Capture a Code (UNOFFICIAL) Community Competition. Your Best 'Sunny Moon’ Screenshot.
The Eclipse was captured between 9:00-9:30PM on 22/10/22 at Morrow's Peak Outpost.
It took me 9 hours to capture this shot, I scouted Ashen Reaches and Devil's Thirst first, spending most time on the latter island but finally decided to go to the Outpost and capture this shot with the new Season 7 Sovereigns Hut on the right hand side.
In the process I learned a lot about Eclipses, like how the full moon marks the middle of the cycle and when the right side of the moon is lit up the smaller that part becomes the sooner the eclipse will come.
It also features this brazier beacon and a dead Ashen tree in the foreground.
This task was very enjoyable all around, thanks for the opportunity!
Image hosted on Free Image HostCapstan: ZenChiWong
6 Pack: Reconize#9234Link
Sunny stars:)
Capstan: korkoor1236 pack: Zer0H4cker4224
BY: Korkoor123
help: Dan/zer0H4cker