
  • Hello,

    I come to you after being completely fed up with games in general and more specifically cheaters. Indeed, even if I hope you are already aware, the game abounds with cheaters of all kinds; aim bot, speedhack, autorepair, aim canons etc etc etc. These cheaters are mostly still the same and this multiplies more now that the pvp mode is in place (best mode ever GG to you).
    This is therefore the reason for my request, do you ever think of doing a job at this level, ie, installing an anti cheat or having the xbox account banned?
    Do you think one day you can permanently ban the xbox accounts of the players or even better install a double authentication phone? so that these cheaters cannot have an account again in not even a day.
    The best solution being in my opinion, to ban the account definitively with in addition a double authentication.
    The game is a hit right now, that's awesome! But it is invaded and damaged by this influx of cheaters which completely ruins the gaming experience and that's a shame.

    I really hope to get a concrete answer from you.

  • 72
  • @rlk777 Sounds like you are on Xbox using a controller. Maybe you are not aware but the PC interface is much faster for PvP, it even seems like people are cheating. Watch some Twitch and see what the PC people can do and then change your settings to Xbox Controller only.

  • Every day I see more discussion about cheaters.

  • I need to see proof before you start getting upset.

    Could easy be just them “being better than you”

    So far with season 8 a lot of players are discovering they are pretty bad at pvp (when they aren’t sinking ships with unwilling fighters)
    But instead of improving or accepting. It must be cheats.

    Now yes, there are cheaters but very few of them. And you don’t run into them every day

  • @burnbacon On Twitch the other day some kind was teleporting from ship to ship while 100s of people watched. Cheats are happening but I do agree that many times it is perception.

  • @burnbacon said in Cheater:

    I need to see proof before you start getting upset.

    Could easy be just them “being better than you”

    So far with season 8 a lot of players are discovering they are pretty bad at pvp (when they aren’t sinking ships with unwilling fighters)
    But instead of improving or accepting. It must be cheats.

    Now yes, there are cheaters but very few of them. And you don’t run into them every day

    My crew says around 1 in 20 is a cheater.

  • @burnbacon "I need to see proof before you start getting upset."

    You mean RARE needs to see proof. What you think doesn't actually matter, other players do not have to prove anything to you.

  • @burnbacon

    You have to be a troll. Be it on Twitter, reddit, this very forum, the whole community is complaining about obvious cheaters with clips to back it up but you would rather believe that everyone is lying/malding rather than considering that something is actually going on. "Evidence" is all over the place if you just play season 8, boats being flipped by people speedhacking 1 game out of 15 has NOTHING to do with people being outplayed and being mad about it.

    May I ask what your allegiance levels are ?

  • @gotszu I think with how certain movements are started by a known issue, the last thing we need these days is a "just trust me bro" kind of claim.

    Most of this playerbase is not good or competent enough to beat the tougher than normal dedicated players, let alone actual cheaters. They won't be able to tell the difference because they're losing anyways. A lot of people on social media for SoT by now are aware there is an active rise of this issue, but complaining about it on the forums is starting to become an oversaturated conversation as no one is really adding to it, and whatever can be added, has to instead be relegated to SoT Support.

    Rare isn't going to give a statement as to prevent the cheat programmers from preparing to create bypasses. No announcement will be made about anti-cheats as 1: Being tailor-made for a single game, it's very expensive to produce and possibly maintain, and 2: Most of the pre-established ones have already been cracked for other games, bringing them to SoT while cheats have been this easily created despite Rare's efforts thus far would just lead to more disappointment to the people calling for anti-cheats.

    Now, any other concerns?

  • @foambreaker haha you are funny,
    I don't use a controller, I'm on pc, I'm currently at 99 days of play, level 167 guardian of fortune and 283 servant of flame, I don't think I'm a beginner and we're rolling on a lot of good ones crews. When I talk about cheater I think I know what I'm talking about, every day we meet players who dolphin and swim super fast with self-repairing masts and all the artillery of a good cheater

  • @rlk777 a dit dans Cheater :

    @foambreaker @BurnBacon haha you are funny,
    I don't use a controller, I'm on pc, I'm currently at 99 days of play, level 167 guardian of fortune and 283 servant of flame, I don't think I'm a beginner and we're rolling on a lot of good ones crews. When I talk about cheater I think I know what I'm talking about, every day we meet players who dolphin and swim super fast with self-repairing masts and all the artillery of a good cheater

  • I do like the idea of a Mobile Number being required... but that did not go over so well with Overwatch 2, especially since pre-paid phones won't work with that sort of thing.

    I do agree there needs to be a better system of tracking bans, but many of the methods do risk encroaching on being discriminating in one way or another.

  • @rlk777 solution. Don't ban them. Code it so that they cannot access any cosmetics and make their starting and only unchangeable cosmetic Barbie Pink with the words Cheater accross the sails and sides of ship.

  • @shadyriddler said in Cheater:

    @rlk777 solution. Don't ban them. Code it so that they cannot access any cosmetics and make their starting and only unchangeable cosmetic Barbie Pink with the words Cheater accross the sails and sides of ship.

    There have been a few games where the devs have publicly (in the game) humiliated players caught cheating. 🤣

  • @personalc0ffee

    No smoke without fire as they say..

  • @wagstr said in Cheater:


    No smoke without fire as they say..

    This applies more to random people that aren't connected sharing similar personal experiences

    A relatively small social community that is heavily using "sus" accusations mixed with clips that are often coming the same sources can definitely create smoke where there may not be fire.

    Especially when the environment changes and increases encounters dramatically as well as introduced more skill back into the environment than any other content in the past.

  • @wolfmanbush

    Sure, I get that, 10/10 cannon shots landing could be just an abundance of OG sea dogs returning, but teleporting and instafixing ship in the middle of a battle should not be possible and if it is then more and more players will use it if it is easily available. That's all. Needs sorting..

  • @wagstr said in Cheater:


    Sure, I get that, 10/10 cannon shots landing could be just an abundance of OG sea dogs returning, but teleporting and instafixing ship in the middle of a battle should not be possible and if it is then more and more players will use it if it is easily available. That's all. Needs sorting..

    If it appealed to more than content creators, people wanting to get pvp clips, and the top of the food chain it wouldn't be nearly as much of an issue

    it doesn't have pve appeal, it doesn't have appeal for people like me that have high random combat encounters but avoid contrived combat and contrived encounters, it doesn't have appeal from the inexperienced that had a terrible first couple months with the content

    if it had widespread appeal it would have much more varied encounters and less encounters with the obvious cheats

    In reality it'll never get more appealing to most of the different groups in the game, that ship has sailed

    Low activity and repeat fights will just lead to the issue it currently has. It's only going to have less activity going into future seasons, there is no chain of interest for it, it's not building up anyone to take over when others leave.

  • @wolfmanbush

    Yes, as I said but you can't deny that the blatant cheat hole needs a plank on it and fixing asap surely! Or can you?

  • @wagstr said in Cheater:


    Yes, as I said but you can't deny that the blatant cheat hole needs a plank on it and fixing asap surely! Or can you?

    they would have to implement drastic measures to truly cut down on the repeat offenders with alts

    are they going to do that to target a small group of people in unpopular content that they are going to move on from for other content fairly soon? dunno, maybe

    this game has a very get through the month/season approach and then it's on to the next shiny thing, content/environmental improvement is very slow in this game, to the point where the activity and interest are largely gone by time they are able to make big changes

    The only thing that moves the needle on activity in this game in (nearly) year 5 is some big pve content and even then the end of the year holidays bump up organic activity is pretty much more than any content they release these days. I saw more random activity over the holiday break for people than any of the recent content released.

    I'm not going to say they should work harder on it, they already work on it, they already ban, they already acknowledged they are trying to figure out how to approach alts. They are doing what they can against a pocket of activity where the private cheats are always going to be one step ahead and the public cheats do face consequences (on at least the account they were used on)

  • @wolfmanbush

    It will just get bigger and bigger though, it beggars belief that they can't stop folk hacking their code. I can't believe there is no way for them to stop scripts being run that literally break the game but I am a just a network administrator that relies on group policy and permissions to stop this sort of stuff so what do I know. It's Microsoft to blame then.. :-)

  • @wagstr said in Cheater:


    It will just get bigger and bigger though, it beggars belief that they can't stop folk hacking their code. I can't believe there is no way for them to stop scripts being run that literally break the game but I am a just a network administrator that relies on group policy and permissions to stop this sort of stuff so what do I know. It's Microsoft to blame then.. :-)

    it's possible it could grow

    knowing the organic experience like I do I don't see it changing much

    people already avoid high risk a lot
    people already avoid encounters a lot
    people already cheese a lot
    the middle of activity in this game has already taken as big of a hit as it will ever take

    cheating in the organic environment largely only impacts known names and people like me that are still producing higher risk treasure, still doing the world events, still heavy on encounters and I very rarely see anything out of ordinary and predictable in combat, whether it's a hostile inexperienced crew or a very skilled crew

    I could talk bugs and glitches and server performance issues all day involving combat but in the organic environment cheating isn't something I see to any significant degree, that could change but I doubt it considering how the environment is designed.

    It could change, games do often times see a lot more cheating this far into the game's existence, if I start seeing it consistently I'll definitely include that in my feedback and discussions on the forums at that point.

    To be specific, in an extreme amount of time spent in the organic environment and with a very high random combat record I've literally never seen the cheats that are being shown on the clips in any of my combat and random encounters with a lot of pvpers.

    as far as macros and less extreme exploits go I've probably encountered that quite a bit.

    Very rarely have I ever had a reason to even throw around "esp" in my head, I personally go benefit of the doubt on stuff like that but even then it's just a tiny amount of encounters and could easily be luck and/or skill.

    Kegs falling from the sky, auto repair stuff, flipping my boat filling my boat with water and no holes, that sort of extreme stuff I haven't see yet.

  • @wolfmanbush said in Cheater:

    @wagstr said in Cheater:


    It will just get bigger and bigger though, it beggars belief that they can't stop folk hacking their code. I can't believe there is no way for them to stop scripts being run that literally break the game but I am a just a network administrator that relies on group policy and permissions to stop this sort of stuff so what do I know. It's Microsoft to blame then.. :-)

    it's possible it could grow

    knowing the organic experience like I do I don't see it changing much

    people already avoid high risk a lot
    people already avoid encounters a lot
    people already cheese a lot
    the middle of activity in this game has already taken as big of a hit as it will ever take

    cheating in the organic environment largely only impacts known names and people like me that are still producing higher risk treasure, still doing the world events, still heavy on encounters and I very rarely see anything out of ordinary and predictable in combat, whether it's a hostile inexperienced crew or a very skilled crew

    I could talk bugs and glitches and server performance issues all day involving combat but in the organic environment cheating isn't something I see to any significant degree, that could change but I doubt it considering how the environment is designed.

    It could change, games do often times see a lot more cheating this far into the game's existence, if I start seeing it consistently I'll definitely include that in my feedback and discussions on the forums at that point.

    To be specific, in an extreme amount of time spent in the organic environment and with a very high random combat record I've literally never seen the cheats that are being shown on the clips in any of my combat and random encounters with a lot of pvpers.

    as far as macros and less extreme exploits go I've probably encountered that quite a bit.

    Very rarely have I ever had a reason to even throw around "esp" in my head, I personally go benefit of the doubt on stuff like that but even then it's just a tiny amount of encounters and could easily be luck and/or skill.

    Kegs falling from the sky, auto repair stuff, flipping my boat filling my boat with water and no holes, that sort of extreme stuff I haven't see yet.

    wolfmanbush, this needs saying. You are sounding like Saddam Hussain in the news clip when he was stood on the car saying there are no enemy forces anywhere near us, yet in the background you see uk/usa tanks rolling in and bombs going off.

    Mass cheating IS happening NOW within Hourglass, more so on 2v2 sloop.
    It is on mass.

    Just because your saying you rarely see obvious cheating, doesn't mean it isn't so. You are far outweighed by people saying it's happening to them in hourglass (people who know the difference between a good player and a cheat, people who have researched the cheating methods, people who have played for many years). Maybe your not playing hourglass much, maybe your not playing 2v2 sloop in hourglass much, or maybe your just in denial or naive. I am sure that many of these players have recorded clips of the cheating encounters just as I have. I'm shocked your still in denial that it IS widespread in hourglass now and needs addressing before 'if I can't beat them join them' happens if it already hasn't. If I don't encounter it much then it can't be widespread, is how your coming accross. Regardless of what you may think Wolfmanbush, it is widepread and not just a handfull of repeat alts.

  • @shadyriddler said in Cheater:

    wolfmanbush, this needs saying. You are sounding like Saddam Hussain in the news clip when he was stood on the car saying there are no enemy forces anywhere near us, yet in the background you see uk/usa tanks rolling in and bombs going off.

    Mass cheating IS happening NOW within Hourglass, more so on 2v2 sloop.
    It is on mass.

    Just because your saying you rarely see obvious cheating, doesn't mean it isn't so. You are far outweighed by people saying it's happening to them in hourglass (people who know the difference between a good player and a cheat, people who have researched the cheating methods, people who have played for many years). Maybe your not playing hourglass much, maybe your not playing 2v2 sloop in hourglass much, or maybe your just in denial or naive. I am sure that many of these players have recorded clips of the cheating encounters just as I have. I'm shocked your still in denial that it IS widespread in hourglass now and needs addressing before 'if I can't beat them join them' happens if it already hasn't. If I don't encounter it much then it can't be widespread, is how your coming accross. Regardless of what you may think Wolfmanbush, it is widepread and not just a handfull of repeat alts.

    Not often I hear something I haven't heard before

    but that's a new one lol

  • @shadyriddler said in Cheater:

    @wolfmanbush said in Cheater:

    @wagstr said in Cheater:


    It will just get bigger and bigger though, it beggars belief that they can't stop folk hacking their code. I can't believe there is no way for them to stop scripts being run that literally break the game but I am a just a network administrator that relies on group policy and permissions to stop this sort of stuff so what do I know. It's Microsoft to blame then.. :-)

    it's possible it could grow

    knowing the organic experience like I do I don't see it changing much

    people already avoid high risk a lot
    people already avoid encounters a lot
    people already cheese a lot
    the middle of activity in this game has already taken as big of a hit as it will ever take

    cheating in the organic environment largely only impacts known names and people like me that are still producing higher risk treasure, still doing the world events, still heavy on encounters and I very rarely see anything out of ordinary and predictable in combat, whether it's a hostile inexperienced crew or a very skilled crew

    I could talk bugs and glitches and server performance issues all day involving combat but in the organic environment cheating isn't something I see to any significant degree, that could change but I doubt it considering how the environment is designed.

    It could change, games do often times see a lot more cheating this far into the game's existence, if I start seeing it consistently I'll definitely include that in my feedback and discussions on the forums at that point.

    To be specific, in an extreme amount of time spent in the organic environment and with a very high random combat record I've literally never seen the cheats that are being shown on the clips in any of my combat and random encounters with a lot of pvpers.

    as far as macros and less extreme exploits go I've probably encountered that quite a bit.

    Very rarely have I ever had a reason to even throw around "esp" in my head, I personally go benefit of the doubt on stuff like that but even then it's just a tiny amount of encounters and could easily be luck and/or skill.

    Kegs falling from the sky, auto repair stuff, flipping my boat filling my boat with water and no holes, that sort of extreme stuff I haven't see yet.

    wolfmanbush, this needs saying. You are sounding like Saddam Hussain in the news clip when he was stood on the car saying there are no enemy forces anywhere near us, yet in the background you see uk/usa tanks rolling in and bombs going off.

    Mass cheating IS happening NOW within Hourglass, more so on 2v2 sloop.
    It is on mass.

    Just because your saying you rarely see obvious cheating, doesn't mean it isn't so. You are far outweighed by people saying it's happening to them in hourglass (people who know the difference between a good player and a cheat, people who have researched the cheating methods, people who have played for many years). Maybe your not playing hourglass much, maybe your not playing 2v2 sloop in hourglass much, or maybe your just in denial or naive. I am sure that many of these players have recorded clips of the cheating encounters just as I have. I'm shocked your still in denial that it IS widespread in hourglass now and needs addressing before 'if I can't beat them join them' happens if it already hasn't. If I don't encounter it much then it can't be widespread, is how your coming accross. Regardless of what you may think Wolfmanbush, it is widepread and not just a handfull of repeat alts.

    hey @shadyriddler , Wolfmanbush is a forum troll, he comments everything just to get a point in the forums.
    and from what he have said and told on otter post it seems that they are only playing on xbox servers with no cross over, and that YouTube videos don't exists. there are a few trolls in this forum that goes on every or a lot of post just to "make a point" with nonsense. they cant prove what they are saying, and they don't want to see the through.

    most likely they are are just on xbox non crossover servers or cheaters/exploiters themselves

  • @morknag said in Cheater:

    hey @shadyriddler , Wolfmanbush is a forum troll, he comments everything just to get a point in the forums.
    and from what he have said and told on otter post it seems that they are only playing on xbox servers with no cross over, and that YouTube videos don't exists. there are a few trolls in this forum that goes on every or a lot of post just to "make a point" with nonsense. they cant prove what they are saying, and they don't want to see the through.

    most likely they are are just on xbox non crossover servers or cheaters/exploiters themselves

    If I wanted to score internet points I would just bring them in with one liner layups and zingers at the expense of others and save the time and energy for other things. I put a lot of effort into not approaching conversation this way.

    I type out thoughtful novels of opinion in an attempt to be clear about process of thought, not exactly a popular thing on forums when it comes to internet points.

    That way if I later change my opinion I can explain how I got to that change and there is a trail of thought to show substance within that journey.

    People are free to ignore me and scroll past my posts if they feel they aren't worth the time or energy.

  • Tired of being cheated won't play till they fix this garbage. It's getting ridiculous. Just sat there on a ship with everyone dead and it wouldn't sink. Water to the absolute top. Nothing. Bug? Cheating? Either way fix this garbage.

  • @morknag said in Cheater:

    @shadyriddler said in Cheater:

    @wolfmanbush said in Cheater:

    @wagstr said in Cheater:


    It will just get bigger and bigger though, it beggars belief that they can't stop folk hacking their code. I can't believe there is no way for them to stop scripts being run that literally break the game but I am a just a network administrator that relies on group policy and permissions to stop this sort of stuff so what do I know. It's Microsoft to blame then.. :-)

    it's possible it could grow

    knowing the organic experience like I do I don't see it changing much

    people already avoid high risk a lot
    people already avoid encounters a lot
    people already cheese a lot
    the middle of activity in this game has already taken as big of a hit as it will ever take

    cheating in the organic environment largely only impacts known names and people like me that are still producing higher risk treasure, still doing the world events, still heavy on encounters and I very rarely see anything out of ordinary and predictable in combat, whether it's a hostile inexperienced crew or a very skilled crew

    I could talk bugs and glitches and server performance issues all day involving combat but in the organic environment cheating isn't something I see to any significant degree, that could change but I doubt it considering how the environment is designed.

    It could change, games do often times see a lot more cheating this far into the game's existence, if I start seeing it consistently I'll definitely include that in my feedback and discussions on the forums at that point.

    To be specific, in an extreme amount of time spent in the organic environment and with a very high random combat record I've literally never seen the cheats that are being shown on the clips in any of my combat and random encounters with a lot of pvpers.

    as far as macros and less extreme exploits go I've probably encountered that quite a bit.

    Very rarely have I ever had a reason to even throw around "esp" in my head, I personally go benefit of the doubt on stuff like that but even then it's just a tiny amount of encounters and could easily be luck and/or skill.

    Kegs falling from the sky, auto repair stuff, flipping my boat filling my boat with water and no holes, that sort of extreme stuff I haven't see yet.

    wolfmanbush, this needs saying. You are sounding like Saddam Hussain in the news clip when he was stood on the car saying there are no enemy forces anywhere near us, yet in the background you see uk/usa tanks rolling in and bombs going off.

    Mass cheating IS happening NOW within Hourglass, more so on 2v2 sloop.
    It is on mass.

    Just because your saying you rarely see obvious cheating, doesn't mean it isn't so. You are far outweighed by people saying it's happening to them in hourglass (people who know the difference between a good player and a cheat, people who have researched the cheating methods, people who have played for many years). Maybe your not playing hourglass much, maybe your not playing 2v2 sloop in hourglass much, or maybe your just in denial or naive. I am sure that many of these players have recorded clips of the cheating encounters just as I have. I'm shocked your still in denial that it IS widespread in hourglass now and needs addressing before 'if I can't beat them join them' happens if it already hasn't. If I don't encounter it much then it can't be widespread, is how your coming accross. Regardless of what you may think Wolfmanbush, it is widepread and not just a handfull of repeat alts.

    hey @shadyriddler , Wolfmanbush is a forum troll, he comments everything just to get a point in the forums.
    and from what he have said and told on otter post it seems that they are only playing on xbox servers with no cross over, and that YouTube videos don't exists. there are a few trolls in this forum that goes on every or a lot of post just to "make a point" with nonsense. they cant prove what they are saying, and they don't want to see the through.

    most likely they are are just on xbox non crossover servers or cheaters/exploiters themselves

    I have read many, many posts by @WolfManbush in the time I have been a member of this forum (yes he is quite prolific!) and although I do not always agree with him (I do more often than not) he is not a troll by any stretch of the imagination, his posts are always well measured and thought out personal opinion and never offensive, he is far more devoted to the game than most fly by nights here..

  • @WolfManbush,

    Honestly I seriously think you're lost, if you're not aware that right now a wave of users (not just some alt) are using cheats it's because you're not playing the game or you're a PVEplayer or you're lost. The game, and more particularly the new PVP system, is polluted with cheaters and this will eventually reach the adventure mode. Now if you want to continue being ignorant, do as you wish, but don't come here to tell contradicting things that many players experience every day. Go inform yourself first and then go play the new PVP mode and come back to talk to us afterwards. Big streamers stop the new mode for the same reason and on twitter the subject is constantly mentioned and highlighted.

  • @rlk777 said in Cheater:


    Honestly I seriously think you're lost, if you're not aware that right now a wave of users (not just some alt) are using cheats it's because you're not playing the game or you're a PVEplayer or you're lost. The game, and more particularly the new PVP system, is polluted with cheaters and this will eventually reach the adventure mode. Now if you want to continue being ignorant, do as you wish, but don't come here to tell contradicting things that many players experience every day. Go inform yourself first and then go play the new PVP mode and come back to talk to us afterwards. Big streamers stop the new mode for the same reason and on twitter the subject is constantly mentioned and highlighted.

    This cheating narrative isn't new. More encounters create more examples but sky is falling cheating accusations have been around for a long time.

    It'll work out for the game in the end. This is just a thing to get through in some new content that massively increased encounters while unfortunately having little overall interest, meaning people are running into the same cheating over and over.

    The content is a couple of months old which is enough to get people amped up but it's also not a lot of time when it comes to something like this.

    People are understandably frustrated but they are also working each other up to unnecessary and unproductive amounts on social media. They are running each other out of the game through escalation of the narrative more than cheaters are.

    If people leave, they leave. That's their freedom but many will stay and it'll get worked out. The issue is people are absorbed in looking for it on social media and on youtube. If people look to be convinced of something or to confirm what they believe they will find examples to support it.

    If people just take a break or play differently for a while to chill, and avoid constantly looking for examples of it to get worked up over they will get through it.

    This game has gone through low points before, it's still doing better in the organic environment than season 7 even with all the accusations and incidents of obvious cheating. Far more random people out there than 7 had.

    This isn't any different than other content in that sometimes people gotta do other stuff until that specific content improves.

  • @wolfmanbush
    You are really good at talking and not saying anything, thank you for your comments without interest. Here we are talking about concrete things, but thank you anyway for your false contribution.

    It's not about small cheaters with AIMBOT or ESP, they are just insignificant and they can sink like everyone else. Here it's about cheaters who speed run in the water, who repair their boat in one click, and who also scoop in one click and fly and more. And contrary to what some ignorant people may say, it is not always the same people who use this software.

    If there is PVP, there is necessarily something to frame it (anticheat) like in any other game. It is unfortunately certain that RARE will never invest for an anticheat which is a pity, but that's the way it is... To counter this lack of supervision, it would be good to consider other solutions such as a external anticheat or double telephone authentication, your ideas are welcome... And not to hide like some in the hope that over time it will pass...

    This is the subject of this post and thank you for contributing without misinformation.

  • @rlk777 said in Cheater:

    You are really good at talking and not saying anything, thank you for your comments without interest. Here we are talking about concrete things, but thank you anyway for your false contribution.

    It's not about small cheaters with AIMBOT or ESP, they are just insignificant and they can sink like everyone else. Here it's about cheaters who speed run in the water, who repair their boat in one click, and who also scoop in one click and fly and more. And contrary to what some ignorant people may say, it is not always the same people who use this software.

    If there is PVP, there is necessarily something to frame it (anticheat) like in any other game. It is unfortunately certain that RARE will never invest for an anticheat which is a pity, but that's the way it is... To counter this lack of supervision, it would be good to consider other solutions such as a external anticheat or double telephone authentication, your ideas are welcome... And not to hide like some in the hope that over time it will pass...

    This is the subject of this post and thank you for contributing without misinformation.

    You talk about saying something without saying anything and that's exactly what the "we need anti-cheat" narrative is

    There is no public data to suggest that "anti-cheat" would be more successful than what is already in place, nothing to suggest it would speed up anything or prevent anything any more than what already exists.

    It sounds good so people run with it but "we need anti-cheat" is a hollow request from frustrated people. There is literally nothing public to suggest that the request would be better than their current process.

  • @wolfmanbush
    You continue to talk to say nothing and to make disinformation please go and talk on a subject other than here.

    As I said above, I am not asking for an anticheat from RARE, I know that they have no desire to invest in the creation of an anticheat.

    Instead, I ask for solutions to eliminate or reduce these cheaters, which we players encounter, unlike some who have no solutions and who do nothing, or else and who think they live in a game of care bears where everything is fine.

    At present there is nothing and absolutely nothing against cheaters, they are banned and the same day they have a new account.

    I think it's important to work on this topic for the good of the community and the game.

  • @rlk777 said in Cheater:

    You continue to talk to say nothing and to make disinformation please go and talk on a subject other than here.

    As I said above, I am not asking for an anticheat from RARE, I know that they have no desire to invest in the creation of an anticheat.

    Instead, I ask for solutions to eliminate or reduce these cheaters, which we players encounter, unlike some who have no solutions and who do nothing, or else and who think they live in a game of care bears where everything is fine.

    At present there is nothing and absolutely nothing against cheaters, they are banned and the same day they have a new account.

    I think it's important to work on this topic for the good of the community and the game.

    Banning accounts is the opposite of doing nothing

    They have already acknowledged the issue of alt accounts and have said they are trying to figure out a way to go about it.

    Nobody works faster or more efficiently just because people are barking at them in a situation where the people that are working on it acknowledge what needs to be improved.

    People can play or not play, it's their time to use as they wish, but escalating communication to unproductive levels doesn't improve or change anything for the better. Not with the devs and not with people you disagree with.

    We all care about the game and the environment, we just gotta get through it with patience and a supportive approach for those that are trying to improve the situation. Part of that being the reporting process which helps them out when used genuinely and responsibly with sufficient evidence.

4 out of 72