No Quarter Given [NQG] Crew Recruiting

  • [mod edit]

  • 9
  • @theantman4ever

    Sounds great. I would be up for playing!

  • This is exactly what I've been looking for! Hmu I want to know more

  • Both of you provide your discord details so we can connect and give it a whirl!

  • I would love to join as well, discord is Jaden_Reeler#9618 and my steam name is Jaden_Reeler!

  • I'm Central time, but those are my exact preferred hours on workdays. If you're still looking, hit me up. Discord is Zheroul#2356

  • I'm down. Discord is tlandis24#2874. I just started the game not too long ago, but I can learn quick and don't mind being support

  • I'm interested. Still a bit new. I Would like to play the game as intended.

  • As we do not allow for the promotion of outside groups and communities that are not in line with our Affiliate Alliance program (and even they have guidelines to follow), we will be dropping anchor on this thread now. Thank you.

4 out of 9