Reapers Bones pseudo-set

  • All other factions besides the Hunter's Call have a pseudo-set attached to them, where increasing reputation with the company unlocks the more expensive recolour of the set.
    We have the Admiral set for the Merchants, Sovereign for Gold Hoarders and Sea Dog for Order of Souls.

    It's time the Reapers Bones got their own pseudo-set themed around fire and heat (although less on the nose than the Forsaken Ashes set) and generally being a cunning, backstabbing trickster.
    If I'm to decide on a name to solidify the theme, I would call it the "troublemaker" set, with the level-up recolour being called the "devious troublemaker" set

  • 9
    merchandisejust for funfeedbackgeneral
  • @lasagnepasta said in Reapers Bones pseudo-set:

    All other factions besides the Hunter's Call have a pseudo-set attached to them, where increasing reputation with the company unlocks the more expensive recolour of the set.
    We have the Admiral set for the Merchants, Sovereign for Gold Hoarders and Sea Dog for Order of Souls.

    No, these are not connected in any way, shape, or form - the only pseudo-connection there is stems from your imagination.

    It's time the Reapers Bones got their own pseudo-set themed around fire and heat (although less on the nose than the Forsaken Ashes set) and generally being a cunning, backstabbing trickster.

    Since none actuslly exist for the other companies, there is no need for this set. Thst said, I'm all for new sets, just not for this particular reason.

    If I'm to decide on a name to solidify the theme, I would call it the "troublemaker" set, with the level-up recolour being called the "devious troublemaker" set

    Troublemaker? No. That honor belongs either to the Bilge Rats, the Sea Dogs, the Reapers, or the Mercenaries.

  • @galactic-geek remember to be respectful of every pirate on the Seas. No need for rudeness here.

    Those sets are in fact loosely tied to the factions due to the requirements for those cosmetics being ranking up the factions. Just because you don’t see it doesn’t mean it isn’t there. The Sovereign sets have gold in them (like gold hoarders and has been using in promotional material when talking about the Gold Hoarders. Same could be said for the Sea Dog sets with skulls looking very piratey like the Order of Souls, and the Admiral sets having very posh and expensive looking sets with almost a Royal Navy look to them. Similar to a certain Merchant Alliance.

  • @galactic-geek I don't know what to tell you, these sets are connected loosely to the 3 factions (hence pseudo)
    Back when the game came out they were the only clothing sets in the game alongside the Bilge Rat set, which was intended to be connected to no company, and they were tied to each company as well as a region as you could only buy the set based on the region you were in.

  • I feel like that would be the Hunters set tbh

  • It's time the Reapers Bones got their own pseudo-set themed around fire and heat

    I swear if they add another damned red glowstick I'm gonna have a stroke

  • @galactic-geek Why do you have to be so rude? This is like the fourth post I see from you, and all of those posts contained at least one non-respectful sentence. Besides, as others have stated, these sets are actually connected to the factions. You can only get their recolored variants if you level up with the main 3 main factions so you are not just rude here, but wrong too.

  • Though it may not have come off that way with the "any way, shape, or form" comment, I'm not referring to the game's mechanics here (how they were locked behind certain companies), but rather the lore - and I admit to having forgotten about them being locked behind certain levels (that was ages ago for me). In any case, there is no lore connection tying those cosmetics to the companies that I have seen. The only lore connections I have seen tied to the companies are from the cosmetics that share their namesake, like with the company costumes or ledger rewards. The Admiral, Sovereign, Sea Dog, and Bilge Rat sets have always simply been the type of pirate you want to be in my eyes, not what company you want to represent. Admirals were the disgraced Navy, hence the missing buttons and imperfect uniforms. The sovereigns were disgraced royalty. Sea Dogs were your typical pirate/scoundrel. Bilge Rats were your poor, dirty, or rotten pirates. Mercenaries were, well, mercenaries. Aristocrats were high society probably brought low for various reasons. These cosmetics weren't representing the companies. They were representing you.

merchandisejust for funfeedbackgeneral
4 out of 9