
  • Have you guys thought about doing something like arena? where its a fight ship vs ship, where other ships can't join, I m sick and tired of spawning in the middle of 2 brigs that turn what is supposed to be a fight 1v1 into a 4v1, I mean... I need to be 10 miles away from any ship to be able to dive, but I can spawn on middle of 2 brigs and 1 galleon xD its kinda crazy for me, I m sorry if I sound salty, but I am, this past week most of the fights I get, there always some bigger ship nearby that comes to join the party and sink me, its hard to grind when you can just team up with some bigger boat and way to get invaded by someone, for me its dumb that this battles are in open space so anyone can join, takes the entire fun away from skill based game into a " try not to get f*cked by 5 people as a solo ".

  • 11
  • @normalyak48603

    Have you guys thought about doing something like arena?

    Yes. Multiple times. And the devs have said 'no'.

    where its a fight ship vs ship, where other ships can't join

    No, because Hourglass is 'Quick-Find Open-World PvP' not 'Quick-Find 1v1 with no interruptions'.

    I m sick and tired of spawning in the middle of 2 brigs that turn what is supposed to be a fight 1v1 into a 4v1, I mean... I need to be 10 miles away from any ship to be able to dive, but I can spawn on middle of 2 brigs and 1 galleon

    ...I don't think this is actually possible? Sounds like hyperbole.
    Don't Defenders have to be a set distance away from islands and other ships before they can be invaded?

  • @normalyak48603

    This thread will have the same people who don't play hourglass comment on how you're wrong in some way.
    I 100% agree with you and I think the reason it's this way is because it's a simple way to engage in pvp and was easy to implement. It comes down to cost at the end of the day, which is likely the only reason nothing has been changed

  • @guildar9194 This is possible, all they have to do is join some discord call, wait for the bigger boat to be in a safe distance to get invaded, and once you get invaded they just joing the fight, or server hop with ur friends until you find eachother in same lobby and do this, but my problem its not being in a open world pvp fight, but this could be something like legends of veil forts, that spawns u in the corner of the maps, making it harder for other people to join the fight, or even doing it in shores of gold for example, but this is me just rumbling about something that kind of been making me a bit frustrated last week, looks like a new strat has come to sea of thieves hg xD

  • @cainbong yes but this could be solved in so many ways, that wouldn't mess with the game itself, why not spawn in shores of gold for example, same way you can have the amulet to get there, you could spawn there and fight, yes it would kind of change the gameplay itself cuz it would be the same area everytime, making it lose the interest to adapt to every fight, but at least spawn in some place where there is no ships in the area.

  • @normalyak48603

    I actually discussed this with my friend 20 minutes ago when we were going over the frustrating parts of hourglass that we feel needs to be changed. I said every 15-20 fights I invade a ship with their buddies on the server. Not an organic alliance, but friends that have made their way into the same server to assist in sinking the invader. It's rather annoying.

    Also I like the idea of the shores of gold but lag might be an issue. Otherwise having calmer waters as a standard would be nice there. It's too crowded in some servers and a few spawn points are atrocious for one or both parties

  • Have you guys thought about doing something like arena?

    It didnt do so well.

    where its a fight ship vs ship, where other ships can't join, I m sick and tired of spawning in the middle of 2 brigs that turn what is supposed to be a fight 1v1 into a 4v1,

    Where in the HourGlass description does it say "One Vs One Fights" Hourglass is a Tool meant and always will be to find PvP on any server for other players willing to PvP without the need to sail around the map looking for it.

    here always some bigger ship nearby that comes to join the party and sink me

    would you be just as Salty if the said Galleon 'Helped' you instead? I think not. :P

    for me its dumb that this battles are in open space so anyone can join, takes the entire fun away from skill based game

    Open World adventure? And...What Skill based game are you playing?

  • @burnbacon

    Just wondering if you play hourglass regularly? I see you're against this idea in every thread regarding the suggestion to change. Are you third partying hourglass instead? Arena was balanced and not left alone after feedback from the community. From what I've heard since hourglass began is the majority of people want a balanced pvp competitive gamemode without interference . People with 100-700+ days at sea. Not speaking for everyone of course, as some people do enjoy being third partied but it's not the consensus I'm hearing from the community. I think a poll would be useful in these situations or questionnaire to get feedback

  • Hourglass should punish defeats less, this way losing due to external factors would become more acceptable.

  • Just wondering if you play hourglass regularly

    Matters not. Regularly or when I feel the need to pop some exp. I play everything this game offers. So that comment doesn’t apply

    Everyone plays everything at some point and atm. It works as it was described.

    Players are just upset because they can’t unlock the skeleton curses right away. But in fact. Rumor has it, sometime next year we may see other options.

  • @burnbacon

    It matters because you would have less matches to gauge a perspective on the overall experience. Why I mentioned that was because I'm not referring to the new players that want the curses quickly, I'm referring to the people playing daily that want a competitive mode undisturbed by outside factors that decide the match. These are people who have double gold, like myself who feel this way. Not saying your opinion doesn't matter, far from it. I appreciate everyone's opinion and playing daily as opposed to once in a while could potentially change your perspective. Cheers mateys!

7 out of 11