If You Could Add Your Own Pet, What Would it be?

  • Yeah the title pretty much says it all. If you could add your own pet to SoT, what would it be? Now it can be anything from real life, like a jaguars or something, from a video game, like the diabetic, salmon munching, tanky fluff ball known as Cheeseburger the grizzly bear from Far Cry 5, or it could be from a show or movie, like Momo the lemur bat thing from Avatar, and it doesn't matter if it's a real or fake, oh and also you can adjust the size, like having an orangutan being as tall as a PC tower. Personally, I want Appa the flying bison from Avatar, and he'll be the same size he is in the show.

    Also off topic but let us put collars on our dogs and cat in game.

  • 39
  • Ghost pets, specifically a Parakeet of the damned.

    Because now I have the Blessing of Athena's Fortune, I have the weapons of the damned and some pieces of equipment. I can even use a ghost ship in the legend of Monkey Island Tall Tales. All I need now to complete it is to have a ghost pet.

  • I don't really have pet preferences as I rarely use them but if I could add to the environment I would add wild horses to the shores of gold, gorillas to devil's ridge and thieves haven and plunder valley (maybe discovery too), and whales out in open sea. None of which could be hunted.

    Maybe hummingbirds to fly freely around ships too

  • @dragotech123

    You know what? That would be awesome! I imagine we get that ghost dog from Nightmare Before Christmas

  • @wolfmanbush

    I love these ideas! Maybe they could also add dolphins with the whales, and maybe those fish that go inside of a shark's mouth to clean it, or do they go on the outside? Can't remember

  • I want a frog pet emote.

    I absolutely love frogs and I own six.

    Fun fact: the majority of the frog noises in Sea of Thieves and other games with frog noises, come from gray tree frogs. Thats the higher and faster frequency chirping noise.

    I own 4 gray tree frogs so hearing them in game is always a joy.

  • Sea pets like fish or jellyfish or mini sharks that kinda float in water bubble or something while following you would be amazing, or like when you fish you can have that fish as a pet in the same way!

  • @grumpyw01f

    Dang it now I want a pet frog in SoT, not an emote, a pet

  • @jellyfish6975

    Oh my Whale Lord that's one of the cutest ideas I've ever heard. Imagine having one of those cute little puffer fish you sometimes see just in a bubble following you around. That would be so cute!

  • One pet that I would love to see is Bunnies. There are so many variations of them that they can do the same treatment as the other pets.

    I see so many people now adays with Bunny pets that I think this would be rather cool for the game

  • @surion90

    Aww! If we go bunnies, I want one that's white with black dots cuz it'll looks like my old rabbit Floppy

  • A crab or a penguin

  • @surion90 said in If You Could Add Your Own Pet, What Would it be?:

    One pet that I would love to see is Bunnies. There are so many variations of them that they can do the same treatment as the other pets.

    I see so many people now adays with Bunny pets that I think this would be rather cool for the game

    yes rabbits

  • @testakleze

    You know what? I respect the creativity of how you told what pet you want. Also I would love turtles in SoT

  • @gurmglob

    Now I want penguins in SoT.

  • @devtryak
    The pufferfish would be so cute to have floating around as a pet!

  • I personally would love mini-sized dogs, more specifically a mini schnauzer but i think mini sized dogs would fit well in the sea of thieves. They could even make mini versions of the dogs already in the game.

  • @surion90 said in If You Could Add Your Own Pet, What Would it be?:

    One pet that I would love to see is Bunnies. There are so many variations of them that they can do the same treatment as the other pets.

    I see so many people now adays with Bunny pets that I think this would be rather cool for the game

    100% I want bunny pets.

  • @equasi

    We just get Chorizo from Far Cry 6. I would love that!

  • In terms of my Pirate's own Aesthetic, an ENTIRE LION would be pretty neat, since Lions/cats/etc. have always been a theme with him, but I wish i could have a little Fennec Fox running around, sniffling and screeching every now and then. As long as they made him look all scrunkly and like a little fox gremlin, i'd be happy!

  • Iguana, I wouldn't want one in real life but they fit the game aesthetic IMO and they're also common in the caribbean.

  • @rare-jumbie

    Big lizard!

  • @devtryak a giant, dog sized crab

  • @captain-fob4141

    Would you be open to the idea that it would quietly play Crab Rave?

  • I like the idea of expanding the pocket pets into actual pets that can spawn on deck and such.

    Crabs, seagulls and snakes for start. Don't forsee the pet rock being all that useful, though.

  • @thegrimpreacher

    The snake wraps around your arm casually so it'll just be there while you're like fighting off boarders

  • I would love to have Bunnies in the game specially a Lodestar Bunny would be amazing, it would be cool if to carry them you had them on your shoulder and watch them give hops around and dance would be pretty cute and funny. Also there is this type of Bunny that is giant so maybe we have medium bunnies(like Parrot size or bigger because otherwise it would be too small to see) and then have big ones(cat size maybe slightly smaller?). I read some nice ideas but reptiles aren't most peoles cup of tea but who doenst love a cut Bunny?

  • Mini Velociraptor

  • @alexis6801

    A galaxy bunny. I love it!

  • @silly-boi4842

    So a Chihuahua?

  • A dolphin that swims near the bow, occasionally jumping out of the water, as my ship sails.

  • @europa4033

    I would love that! Would liven up the Seas a bit

  • I want them to add Ferrets to the game.
    But not just Ferrets in a vacuum, I would like to see them pair up with PirateSoftware where a cut of the proceed goes to his Ferret sanctuary.

    PirateSoftware's branding is on point with Sea of Thieves. Ferrets are cute and comes in all different colors and patterns. People can support a good cause.
    I think it would be the perfect co-op!

  • @karthul

    Yes! We need goofy, emotional noodles!

30 out of 39