Questions regarding season 14 preview video.

  • After watching the season 14 preview video, I couldn't help than to have some questions. In particular I have questions about Drews segment.

    "Disruption to stream sniping".

    What does that mean exactly? Is this linked to how cheaters find the streamers specifically?
    We have way too many instances where streamers in this game call out sniping without any proof and got people into trouble. Saying sentences like that makes me want to scan any ship on the horizon and make sure they are not streaming before confronting them.
    Extra clarification is needed.

    "To help smaller ships"

    To recap. You removed blunderbuss oneshot to introduce grappling gun. Then you realized that grappling gun was bad to smaller crews anyways, so you removed a possibility to board sloops and brigs with grappling gun.
    Not even mentioning that blunderbuss knockback is still a diceroll even on close range and people are able to climb trough it.
    You have effectively made being solo from nightmare mode to impossible mode. Oneblunder was a necessity for guarding. Specifically for punishing bad boarding. Only people that had a problem with oneblunder were people that were bad or too inpatient with boarding.
    Can we actually help outnumbered crews, bite our ego and reverse removal of oneblunder?

    I don't even really want to address that you guys have been saying that "we have a special team working on this and that" since whenever Drew started showing up on those videos.
    Not trying to take jabs at Drew here. Merely pointing out that this has been going on for so long that it has become a meme now. What has actually improved? Server preformance keeps getting worse and worse with every season.
    Community gets ghosted until a really bad drama hits the social channels or insane exploit goes live.


    If I didn't know any better, I would say that people at Rare are obsessing over the word "META".
    "To disrupt the meta", "To not destroy with the meta".
    It's almost as if you are trying to change the meta for the sake of changing the meta. I find it extremely unhealthy for a game that is 6 years into its life. The overall balance should have been down (and more or less was) to first years of the games life. Please stop making extreme balancing changes just for the sake of making them.

    I know it's a rant more than actual questions directed towards the video, but I find myself watching season previews and getting more concerned about Drews section than the features of the next season.

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  • The ''Meta'' talk made me chuckle as if there taking there game as some type of Esport.
    The meta of the game hasn't really changed much at all since day 1.
    The new weapons that were introduced not too long ago didn't shake the meta at all, were more of a PvE weapon buff more then a PvP one.
    The blunderbuss Nerf that we had recently did more to change the ''meta'' then the new weapons being introduced to the game...

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