, Did you have an Order of Souls voyage down while trying to find keys? I had the voyage active and no ashen skellys were spawning on the islands. Once I canceled the voyage they spawned in.

  • @dshepp said in Ashen Key Voyages:

    Just to verify those that have not found many keys on islands, Did you have an Order of Souls voyage down while trying to find keys? I had the voyage active and no ashen skellys were spawning on the islands. Once I canceled the voyage they spawned in.

    Both. Neither returned many results. We saw 1 last night in 8 hours of play.

    Also: The keys when fishing. How does one do that? Do you cast and reel in instantly to hope you catch treacherous loot or a key? Or do you have to wait like when fishing with bait?

  • @doctor-meat said in Ashen Key Voyages:

    Also: The keys when fishing. How does one do that? Do you cast and reel in instantly to hope you catch treacherous loot or a key? Or do you have to wait like when fishing with bait?

    Cast with no bait, then watch your lure. If you see your line go slack after a few moments and a bit of a shadow appear, reel it in. Same as catching treacherous plunder.

  • @toothball said in Ashen Key Voyages:

    @doctor-meat said in Ashen Key Voyages:

    Also: The keys when fishing. How does one do that? Do you cast and reel in instantly to hope you catch treacherous loot or a key? Or do you have to wait like when fishing with bait?

    Cast with no bait, then watch your lure. If you see your line go slack after a few moments and a bit of a shadow appear, reel it in. Same as catching treacherous plunder.

    Alright sweet. I couldnt catch treacherous plunder either. So act like im fishing, no bait, rinse and repeat if a fish actually goes after it. Got it. Thanks!

  • @ell635 I think a part of the issue is that player kill Key masters whenever they can, and leave Guardians up, so the sea eventually becomes populated by nothing but Guardians

  • You can soft reset the islands if you find a Captain or Ashen Guardian. It can be a pain because we have done it and had nothing there on reset but a quite a few times have been successful on getting a Key Master.

  • My luck with keymasters has been smaller islands.

  • I've had the same problem. Went from island to island searching for Ashen Key Masters, but sometimes you find them everywhere but sometimes they seem to be non-existent. Yesterday i tried fishing and got one after 15 minutes in the pool on Mermaids Hideaway. I'm gonna give it another try today to finally get the last Tome that i need, Tome of Curses II. Let's hope the RNG finally works with me instead of against me ;-)

  • You guys are all too impatioent i guess.

    I have already the fire tomes and hit all others before too.
    I didnt do Forts and i got most of them from random encounters.
    Just yesterday i set sail, sailed to an island and looted some supplies, i found a captains chest additionally.
    I cooked some pork for me while i immersed into the game and hung around on this island for roughly 10 minutes. Ashen Guardian appeared.
    Killed him got a villaneous and a chest.
    Searched the island for more stuff.
    Watched thw horizon, made sure i'm safe , another 10 minutes or so past by.
    When i just wanted to go to my ship ans set sail an Ashen Keymaster appeared.
    About 25 minutes online x sailed to the next island from outpost and i got a captains chest. 2 villaneous skulls an Ashen chest and an Ashen key.
    Next stop was a golden Reaper.
    Turned all in at RH, in between i found some silk.
    Header to the next island, git again a key and 2 islands away i got the next chest.
    I dont know what the problem is.
    I maybe think it's the rushing character people aproach the game and drive by small islands and hope for a key without to even set foot on this island.
    People need to immerse more and stop rushing things.
    I met the Shrouded Ghost on a Detour for Cargo's nobody wanted to do, because "it isn't worth it"
    Well to me it is and getting the title for doing things "that aren't worth it" i am relatively pleased 😂

    This way i got enough chests and keys within the 1st week of this update to finish the commendations.

  • Spent almost 2 hours fishing and except for pondies, i caught one key and an old skull at Mermaid. On the way back i decided to sail past Sea Dogs Rest and encountered a Key Master there. Unfortunately, i only got duplicates from the chests. My guess is that sailing past small islands is still the best way to get Key Masters. Just try to create something like a route for yourself. Even going from one small island to an other island and then heading back to the former could be enough to spawn one.

  • I suggest you see this one here

    And the best for it now its you go to the Skeleton Fort and get the Ashen Key and Kreg on the final respawns, cause of that I'm now need of Tome of Fire V and Power III to complete all

  • @master-lucky I think the best one is going to Skeleton Fort and get the Key and Kreg guaranteed

  • @schramm00 I managed to get 4 keys in about 1,5 hours, so i'm happy with the current spawnrate of Key Masters on the small islands.

    What frustrates me however, is the amount of Fire Tomes that i'm getting. From the last 53 Tomes, i had 23, yes, 23 times the Tome of Fire V and sometimes there's a single Curse or Power Tome in the chest. But that's about 1 in 6 tomes. Usually i get 2 Fire Tomes. I'm guessing the RNG favors Fire Tomes...

  • @master-lucky said in Ashen Key Voyages:

    From the last 53 Tomes, i had 23, yes, 23 times the Tome of Fire V...

    That is so funny, as that's the last Tome of Fire that I need and could not get lol. Although, I admit, I've also been playing other games lately and haven't been putting 100% focus into getting this Tome, but still lol... It's funny how the RNG works. I might try for this one some more today lol. 🤷‍♀️😅👍

  • @master-lucky

    So, you do get more respawn on the small islands? which ones ones did you try?

    About the tomes, I feel you haha cause I was trying to finish mine as well and I ended up with 7 ashen chest with 6 of them with 3 tomes and 6 of them with tome of Power V ALL the time haha (and I suffered like 3 hours to get 3 ashen keys fishing... gonna try on small islands now). I think I only got one Tome of Curse, but most of them was the Power and Fire, I think the RNG do favors Fire ones as well

    But luckily now I only need the Tome of Power III and guess what? TOME OF FIRE V ! hahaha

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