What happened to megalodon and skelly ships?

  • The last year or so I feel like the random encounters of Megalodon and Skelly Ships have decreased a lot. I do not know if I am the only one who feels this, but as of latley I can play for hourse without encountering any of them while sailing. I miss those encounters. The open sea between islands feels a lot more emptier. I remember the times I was about to get to grade 5 before selling, and then a megalodon comes along just in time to kill it so I can reach grade 5. Or the panic you get when a skelly ship spawns in when you're loaded with chickens.

    I am also have the same feelings about barrels of plenty. For some reason they also feels less frequent than before. Everytime I saild past barrels of plenty I used to jump the ship just to get some fresh supplies. And that kept me engaged when sailing between stuff.

    I think the issue started when they expanded the map. This is just a guess, but when they expaned the map, they did not limited the spawn area for skelly ships and megalodons, and other stuff. I often can see skelly ships and The Reaper Chest way left, top or south of the map. I am not going to sail all the way down to F23 for a reaper chest, becuase, that is out in no where land. I no longer go for that chest because so often it spawns outside the general playing area. I wish they could add a restrictions that things do not spawn so far out (excapt for berrals of plenty and sunken ships (but not reaper chest) just so there are some incentive to be so far out).

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  • @pergund It's most likely due to the inclusion of things like sea fortresses and the sunken kingdom, there are fewer areas that, especially megs, can spawn in. If you just sail around in the open sea, it still seems to be around the same in terms of spawn rate imo.

  • Hunting a meg is different than it used to be

    I can only speculate as to why

    My guess? a combination of a few things

    silent pve nerfs, possibly because of complaints by some newer players and some pvpers. This likely shows by the lack of kraken/meg/skelly spawns at the same time, it used to be fairly common to have multiple pve spawns at the same time on one ship.

    the map changing and getting more crowded in some areas, fleet area won't even spawn a meg anymore like it used to, haven't seen a meg spawn there in probably close to a year and I play in that area every day.

    random things like shipwrecks getting in the way, with merchant and athena shipwrecks there are just quite a few shipwrecks bouncing around out there now

    Personally as someone that hunts a lot of megs I dunno how much interference shrines/treasuries and sea forts cause but the areas themselves don't cause much of an issue as I kill megs somewhat close to both regularly

    A meg encounter requires more of a hunt now for consistency

    the main part of the hunt is time, plan an hour to two hours, on average that's what it's going to take you

    I'm a believer in staying productive during that time and incorporating the open sea into the adventure but sailing around will eventually lead to one unless it's a dud server (which does happen)

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    This stretch here will treat you right if you play long enough and hunt enough. The reason is because it's a common area for traveling while being open enough to allow spawns.

    The purpose of sailing that stretch is to hopefully use that activity to your advantage, you might trigger someone else's spawn. You want to use high traffic areas that allow spawns.
    Open sea around the outside of the map seems appealing for hunting but it's unpredictable, safer but lower activity levels to use to your advantage.

    The area between sea dogs and fotd is also a common spot for higher traffic and can produce results in your favor.

    Skelly ship spawns are similar to megs in that it benefits you to be in common travel areas, the risk is pvp during the time you are trying to get a pve kill.

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