• Hello everybody,

    As a fan of PvP, I found that the spawnkill has been increased since the implementation of the storage crate (fill or empty the crate with bindings) for a couple reasons :

    • When you attack a ship, sometimes you have not many supplies and you need it to defend yourself against a third party coming in hot
    • Against alliance servers if you don't join them they will attack you to make you quit the server (because you are a threat) so you need supplies to sustain the permanent harassement.
    • In general when you are low on supplies and board a ship, if you find that there is a huge amount of supplies you will try to empty the barrels and then sink the ship.

    Personaly I hate doing this, this is horrible to massacre players that are already in trouble and waiting for their fate. Steal supplies ok, but spawnkill for it, it's not cool.

    So I had a dumb idea which could help a lot, and I hope a lot of people will check it out to add their advice :
    (I'm pretty sure somebody already asked it earlier)

    What about dropping a couple of barrels when the ship is sunk, like when the loot is going to the surface ?
    I really think that could help, people would not be spawnkilled until the ship is empty (sometimes it is really long).

    Devs and lead designers are searching solutions about that problem, while this has been implemented, which is contradictory.

    Please rate and share if you agree. If not do not forget to leave your opinion.

    Sincerely yours

  • 24
  • @lys-raph I personally like the idea of having barrels rise up with all of the prior supplies of that vessel... just not for the same reasons as yourself.

    You're saying that because people need supplies they spawning players for it which is bad for the person being spawnkilled cause they can't play the game.. now your solution to this is the barrel idea so that enemy crews will simply sink the player instead of spawn kill them... either way nothing works out for the guy getting killed. My solution to this problem would be: rather than adding a new mechanic why doesent he just scuttle?

  • @avacadobeard244

    Agree with the fact that players can scuttle, but they don't use that often. I mean if I want all your supplies I'll will make sure that you don't sink and that's the problem for me.

    I hate sending 10 times a crew in the ferry of the damned and I feel bad.

    If I know that a part or the entire amount of supplies will float after the fight I will not try to keep the vessel alive.

  • @lys-raph yea I gotcha, I typically give them a choice, I tell them they can peacefully watch us steal their stuff or be murdered 12 times over😂

  • I scuttle quick because I want to deny you supplies.

    If my barrels float you know what I'm gonna start doing? Putting them in the rowboat with a keg.

    Horrible idea. Especially since it's even easier to get supplies now 🙄

  • Back Button
    My Crew

  • Yes the barrels coming up after a sink would be way better for supply management rather than spawn killing players to get supplies, guilty, you would need all their supplies to be saved after the sink though otherwise players would still prioritize spawn killing to get all their supplies rather than the leftover's from the barrels.

  • @pithyrumble

    Hello the main subject is not how to deny supplies or how to stop spawnkill.
    As we said earlier there is a scuttle button for that obviously.

    The subject here is to prevent and reduce the spawnkill situations.

    Regarding to your idea with the rowboat, I'm not sure somebody will have the time to put everything in a single rowboat with people boarding the ship. Or just keep supplies all along the voyages in the rowboat is not a good idea. A single canon ball will make you lose all !

  • @fishyjoesalt


    Same answer, we are not talking about how to stop spawnkill, but how to prevent it :)
    We already discussed about the scuttle.

    If you have more ideas I would be happy to read you.

  • Hunters would rejoice.

  • @lys-raph

    So to balance it, if I scuttle nothing floats?

  • @pithyrumble said in IDEAS TO REDUCE SPAWNKILL (for supplies):

    I scuttle quick because I want to deny you supplies.

    If my barrels float you know what I'm gonna start doing? Putting them in the rowboat with a keg.

    Horrible idea. Especially since it's even easier to get supplies now 🙄

    Wow, that idea was denied in an instant 😂 no mercy on that one

  • @pithyrumble

    Okay I'm sorry but you are completely out of the main subject ^^

    The idea is not to find solutions to deny somebody to steal supplies.
    We are here to exchange about what could they do to discourage the attempt of a spawnkill, in order to empty the ship with a storage crate.

    That's it :)

  • @lys-raph

    I'm not. You want to reduce spawn camping. I have never been spawn camped that I didn't actively allow.

    Supply camping (not a problem, it's a thing) would still happen because they're after supplies. I would make sure I got the best stuff and try to maximize my take. Randomized barrels surfacing may not give me that trophy fish or wraithballs you may have. So I'm going to camp to maximize my take.

    Sink camping would still happen because I want you to go away. (Scuttles counteract this)

    Floating supplies is a pure pvp request and does not actually help a camped target.

  • @pithyrumble

    Personnaly if I know that the supplies are going to float on the surface, I will just sink the ship ASAP and I will not try to keep it alive !

  • @lys-raph said in IDEAS TO REDUCE SPAWNKILL (for supplies):


    Personnaly if I know that the supplies are going to float on the surface, I will just sink the ship ASAP and I will not try to keep it alive !

    I have 20 wraithballs and 10 trophy fish.

    You're telling me you're okay with getting a few balls, boards and fruit?

    Tell me about crypto next. 🙄

  • @pithyrumble

    I was thinking about all supplies in like 3 barrels. (One for all cannon balls, one for all food and one for wood)
    That's why I create a thread like this, to see if people were thinking about variants.

    "Tell me about crypto next" - please stay constructive or I'll stop argue with you it is embarrassing

  • Floating supplies only helps pvp focused players. It gives them more of an advantage than purchased supplies do. PvP focused placement force PvE players into combat. Yet I cannot summon a Meg/Kraken/Crawley/Skelly on you.

  • @pithyrumble

    Wow okay ^^

    Have a good day so

  • @lys-raph

    I accept your surrender.

  • @pithyrumble Ty for giving visibility to this thread ;)

  • I personally see no problem with the spawn camping... if that is the way that they would like to play the game then the are permitted to do so. My problem is with the people that will not stop coming back even after you sink them 10 times.

  • @snear-73 To be honnest I do spawnkill to, I have no problem with it, but I saw to many people mad about that and it is totally understandable, even if the reason is to empty the barrels and steal everything before the ship sinks.

    Making changes to reduce spawnkill and adding a way to empty a ship with a crate is not compatible.


  • As we do not permit thread necro as per our forum rules, we will go ahead and drop anchor on this thread here. Thank you.

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